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LOL! I so agree

Posted By: sm on 2007-11-23
In Reply to: nice try, posters below, but I'd blank this dictator - how did any of you get any of that from OP?...sm

Subject: LOL! I so agree

I was waiting for someone to say:

Maybe he was on his way to Bora Bora to do some partying (bar anticipation?)


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I agree with this....
Subject: I agree with this....

I agree...I think hematopoiesis is correct because there is a hematopoietic marrow..so all of that shoud fit in together...Hope this helps.
I agree.....sm
Subject: I agree.....sm

Faint visualization of the appendix sounds right. I type BE's all day (lucky me!!)
Agree! nm
Subject: Agree! nm

I agree - sm
Subject: I agree - sm

As long as a testee is allowed to use reference material, etc. why should they not ask a question here? I personally research all of my own questions, but I do help out those that ask on this site, as well, if I know the answer. Besides, who made the above poster the "tester police" anyway? I saw no complaint from the administrator concerning multiple posts for a similar question.
Agree. nm
Subject: Agree. nm

I definitely agree!
Subject: I definitely agree!

He (or she, can't tell!) is saying peri J-tube abscess, which I am taking to mean there is an abscess in or around the J-tube insertion site, but peri-J-tube looks terrible and can't find periabscess or peri-abscess to reword the sentence. I have had this same dictator for the last 2 1/2 hours since I logged on!!!! 
Agree with you...
Subject: Agree with you...

And after all that, the most professional and correct answer would actually be...leave a blank ;)
Yes, I agree with that but--sm
Subject: Yes, I agree with that but--sm

some people quote from this thing like it is the Bible or something, and it just is not. There are A LOT of doctors out there who do not adhere by the BOS and prefer their own guidelines. It does not make them wrong. It is just a matter of preference, more than anything. What's the AAMT gonna do, slap your hand if you don't use their guidelines?? shheesh. what a rip!
I would agree with you that...
Subject: I would agree with you that...

it's either "skull base structures" or even more likely "skull and bony structures".   I have never seen "scobi" in my years either, but see how it can be easily misunderstood as that for one the phrases above with a fast dictator.
I agree with M.A. -- sm
Subject: I agree with M.A. -- sm

I think the "reostis" is "sphero" and "sight" is "cyte" -- giving the word "spherocyte".

Have a great weekend.
I agree with ER MT
Subject: I agree with ER MT

It is probably lung cancer.
Agree with n.p.o. (nm)
Subject: Agree with n.p.o. (nm)

I agree.
Subject: I agree.

Very nice people that have saved my tail from the chopblock! LOL
I agree
Subject: I agree

It is a shame when the doctors do not specify what exactly they want quoted.  Tough call, but I agree "too busy".  You kind of have to put yourself in the doc's place.  Doc asks:  Are you exercising?  Pt. states:  "No, too busy.", or "No, I'm too bus."  That sort of thing....  
I agree with ER MT
Subject: I agree with ER MT

if it is an Asian dictating and he/she says the patient is an Oriental male/female, then I transcribe it as Oriental. 
EXACTLY - I agree with MT in MT....sm
Subject: EXACTLY - I agree with MT in MT....sm

Not my/our job to correct their way(s) of thinking nor their political

(un)correctness....they say Oriental, that's what they get......

I agree (sm)
Subject: I agree (sm)

MedlinePlus Drug Information: Hyoscyamine
Anaspaz�; Cystospaz�; Cystospaz-M�; Hyosol� SL. Hyospaz�; Levbid�; Levsin�; Levsin� Drops. Levsin�/SL; Levsinex� Timecaps�; NuLev� ...
http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/druginfo/medmaster/a684010.html   - 24k  -  Cached  -  Similar pages

Subject: I AGREE!

I agree.. the BOS is not the know all and end all--sm
Subject: I agree.. the BOS is not the know all and end all--sm

with anything, except the 80.00 they want you to spend on it every year, when they keep changing things just to make someone buy it. I can live without it, and my docs say Baker's cyst and want it typed that way.
i agree with 110
Subject: i agree with 110

I agree
Subject: I agree

cc:  Patient Name

Enclosure (MRI results)

I believe the Enclosure is for the therapist's review of the MRI results since the letter is addressed to the therapist. 

and I agree......sm
Subject: and I agree......sm

What I do...

The patient is a pleasant, elderly, overweight, chronically ill-appearing, 72-year-old white female.

That's just my way, as I use commas to separate adjectives (any description before you get to the word female).

I agree
Subject: I agree

I believe they're saying C&S for culture and sensitivity although double check the client profile to see if you're suppose to spell it out or leave as is.
I agree!
Subject: I agree!

I don't agree...................NM
Subject: I don't agree...................NM

Agree with DW on second look nm
Subject: Agree with DW on second look nm

I agree with Z and would do it the same way......nm
Subject: I agree with Z and would do it the same way......nm

I agree! sm
Subject: I agree! sm

I always google before posting. I googled "KEEL knee prosthesis" and got NADA.
I would agree...that is how I was
Subject: I would agree...that is how I was

taught to type it...

air-fluid level
air-fluid gas exchange

but didn't want to state it as a fact, as I have learned new things..the way preferences are always changing...

I still type it with the hyphen and I type ophthalmology as my primary...Haven't heard anything negative back to date on it.
I do not agree
Subject: I do not agree

you typed:  **You would type Mercy Hospital Department of Emergency Medicine but not Mercy Hospital emergency department.**

I do not agree.....

You would type Mercy Hospital Department of Emergency AND Mercy Hospital Emergency Department. 

You would NOT capitalize emergency department if you typed *emergency department at Mercy Hospital* or *radiation oncology department at Mercy Hospital....

that's how I was taught 25 yrs ago..........

Agree with mmk
Subject: Agree with mmk

I agree with the others- sm
Subject: I agree with the others- sm

The way you have it looks correct, but if there is no "and" after "flexion", I would either use a semicolon or start a new sentence.
Got to agree with that! nm
Subject: Got to agree with that! nm

I agree with you. (sm)
Subject: I agree with you. (sm)

Also, MT50 is very kind to share all she knows!
I agree
Subject: I agree

Apgars, not Apgar's.



I agree exactly with what you said about
Subject: I agree exactly with what you said about

verbatim. I had an account that was strictly verbatim--it did not matter what the doctor/NP/PAC etc. said, we typed it exactly that way. It was stupid, but they had had so much "editing" done that was incorrect that the hospital made everythign the responsibility of the dictator. Even leaving out an "a" or "the" in the report it came directly back to the MT. They listened to every single one. This was a large teaching facility, not a small hospital. Editing has gotten completely out of hand in some cases when the "MT" decides that he/she knows what is best.
I agree 100%
Subject: I agree 100%

People are way too PC these days and I for one am SICK of it.  It is our job to type what they say, period.
I agree with Meg
Subject: I agree with Meg


agree with below, either way
Subject: agree with below, either way

But if you're following BOS-2, you're supposed to use the combined form for adjectives, inferolateral. (BOS-2, page 25).

So I guess add -ly to the combined adjective form to follow the BOS style, inferolaterally. Maybe?
I agree.
Subject: I agree.

I agree, especially if he is decribing her general appearance.
I agree with mt. nm
Subject: I agree with mt. nm

I agree
Subject: I agree

I was just stating that my guess is it is 1/8 as that converts to 0.125 which is a dose that comes up for this, where if I put in 1/8 or 18, nothing comes up. I should not have even posted because I am not sure that is it either - LOL. I guess I was thinking out loud through my fingers.
Agree with you 100%. You can even
Subject: Agree with you 100%. You can even

use Google and get it or close to it 99% of the time.
I agree! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Subject: I agree! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

It is a fantastic resource and amazing the things people can help each other with. It really is great.

I agree with you and would have QA'd it, too. nm
Subject: I agree with you and would have QA'd it, too. nm

I agree with you..sm
Subject: I agree with you..sm

Just because that's what it means, doesn't mean MT should type it that way.

I'm guessing if doc says "oriented to person, place, time, and purpose", MT would probably type "x4".

Besides, IF MT is being paid by the line, MT is ripping him/herself off. Weird.
I agree.
Subject: I agree.

I totally agree with you.  I believe there are some folks that are too lazy to be in this field.  It's not an easy job but when they see that you can work at home, they think it'll be a piece of cake.  You need to learn to do your own research and that's what they don't want to do. 
I do agree with you. sm
Subject: I do agree with you. sm

I started out with ESLs who had Spanish as their first language and then when I had  Asian ESLs(some of our surgery residents were from New Guinea, in fact 4 of them), I thought I was gonna go ape!!

The first time I had one dictate an abdominal surgery I almost took off a running as we say in Texas!!!!  All I could hear were "oooos"! 


Hang in there. 

I agree
Subject: I agree

need the meds, the sentence, both...
I agree
Subject: I agree

follow-up exam

will follow up in two weeks

Different use of the word(s) use or drop hyphen
I agree because
Subject: I agree because

in past tense you would type okayed instead of ok'd anyway so why not just stick with the full okay as well.