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I looked further and since I was not

Posted By: FT MT on 2006-09-19
In Reply to: Not sure, but Aredia? - FT MT

Subject: I looked further and since I was not

sure about Aredia, I found Truvada, antiviral combination for HIV infections, 200 and 300 mg Maybe?

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Have looked and looked but cannot find anything. Sorry. nm
Subject: Have looked and looked but cannot find anything. Sorry. nm

Have looked and looked. sm
Subject: Have looked and looked. sm

The only mention I found was in MT Daily on archives where the same question was asked!!. Wonder if it is a cooling solution, like with baking powder etc? Will wonder about this for a while. Sorry to not be a help.
I looked in the BOS, and all it had
Subject: I looked in the BOS, and all it had

were the usual things on leads and such. I'm not seeing anything that is an obvious match. I had to send it off to QA.
Thank you so much! I looked everywhere! :)
Subject: Thank you so much! I looked everywhere! :)

Thanks again M.A. - l looked it up, seems to fit. nm
Subject: Thanks again M.A. - l looked it up, seems to fit. nm

Looked up that too!
Subject: Looked up that too!

I looked up Indices as well, but could not find medical meaning, except for "index".  Doesn't really make sense to me, but I am unsure???
I looked everywhere also. sm
Subject: I looked everywhere also. sm

We had some of our family practice guys say Celebrex Pain Pack and we never did get an answer about that one. Never saw it written down either. May be one of those type things.
I looked it up and get get fracture. But MD Is clearly saying it that way. sm
Subject: I looked it up and get get fracture. But MD Is clearly saying it that way. sm

I do not know how to spell the fx.  Can someone help me?


Coccidia (Coc·cid·ia) (kok-sid´e-ə) [Gr. kokkos berry]  a subclass of parasitic protozoa (class Sporozoea, phylum Apicomplexa) found in both vertebrates, including humans, and higher invertebrates; see coccidiosis. Their life cycle involves merogony, gametogony, and sporogony, and gamonts are usually present, with mature gamonts being small and typically intracellular, without an epimerite or mucron. Syzygy does not usually occur, but if it does, it involves anisogamous gametes. The subclass comprises three orders: Agamococcidiida, Protococcidiida, and Eucoccidiida.

thank you so much for your help anyway. I looked also and could not find it anywhere
Subject: thank you so much for your help anyway. I looked also and could not find it anywhere

Thanks, I looked that up and it seems to be eburnea
Subject: Thanks, I looked that up and it seems to be eburnea

Thanks! I looked it up and it sounds
Subject: Thanks! I looked it up and it sounds

I looked that up but don't really think it fits.
Subject: I looked that up but don't really think it fits.

Thank you anyway though.
Seriously yes. I looked in Stedmans and...
Subject: Seriously yes. I looked in Stedmans and...

tried google unless I am not spelling it right. I dont normally do these type of files...sorry if I should know.
Thanks for those who looked, but I found them.
Subject: Thanks for those who looked, but I found them.

Ferrex (iron supplement)

Alamag (antacid)

Senna (herbal supplement)

News to me, too! Just looked it up! :) nm
Subject: News to me, too! Just looked it up! :) nm

So sorry - it's nuptials - should have looked first!
Subject: So sorry - it's nuptials - should have looked first!

Thank you, I should have looked under "suctioning"
Subject: Thank you, I should have looked under "suctioning"

I would have NEVER looked up Halfprin!
Subject: I would have NEVER looked up Halfprin!

...and yet there it is right in my QuickLook under aspirin!  You go MT50! 
That's how I looked at it, too, but just wasn't sure. nm
Subject: That's how I looked at it, too, but just wasn't sure. nm

Thank you so much! I looked everywhere, I thought. :) nm
Subject: Thank you so much! I looked everywhere, I thought. :) nm

mEq (the only way I have ever seen it and have looked also everywhere on dosages)
Subject: mEq (the only way I have ever seen it and have looked also everywhere on dosages)

looked at rxlist.com and
Subject: looked at rxlist.com and

medicinenet.com and all they showed is sotalol
When I looked at this video,.....sm
Subject: When I looked at this video,.....sm

I realized again what geniuses doctors are. I could not even finish watching it.

How could you get this video and connect it to the OP's question?
Ok, could be. I have seen it both ways. I had looked this up before on..
Subject: Ok, could be. I have seen it both ways. I had looked this up before on..

the Mayo Clinic website.  Here's where it was.


Wherever I looked it is capitalized...sm
Subject: Wherever I looked it is capitalized...sm

How can physicians obtain Hemoccult® ICT?
Get our Hemoccult ICT Technical Bulletin (225k)

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I'm sorry. I looked all over and I can't find
Subject: I'm sorry. I looked all over and I can't find

anything.  I only can think of the word outcome but it doesn't make sense.  Sorry.
Hmmmmmmmm. I looked it up but didn't see it. You could be right :) Thanks!
Subject: Hmmmmmmmm. I looked it up but didn't see it. You could be right :) Thanks!

found it - ascetic - looked for every ae, eth, est
Subject: found it - ascetic - looked for every ae, eth, est

in Taber's thank goodness for google!
have you looked it up in all those 27 years? It's appose.
Subject: have you looked it up in all those 27 years? It's appose.


thanks I looked up Phenergan and it works! nm
Subject: thanks I looked up Phenergan and it works! nm

Thanks..I looked that up and actually found what it is supposed to be..(sm)
Subject: Thanks..I looked that up and actually found what it is supposed to be..(sm)

in an online medical dictionary.  It is NOT ballotte or balot like he said..it's actually ballottement which is a maneuver used in a physical exam to estimate the size of an organ near the surface...so he didn't say the term correctly!!!   Thanks for your help. 

I looked equanimity up on Onelook and got this. sm
Subject: I looked equanimity up on Onelook and got this. sm

Think it fits the context



Your Query of 'Equanimity' Resulted in 1 Matches
From The AND Dictionary
Displaying Items 1 through 1


    1. Calmness of temper; composure.

      Thesaurus: composure, poise, placidity, calm, self-possession, tranquillity, serenity, sang-froid, level-headedness, imperturbability; Antonym: alarm, anxiety.
Etymology: 17c: from Latin aequanimitas, from aequus equal + animus mind.

Don't think so. looked it up but doesn't seem to fit. Thanks anyway, I'm just STUCK on this
Subject: Don't think so. looked it up but doesn't seem to fit. Thanks anyway, I'm just STUCK on this one! :(

Thanks!! I did and looked in Stedman's Ortho...
Subject: Thanks!! I did and looked in Stedman's Ortho...

...but my mind is playing tricks on me.

Thanks again! 

Humalog! That's it! I looked on rxlist - did not see there
Subject: Humalog! That's it! I looked on rxlist - did not see there

Hi work for same you know where and I looked it up and under drugs.com
Subject: Hi work for same you know where and I looked it up and under drugs.com

This is one of our approved web sites. It has it with a capital, but through there if you research further it states Stedman's has it small r(egular) insulin. So if QA and Stedman this way say small, I would do small, which is the way I type it and have never been "gigged" on it yet.
I just looked that up. Never heard of it. Cool! nm
Subject: I just looked that up. Never heard of it. Cool! nm

Thanks - I've looked through everything I can find - sm
Subject: Thanks - I've looked through everything I can find - sm

trying to make it make sense. The only thing I can figure is that since the patient has instability, the LCL would be the likely cause (probably torn). But he never says anything about the LCL, so I'm anxious about it. It just seems to make more sense to have ACL reconstruction. Thanks.
end-systole - I just looked it up and it is hypenated
Subject: end-systole - I just looked it up and it is hypenated

Sorry, looked everywhere for anything that resembled it, but I think it is one of those "doctor m
Subject: Sorry, looked everywhere for anything that resembled it, but I think it is one of those "doctor make-up word" things.

I believe I've looked everywhere and can't find this s/l
Subject: I believe I've looked everywhere and can't find this s/l

Patient has had rheumatoid arthritis for over 30 years. Has had total hip arthroplasty, then several revisions with bone grafting. The last procedure ultimately failed.

Don't know if doctor is combining two procedures here and not sure if either are for hip (Bridle procedure and Stone procedure), but he's saying something that s/l brittlestone procedure.

Thanks for any help.
thanks! I should have looked it up but I was so sure it wasn't really a word...LOL nm
Subject: thanks! I should have looked it up but I was so sure it wasn't really a word...LOL nm

Looked again at her samples and found it!
Subject: Looked again at her samples and found it!

Looked on Google and it referred me to sm
Subject: Looked on Google and it referred me to sm

a question asked on this board!!!  Kumpe catheter was the answer.


Section One- Equipment and Supplies

With difficult vessels the Kumpe catheter gives you more directional control of the guidewire. With the cardiac catheters, the Sones catheter is used when ...
www.seattleavir.com/equipsup.html - 38k - Cached - Similar pages

Transnasal Removal of a Biliary Endoprosthesis with Percutaneous ...

A 5-F Kumpe catheter (Cook, Bloomington, IN) was passed percutaneously through ... The Kumpe catheter was exchanged over an Amplatz super-stiff guide wire ...
www.jvir.org/cgi/content/full/12/2/257 - Similar pages

That's what I did. Was hoping it looked familiar to someone -
Subject: That's what I did. Was hoping it looked familiar to someone -

Not sure but fine needle?? Looked
Subject: Not sure but fine needle?? Looked

all over with the info you gave and fine needle comes up.  Can you give more info?
Ah, should have looked in an actual book
Subject: Ah, should have looked in an actual book

because my HPI Radiology book does list it as over-read, and even puts the explanation of (noun) after it to help us out.

I wouldn't ask if I hadn't looked them up. sm
Subject: I wouldn't ask if I hadn't looked them up. sm

I found Ultracet in my drug book as an analgesic but I did not find Ultracef. However, on google it lists Ultracef as an antibiotic but I do not find it everywhere I look so I did not know if it was an approved medication.

That is why I asked.

I looked it up to make sure, and a sheath is..
Subject: I looked it up to make sure, and a sheath is..

The carotid sheath is an anatomical term for the fibrous connective tissue that surrounds the internal carotid artery and related structures in the neck.

Who knows. Maybe this is what the dr. is referring to.

Sorry, have looked and searched, can only find...sm
Subject: Sorry, have looked and searched, can only find...sm

gauge, Chiba and Touhy needles.  This one is a tough one.  I had suggested Jamshidi needle before, but that is a biopsy needle, not used for drainage purposes.  If you find out what this is, please let us know.  This one is really stumping me.  Sorry I couldn't help. 
Looked but can't find anything in AMA style guide. sm
Subject: Looked but can't find anything in AMA style guide. sm

I think your doc is confusing "more so" with "moreover." "Moreso" is not even in the English dictionary.