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Is it double-J stent or JJ stent?...nm

Posted By: op note challenged on 2007-12-10
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Subject: Is it double-J stent or JJ stent?...nm


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JJ-stent or double-J stent???
Subject: JJ-stent or double-J stent???

There is a brand Double-J stent and then there is J&J stent (Johnson and Johnson).
Subject: There is a brand Double-J stent and then there is J&J stent (Johnson and Johnson).

I believe they are two different types of ureteral stents.
double-J stent
Subject: double-J stent

It is double-J stent
It is Double-J stent, not JJ. (nm)
Subject: It is Double-J stent, not JJ. (nm)

double-J stent
Subject: double-J stent

Cardio help s/l Zyant drug-eluting stent. Does anyone have a good site to use for stent names?
Subject: Cardio help s/l Zyant drug-eluting stent. Does anyone have a good site to use for stent names?

Maybe Cypher stent and drug-eluding stent. Those would be my guesses.
Subject: Maybe Cypher stent and drug-eluding stent. Those would be my guesses.

Urology, Cort stent or Quart stent
Subject: Urology, Cort stent or Quart stent

tried to advance a 6-French s/l (Cort or Quart) stent and were unable to negotiate the UVJ. 


I do not hyphenate unless it is an adjective i.e. 5-mm stent or the stent was 5 mm
Subject: I do not hyphenate unless it is an adjective i.e. 5-mm stent or the stent was 5 mm

WJ stent
Subject: WJ stent

Need the name of a stent, please...sm
Subject: Need the name of a stent, please...sm

Patient has hydronephrosis and ureteral stone and is status post ???? stent placement. S/l JJ or JG stent.  TIA!
stent? nm
Subject: stent? nm

s/l Lib-air-tay stent
Subject: s/l Lib-air-tay stent

stented successfully with a 3.5 x 12 mm ____________ stent...

j-j stent
Subject: j-j stent

The literature I read uses either, it's not an acronym or named after a person, it's name that because it has a J shape on either end. So the longest name would pay you the most!
stent on PE
Subject: stent on PE

normal external female genitalia with small __________ (string-like object) in the urethra.

The pt had a stent placed in the urethra in the past. Would if feel this way on pelvic exam? It sounds like "string-like object"

JJ stent
Subject: JJ stent

The dr. says double-J stent once, then changes to JJ stent.  How do you type JJ stent properly?

J-J stent or

JJ stent or

J & J stent

Subject: stent

might be Coaptite stent
It the name of the stent
Subject: It the name of the stent

The Surgical Word Book as reference
stent to LPL. what is LPL?
Subject: stent to LPL. what is LPL?

Subject: stent

could it be LARS? Laser angioplasty in restenosed stent.
Subject: Stent

I think it is Kwart stent
Subject: stent

Is it drug-eluding or drug-eluting stent?  Both ways on internet????
in stent OR
Subject: in stent OR

(sl) Costaphyte stent?

She had right kidney extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy and laser lithotripsy to bladder stone removal of the stent.  There was a (costaphyte) stent in the right renal pelvis and in the bladder.

Thanks to anyone who can help me



There are a lot it could be! Might be a coiled __ stent. nm
s/l Regularis stent? -nm Thanks
Subject: s/l Regularis stent? -nm Thanks

renal stent name?
Subject: renal stent name?

s/l "heart to length" stent (size is 6.0 x 15)  ESL doc
S/L Koppage stent
Subject: S/L Koppage stent

I cannot find this any help would be greatly appreciated!
WJ stent placement
Subject: WJ stent placement

S/L WJ stent placement.  Is this correct.  Thank you.
perhaps "PTCA and stent" or "PTCA/stent" ? sm
Subject: perhaps "PTCA and stent" or "PTCA/stent" ? sm

your "bucasee and" sounds like it could possibly be P-T-C-A...?
Reuter stent. NM
Subject: Reuter stent. NM

That would be Tannenbaum Stent
Subject: That would be Tannenbaum Stent

check internet.
Trigute stent to the LAD
Subject: Trigute stent to the LAD

Anyone every here of this? If so, it's new?
Cardio help please....stent
Subject: Cardio help please....stent

Abdominal aortic angiography with bilateral lower extremity runoff, endovascular repair of infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysm using a s/l Cokevenous stent graft system, percutaneous transluminal artery stenting and bilateral common and external iliac arteries. 

*Libertine* stent?
Subject: *Libertine* stent?

Ever heard of this?  Can't find it anywhere.
Libertine stent
Subject: Libertine stent

Try Liberte stent
Liberte stent - nm
Subject: Liberte stent - nm

Could be Cypher stent.....nm
Subject: Could be Cypher stent.....nm

CYPHER� Stent nm
Subject: CYPHER� Stent nm

s/l tween to 8 mm stent....sm
Subject: s/l tween to 8 mm stent....sm

'tween to 8 mm Taxus drug-eluting stent'

Just wondering if anyone has come across this before. Seems kind of odd but doc is saying 'tween'. Thanks.

Might be a 22/8 mm Taxus stent...nm
Subject: Might be a 22/8 mm Taxus stent...nm

help anyone? s/l TAXA STENT?
Subject: help anyone? s/l TAXA STENT?

In a cardiac catheterization?  Thanks!
Cypher stent.
Subject: Cypher stent.

with thrombosis of stent?
Subject: with thrombosis of stent?

meaning she had stent placement, discontinued plavix and then clotted the stent
Taxus stent?
Subject: Taxus stent?

Type of stent
Subject: Type of stent

The doctor is saying s/l lasda double J stent.  Any ideas?  TIA.
sarcolemmal stent?
Subject: sarcolemmal stent?

"She has a (sarcolemmal) stent, so the question is the duration of Plavix."

This is an ESL doc, and I have looked everywhere but nothing really gives me a definite answer on this. Any ideas?


s/l Zion?? stent
Subject: s/l Zion?? stent

"placement of a 2.75 x 28 mm s/l Zion stent"

There is a Xience stent.
Subject: There is a Xience stent.

There is a stent name 2TM (Taxus)?
Subject: There is a stent name 2TM (Taxus)?

I have always typed it as JJ stent. sm
Subject: I have always typed it as JJ stent. sm

My uro doc I have worked for for more than 18 years told me it was JJ stent, not the word spelled out and no hyphens. Hope this helps.