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Just found this, don't think it is complete

Posted By: but it jsut helped me out on 2006-05-18
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Subject: Just found this, don't think it is complete

Thought i would share

species filing cabinet

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Here's a summation of drugs for cachexia; maybe a complete fit for pet-megate can be found. -sm
Subject: Here's a summation of drugs for cachexia; maybe a complete fit for pet-megate can be found. -sm

Choices of drug management of cachexia: (shortened; see URL below for complete info.)

Corticosteroids: Dexamethasone, methylprednisolone, prednisolone, and hydrocortisone.

Progestational drugs: Medroxyprogesterone and megestrol acetate; there is some evidence for using a combination of megestrol acetate and ibuprofen for cancer cachexia.

Prokinetic drugs: Metoclopramide is most widely used, ....as a continuous subcutaneous infusion. Domperidone or cisapride are appropriate alternatives.

Resource: http://bmj.bmjjournals.com/cgi/content/full/315/7117/1219
complete, complete, pushed...don't know the last one. nm
Subject: complete, complete, pushed...don't know the last one. nm

need complete sentence to help.
Subject: need complete sentence to help.

complete sentence is there
Subject: complete sentence is there

Just a wag...Geritol Complete? nm
Subject: Just a wag...Geritol Complete? nm

That is the complete report. nm
Subject: That is the complete report. nm

What's the complete sentence?
Subject: What's the complete sentence?

Sorry. Here is the complete link. sm
Subject: Sorry. Here is the complete link. sm





Complete x-rays? nm
Subject: Complete x-rays? nm

could be complete OR comprehensive; when
Subject: could be complete OR comprehensive; when

Complete hx not dictated
Subject: Complete hx not dictated

Thanks! Kept your info for future reference. Endo doc just dictated as part of hx; did not elaborate, so not sure.
The complete context, i.e., the before and after the
Subject: The complete context, i.e., the before and after the

Can we have the complete sentence please?
Subject: Can we have the complete sentence please?

Here is the complete sentence
Subject: Here is the complete sentence

"Basically, he sustained a contusion and a hematoma of the subungual _________ bed."
What is the complete sentence? Thanks. nm
Subject: What is the complete sentence? Thanks. nm

Could we have the complete sentence please.
Subject: Could we have the complete sentence please.

Complete sentence and what it is for would help.
Subject: Complete sentence and what it is for would help.

what is the complete sentence?
Subject: what is the complete sentence?

complete sentence please
Subject: complete sentence please

complete sentence please... SM
Subject: complete sentence please... SM

if it's cardio, "insadsystematous" could be in-stent restenosis. just a wild guess.
the complete sentence is...
Subject: the complete sentence is...

The patient is issued a sling-and-swathe for DME. This time I heard the E at the end. Any idea? Thanks so much.
complete sentence
Subject: complete sentence

Appendectomy with [3 D&C�s] tonsillectomy.

It is listed in the past medical history.


Complete anastomosis?? nm...
Subject: Complete anastomosis?? nm...

Complete physical exam
Subject: Complete physical exam

CPX=complete physical examination nm
Subject: CPX=complete physical examination nm

Here is complete list of meds, maybe..
Subject: Here is complete list of meds, maybe..

something in there will help figure this out. Thanks again!

Triamterene, Hydrochlorothiazide, Pseudovent ER, ___, Aciphex, Temazepam, Morphine, over-the-counter red yeast rice pills, Citracal, multivitamins, baby aspirin, and Prednisone.
Lab tests, complete sentence below....
Subject: Lab tests, complete sentence below....

we could obtain thyroid function tests, intact (s/l parathoma) level, as well as a vitamin D level.

Thanks for your help.

could you give the complete sentence?
Subject: could you give the complete sentence?

turbulence doesn't make sense . . .
can you give complete sentence or two?
Subject: can you give complete sentence or two?

Need more info - complete sentence, etc. nm
Subject: Need more info - complete sentence, etc. nm

see inside for complete sentence
Subject: see inside for complete sentence

She is six months out from a diagnosis of well-differentiated ductal adenocarcinoma, 0.8 cm in greatest dimension, Ellison? score 4/9, estrogen receptors strongly positive.
s/l ver-i-var ten..sm for complete sentence..has to do with prostate. sm
Subject: s/l ver-i-var ten..sm for complete sentence..has to do with prostate. sm

moderately obstructing prostate with bilobar hypertrophy from the level of the ver-i-var-ten
Complete sentence or what is the diagnosis?
Subject: Complete sentence or what is the diagnosis?

That is the complete sentence. It is his IMPRESSION.
Subject: That is the complete sentence. It is his IMPRESSION.

Thank you! I wish they would speak in complete sentences!!!
Subject: Thank you! I wish they would speak in complete sentences!!!

CBC - complete blood count? s/m
Subject: CBC - complete blood count? s/m

CPE would stand for complete physical exam, which is possible, but CBC would be more likely given the context of the sentence.
need complete sentence, dosage, etc.
Subject: need complete sentence, dosage, etc.

Without more information, all any of us can do is guess. You might be picking up the end of a previous word or the beginning of the next - only way to help you is with more info.
Please provide more context, like the complete sentence. nm
Subject: Please provide more context, like the complete sentence. nm

Complete laboratories? Sputum specimen? What comes before this? nm
Subject: Complete laboratories? Sputum specimen? What comes before this? nm

Could you provide the complete sentence/context? TIA
Subject: Could you provide the complete sentence/context? TIA

complete metabolic panel plate
Subject: complete metabolic panel plate

We will send off a complete metabolic panel s/l plate to check her kidney function.

is plate correct? I haven't heard this before.
s/l island forceps were used to complete the maculorrhexis? nm
Subject: s/l island forceps were used to complete the maculorrhexis? nm

pt is on s/l cy-ta-mo 25 mcg daily. sm for diagnosis and complete sentence. TIA. sm
Subject: pt is on s/l cy-ta-mo 25 mcg daily. sm for diagnosis and complete sentence. TIA. sm

Upon surgery this was diagnosed as papillary thyroid carcinoma affecting the left lobe with involvement of 2 lymph nodes in the neck (details not available). She underwent radioactive iodine ablation on 09/17/07 and is currently on cytomo 25 mcg daily. 
ESL s/l di-nom-i-nant artery. sm for complete sentence.
Subject: ESL s/l di-nom-i-nant artery. sm for complete sentence.

The ascending aorta was significantly dilated all the way to the original s/l di-nom-i-nant artery.
pt has transplanted kidneys. s/l gla-marry-li sm for complete sent.
Subject: pt has transplanted kidneys. s/l gla-marry-li sm for complete sent.

transplant allograft biopsy while under anesthesia using ultrasound guidance to evaluate the glammarli as possible source of the hematuria.
kidney crotherapy surgery. sm for complete snt. s/l ter-o-tus. sm
Subject: kidney crotherapy surgery. sm for complete snt. s/l ter-o-tus. sm

We then brought in the ultrasound and inspected the kidney and saw a small bump consistent with the mass lesion, although it was not clear.  We then incised into the terotus and dissected down until we reached the kidney and cleaned the anterior surface of the kidney
I posted the complete sentence inside...
Subject: I posted the complete sentence inside...

In addition x-rays have confirmed multiple facial fractures including fractures of the left mandible, the bilateral maxilla, blowout fractures and involvement of the right orbital floor and right orbital roof, fractures of the frontal sinus bilaterally, and a LeFort 2.5 fractures and disjunction of the facial bones from the cranium.
pls see msg for complete sentence for context. s/l hyper-C-vat. sm
Subject: pls see msg for complete sentence for context. s/l hyper-C-vat. sm

It is yet unclear as to whether or not an improved remission; i.e., a complete remission prior to autotransplant is associated with improved outcome, although it appears likely given the data from several studies indicating that an autotransplant after hyperC vat or salvage chemotherapy for those who do not enter complete remission with CHOP-R is associated with a better outcome than those transplanted in partial remission.
complete and total shot in the dark -
Subject: complete and total shot in the dark -

was found to have diabetes mellitus
Please give complete sentence or phrase. nm
Subject: Please give complete sentence or phrase. nm

Complete sentence please or what part of body?
Subject: Complete sentence please or what part of body?