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It should be "Westergren sed rate"

Posted By: cb on 2009-06-26
In Reply to: sounds like "westrick and sed rate" - Meagan

Subject: It should be "Westergren sed rate"


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ANA (antinuclear antibody) and sed rate (sedimentation rate)
Subject: ANA (antinuclear antibody) and sed rate (sedimentation rate)

At that rate and especially if you like it.......
Subject: At that rate and especially if you like it.......

sed rate
Subject: sed rate

sed rate stands for sedimentation rate, therefore, making it 2 words. Hope this helps. Have a good day.
sed rate for second S/L. sm
Subject: sed rate for second S/L. sm

sedimentation rate

the rate at which a sediment is deposited from a solution. See Also: erythrocyte sedimentation rate.

KVO rate
Subject: KVO rate

A-fib rate (cause I like it that way) nm
Subject: A-fib rate (cause I like it that way) nm

sed rate usually checked for --sm
Subject: sed rate usually checked for --sm

rheumatoid arthritis or some other inflammatory process.
Filtration Rate
Subject: Filtration Rate

Sounds like "skull-marry-ah-lar" filtration rate. Even the doctor couldn't pronounce it as she tried to a few times so this is the best example I could give.
heart rate 90 to ?
Subject: heart rate 90 to ?

Dictator says what sounds like heart rate 90 to "oneteen"  would that be the correct way to transcribe?  google says oneteen means 11 so would that mean  would be 111 in this context?  Thanks! 
It is "for rate" - nm
Subject: It is "for rate" - nm

Probably 'basal rate'...nm
Subject: Probably 'basal rate'...nm

sedimentation rate?
Subject: sedimentation rate?

sedimentation rate....nm
Subject: sedimentation rate....nm

apical rate?
Subject: apical rate?

apical rate
Subject: apical rate

I think that's it. Thanks!
Pulse rate
Subject: Pulse rate

from 100s to 1-teens.  How is that written out?
How do you right Afib rate?
Subject: How do you right Afib rate?

Doc is saying afib rate (atrial fibrillation) but I'm not sure how to abbreviate that.  Is it afib, AFib, A-fib, ????


?? sed or sedimentation rate ?? (nm)
Subject: ?? sed or sedimentation rate ?? (nm)

for the first - heart rate 80 - not sure about second. nm
Subject: for the first - heart rate 80 - not sure about second. nm

respiratory rate nm
Subject: respiratory rate nm

Not respiratory rate
Subject: Not respiratory rate

RR is also given.  This seems to be something else which is why I'm confused.
resting rate
Subject: resting rate

junctural rate?
Subject: junctural rate?

Is there such a thing with a patient who has atrial fibrillation for it to be In a junctural rate with heart rate 50-60 beats per minute? I cannot find any reference of "junctural rate" anywhere. 
juctional rate, maybe?
Subject: juctional rate, maybe?

junctional rate.
Subject: junctional rate.

rate roll on EKG?
Subject: rate roll on EKG?

An EKG was normal except the **rate rolls** of a rapid heart.
heart rate
Subject: heart rate

heart rate 60 beating in...
Subject: heart rate 60 beating in...

14 METS a minute?  sounds like "beating in fortreemets a minute".  New doc to me, he obviously says this over and over.

Ttarget heart rate between 60-143 bpm
Subject: Ttarget heart rate between 60-143 bpm

Rapid ventricular rate nm
Subject: Rapid ventricular rate nm

Sometimes fluids are given at a bolus rate
Subject: Sometimes fluids are given at a bolus rate

of so many mL per hour. 
glomerular filtration rate?
Subject: glomerular filtration rate?

GFR - glomerular filtration rate is the best test to measure your level of kidney function and determine your stage of kidney disease.
Irregular heart rate
Subject: Irregular heart rate

Here's my question, can a patient have an irregular heart rate and rhythm but have a normal S1 and S2 with no murmur? The patient does have recurrent atrial fibrillations. Thanks.

on EKG would they say rate 55, s/l APCs? minor
Subject: on EKG would they say rate 55, s/l APCs? minor

T-wave inversions? in the anterior leads?
are they talking about the goal rate
Subject: are they talking about the goal rate

of the tube feedings - or the goal amount of calories the patient needs to get?  but need more information

GRF - glomerular filtration rate
Subject: GRF - glomerular filtration rate

GFR - glomerular filtration rate nm
Subject: GFR - glomerular filtration rate nm

Sed rate question - please see message.
Subject: Sed rate question - please see message.

What is the correct way to type millimeters per hour? Is it abbreviated or typed out? Thanks!
ESR is Erythrocyte sedimentation rate.nm
Subject: ESR is Erythrocyte sedimentation rate.nm

s/l second rate intercostal space
Subject: s/l second rate intercostal space

Cardiac examination was regular with grade 2/6 systolic murmur loudest at the s/l second rate intercostal space. Her abdomen was soft and nontender without appreciable hepatosplenomegaly or masses. Bowel sounds were normal and active. No cyanosis, clubbing or edema of the extremities was noted.

s/l wintrope sedimentation rate
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respiratory rate temperature??
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Does it sound like "irregular rate"???nm
Subject: Does it sound like "irregular rate"???nm

B-type macular rate?
Subject: B-type macular rate?

The doctor lists a series of lab tests, BMP, TSH,"B-type macular rate peptide". Does anyone know of a lab test that sounds like this? 
ANA; anti-CCP; CRP alpha-1 ACT rate of 12....sm
Subject: ANA; anti-CCP; CRP alpha-1 ACT rate of 12....sm

you can Google these terms using wildcards and find this info on the web....
sounds like "westrick and sed rate"
Subject: sounds like "westrick and sed rate"

I have heard this ENT doctor say this twice. It sounds like "Westrick and sed rate" he is saying at the beginning of a sentence and I cannot find what this lab test is. Please help!
meant target heart rate between
Subject: meant target heart rate between

though that seems to be a wide range for a target
HEART: Regular rate and rhythm, S1 and S2 s/l plus zero?
Subject: HEART: Regular rate and rhythm, S1 and S2 s/l plus zero?

ANA and sedimentation (sed rate). SM for list of labs.
Subject: ANA and sedimentation (sed rate). SM for list of labs.

Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) Factor
  • 2: B-Cell Monitor Profile
  • 3: HLA-B27 Disease Association
  • 4: Immune Complexes, Raji Cell, Quantitative
  • 5: Acetaminophen (Tylenol�), Serum
  • 6: Uric Acid, Urine
  • 7: Anticardiolipin Antibodies (ACA), IgA, IgG, IgM, Quantitative
  • 8: Blood Culture, Routine
  • 9: Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA), Quantitative, Fluid, Hemagglutination
  • 10: Copper, Serum or Plasma
  • 11: Cyclic AMP, Plasma
  • 12: Anticardiolipin Antibodies (ACA), IgG, IgM, Quantitative
  • 13: Antinuclear Antibodies (ANA) Comprehensive Profile
  • 14: Free Kappa and Lambda Light Chains Plus Ratio, Quantitative, Serum
  • 15: Antinuclear Antibodies (ANA) Direct
  • 16: Haemophilus influenzae B, IgG
  • 17: Creatine Kinase (CK), MB and Total
  • 18: Ceruloplasmin
  • 19: Antinuclear Antibodies (ANA) With Reflex to Multiple Confirmatory Tests
  • 20: Antihistone Antibodies

  • Sedimentation Rate, Westergren

    (Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate ; ESR ; Westergren Sedimentation Rate) Used for evaluation of

    Evaluate the nonspecific activity of infections, inflammatory states, autoimmune disorders, and plasma cell dyscrasias


    found sed rate on Google. see inside
    Subject: found sed rate on Google. see inside

    The normal sedimentation rate (Westergren method) for males is 0-15 millimeters per hour, females is 0-20 millimeters per hour. The sedimentation rate can be slightly more elevated in the elderly.

    So, I would type it out. I never abbreviate it.

    Heart regular rate and rhythm?
    Subject: Heart regular rate and rhythm?