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I've always used it as 2 words, but new Stedmans makes it into 1 word, videocolonoscope, etc.

Posted By: Wilder on 2009-03-12
In Reply to: Olympus videocolonoscope and Olympus videogastroscope SM - Mary

Subject: I've always used it as 2 words, but new Stedmans makes it into 1 word, videocolonoscope, etc.

but then when you search other sources, it is 2 words.

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2 words according to Stedmans
Subject: 2 words according to Stedmans

that is what they get, dr just makes up words.
Subject: that is what they get, dr just makes up words.

I don't think that's it, but thanks for trying. I think he makes words up sometimes. haha
Subject: I don't think that's it, but thanks for trying. I think he makes words up sometimes. haha

I've never heard it put that way, but I guess it makes
Subject: I've never heard it put that way, but I guess it makes

I've never heard of it, but it makes sense - could it
Subject: I've never heard of it, but it makes sense - could it

be "apparent" opacification??
Sounds reasonable, but he makes up his own words so I think this will go to QA. (nm)
Subject: Sounds reasonable, but he makes up his own words so I think this will go to QA. (nm)

Yes. I've also found that it's used for carpal tunnel, so that makes sense - could not find m
Subject: Yes. I've also found that it's used for carpal tunnel, so that makes sense - could not find mcg

I have 'ligamentotaxis' in Stedmans ortho word book
Subject: I have 'ligamentotaxis' in Stedmans ortho word book

According to Stedmans Ortho and Rehab Book, 4th Edition, plantarflexion is ONE word.
Subject: According to Stedmans Ortho and Rehab Book, 4th Edition, plantarflexion is ONE word.

how odd, I've been looking for this word myself.
Subject: how odd, I've been looking for this word myself.


word/words help
Subject: word/words help

In addition to his ankle problem he has had an s/l enrum__ taken out of his right third webspace and had relief for about 6 months and had some recurrent s/l senergetic___ pain .
hmm...could be, makes more sense than natting...which I don't think is a word...thanks!
Subject: hmm...could be, makes more sense than natting...which I don't think is a word...thanks!

As long as the word makes sense,
Subject: As long as the word makes sense,

you can use combining forms/prefixes with any word. Therefore hypo (less, little, small, etc) and mobility would go together, as in she had less or little mobility.
ortho word/words help
Subject: ortho word/words help

DIAGNOSIS: s/l halthridgedous

post s/l colectomy. he had some low-grade s/l sevedous last week we left stitches in on the right, took them out on the left. TIA
Used to be 2 words, then hyphenated, now can be just one word. nm
Subject: Used to be 2 words, then hyphenated, now can be just one word. nm

That word should be 'pieces' and it makes real sense too. SM
Subject: That word should be 'pieces' and it makes real sense too. SM

You need to go back to school - BIG TIME!

THANK YOU --- I know the word it makes total sense and I just could not rip it from my non functioni
Subject: THANK YOU --- I know the word it makes total sense and I just could not rip it from my non functioning brain

oops I probably should've edited a word in there..sm
Subject: oops I probably should've edited a word in there..sm

Sorry moderators - I'm editing my own post right now....I forgot, some would interpret that word as a bad word.  Truly sorry!

Here's my repost:

While I feel I'm an excellent MT, I refuse to get as EDITED as some about this subject disc versus disk....one being from Latin and one being from the Greeks....

We follow a Greek calendar but the Egyptian one was here before that.......

People need to be a little more flexible generally speaking but also with words that are accepted either way, not have a virtual STROKE over it. 

I've always written out the word hours
Subject: I've always written out the word hours

if it's dictated.  If it's not dictated as part of the time, I don't add it.  Some dictators will just say *0-8-hundred* and I just transcribe it 0800. 
I've been watching the word board today
Subject: I've been watching the word board today

and it seems that there have been lots of word helpers.  Maybe not the usual folks, but still really good help.   
Words not found in mtstars word help with posible sound like
Subject: Words not found in mtstars word help with posible sound like

Huntington's Chorea
Sted's Ortho Words and their on-line dictionary show it as one word. nm
Subject: Sted's Ortho Words and their on-line dictionary show it as one word. nm

My Stedman's spell check comes back with pro embolic (2 separate words). Pro is a word in itself
Subject: My Stedman's spell check comes back with pro embolic (2 separate words). Pro is a word in itself as is embolic. Hope this helps.

Olympus videocolonoscope and Olympus videogastroscope SM
Subject: Olympus videocolonoscope and Olympus videogastroscope SM

Olympus videocolonoscope and Olympus videogastroscope or Olympus video colonoscope and Olympus video gastroscope.

I keep seeing it both ways - driving me crazy!!!!!
You've got it right. I've type that for years, as in transforaminal steroid injection.
Subject: You've got it right. I've type that for years, as in transforaminal steroid injection.

No links but the Stedman's GI & GU Words is great, and you'll need a Pathology/Lab Words book
Subject: No links but the Stedman's GI & GU Words is great, and you'll need a Pathology/Lab Words book or

onelook.com, Tessier's Surgical Words, and Sted's Ortho and Rehab Words. Great stuff! nm
I've never heard of "Toprolol XL" and I've been sm
Subject: I've never heard of "Toprolol XL" and I've been sm

doing this a looooooong time.
E-to-A changes per Stedmans's
Subject: E-to-A changes per Stedmans's

how old is your Stedmans?
Subject: how old is your Stedmans?

It used to be gravida roman numeral, para arabic but I think the preferred way is all arabic now.  All my accounts prefer arabic.
per Stedmans transsphincterotomy
Hi Brenda, per my Stedmans, you are looking for SM
Subject: Hi Brenda, per my Stedmans, you are looking for SM

centripetal spread
stedmans abbrev uses PPD, P/D, and p/d
Subject: stedmans abbrev uses PPD, P/D, and p/d

and its also stated in stedmans
Subject: and its also stated in stedmans

see stedmans (inside)
Subject: see stedmans (inside)
also in Stedmans abbreviations nm
Subject: also in Stedmans abbreviations nm

thank you! i might need to check on getting that stedmans!!
Subject: thank you! i might need to check on getting that stedmans!!

Seriously yes. I looked in Stedmans and...
Subject: Seriously yes. I looked in Stedmans and...

tried google unless I am not spelling it right. I dont normally do these type of files...sorry if I should know.
Stedmans has been known to be incorrect.....nm
Subject: Stedmans has been known to be incorrect.....nm

per Stedmans, osteochondritis
Subject: per Stedmans, osteochondritis

proBNP per stedmans lab book.
Subject: proBNP per stedmans lab book.

in stedmans neuro book
Subject: in stedmans neuro book

under ataxia is listed: Friedreich. ??

I believe it is most correct with apostrophe, although there is a trend away from using them in these cases.
per Stedmans--Workhorse percutaneous sm
Subject: per Stedmans--Workhorse percutaneous sm

transluminal angioplasty
Supramid s, per Stedmans Equip bk.
Subject: Supramid s, per Stedmans Equip bk.

4 correct ways in stedmans...
Subject: 4 correct ways in stedmans...

i've used the lower case p, but that's not in stedmans:
PCO(subscript 2)
P(co2 subscript)
maybe sagittal suture (per stedmans OB)
Subject: maybe sagittal suture (per stedmans OB)

stated in stedmans and lab for 6 years
Subject: stated in stedmans and lab for 6 years

In Stedmans radiology book...sm
Subject: In Stedmans radiology book...sm

Page 194 in Stedman's Radiology book is concha bullosa or pleural form is conchae bullosa....

Also found this out...

Concha Bullosa
A concha bullosa (CB) is a common anatomical variation that occurs when an air pocket forms in the middle turbinate.

On a CT scan, a concha bullosa looks almost like a small balloon with a thin, bony lining. If you develop this condition, you may be symptom-free, or you may have facial pain and pressure and nasal blockage. A concha bullosa is easily corrected with endoscopic sinus surgery.
Hope this helps!!! 

McGlamry according to Stedmans (see message)
Subject: McGlamry according to Stedmans (see message)

I looked it up in Stedman's Medical and Surgical Equipment Words. Both doctors are wrong. It's McGlamry elevator. Hope I was helpful!!!!
If you have a Stedmans oncology book
Subject: If you have a Stedmans oncology book

It is shown in Appendix 8 under TNM staging
Stedmans says "Homans" not Homan's. NM
Subject: Stedmans says "Homans" not Homan's. NM
