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I like your thinking, MT50

Posted By: Clueless on 2007-10-24
In Reply to: cerumen curette? - MT50

Subject: I like your thinking, MT50

I would have sworn this word ended in an 'ic' sound, but after listening again, I think what I'm hearing is the first part of the word curette instead. Thank you so much!

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Thanks, MT50
Subject: Thanks, MT50

I actually saw that in my Google search, but confirmation from another MT helps!
Thanks again MT50 for your help.
Subject: Thanks again MT50 for your help.

That has to be it. I will make a note of this one has I have never come across it before.
Thank you very much MT50!!
Subject: Thank you very much MT50!!

That is it. Thank you MT50! nm
Subject: That is it. Thank you MT50! nm

Yeh, probably go with MT50, did not
Subject: Yeh, probably go with MT50, did not

think of that one.
thank you MT50
Subject: thank you MT50

thank you again MT50
Subject: thank you again MT50

Thank you, MT50 and mmk!
Subject: Thank you, MT50 and mmk!

That explains why I initially thought the first part of the word sounded almost as if he was pronouncing it similar to the Rapide suture!
Wow! You go MT50!
Subject: Wow! You go MT50!

I learned something new today too! Thanks for sharing!
Thanks MT50!
Subject: Thanks MT50!

Have a great day.
Thank you MT50!!!! NM
Subject: Thank you MT50!!!! NM

MT50 - see msg
Subject: MT50 - see msg

This med you replied back with is pronounced with a 'D'?
These are the medications this patient is allergic to:

MT50 r u there?
Subject: MT50 r u there?

Blepharoplasty.....  The patient is brought to the operating room where a skin-marking pen was used to delineate the skin orbicularis fat that was to be removed from the upper lids.  the  (s/l) ruler pen was used for this drawing.  Any ideas? ruliten, ruler tip pen, ruler pen
Thank you, MT50!
Subject: Thank you, MT50!

I see what you're saying. It's her interpretation vs. mine, and part of me thinks I should go with mine because ultimately, it's my work, and I'm accountable, but I really do see what you're saying. Neither the QA or I can be 100% sure of our own interpretations. Only the doctor knows what he was saying in this clipped sentence.
Thank you MT50!
Subject: Thank you MT50!

  Just how on earth did you find that?? 
Thanks again MT50
Subject: Thanks again MT50

Same to you MT50 and to all who
Subject: Same to you MT50 and to all who

take part on this board.
Thanks MT50!
Subject: Thanks MT50!

Subject: MT50

I was working Saturday morning and I couldn't figure something out, I'm sitting there in my office moaning "oh, MT50, where are you?" and my sister flipped out!
thanks MT50!!!
Subject: thanks MT50!!!

Thank you so much MT50 that is it
Subject: Thank you so much MT50 that is it

Thank you MT50
Subject: Thank you MT50

Thanks, MT50!
Subject: Thanks, MT50!

Subject: THANKS MT50

You are TOO smart! It was symphalangism. Really mangled, but could pull it out with your expert help!
TY MT50 (sm)
Subject: TY MT50 (sm)

I appreciate all your help all the time!  Have a great day!
Thanks MT50- you are so helpful as always! nm
Subject: Thanks MT50- you are so helpful as always! nm

Thank you, Hayseed and MT50
Subject: Thank you, Hayseed and MT50

Thanks to both of you for your replies to my post.  I appreciate your time!
Subject: LOVE YOU MT50!

Thank you MT50, you are always to my rescue
Subject: Thank you MT50, you are always to my rescue

TY MT50 - you are always so helpful. = )
Subject: TY MT50 - you are always so helpful. = )

MT50 with that same report would they say serious?
Subject: MT50 with that same report would they say serious?

serious spasm of the sigmoid colon?
To MT50 below (neurology) see msg below
Subject: To MT50 below (neurology) see msg below

MT50 - thanks for helping -
Subject: MT50 - thanks for helping -

I've never heard this - are you saying the rest is correct and would be written as 5 Hz resting tremor? Thanks.
WOW! MT50 you are magic...
Subject: WOW! MT50 you are magic...

I wonder if this is the phrase? You amaze me!
Thanks MT50! I should have knows recess. nm
Subject: Thanks MT50! I should have knows recess. nm

Thank you so much MT50 - you are so helpful
Subject: Thank you so much MT50 - you are so helpful

What would we do withouth MT50???
Subject: What would we do withouth MT50???

Thank You!
MT50 - you are GOOD! Thank you! = )
Subject: MT50 - you are GOOD! Thank you! = )

MT50; can u help with my query re:
Subject: MT50; can u help with my query re:

Looks like MT50 is coming up
Subject: Looks like MT50 is coming up

same to you MT50 but we should be thanking U
Subject: same to you MT50 but we should be thanking U

really, many thanks - you are always responding to everybody here and you need to be thanked so:  THANK YOU!!!!!  Happy New Year too!!!
I agree with MT50
Subject: I agree with MT50

[...wrist fracture, and had scars...] requires comma.

[...wrist fracture and scars...] requires no comma.

Thank you, Txczech and MT50.
Subject: Thank you, Txczech and MT50.

I'll do some more searching on my own too. My version of Vera Pyle didn't have it in there either.
just want to say I second MT50's opinion NM
Subject: just want to say I second MT50's opinion NM

wow MT50, you are good! NM
Subject: wow MT50, you are good! NM

yep, that's it - MT50 saves the day again - thanks! NM
Subject: yep, that's it - MT50 saves the day again - thanks! NM

You are an angel, MT50!! Thanks!!
Subject: You are an angel, MT50!! Thanks!!

Thanks MT50. Did not think to go to WebMD, but
Subject: Thanks MT50. Did not think to go to WebMD, but

when I typed in chrisman-snook ankle, more appropriate websites come up, so I will go with that one. I know docs do not know how to spell, but he seemed to positive. LOL
To MT50, you are really knowledgeable, SM
Subject: To MT50, you are really knowledgeable, SM

where do you work? You should get a raise.


thanks MT50 - you're not only the best
Subject: thanks MT50 - you're not only the best

it is my opinion you are also the most rapid to fire off the answers here!!!  THANKS AGAIN!! 


Thanks MT50! I found that, but it
Subject: Thanks MT50! I found that, but it

sounded like the other (ESL). It must be that, though. Thanks again.