measurement for lamotrigine level is mcg/mL. There is such a measurement as mg%, but I am not sure if that is how lamotrigine is measured. It appears to be a (sm) Subject: It appears to be a (sm)
term most often used with laparoscopic procedures. I found several sites mentioning an intraumbilical incision. Here is an excerpt from a sample report from another MT site:
Trocar placement may vary according to the preference of the surgeon. Usually, a 10-mm trocar is placed through an intraumbilicalincision and another 10-mm trocar is placed suprapubically, followed by two 5-mm trocars placed laterally. Laparoscopes with different viewing angles are available. The selection of a straight or angled optic is the surgeon's personal choice. We prefer the straight, forward optic.
Where there are no other instructions after that sentence, i.e. ordering a test or medication, the word "stable" comes to my mind.
Sorry, appears to be hemoglobin...nm Subject: Sorry, appears to be hemoglobin...nm
Listed in the impression of consult by nephrology doctor. Here is what is before and after:
4. DIABETES MELLITUS. Continue insulin.
5. METABOLIC: Currently appears s/l "sensible" or "extensible."
6. ANEMIA MANAGEMENT. We will add Epogen. The patient’s hemoglobin and hematocrit are below goal. However at this time clinically, she appears.... Subject: However at this time clinically, she appears....
ultra-sound guided thoracentesis was performed in the clinic with the removal of 1.6 liters of serosanguineous pleural fluid.The fluid appears to be "ex hit a tive" with an LDH of 589, protein of 3.6, pH of 7.8, and glucose of 79.The pleural fluid cytology is pending at the time of with dental pain - on PE, states "...'OROBUCCAL (1 word?) SYMPOSIN' appears to be normal Subject: pt with dental pain - on PE, states "...'OROBUCCAL (1 word?) SYMPOSIN' appears to be normal"
She has a pleural-based lesion in the right lower lobe that appears to be either an algomized effusion or soft tissue. She also has multiple pulmonary nodules bilaterally suggestive of either a metastatic neoplastic disease or granulomatis changes.
Total, maybe? nm Subject: Total, maybe? nm
posterolateral skin incision was made through the skin and subcu, end of s/l "edge of platers" were coagulated? ty for any help
total knee help Subject: total knee help
I then s/l wet the patella which measured approximately 24 and took this down to approximately 15, drilling for a 35-mm oval patella.
if I were to convert him to a total hip replacement which was not constrained, then I would plug in more in the way of anteversion with an s/l esram stem.
At the end of a total thyroidectomy procedure, the doc says EE to AA phonation is intact. I can't document EE to AA phonation, and I'm wondering if I'm hearing it correctly. I also wonder if I should transcribe EE:AA phonation, but I can't find this anywhere in my Google search efforts!
would they say abnormal s/l Total at EKG? Subject: would they say abnormal s/l Total at EKG?
CPK-MB should be less than 4% of the total CPK value, whereas CPK-BB should essentially never be det Subject: CPK-MB should be less than 4% of the total CPK value, whereas CPK-BB should essentially never be detected in blood in any significant quantity, and 1% or less would be considered normal in most labs. Above 1% BB or 4%MB is when one should be concerned and look into conditions that may be causing heart or brain damage, at least in adults.
Learn more about the Corail Total Hip Replacement System designed to preserve existing bone. ... In an artificial hip (also called a prosthesis), an acetabular cup ... events after hip arthroplasty: change in position of the components, ... - 16k - Cached - Similar pages -