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John A. Doe, Sr.

Posted By: susan on 2007-04-12
In Reply to: How would you punctuate the following? - NYMT

Subject: John A. Doe, Sr.

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THANK YOU, John! That's it! :)
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What about Thompson III, John? nm
Subject: What about Thompson III, John? nm

Actually it's "Thompson, John III"...sm
Subject: Actually it's "Thompson, John III"...sm

I believe the logic behind it is that the III (or Jr., Sr., etc.) is actually part of the first name, not the last. Also, if it is Jr. or Sr., then you put a comma after the first name. If it is a number (II, III, etc.), you do NOT put in a comma after the first name.
named after John Homans.....
Subject: named after John Homans.....

John Homans worked on experimental hypophysectomy with Harvey Williams Cushing (1869-1939) at Johns Hopkins. Homans, Cushing and Samuel James Crowe (1883-1955) in 1910 presented the first evidence of the relationship between the pituitary and the reproductive system. Homans later became interested in peripheral vascular disease.

His wife was Helen Perkins Homans. Their daughter Helen Homans died of pneumonia on November 22, 1916, while serving as a nurse with the Red Cross in France. Homans' three sons all graduated from Harvard.

from whonamedit.com
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