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I agree with answering questions, but . . .

Posted By: OldMT on 2008-11-04
In Reply to: Well said. - sm

Subject: I agree with answering questions, but . . .

I think the use of the Internet is overrated.  In my experience, the answers that come up on Google aren't always correct.  My posting was not meant to be negative, nor to discourage anyone from asking questions.  But don't be afraid to investigate on your own either. 

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    For the most part, agree. I don't bother with the lazy-sounding questions, but there are some sm

    very reasonable questions posted on this board.  No, I don't go to MTChat.  Why don't you just hang out there, and those of us who remember what it was like to be new at this can help our novice counterparts on this board. 


    Thank You for answering nm
    Subject: Thank You for answering nm

    Thank you all for answering, I truly appreciate it (nm)
    Subject: Thank you all for answering, I truly appreciate it (nm)

    thanks for answering!! *S*....
    Subject: thanks for answering!! *S*....

    I think perhaps he was stuck between disparity and difference...*lol*
    Thanks for answering! However
    Subject: Thanks for answering! However

    I just don't hear the word "rest" after roto.  I'm not sure WHAT this doctor is saying and I don't think he knows either! LOL
    2 questions
    Subject: 2 questions

    Okay I have 2 questions.  I'll just go ahead and paste in the parts that I need help with:

    1.  Chordee with pain and scrotal engulfment.  For this one just want to make sure that the word in bold is the correct spelling for this type of report. 

    2Penoplasty with _____ flaps.  The blank s/l Bier's flap, but not sure of the spelling.


    Any help will be greatly appreciated.

    2 questions, sm.
    Subject: 2 questions, sm.


     Two questions please: What is the proper way to type this?  Are my caps incorrect? 


    The patient�s B-type Natriuretic Peptide was 312.


    Also, how would you type half liter of normal saline?  Thanks so much

    PE questions
    Subject: PE questions

    Skin exam: Some psoriatic s/l bliaksing.       bly-ack-sing


    GU exam: No prostate masses or colon masses.

    How far up is he feeling???? Help!

    Two questions
    Subject: Two questions

    1. Drug name is Zoloft. It is used for depression. 2. EE prime (supposed to use an umlaut but can spell it out) prime ratio is 16.

    BOS-2 questions available on IM!
    Subject: BOS-2 questions available on IM!

    Just add me to your Yahoo IM and as long as I am online (and that's quite a bit), I'll help with BOS-2 questions!

    No lengthy conversations, though, and no e-mails, please. 


    questions sm
    Subject: questions sm

    i found a med Cryselle. it is an oral contraceptive. is the patient female?
    Sorry with all the questions but I need help again
    Subject: Sorry with all the questions but I need help again

    I have worked for 3 years for 2 ENT docs who no longer perform surgery.   They have just added a new doc to the practice and he does perform surgeries.  He is describing the tonsils as essentially "kissing" on examination.   Is this correct? Thanks
    A lot of the questions you have been
    Subject: A lot of the questions you have been

    asking are very, very basic.  You might be getting in over your head if these terms are unfamiliar to you.  Maybe you are just nervous about taking a test and are struggling because of that.  I hope that is the case.  However, it is my opinion that asking for others for help on a test is cheating.  I'm sure you probably didn't think of it this way, otherwise you would not have shared at this point that you are testing.  Iknow you are desperate for help, but the company is testing YOU, not us on the word board.  You have to stand on your own skills when testing.  If you don't pass, then it means you are not ready.  Good luck to you.

    a few questions please sm
    Subject: a few questions please sm

    I have a few questions:

    1. Patient worked as a bartender in "Mike Dulin's". (The patient lives in NJ, if that helps.)

    2. Regarding meds, doctor says Nasacort 8 q.  Is this supposed to mean q 8?

    3. Under PE, eyes revealed s/l *archosenilis*.

    4. The patient has severe COPD with PFTs severely reduced. Then doctor says "The patient was unable to *apiliprate* on nitrogen washout for lung volumes.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!!! Thanks! :)

    2 questions
    Subject: 2 questions

    Intraoperative permanent films showed good position of the fracture and hardware, but when (discopiously) lavaged, the fascia was closed using 1 Vicryl.

    2 questions:
    1. disc-o-p-us-lee
    2. The dictator just said 1 Vicryl, but should I change it to 1-0?
    2 questions
    Subject: 2 questions

    PROCEDURE: Medial branch block of the L4-5 and L5-S1 facets on the right. Under fluoroscopic guide, the (scheduled procedured) patient was brought to (ob-suse)with operating room, placed in prim position.

    Scheduled procedured patient I THINK is right, but I am not sure. It doesn't sound right.

    The second one I am just lost on.
    2 questions (sm)
    Subject: 2 questions (sm)

    Abdomen is soft with mild tenderness with negative s/l heel drop, no guarding, no rebound.  Does heel drop make sense on an abdominal exam?

    an s/l auto diff revealed neutrophils 61.2%.


    2 questions....please help
    Subject: 2 questions....please help

    Doc says CBC (plural) would that be CBC's or CBCs and also patient admitted to P-ward Acute Psychiatric Unit (should it be cap or lower case) TIA
    Help with 2 questions please!
    Subject: Help with 2 questions please!

    Could someone help me out please!!   In this sentence, "No pain on palpation of the mediolateral joint lines.", is it "mediolateral or medial lateral" and would it be "line" or "lines" ------and another question, would "culture and sensitivity" be a subheading or part of the sentence if used like this--"No recognizable bacteria and a culture and sensitivity of the synovial fluid shows no growth at 48 hours. 
    2 questions
    Subject: 2 questions

    Patient is a 3-month-old x 32 and 6/7th week preemie, who is here today for followup of reflux.

    My question is regarding the "x". Is the above sentence right?

    Medication: Farentil, Farenzil ...something like that. It is in regards to a preemie infant with reflux.

    2 questions please... sm
    Subject: 2 questions please... sm

    "She is status post mitral valve replacement with 26-mm Cosgrove-*furtoro* annuloplasty ring and *suture plasty* of the anterior leaflet.

    1 - s/l Furtoro or Futoro - all I could find was the Cosgrove-Edwards.

    2.  I can't see where *suture plasty* is combined into 1 word. Is it ok as shown?

    Thanks for any help!

    Two questions - please sm
    Subject: Two questions - please sm

    1. She reports symptoms of crying spells which is s/l insefent.

    2. I instructed her that steroid injections at this point would be unwise in terms of her s/l potensity to develop infections in the lower extremity including MRSA cellulitis of the lower extremity which she has had on two occasions

    2 questions....HELP!
    Subject: 2 questions....HELP!

    This doctor is giving me a run for my money!!!

    OK, first question:  Comprehensive fore or four? catheter EP study

    Second question:  A 12-French Treo or Trio? sheath was then inserted into the left femoral vein. 

    Two x-ray questions
    Subject: Two x-ray questions

    Sounds like doctor is saying "X-rays show an oblique line" but wouldn't it make more sense to say "opaque line?" or could oblique be correct?

    Also, in another report he says "X-rays show a ______decompression of the shoulder.

    This is either "Y" or "wide"
    2 questions please, thanks.
    Subject: 2 questions please, thanks.

    __________ 22 mcg subcutaneously once Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.  S/L Rebist?

    A tracheostomy collar was to be started on 01/24/2009.  __________ (LPAC?) was consulted for an evaluation. 


    Subject: questions

    Good possibility of the second blank being LTAC (long-term acute care). Hope this helps, now or in the future.
    2 questions SM
    Subject: 2 questions SM

    1. It is recommended we proceed with S/L dynamizing the hardware. (This is regarding bone rodding)

    2. X-rays s/l C/W callous formation. Is it C/W or C-W and what does that mean?

    2 questions...sm
    Subject: 2 questions...sm

    Patient has altered mental status.  MRI showed s/l *so-sigh or tho-sigh* and a "TE" is requested.....what is a TE?
    2 questions...
    Subject: 2 questions...

    Does this sound correct for a diagnosis and if so is the comma in the right place?


    Does this sentence make sense?

    Examination of her foot reveals tenderness maximally over the mildly enlarged plantar fascia at the midsubstance.
    Subject: Questions

    If dictator says: staph aureus, do I type it staph. or just staph.

    If dictator says: postop course was uneventful, do I put a period after postop? (ex. postop. course)
    Questions and jobs
    I place a lot of blame on the companies and hospitals that hire untrained transcriptionists because they think anyone can do it, so why not hire people who work cheaply. A lot of these MTs have no medical knowledge and no idea how to do any kind of research. I have known on-site hospital MTs who did not even have reference books, either provided by the hospital or their own. You can't blame the MTs in this situation completely as they are expected to do work without the knowledge or tools.
    Many of us think these one word questions.....nm
    Subject: Many of us think these one word questions.....nm

    Couple of lab questions... sm
    Subject: Couple of lab questions... sm

    Can't catch what Mr. Mush-mouth is saying. 

    Postoperative serial white blood cell count demonstrated a stable white blood cell count at 11,900.  s/l *hemansa* hemoglobin stable at 28.9 and 9.4. 

    Pathology questions
    Subject: Pathology questions

    The first s/l oral, but the 2nd is "in formalin" without a doubt -- that's a fancy way of saying formaldehyde.
    2 questions about S/L words
    Subject: 2 questions about S/L words

    Oral mucosa shows a mild S/L tore-iz S/L pala-teen-is.

    troponin's were normal, but s/l litning creatinine was 1.4.

    I appreciate your help

    Thanks a bunch Deborah


    Test questions
    Subject: Test questions

    Why NOT post test questions here?  Wouldn't this be considered a valid resource if one were working at home?  When I took my test, they said go ahead and use the internet, use whatever you like, do whatever you have to.  All that matters in the long run is that the work you do is correct and of high quality.

    neurology questions
    Subject: neurology questions

    In the neurologic part of the physical exam:  "Cranial nerves II-XII are grossly intact, with the exception that she does have a [s/l sarcotic/psychotic pursuit] as well as a decreased left [s/l seven central], which is mild." 
    More questions about doc-isms
    Subject: More questions about doc-isms

    Here's one for you guys with years under your belts...I hear this one all the time: "A __ cm hardware was trialed."  To my knowledge, "trialed" is not a legit word.  Am I wrong here?  Is this another doc-ism?  I can Google it and find it but it's not in any of my surgical dictionaries.  What do you do in these situations? 
    Shirl you are welcome to ask questions here
    Subject: Shirl you are welcome to ask questions here

    Some MT's on this board only like to respond if they can "cut-up" so to speak.  I wouldn't run if I were you as you are giving someone else the satisfaction.  You belong here just as much as everyone else.  You have to remember that we have all been new at this.  Don't feel like you are bothering anyone.  You just have to simply ignore the "meaners".  The fact that someone took the time to reply is actually in your favor even if it was a negative reply.  It is on them how they respond.  My advice would be to not feed into though because it just fuels the fire so to speak.  Good luck to you and keep sharing.  There are a lot of us on here that like to help because we have been helped.  It is not always in this profession you find such a good resource as this board.  Like with anything else in life you must take the good with the bad.  Take care!    Hope you stay.  It is not all bad, really it isn't. 
    Thanks everyone....I may have many questions today
    Subject: Thanks everyone....I may have many questions today

    This is a new doctor in this clinic and he goes into a lot lot lot of detail and mumbles through most of it.
    that could be it, but I had other questions on the report, so I sent to QA. Thank you though!
    Subject: that could be it, but I had other questions on the report, so I sent to QA. Thank you though!

    Questions while testing? sm
    Subject: Questions while testing? sm

    I guess I am slow but I saw a post where someone posted for a test they were taking and someone picked them up on it - I have seen this more than once. My question is, how can anyone possibly be testing and have the time to come on the board, ask for help, and wait for an answer while testing for a company? Perhaps I'm not savvy but I tested for a company once and I barely had time to finish properly, lest take the time to ask questions, I had to kind of know the answers or fail. I'm not trying to be nasty. If there were companies who gave this kind of time, I might not be leary of testing, as I have all the proper tools, I just didn't think I'd have time to even use all my expensive tools. Just curious, that's all. Thanks for any info.
    aspirin questions
    Subject: aspirin questions

    Can aspirin be dosed at 85 mg daily.  I am thinking 81 mg.  Doc says 85 mg.
    Questions within a sentence
    Subject: Questions within a sentence

    I am not sure how to type these type of sentences:


    The patient was able to answer questions such as what color is the sky? and how many eyes do you have?


    The patient responded "yes" to the statments I feel lonely and sometimes I feel depressed.


    I need to know how to type these sentences, thank you!

    Ortho and OB-GYN questions
    Subject: Ortho and OB-GYN questions

    When a doctor dictates "L4-L5" shouldn't it be typed as L4-5?  I am seeing L4-L5 in sample reports sent to me, and I remember learning you don't type it like that.  Also, while I'm on here, another question, but OB-GYN; how do you type the abbreviation for gravida 2 para 3, and the numbers that follow, (0-0-2), what does that mean and are they typed in that format? Thanks! 
    questions with words
    Subject: questions with words

    doc dictates "ashervi" relating to white matter. what might the word be? also, onophagia a word?
    Chemo questions... sm
    Subject: Chemo questions... sm

    He has been continuing on the *9404/4* protocol off study. He seems to be tolerating the chemo well.

    s/l is ninety-four oh four slash four

    I can't find any hits to get an idea what this is or how to write it. I'd appreciate any help. Thanks.

    Test questions
    Subject: Test questions

    I know that it is not allowed to ask test questions on this board.  Somebody posted................

    'Help!  This is a test question'...

    and then the question followed.

    She could have just asked the question. 


    Formatting questions
    Subject: Formatting questions

    Which is correct?

    MEDICATIONS: Rantidine 150 milligrams


    MEDICATIONS: ranitidine 150 milligrams

    note: Ranitidine is a generic medication.
    Have a couple of questions, please sm
    Subject: Have a couple of questions, please sm

    Sorry, filling in for somebody and this doctor is really fast -
    1. Patient takes a s/l plepharde of medications.
    2. Patient still has constipation despite taking s/l Cerafac.

    dumb questions
    Subject: dumb questions

    This may sound like a dumb question but it is important for the setup of the report.

    First the Dr. says knee aspirit ( I assume knee aspiration) Also the main question is would a knee aspiration be considered a surgery? TIA.