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Is Worker's Compensation always capitalized?

Posted By: Jenny on 2006-06-27
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Subject: Is Worker's Compensation always capitalized?

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Thanks. I finally just sent it with a blank. I am not a miracle-worker.
Subject: Thanks. I finally just sent it with a blank. I am not a miracle-worker.

The S, P, and P should be capitalized....nm
Subject: The S, P, and P should be capitalized....nm

I would say not capitalized, but I have been known to be
Subject: I would say not capitalized, but I have been known to be

wrong before.
I have never capitalized these
Subject: I have never capitalized these

WOW! I have never capitalized these before. Hopefully someone will answer and we both will know! Did the QA person refer you to the place where they found this info?
Not capitalized.
Subject: Not capitalized.

Actually, no, not capitalized.
Subject: Actually, no, not capitalized.

No, I don't think it should be capitalized.
Subject: No, I don't think it should be capitalized.

No - not capitalized. nm
Subject: No - not capitalized. nm

with the 'R' capitalized?
Subject: with the 'R' capitalized?

Not QA, but some are ALWAYS capitalized.
Subject: Not QA, but some are ALWAYS capitalized.

I found it by itself and capitalized in Stedman's. Another example, Enterobacter standing along, but then enterococcus is not when standing alone.
Not capitalized.
Subject: Not capitalized.

Choice should be capitalized (nm)
Subject: Choice should be capitalized (nm)

don't know - but lidocaine is not capitalized....nm
Subject: don't know - but lidocaine is not capitalized....nm

is Hibiclens capitalized?
Subject: is Hibiclens capitalized?

not capitalized, lowercase. nm
Subject: not capitalized, lowercase. nm

Bard - should be capitalized as well.
Subject: Bard - should be capitalized as well.

Is pap (as in pap smear) capitalized?
Subject: Is pap (as in pap smear) capitalized?

When are disorders capitalized?
Subject: When are disorders capitalized?

I capitalize them when they are in the diagnosis, but if they are generally talking about it in the body of the report, like,

"I explained to Mom that obsessive-compulsive disorder would be difficult to assess."

Is it Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder in that case?


I think Split is capitalized also
Subject: I think Split is capitalized also

it is Alaphagan and is capitalized
Subject: it is Alaphagan and is capitalized

*I* would be capitalized because it's a trademarked
Subject: *I* would be capitalized because it's a trademarked

Per Stedman - no it is not capitalized
Subject: Per Stedman - no it is not capitalized

It was capitalized per Stedman
Subject: It was capitalized per Stedman

Not capitalized, per Stedman's
Subject: Not capitalized, per Stedman's

Per Stedman's Psychiatry/Neurology/Neurosurgery Words book, Appendix 2, page A54, ecstacy is not capitalized and is spelled ecstacy not ecstasy, otherwise known as MDMA.
I don't think in that case it would be capitalized. NM
Subject: I don't think in that case it would be capitalized. NM

It is used and as you have it not capitalized i.e. like dopplerable
Subject: It is used and as you have it not capitalized i.e. like dopplerable

Velosef (capitalized)
Subject: Velosef (capitalized)

E:A -- Doppler is always capitalized. I would
Subject: E:A -- Doppler is always capitalized. I would

but Aspirin is always capitalized
Subject: but Aspirin is always capitalized

Aspirin is never capitalized. nm
Subject: Aspirin is never capitalized. nm

Is hemovac capitalized or not? SM
Subject: Is hemovac capitalized or not? SM

I have always used caps, but now I've seen it written lowercase.  I don't know.  Which is it? 

I trust all of you here.  Thank you. 

Mesh capitalized or not
Subject: Mesh capitalized or not

I have been typing for so many years, but today I am wondering and can't find it anywhere, is mesh capitalized or not when it is by itself? Mesh or mesh? The brand name is capitalized and the word mesh is not, correct..... an off day of course.
Spelled that way and capitalized
Subject: Spelled that way and capitalized

Driving me crazy!
Iis Suboxone capitalized?
Subject: Iis Suboxone capitalized?

or not...- please help asap! thanks
I saw it twice on google capitalized.
Subject: I saw it twice on google capitalized.

Strep - capitalized
Subject: Strep - capitalized

I always thought Strep was supposed to be capitalized - it's the species, and the subspecies was typed with all small letters. 

More and more, I'm seeing Strep typed with a small 's", and it comes up okay in our dictionary with a small "s".  Am I incorrect?


factor not capitalized
Subject: factor not capitalized

Wherever I looked it is capitalized...sm
Subject: Wherever I looked it is capitalized...sm

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heme positive. Might need to be capitalized though?
Subject: heme positive. Might need to be capitalized though?

oops - typo - capitalized.......LOL...nm
Subject: oops - typo - capitalized.......LOL...nm

I agree with you. Have never capitalized statin or
Subject: I agree with you. Have never capitalized statin or

usually not capitalized, but might be a "client preference." Ask why /nm
Subject: usually not capitalized, but might be a "client preference." Ask why /nm

Is endocatch bag supposed to be capitalized??
Subject: Is endocatch bag supposed to be capitalized??

My brain refuses to function today!!

Is holiday heart capitalized? Thanks!! nm
Subject: Is holiday heart capitalized? Thanks!! nm

FYI, Spurling sign is capitalized
Subject: FYI, Spurling sign is capitalized

Ventimask (one word capitalized)
Subject: Ventimask (one word capitalized)

I will stand corrected, but I do not believe it is capitalized.
Subject: I will stand corrected, but I do not believe it is capitalized.

Never capitalize generics - it is NOt capitalized nm
Subject: Never capitalize generics - it is NOt capitalized nm

I should know this, but is valsalva maneuver capitalized? nm
Subject: I should know this, but is valsalva maneuver capitalized? nm

Should history and physical be capitalized?
Subject: Should history and physical be capitalized?

Sentence reads p/t is here today for a complete history and physical...... Should history and physical be capitalized? Thanks.
Vitamin "letters" are always capitalized.
Subject: Vitamin "letters" are always capitalized.
