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I did find a SPIR protocol

Posted By: AnudderMT on 2009-05-05
In Reply to: Help with MRI, please! - FlaMT

Subject: I did find a SPIR protocol

It stands for spectral presaturation inversion recovery (SPIR) fat suppression.

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guessing "two more dose" protocol, or even "tumor dose" protocol. sm
Subject: guessing "two more dose" protocol, or even "tumor dose" protocol. sm

If either one ties in with the patient's history, etc.

BSA protocol
Subject: BSA protocol

Anyone ever heard what s/l heparin BSA protocol? Thanks
s/l Tek protocol
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I am on a new account and haven't typed ERs for a while.  The patient cut her finger and needs sutures.  The doc says "the wound was cleansed by ____ protocol."  S/l Tek protocol.  TIA.
SER Protocol
Subject: SER Protocol

MRI per acute SER?? protocol  (has confusion, etc)


Is this the name of a protocol or is he just
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saying there is a T2 axial spur???
could it be ICU protocol?, nm
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protocol therapy
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Multiple myeloma has standard/protocol/regimen therapy.
SL CITRA Protocol
Subject: SL CITRA Protocol

Sentence:  He underwent (S/L) CITRA protocol with his family at the bedside.  (The patient was dying).



cancer protocol...sm
Subject: cancer protocol...sm

Patient is on an antigenic study (which has now been closed) and is prepared to receive her first injection under compassion use protocol.

Does this sentence make any sense? 

Gucci protocol
Subject: Gucci protocol

See if you hear Bruce protocol.
Bruce protocol
Subject: Bruce protocol

Example: The patient exercised 9 minutes through stage 3 of standard Bruce protocol, achieving 10.1 METS.
Burkitt's Protocol
Subject: Burkitt's Protocol

may be a late post - first one could be Burkitt's protocol second one may be L3 I am not sure
SCIP protocol
Subject: SCIP protocol

Has anyone ever heard of SCIP or SKIP protocol? This is a surgeon talking about prophylactic antibiotics. I have found on the internet SCIP protocol for skin care intervention program but am not sure if this is reliable info. Does anyone know what this is and have a source to back it up?
s/l chent protocol
Subject: s/l chent protocol

a patient with coronary artery disease and stent placements.

Sentence: The patient currently is on s/l chent protocol with the exception of fish oil, which we can add at 1 g p.o. daily.

(his medications are aspirin 81 mg p.o. daily; lansoprazole, unknown dose; atenolol, unknown dose; amlodipine, unknown dose; atorvastatin, unknown dose; clopidrogel 75 mg p.o. daily)

Performance protocol
Subject: Performance protocol

Have you heard of Alimta poor performance protocol?
Vordemarch protocol
Subject: Vordemarch protocol

Sounds like treating hypothyroidism by Vordemarch protocol (it is partially inaudible)!


Thanks in advance!

MONA protocol?
Subject: MONA protocol?

Troponin was 2.8 on admission, but, throughout the admission, that number was trending down.  The patient was started on s/l MONA protocol, and also heparin drip until Cardiology had a chance to see him. 
P-protocol CT - is this correct?
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The patient had incidental finding of a 12 mm nodule in the right middle lobe during a P-protocol CT. 
There is a Bruce protocol.
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Help needed with ED protocol, several s/l
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Patient had left lower quadrant pain. On arrival to emergency department, his blood pressure was in the 60s. They started with s/l sepsis protocol, s/l with sats decreased, improved on a s/l fullsent mask.
alcohol protocol
Subject: alcohol protocol

doc is saying "Concerning the patient’s alcohol use, the patient will be put on a s/l Was/Weiss/Wise protocol with Ativan for high Was/Weiss/Wise score."
IV s/l MM in the anti-MAG protocol
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SKIP protocol?
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General endotracheal anesthesia was induced after a s/l SKIP protocol was instituted.   

s/l Adenowatt protocol
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Doctor dictating adenosine stress test - says "using Adenowatt? protocol"  TIA
Chest CT/PE protocol
Subject: Chest CT/PE protocol

s/l he is saying "int-stull" images of the upper abdomen show no abnormality.....
SCIP protocol - sm.
Subject: SCIP protocol - sm.

SCIP protocol = surgical care improvement project.  Hope this helps you! :)
a type of protocol?
Subject: a type of protocol?

Here is the paragraph...

"She underwent a biopsy and pathology confirmed a non-Hodgkin lymphoma with diffuse histiocytic features. She was staged as a IIIB and was placed on a ___ protocol with CHOP/Rituxan. She underwent three cycles total per her description. "

It sounds like "swave" or "swab" protocol...any ideas???

Thanks everyone!!!

MI rule out protocol
Subject: MI rule out protocol

s/l Motibi protocol.  I know I have heard it, and it hidden away in my brain somewhere.  Thanks for the help!
stoop? protocol
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and everyone was in agreement that she should proceed with concomitant irradiation and Temodar. (This was the standard "STOOP" protocol.)

Sounds like "stoop" but I'm not confirming that anywhere...any ideas????


s/l Keelor protocol . . .
Subject: s/l Keelor protocol . . .

The patient had a myocardial infarction and was treated with the "Keelor" protocol including aspirin, Plavix, Lovenox, and beta-blocker therapy.
CIWA protocol?
Subject: CIWA protocol?

clinical institute withdrawal assessment


Tice protocol ?
Subject: Tice protocol ?

Dose Intensification Study in Refractory Germ Cell Tumors With Relapse and Bad Prognosis (TICE)

What is correct protocol for this? s/m
Subject: What is correct protocol for this? s/m

In PMH doc says the patient is an alcoholic currently in rehab, then in Social History docs says the patient is not a drinker. 

(BTW, I blanked both and put "contradictory").  It was filled back in as dictated.  Which is correct?

s/l arznec protocol
Subject: s/l arznec protocol

s progressive pulmonary disease and is on ____ protocol

ARDSnet protocol
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S/L code gray protocol
Subject: S/L code gray protocol

Doc says:  He was given TPA for an acute stroke under the ?CODE GRAY? protocol.

TIA again.


I guess it is Bruce Protocol
Subject: I guess it is Bruce Protocol

Ever heard of s/l "CWA" protocol (sm)
Subject: Ever heard of s/l "CWA" protocol (sm)

It sounds like "See Wa" and coming from a psychiatrist and it's concerning alcohol intoxication/withdrawal I believe.  How is this spelled, is CWA right?  TIA

Depends on your company protocol
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My company has an appeals process to put through for disagreement with QA. If you have no appeals process, would refer the report back to the QA supervisor or your direct supervisor for clarification.
May really be saying PE protocol (pulmonary embolus)
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? Bruce stent protocol
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Protocol type for Coumadin
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I have a dictator that is saying what sounds like Coumadin per "joint X" protocol...  I cannot find this anywhere, but I may be hearing it incorrectly.  If anyone has any ideas, I'd appreciate it. 

a little late, but maybe something index protocol? nm
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adeno-walk protocol
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Surgical Protocol - s/l "skip"
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The patient received IV antibiotics per the _____ protocol.  s/l "skip".  I assume an acronym but have had no luck with this.  Thanks!! :)

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Can find plenty on the internet regarding lipodermosclerosis, but unfortunately cannot find that exa
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S/L cold, critical, or protocol therapy
Subject: S/L cold, critical, or protocol therapy

stage numbers for bruce protocol
I am brain dead right now! I know you use roman numerals for staging of cancer.  What is used for stages of a Bruce protocol? Thanks! 
...otherwise. CHOP protocol is used for lymphoma, not leukemia. nm
Subject: ...otherwise. CHOP protocol is used for lymphoma, not leukemia. nm

Are you sure it is not the word "stent" again for stent protocol?
Subject: Are you sure it is not the word "stent" again for stent protocol?