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LOL!!!!!! Made my morning today!!!!

Posted By: mmk on 2007-12-01
In Reply to: I am not kidding you guys here! - Hayseed

Subject: LOL!!!!!! Made my morning today!!!!

I have had docs say crappy, crummy, and I even had one say "not sure what it looks like" - you never know he could have said Poopy!!!

Thanks for the morning laugh!

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Much appreciate the help this morning!
thank you so much. I was having an off morning.
Subject: thank you so much. I was having an off morning.

Good morning to you too!
Subject: Good morning to you too!

she is on 25 mg s/l a-tel in the morning and 12.5 at night.. thanks
Subject: she is on 25 mg s/l a-tel in the morning and 12.5 at night.. thanks

Yes, being Monday morning
Subject: Yes, being Monday morning

and stating it was a guess, you probably could have corrected yourself and hopefully Angie did not use the wrong spelling. Yes, it is a word board, but the other posters are right in giving the correct spelling since you did not.
morning stiffness sm
Subject: morning stiffness sm

Could it be remarkable for extensive morning stiffness? Just because that's what I have!!
I am stumped this morning.
Subject: I am stumped this morning.

Anyone have any clue about "Mardinofil"?  I don't even know what is is for!  Thanks for your help. 
Morning and you're welcome!
Subject: Morning and you're welcome!

Just lucky this morning... :-)
Subject: Just lucky this morning... :-)

good morning :)
Subject: good morning :)

s/l 'cronicun 1 mg in the morning and...
Subject: s/l 'cronicun 1 mg in the morning and...

3 mg in the evening'  The medication would have to do with one of these things:

  1. Schizoaffective disorder.

  2. Peptic ulcer disease.

  3. Migraine headaches

As always, thanks so much!!!

Thank you! this has been bugging me all morning
Subject: Thank you! this has been bugging me all morning

You're welcome and don't, it's morning!
Subject: You're welcome and don't, it's morning!

Sorry....got it....long morning....nm
Subject: Sorry....got it....long morning....nm

q.a.m. or every morning. q.a.m. is acceptable.
Subject: q.a.m. or every morning. q.a.m. is acceptable.

Thank you and good morning to you too.sm
Subject: Thank you and good morning to you too.sm

I am new to ortho and new to being an MT and sometimes the doctors just don't make sense or make things very clear. I was just released from QA and so nervous about putting something incorrectly. Thanks so much for you help Cyndiee :-)
Good morning to you, vn :-)
Subject: Good morning to you, vn :-)

Good Morning MT50 and Thanks. nm
Subject: Good Morning MT50 and Thanks. nm

ill descript????? It is Monday morning
Subject: ill descript????? It is Monday morning

but the doc I have is saying ill-descript chest pain and ill-descript complaints.    I have heard them say nondescript and I cannot even find ill descript in my dictionary.  Is there such a word? or am I spelling descript wrong??
thank you tinkerbell, you helped me this morning too!
Subject: thank you tinkerbell, you helped me this morning too!

POST. Having a bad morning. Sorry folks. nm
Subject: POST. Having a bad morning. Sorry folks. nm

LOL! Thanks for the Monday morning laff! :) nm
Subject: LOL! Thanks for the Monday morning laff! :) nm

I knew that wasn't right, just having a bad morning!
Subject: I knew that wasn't right, just having a bad morning!

Good morning and you're welcome!
Subject: Good morning and you're welcome!

Good morning and you're welcome.
Subject: Good morning and you're welcome.

Good morning and you're welcome.
Subject: Good morning and you're welcome.

Please disregard me, too early in the morning. Sorry
Subject: Please disregard me, too early in the morning. Sorry

Sorry, IT could be. My fingers are cold this morning.nm
Subject: Sorry, IT could be. My fingers are cold this morning.nm

Good morning and you're welcome.
Subject: Good morning and you're welcome.

Not a problem... too early in the morning.
Subject: Not a problem... too early in the morning.

stumped on Monday morning!
Subject: stumped on Monday morning!

Infectious disease - I got the Ehrlichiosis, but next wound sounds like "bovicea" titer - any thoughts?  THANKS!
stumped on Monday morning
Subject: stumped on Monday morning

Ehrlichia titer, I would imagine. The organism is Ehrlichia. Those beginning sounds can throw us sometimes as in ..."bovicea" titer 
Good morning and you're welcome...
Subject: Good morning and you're welcome...

Not a problem, it's early in the morning :-)
Subject: Not a problem, it's early in the morning :-)

oh, DUH! It is 7-cm cyst - I am a little slow this morning nm
Subject: oh, DUH! It is 7-cm cyst - I am a little slow this morning nm

glad you "stopped by" this morning!
Subject: glad you "stopped by" this morning!

Is this the same patient's dictation from earlier this morning?
Subject: Is this the same patient's dictation from earlier this morning?

Never mind. Brain fart this morning.
Subject: Never mind. Brain fart this morning.

good morning! need some help on the word s/l cheliactesis?? appreciate all the help. Thanks! nm
Subject: good morning! need some help on the word s/l cheliactesis?? appreciate all the help. Thanks! nm

sorry its Monday, brain is not functioning well this morning
Subject: sorry its Monday, brain is not functioning well this morning

Good morning, thank you for the compliment as you are always a GREAT help!
Subject: Good morning, thank you for the compliment as you are always a GREAT help!

Good morning.. can someone tell me if DHH and DHHS or the same organization
Subject: Good morning.. can someone tell me if DHH and DHHS or the same organization

Department of Health and Hospital...thanks in advance...


Oh Geez. it is alloantibody. It has been a long morning. (nm)
Subject: Oh Geez. it is alloantibody. It has been a long morning. (nm)

Sorry. autotenodesis correct. Slow this morning. nm
Subject: Sorry. autotenodesis correct. Slow this morning. nm

Duhhh, you're right. Typed that at about 1:00 this morning.
Subject: Duhhh, you're right. Typed that at about 1:00 this morning.

we will check in the morning 'off all diuretics'..nm
Subject: we will check in the morning 'off all diuretics'..nm

oops, I meant medication, long morning! nm
Subject: oops, I meant medication, long morning! nm

I'm sorry, yes Becky is right - I flip-flopped them - too early in the morning. nm
Subject: I'm sorry, yes Becky is right - I flip-flopped them - too early in the morning. nm

Just a little humor for a Friday morning. Urologist, Dr. Stone.nm
Subject: Just a little humor for a Friday morning. Urologist, Dr. Stone.nm

yep. I just thought it was funny. My morning is off to a rough start. nm
Subject: yep. I just thought it was funny. My morning is off to a rough start. nm

Good morning, word help in cardiology consult please
Subject: Good morning, word help in cardiology consult please

dictator says

1.  Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy with >_______?? tract gradient.  Treated with s/l Duratrim >