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I read that wrong. Sorry. Data/datum the same. nm

Posted By: Txczech on 2008-10-24
In Reply to: um...datum is singular; data is plural. but yes, data is...sm =) - flybye

Subject: I read that wrong. Sorry. Data/datum the same. nm

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data is singular. datum is plural. data is -- nm
Subject: data is singular. datum is plural. data is -- nm

um...datum is singular; data is plural. but yes, data is...sm =)
Subject: um...datum is singular; data is plural. but yes, data is...sm =)

great question! when data is used as an "entity" as in your example, then "data is" even though grammatically it "should" be "datum is"....

great/funny article here; http://www.johntcullen.com/sharpwriter/content/data_is.htm

there are several words like that...

I read it wrong
Subject: I read it wrong

I can't believe a read it a few times and I thought is was weight gain not weight loss. Sorry!
Grammar? D: "There is virtually no data..." Shouldn't that be "are" (data is plural)
Subject: Grammar? D: "There is virtually no data..." Shouldn't that be "are" (data is plural) (nmsg)

You are correct, doc either gave wrong dosage or wrong drug, would "flag" this for your QA dep
Subject: You are correct, doc either gave wrong dosage or wrong drug, would "flag" this for your QA dept if you have one.

Was this in wrong spot before? We had a slew of responses, all wrong! nm
Subject: Was this in wrong spot before? We had a slew of responses, all wrong! nm

overread vs over-read vs over read
Subject: overread vs over-read vs over read

OneLook has a disclaimer for the definition of the word overread that says: This definition is from the 1913 Webster's Dictionary and may be outdated. Some of the links listed on OneLook give the definition, some say the word does not exist, another gives the definition and then says (not used). There are references online for over-read, overread, and over read. I think over-read with a hyphen is a nice compromise. It's situations like this that make me dazed and confused!
lab data
Subject: lab data

I'm doing a discharge summary by an ESL, and he's going through all the lab data results.  He says urine culture done on xx/xx/xx, showed s/l protease monoblez more than 100,00 _____/mL.  

Meanwhile, back to Google I go to try and figure this out!

would INR go under lab data?? thank you
Subject: would INR go under lab data?? thank you

s/l DATA
Subject: s/l DATA

Doc says..also brings with her numerous labs including labs showing borderline....s/l DATA... levels. 

She kind of stumbles over this and I could not find anything on DATA or data levels so I was going to flag it.  She then goes on to say....She tried oral...s/l DATA without success. 

It is pretty clear the second time but I cannot find anything on this.  Is this correct and would it be all CAPS?


Lab data help
Subject: Lab data help

It sounds like he states, Rheumatoid factor and "lymetida"?? Does any one know what this "lymetyda/lymetida" is?  Thanks so mcuh!
laboratory data
Subject: laboratory data

doc dictated microalbumin/creatinine ratio of *one-zero-oh-five-7.4* with the high end of normal being 20. TIA!
laboratory data
Subject: laboratory data

s/l: SMAC

Laboratory studies on admission revealed the unremarkable SMAC except for elevated LDH of 278

laboratory data
Subject: laboratory data

s/l: nucleorie

10% of the patient cells contain the _____ and had morphologic features of blast cells

Lab data, OCFOS?
Subject: Lab data, OCFOS?

I know I should know this, but I'm drawing a blank....sounds like OCFOS or AUCFOS, maybe.  Any ideas? 
Laboratory data
Subject: Laboratory data

Has anyone ever heard of "anti Luis A and B".  S/L anti, but could be aptise, eptide or similar.

"Blood type A positive, antibody screen positive with "anti Luis" A and B".  As a side note she is in having a cesarean section and has enterococcus clocae and a UTI (not sure if that helps).  Thanks.

lab data -- never mind!
Subject: lab data -- never mind!

I think he must be saying Proteus mirabilis...now I'll work on the 100,000 (pardon the earlier typo) part!
its under lab data, and the pt does have a possible obstruction
Subject: its under lab data, and the pt does have a possible obstruction

Laboratory Data Help
Subject: Laboratory Data Help

Doctor is giving laboratory data s/l uracta protein.  TIA.
M-mode data help
Subject: M-mode data help

I am doing an echo and the doc is speeding through the M-mode data.  It sounds like he is saying "septal posterior wall thickness is 7 mm."   Is this correct or is it "septal and posterior wall thickness"?  I find it several different ways on Google and not sure what is correct. 

Also, if anyone knows a good echo site, please feel free to share!


Lab data question. sm.
Subject: Lab data question. sm.

*Mendrel* panel includes a calcium of 10.1, magnesium 1.5, phosphorus 3.5.

s/l is "mendrel" or "mendro" - this is an ESL resident.

Thanks for any help.

Lab Data - s/l en-de-sees
Subject: Lab Data - s/l en-de-sees

In lab data section, states: Endices? were normal.
yes you have it right....as in skewed data...nm
Subject: yes you have it right....as in skewed data...nm

Laboratory data
Subject: Laboratory data

Patient�s urinalysis showed 20 to 25 red cells, for ____ field white cells, many bacteria, many nitrite positive, leukocyte esterase positive and in large amounts.

White count was 19.7 and hemoglobin 11.9. Probably some of that, with regard to her hemoglobin, secondary to ____ concentration.

The first one sounds like hifar and the second sounds like hemo.  Thanks!  I am so tired I can't think straight any more.

some kind of data...
Subject: some kind of data...

"The clearest evidence for risks and benefits of adjuvant androgen deprivation after node positive disease is the _____ data, which seems clearly to have a survival benefit for both prostate cancer specific survival, as well as overall survival after over ten years of followup."

It sounds like "messing" data...???? Any ideas?


Bands in lab data?
Subject: Bands in lab data?

...platelet count 675, neutrophils 86, <s/l bands 6>, lymphocytes 6, monocytes 2.
s/l thynoidostic data?
Subject: s/l thynoidostic data?

thorcoscopic *ectomy..

14-year-old girl with axillary hyperhidrosis.
lab data. And "po no nine" was normal?
Subject: lab data. And "po no nine" was normal?

some lab data for stroke victim
Subject: some lab data for stroke victim

Her _____________ (he spells "anto-xaunf") was 0.  Factor VIII was elevated at 273.  Cardiolipin IgG was elevated at 18.  Cardiolipin IgM was less than 10.  Protein C antigen was low at 41.  Protein S antigen was high at 143. 
Laboratory Data word help
Subject: Laboratory Data word help

This is in a Discharge summary under Laboratory Data .. he is dictating a bunch of lab results .. s/l "SUPD" 38, s/l "SUOD" 44 .. for the life of me I cannot understand what he is referring to here .. he says two different labs that I can't understand.
laboratory data- blood count
Subject: laboratory data- blood count

The blood counts on admission revealed hemoglobin 8.1, hematocrit 23%, white blood cell count 23,200 with 1% segs, 42% lymphs, and 57% manels ,<--soundlike....
laboratory data- blood count
Subject: laboratory data- blood count

but nothing pertaining to the former (study) no data on CT swallow ? nm
Subject: but nothing pertaining to the former (study) no data on CT swallow ? nm

lab data - (s/l CSH) was normal. is that right? i've never heard it before - nm
Subject: lab data - (s/l CSH) was normal. is that right? i've never heard it before - nm

could you give the exact sentence, sometimes it helps to know the other lab data after or before it.
Subject: could you give the exact sentence, sometimes it helps to know the other lab data after or before it.

hmm, not sure, Mohs is a type of surgery, this sounds more like lab data...sm
Subject: hmm, not sure, Mohs is a type of surgery, this sounds more like lab data...sm

Thanks will research further to see if I can find Mohs count. 
Grammar ?. D: "prior echo data is not known." T: "are not"?
Subject: Grammar ?. D: "prior echo data is not known." T: "are not"?

actually, it's BI-RADS (Breast Imaging-Reporting and Data System) nm
Subject: actually, it's BI-RADS (Breast Imaging-Reporting and Data System) nm

By the data numbers, could be SGPT and SGOT, liver function studies????......nm
Subject: By the data numbers, could be SGPT and SGOT, liver function studies????......nm

Actually it is not - please read
Subject: Actually it is not - please read


Yes, she is a QA. Just re-read above
Subject: Yes, she is a QA. Just re-read above


I will correct myself before someone else does, THERE is too much guessing....

I read it!
Subject: I read it!


This Word board is for assistance. 

If you don't want to assist or be helpful with information, direction, guidance, then simply do not post.

Stop with the rudeness, the hatefulness, the judgement. 

If you want to report a suspicious post for test questions or offshore MT, etc., please do so but stop being ugly ON the board.



Did you even read
Subject: Did you even read

pls read
Subject: pls read

Is Fosamax given weekly or daily? I left a QA marker because when I look up Fosamax, it is given weekly, but the doc said 70 mg daily, so I left a blank. The QA person left it as daily. Would this be correct - Fosamax 70 mg daily?
Please read.
Subject: Please read.

sentence: Will inject his bursa and give him some 'compound and shock strips'. Anybody know what this might be?
All data that I can find on ECT leads (not EKG leads) are in arabic numerals.
Subject: All data that I can find on ECT leads (not EKG leads) are in arabic numerals.

LAB DATA: Sed rate 27, s/l aspirit 62,300 white cells, 100 red cells . . . . HELP?
Subject: LAB DATA: Sed rate 27, s/l aspirit 62,300 white cells, 100 red cells . . . . HELP?

Nevermind, it is read, sorry ;(
Subject: Nevermind, it is read, sorry ;(

They go by so fast you can't read then anyway. nm
Subject: They go by so fast you can't read then anyway. nm

I never have time to read them, either. nm
Subject: I never have time to read them, either. nm
