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Here's another reference from BOS

Posted By: desperado on 2007-12-02
In Reply to: BOS question - Sunny

Subject: Here's another reference from BOS

if you have it, pages 46-47.   I've had accounts that didn't want departments, etc. capitalized no matter how they were used, all lower case, so definitely account preference as people said below.  I  prefer to capitalize when referred to as an entity, such as you said or as in BOS, patient was referred to Anesthesia for evaluation... I really dislike typing, the patient was seen by nutrition or wound care or speech, etc. but if verbatim and that's the way they want it, that's what the account gets.

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and your reference for this was?...nm
Subject: and your reference for this was?...nm

Here's another reference for you. SM
Subject: Here's another reference for you. SM

Thank You!! I just could not reference it! nm
Subject: Thank You!! I just could not reference it! nm

reference sm
Subject: reference sm

reference sm
Subject: reference sm

If you look down a little further that reference gives both
Subject: If you look down a little further that reference gives both

I think m/sec is a lot clearer, personally. I always put cm/sec, why not m/sec?


in reference to what?
Subject: in reference to what?

Thank you for the reference! :) nm
Subject: Thank you for the reference! :) nm

What is it in reference to?
Subject: What is it in reference to?

Another reference
Subject: Another reference

Another reference to AG and the one I use:



What is it in reference to??? There is a
Subject: What is it in reference to??? There is a

can I get a reference please?
Subject: can I get a reference please?

What is this in reference to??? nm
Subject: What is this in reference to??? nm

Can somebody with an OB reference
Subject: Can somebody with an OB reference

book tell me if it is a Schultz mechanism or Schultze mechanism for the delivery of the placenta?  I can't track down anything verifiable on the internet.  Thanks very much.   

ok, how about a different reference?
Subject: ok, how about a different reference?

Thanks for the reference!!!
Subject: Thanks for the reference!!!

Look up contractions in GI reference NM
Subject: Look up contractions in GI reference NM

Maybe, though can't find a reference. sm
Subject: Maybe, though can't find a reference. sm

I remember seeing a TV commercial just last week about something with similar S/L, but I'm hesitant to say it indeed was Zytora.

Reference cited
Subject: Reference cited

According to Vera Pyle's CMT:

disc - alternative spelling of disk. See: disk.

disk, disc (Gr. diskos, L. discus)-a circular or rounded flat plate. Note: Disk appears to be the preferred spelling, although disc is also used, especially in names of anatomic structures.
thank you so much. i could not find any reference to this.
Subject: thank you so much. i could not find any reference to this.

I found reference to
Subject: I found reference to

Lateral, unilateral (which may fit if one-sided cancer), and ventral surface, also oroantral, which wouldn't fit unless they went through the sinuses. LOL Wish I could hear what you're hearing to help more. 
fetor reference. sm
Subject: fetor reference. sm



A very offensive odor.


[L. an offensive smell, fr. feteo, to stink]

fetor hepaticus

fetor oris

I'm thinking in reference to
Subject: I'm thinking in reference to

Cool reference! Thanks. nm
Subject: Cool reference! Thanks. nm

sorry, can find no reference
Subject: sorry, can find no reference

looked in Stedman's, no reference for radian nerve. If QA wants you to use it, ask them what references they are using. sorry.
You NEED to buy reference books and USE them.
Subject: You NEED to buy reference books and USE them.

reference from google sm
Subject: reference from google sm

www.medicinescomplete.com/mc/martindale/current/999904-n5813-q.htm - Supplemental
ortho web reference
Subject: ortho web reference


Check out the online reference books!

ah, C and S. That's why couldn't reference! Thx.
Subject: ah, C and S. That's why couldn't reference! Thx.

Nevermind, not a med reference....nm
Subject: Nevermind, not a med reference....nm

now I'm curious what reference you have for this . . I
Subject: now I'm curious what reference you have for this . . I

cannot find anything in stedman's gyn book, spellchecker, no web site on google shows it as a MEDICAL word, so always good to learn something new.
Can anyone reference which is correct...S1, S2 or S1-S2?
Subject: Can anyone reference which is correct...S1, S2 or S1-S2?

I could not find this, but see reference below.
Subject: I could not find this, but see reference below.

From this site on 2/9/08

Spot? in colonoscopy - TTMT (Views: 39, 2008-02-09)

Spot or SPOT - jmr (Views: 20, 2008-02-09)
Useful reference link
Subject: Useful reference link


For anyone interested, here's a useful MT resource link

Here is an excerpt from a reference I use :-)

Subject: Here is an excerpt from a reference I use :-)

Vital Signs in Children: 

 Age Group  Respiratory Rate Heart Rate  Systolic Blood Pressure Weight in kilos Weight in pounds
Newborn 30 - 50 120 - 160 50 - 70 2 - 3 4.5 - 7
Infant (1-12 months) 20 - 30 80 - 140 70 - 100 4 - 10 9 - 22
Toddler (1-3 yrs.) 20 - 30 80 - 130  80 - 110 10 - 14 22 - 31
Preschooler (3-5 yrs.) 20 - 30 80 - 120 80 - 110 14 - 18 31 - 40
School Age (6-12 yrs.) 20 - 30 70 - 110 80 - 120 20 - 42 41 - 92
Adolescent (13+ yrs.) 12 - 20 55 - 105 110 - 120 >50 >110
                                       Temperature in Children

        Measurement method Normal temperature range
        Rectal 36.6�C to 38�C (97.9�F to 100.4�F)
        Ear 35.8�C to 38�C (96.4�F to 100.4�F)
        Oral 35.5�C to 37.5�C (95.9�F to 99.5�F)
        Axillary 34.7�C to 37.3�C (94.5�F to 99.1�F)

Reference manual
Subject: Reference manual

Does anyone know where to find online the references for drugs,surgery, abbreviations used for transcriptions. I appreciate any help.
anyone have a reference site???
Subject: anyone have a reference site???

this is my first LEEP and i have several questions. does anyone have a good site for reference of a procedure note for LEEP?
Something like historical reference?
Subject: Something like historical reference?

But psychiatrists tend to pull out a $5 word when a 2-cent one would do.
I cannot reference this via the internet
Subject: I cannot reference this via the internet

good reference
Subject: good reference

for lack of anything else available for slang. thanks!
for future reference 1/8 = 0.125
Subject: for future reference 1/8 = 0.125

1/8 mL = 0.125 milliliters

for future reference
Subject: for future reference

remember that docs traditionally use the term "ring finger" to indicate the finger between the long and little fingers - it's naming a specific finger, not the name of a finger condition
I can site the reference for this as
Subject: I can site the reference for this as

page 132 in the new BOS, Third edition. I know I will get bashed for this one too but too bad. That is what the book says.
As in reference to a cyst?
Subject: As in reference to a cyst?

maybe integument or lymph?
for future reference
Subject: for future reference

Per Steadman's OB/GYN, it is Telinde.
What are you talking about? In reference to what?
Subject: What are you talking about? In reference to what?

Use reference material...
Subject: Use reference material...

....as one of the "stupid" QA people, let me tell you that if you have reference material from which you are quoting, you do not have to worry about being wrong.  Stedman's Medical & Surgical Equipment book has Endocatch, and that's what I use.  Any company who would make up their own version, I wouldn't work for. 
give reference to context at
Subject: give reference to context at

reference for martial arts
Subject: reference for martial arts

look in phone book
Invdsting in a set of Stedman's reference sm
Subject: Invdsting in a set of Stedman's reference sm

books would be money well spent on your career. :)
ortho signs for reference sm
Subject: ortho signs for reference sm





Special Tests for Orthopedic Examination, Second Edition

Jeff G. Konin PhD, ATC, PT; Denise Wiksten PhD, ATC; Jerome A. Isear, Jr. MS, PT, ATC-L; Holly Brader MPH, ATC, CHES

ISBN 1-55642-591-0
352 pp Soft Cover
Pub. Date: 2002
Order# 45910



Special Tests for Orthopedic Examination is now available in a completely updated and refined new edition. This concise manual is a valuable reference for identifying and performing special tests used during an orthopedic examination. Now available in a spiral-bound format-perfect for the reader to lay-flat and refer to as they are practicing the tests. Students, clinicians, and rehabilitation professionals will enhance their ability to interpret and evaluate their findings.

This new edition takes a simplistic approach to visualizing and explaining over 150 commonly used orthopedic special tests. Readers benefit from the user-friendly, spiral-bound format, as clear and concise text is coupled with excellent photographs to illustrate the subject and clinician positioning. The tests are organized by regions of the body so the reader can easily reference a particular test. Comments found at the end of most of the tests provide valuable clinical insight and detailed implications.

* Listed as one of the Common References used in the development of NATABOC Examinations!


  • Over 150 special tests for sports-related and non-athletic orthopedic injuries.
  • Detailed description of each special test component: test positioning, action, and positive findings.
  • Photographs illustrating the proper subject and clinician positioning.
  • New spiral bound cover makes this second edition more user-friendly and practical.

Table of Contents

Acknowledgments, First Edition
Acknowledgments, Second Edition
Foreword, Second Edition
Foreword, First Edition
Preface, Second Edition
Preface, First Edition

Section I: Temporomandibular
Chvostek's Sign
Loading Test
Palpation Test

Section II: Cervical Spine
Vertebral Artery Test
Foraminal Compression Test (Spurling)
Foraminal Distraction Test
Valsalva's Maneuver
Swallowing Test
Tinel's Sign

Section III: Shoulder
Empty Can (Supraspinatus) Test
Yergason Test
Speed's Test
Ludington's Sign
Drop Arm Test
Apley's Scratch Test
Cross-Over Impingement Test
Neer Impingement Test
Hawkins-Kennedy Impingement Test
Sternoclavicular (SC) Joint Stress Test
Acromioclavicular (AC) Joint Distraction Test
Acromioclavicular (AC) Joint Compression Test (Shear)
Piano Key Sign
Apprehension Test (Anterior)
Apprehension Test (Posterior)
Sulcus Sign
Anterior Drawer Test
Posterior Drawer Test
Jobe Relocation Test
Feagin Test
Load and Shift Test
Grind Test
Clunk Test
O'Brien Test
Brachial Plexus Stretch Test
Shoulder Abduction Test
Adson's Maneuver
Allen's Test
Roos Test
Military Brace Position
Pectoralis Major Contracture Test

Section IV: Elbow
Resistive Tennis Elbow Test (Cozen's Test)
Resistive Tennis Elbow Test
Passive Tennis Elbow Test
Golfer's Elbow Test
Hyperextension Test
Elbow Flexion Test
Varus Stress Test
Valgus Stress Test
Tinel's Sign
Pinch Grip Test

Section V: Wrist and Hand
Tap or Percussion Test
Compression Test
Long Finger Flexion Test
Finkelstein Test
Phalen Test
Tinel's Sign
Froment's Sign
Wrinkle Test (Shrivel Test)
Digital Allen's Test
Bunnel Littler Test
Murphy's Sign
Watson Test
Valgus Stress Test
Varus Stress Test
Section VI: Thoracic Spine
Kernig/Brudzinski Signs
Lateral Rib Compression Test
Anterior/Posterior Rib Compression Test
Inspiration/Expiration Breathing Test

Section VI: Thoracic Spine
Kernig/Brudzinski Signs
Lateral Rib Compression Test
Anterior/Posterior Rib Compression Test
Inspiration/Expiration Breathing Test

Section VII: Lumbar Spine
Valsalva's Maneuver
Stoop Test
Hoover Test
Kernig/Brudzinski Signs
90-90 Straight Leg Raise Test
Bowstring Test (Cram Test)
Sitting Root Test
Unilateral Straight Leg Raise Test (Lasegue Test)
Bilateral Straight Leg Raise Test
Well Straight Leg Raise Test
Slump Test
Thomas Test
Spring Test
Trendelenburg's Test
Stork Standing Test

Section VIII: Sacral Spine
Sacroiliac (SI) Joint Fixation Test
Gillet Test
Sacroiliac (SI) Joint Stress Test
Squish Test
Yeoman's Test
Gaenslen's Test
Patrick or FABER Test
Long-Sitting Test

Section IX: Hip
Hip Scouring or Quadrant Test
N�laton's Line
Craig's Test
90-90 Straight Leg Raise Test
Patrick or FABER Test
Trendelenburg's Test
Ober's Test
Piriformis Test
Thomas Test
True Leg-Length Discrepancy Test
Apparent Leg-Length Discrepency Test
Ely's Test
Tripod Test
Femoral Nerve Traction Test

Section X: Knee
Patella Tendon/Patella Ligament Length Test
Patellar Apprehension Test
Ballotable Patella or Patella Tap Test
Sweep Test
Quadriceps or Q-Angle Test
Medial-Lateral Grind Test
Bounce Home Test
Patellar Grind Test (Clarke's Sign)
Renne Test
Noble Test
Hughston's Plica Test
Godfrey 90/90 Test
Posterior Sag Test (Gravity Drawer Test)
Reverse Pivot Shift (Jakob Test)
Anterior Lachman's Test
Anterior Drawer Test
Slocum Test With Internal Tibial Rotation
Slocum Test With External Tibial Rotation
Pivot Shift Test
Jerk Test
Posterior Drawer Test
Hughston Posteromedial Drawer Test
Hughston Posterolateral Drawer Test
Posterior Lachman's Test 27
External Rotation Recurvatum Test
Valgus Stress Test
Varus Stress Test
McMurray Test
Apley Compression Test
Steinman's Tenderness Displacement Test
Rectus Femoris Contracture Test

Section XI: Ankle and Foot
Homans' Sign
Anterior Drawer Test
Talar Tilt Test (Inversion)
Talar Tilt Test (Eversion)
Thompson Test
Tap or Percussion Test
Feiss Line 30
Interdigital Neuroma Test
Compression Test
Long Bone Compression Test
Swing Test
Kleiger's Test
Tinel's Sign

"Overall, the text can help the reader strengthen clinical skills through the didactic instruction of clinical techniques used in performing special tests."

- Chris Hughes, PT, PhD, OCS, CSCS, Journal of Orthopedic Sports Physical Therapy

�The authors� have successfully achieved their intent and have provided a ready-reference for the proper performance and interpretation of special tests commonly performed as part of an orthopaedic examination."

-- Thomas P. Nolan, Jr., PT, MS, OCS, Orthopaedic Practice

“The strength of this book is in its visual simplicity and ease of use. Students…as well as established clinicians, will find this pocket guide useful for quick reference in the clinic.”

-- Maggie Fillmore, MA, PT, OCS, Advance for Physical Therapists and PT Assistants

“This book is an excellent, straight-forward, well-illustrated manual of special orthopedic tests.”

-- Roslyn Sofer, PT, OCS, Physical Therapy

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