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I was WAY off - sorry 'bout that!

Posted By: vn on 2009-06-24
In Reply to: I'm thinking something "agents" - maybe - vn

Subject: I was WAY off - sorry 'bout that!

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How 'bout
Subject: How 'bout

rales, rhonchi?
you may be right, but how 'bout this:
Subject: you may be right, but how 'bout this:

Low-back pain
Pain of the low back.

The low back is an anatomic term, but you'd still hyphenate low-back pain, right? Or if I'm wrong, I've been doing it wrong for 10+ years.
How 'bout Lorcet ??? *lol* ......nm
Subject: How 'bout Lorcet ??? *lol* ......nm

how 'bout prestigious (sp?)......nm
Subject: how 'bout prestigious (sp?)......nm

don't know 'bout that...this is how my editor--sm
Subject: don't know 'bout that...this is how my editor--sm

wanted it spelled...caesarean section. very adamant about it.
How 'bout pterional?
Subject: How 'bout pterional?

how 'bout griseofulvin? (nm)
Subject: how 'bout griseofulvin? (nm)

how 'bout GI/GU complaints ??? (nm)
Subject: how 'bout GI/GU complaints ??? (nm)

how 'bout omentectomy ??? (nm)
Subject: how 'bout omentectomy ??? (nm)

agree, sorry 'bout that
Subject: agree, sorry 'bout that

that's why it's always best to look it up.  my expander knows more than i do.
how 'bout "Actos" ??
Subject: how 'bout "Actos" ??

how 'bout sentence or context?? nm
Subject: how 'bout sentence or context?? nm

how 'bout anorectal protrusion?
Subject: how 'bout anorectal protrusion?

Any luck yet? How 'bout Mycelex?
Subject: Any luck yet? How 'bout Mycelex?

Aside from that, are you sure it's released in there? Would think 'revealed.' How 'bout
Subject: Aside from that, are you sure it's released in there? Would think 'revealed.' How 'bout more

how 'bout some sentences or history on pt....
Subject: how 'bout some sentences or history on pt....

how 'bout Hemashield graft ??
Subject: how 'bout Hemashield graft ??

By the way, Dave, they're looking for you over on the Gab Board... 

how 'bout "Klor-Con" for low potassium ??
Subject: how 'bout "Klor-Con" for low potassium ??

how 'bout "tubular adenoma" ??
Subject: how 'bout "tubular adenoma" ??