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It is usually slit lamp examination

Posted By: MT50 on 2007-11-08
In Reply to: Eye test - ML

Subject: It is usually slit lamp examination

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slit lamp exam
Subject: slit lamp exam

slit lamp exam
Subject: slit lamp exam

slit-lamp keratometry
Subject: slit-lamp keratometry

Flucaine and blue light (slit lamp gives a blue light) nm
Subject: Flucaine and blue light (slit lamp gives a blue light) nm

Abdominal examination - s/l no jaboya by examination? TIA
Subject: Abdominal examination - s/l no jaboya by examination? TIA

Subject: slit-like

if she had no children.
aperture (hole or slit)
Subject: aperture (hole or slit)

She is status post s/l therma lamp ablation of her uterus for heavy menses. thank you
Subject: She is status post s/l therma lamp ablation of her uterus for heavy menses. thank you

Eye exam: s/l "sub-lamp" exam shows left side has multiple small punctations in the cornea.(t
Subject: Eye exam: s/l "sub-lamp" exam shows left side has multiple small punctations in the cornea.(thanks)

examination ?
Subject: examination ?

leg examination
Subject: leg examination

s/l Omin sign is negative.

any idea? The patient has calf muscle tendernes. 

right knee examination...pls s/m. Thank you!!!
Subject: right knee examination...pls s/m. Thank you!!!

Patient did lack a "co-le-sure" extension of the left knee and was able to flex the knee about 100 degrees.  (???)  Thank you!!!

tissue examination
Subject: tissue examination

tissue for ERA, PRA, DNA, poly harvested in one slide.


HEENT examination
Subject: HEENT examination

under HEENT examination the doctor states -

Extraocular muscles intact.  Bilateral "turigeum".  Fundi not visualized. 


This is in the physical examination. Thanx for trying
Subject: This is in the physical examination. Thanx for trying


I was wondering if anyone has heard of SIMM CARD EXAM positive for BV.  I have searched the Internet and am not able to find this term.  Thanks a bunch

Physical examination... sm
Subject: Physical examination... sm

Examination of female patient. 

Musculoskeletal:  No (s/l) keps, pains, or pedal edema...

Genitourinary:  No (s/l) [cussforteeballing or maybe cusp  or teeballing], or area tenderness.

Thanks in advance!

EUA--examination under anesthesia?
Subject: EUA--examination under anesthesia?

Physical Examination
Subject: Physical Examination

Happy Monday everyone!  Hope you all had a great weekend!  I'm doing a report and wondering if any of you can point me in the right direction!

"There is good capillary refill and s/l preson to cultures over both lower extremities."  Any thoughts?  Any good physical examination websites?

s/l physical examination
Subject: s/l physical examination

s/l chaos lesions (Skin, no evidence of  ___ lesions)
examination? catheterization? nm
Subject: examination? catheterization? nm

neurologic examination
Subject: neurologic examination

sounds like doc is saying "neurologic examination higher critical function", but could she be saying "neurologic examination hilar cortical function"?
Subject: Exam/Examination

Is exam considered a complete word or just an abbreviation of examination? 
No, this is a knee examination. :( nm
Subject: No, this is a knee examination. :( nm

MVA accident examination- sm
Subject: MVA accident examination- sm

doc doing an examination on 14=year-old female and says, Her pelvis is stable to compression.  She has negative, sounds like body roll bilaterally?? Has anybody every heard of that.  Thanks!!!

CPX=complete physical examination nm
Subject: CPX=complete physical examination nm

Sorry, this should have been under heading Physical Examination.
Subject: Sorry, this should have been under heading Physical Examination.


Neuropsych examination blanks...sm
Subject: Neuropsych examination blanks...sm

Cranial nerves 2-12 S/l** pretty realstine thiatmean around ____ 59 15** No signs of a a/l ** false ictal state** are appreciated.

This is a patient with a question of seizure disorder.

Speed talking doctor on a subject I'm not very familiar with and my Neuro word book has not yet arrived. 

BJE is Bones and Joints Examination
Subject: BJE is Bones and Joints Examination

BJE is Bones and Joints Examination
Lung examination... see message
Subject: Lung examination... see message

The doc is saying:  The lungs are with diffuse rhonchi.  No wheezes audible.  S/L "IDE" 1:1.
i would say Examination and Evaluation needs to be put as a heading.
Subject: i would say Examination and Evaluation needs to be put as a heading.

just my thoughts.
s/l "Q2" pupillometer examination?
Subject: s/l "Q2" pupillometer examination?

BJE - Bone and joint examination
Subject: BJE - Bone and joint examination

Could you have heard "EUA" for examination under anesthesia, or EOA sm
Subject: Could you have heard "EUA" for examination under anesthesia, or EOA sm

could be examination on admission, though that's not usually abbreviated.
A zero degree s/l *storascope* was used for intranasal examination. TIA
Subject: A zero degree s/l *storascope* was used for intranasal examination. TIA


Tonsil examination s/l cageous material.
Subject: Tonsil examination s/l cageous material.

hand examination s/l "circ and narrow"
Subject: hand examination s/l "circ and narrow"

This is a physical exam for a kid who sliced his hand open.  The doc says "Extension and flexion of all joints normal.  Circ and narrow have also been tested and appear normal."  Any ideas??
hair tourniquet--which put of physical examination would this go in??
Subject: hair tourniquet--which put of physical examination would this go in??

I looked up "hair tourniquet" to find that it affects mostly infants, a hair wrapped tightly around an extremity or the external genitalia causing extreme discomfort. I've got a rambling dictator who states things in no particular order. Does anyone have an opinion on where this is most properly put?


on physical examination his BBI was greater than 1. Whats a BBI???? - nm
Subject: on physical examination his BBI was greater than 1. Whats a BBI???? - nm

Neck examination term "ASA"
Subject: Neck examination term "ASA"

Neck exam has "JVP 3 cm ASA."  What does the ASA stand for? Anybody?

on examination, positive s/l Krismall sign. TIA
Subject: on examination, positive s/l Krismall sign. TIA

Examination of the hand, s/l shear and gline test? TIA nm
Subject: Examination of the hand, s/l shear and gline test? TIA nm

Examination demonstrates 1+ to 2+ swelling about the ankle. There is some tenderness along the
Subject: Examination demonstrates 1+ to 2+ swelling about the ankle. There is some tenderness along the

s/l *myofibula*
poor inspiratory effort on s/l the voldine per my examination
Subject: poor inspiratory effort on s/l the voldine per my examination

ENT-physical examination reveals *syn___ectomy* without palpable adenopathy??? Thanks- nm
Subject: ENT-physical examination reveals *syn___ectomy* without palpable adenopathy??? Thanks- nm

Examination of the right hand reveals s/l classic model of Dupuytren's contracture
Subject: Examination of the right hand reveals s/l classic model of Dupuytren's contracture

The only other s/l mammalian is a slight pectus excavatum, otherwise normal physical examination.
Subject: The only other s/l mammalian is a slight pectus excavatum, otherwise normal physical examination.

Examination and inspection of the left hip reveals 90o of flexion. Full extension. sm
Subject: Examination and inspection of the left hip reveals 90o of flexion. Full extension. sm

No **flexion** contracture. Would this be flexor or flexion?
Brief Neuropsychological Cognitive Examination (BNCE) ... evaluate the cognitive status of patients
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dynamic cervical changes (i.e. opening and closing of the inner cervical os during examination
Subject: dynamic cervical changes (i.e. opening and closing of the inner cervical os during examination

? she is normal cardic under examination. ? the word cardic
Subject: ? she is normal cardic under examination. ? the word cardic