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Help with neuro word... s/l hemi-----opsia?

Posted By: sm on 2007-10-18
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Subject: Help with neuro word... s/l hemi-----opsia?

Here is the sentence. He is a super-fast talker and usually spells short and easy words, but never long ones...

The patient no longer had a recognizable left s/l hemi-----opsia that had been present during his confinement to the hospital. He had only mild appendicular dystaxia affecting the left upper and lower extremities.

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Neuro word help
Subject: Neuro word help

I am doing a neuro consult dictation, and the MD dictated this:  "She is noted to have curling up of her fingers since birth, which was recently diagnosed as (s/l)  campter dectoi."

Would anyone be familiar with this diagnosis?  I have searched both my neuro and ortho word books, and have not found anything similar.  Thanks.


Neuro word
Subject: Neuro word

Camptodactyly is the word you are looking for. I worked for a hand surgeon who was very hard to understand and this was a word he used often! In fact, he had a son who had this! Hope this helps!
Neuro word
Subject: Neuro word

Hand surgery is a little repetitious, I think, but not difficult. Frankly, I prefer neuro, much more interesting!! Good Luck!
neuro word help
Subject: neuro word help

dictated: L4-5 diskectomy and s/l sec-lo-strec-tomy ??
neuro word help
Subject: neuro word help

Please help. I've got a new dictator.

Here's the sentence: "Those headaches were profound with nausea, vomiting and positive visual phenomena with s/l sin-u-lations." (or sid-u-lations or sent-u-lations?

Thanks in advance!

By the way, what's your favorite neuro terms website?
Neuro word
Subject: Neuro word

Patient with Parkinsons, vision loss.  In PE, "Motor exam revealed no cogwheel rigidity, but some (s/l mild mitgay) and paratonia throughout."  Any ideas? Thank you in advance.
Neuro report word help PLEASE!!!

The doctor is giving the results of an MR scan and states there is a posity of results.  Is posity really a word? 

holoproesencephaly (one word). My neuro book sm
Subject: holoproesencephaly (one word). My neuro book sm

does not list "encephaly" as a term by itself.
clear hemi, no glacks
Subject: clear hemi, no glacks

In physical exam, s/l He has clear hemi, no glacks
hemi = half....so it makes sense to me
Subject: hemi = half....so it makes sense to me

circumferential meaning completely around (360 degrees circumference) so hemi would mean half that size..........so I think
s/l hemi-triced transection (folk or Hoke technique)
Subject: s/l hemi-triced transection (folk or Hoke technique)

Dr says...A proximal, distal, medial and centrolateral s/l hemi-triced transection (Hoke technique) was performed.

Procedures are total ankle arthroplasty, tib-fib arthrodesis, percutaneous tendo-achilles lengthening, application unilateral external fixture, local bone graft, and fluoroscopy


s/l hemi-talus...some edema over the "hemi-talus"?
Subject: s/l hemi-talus...some edema over the "hemi-talus"?

Always been under neuro for me, too. nm
Subject: Always been under neuro for me, too. nm

Subject: Neuro

Thanks so much!!
Subject: NEURO

Clinical trial drug for ALS s/l talwopinol

Thank you


Subject: neuro

Cerebellar was fine... No pronator drift? does that sound about right
Subject: Neuro

No cerebellar signs, just got a job with it...If you add in the mumbling factor that may be what you are looking for
Subject: neuro

Can you hear "field cuts" as in no visual field cuts?
Subject: Neuro

Not my day. Sorry to post two in a row here.

Context: Final interpretation of CT head done on 03/28/07 noted small parenchymal hematoma or hemorrhagic contusion in the posterior *MLS* within the right frontal lobe.

sounds like... mialis, MLS, malice.

And this isn't even an ESL guy. I'm having an off day I guess. Thank you again.
neuro help, please
Subject: neuro help, please

Only the upper cervical spinal cord is visualized, but there is no  s/l  spherinx.  Can't figure out that last word.  

maybe neuro changes. nm,
Subject: maybe neuro changes. nm,

Neuro help please!!!! sm
Subject: Neuro help please!!!! sm

Dictator states:  We are checking s/l "curdle santin" EEG as stated.   TIA

Subject: Neuro

Could it be cranial nerves II-XII intact ?
neuro help
Subject: neuro help

Her sensory examination shows no decrease pin appreciation over the right side but she does have a (S/L mad - can that be right?)peripheral sensory neuropathy in the lower extremities with decreased pin and vibration up to the mid calf region.



neuro help
Subject: neuro help

CT scan of the head reveals some dimunition___correct? and contrast between the sulci and s/l dry rye_____ of the right occipital lobe reminiscent of ischemia. 


There is no phonemic or S/L semantic paraphrase garus however.




Neuro, PE
Subject: Neuro, PE

reflexes are 2+ in all other extremities. No notable muscle wasting. Gait is normal. No __________ s/l clu-nos

this is under CNS under physical exam.

Neuro help pls
Subject: Neuro help pls

status post L4/5 s/l "hard" lateral disk excision
neuro help
Subject: neuro help

Neurological sign - s/l Shadrook or possibly De Shadrook ??
Subject: neuro

What does it mean when a neuro doc dictates, "Patient denies any meal in her eyes."? He does this on many reports.
Neuro H & P
Subject: Neuro H & P

I'm still stuck on this one. Have listened countless times and can't get it. It's in the ASSESSMENT/PLAN. Doc states This patient has a ....s/l whirring imbalance. I have checked every reference I can think of and I can;t find anyth ing even close. She talks about pt. feeling like she is swaying when standing or even sitting for long periods. Numbness and tingling on her right side. I hope someone can help me on this one. Thanks.
Neuro H & P
Subject: Neuro H & P

After listening again....it could possible be worrying i mbalance. Is there such a thing? I kept trying to find something much more "medical". Thanks so much for your help.
Subject: Neuro

Can someone tell me if Orientation and Language should go under HEENT or NEUROLOGICAL? 
neuro question
Subject: neuro question

The patient fell and apparently there was some loss of consciousness with this event.  The patient, however, stated that he rather immediately was able to get up and get back to the house.  His wife did not witness the event, but states that his sensorium was s/l "relbably" intact.  


I tried to give as much information.  The patient had severe brain trauma.  TIA! 

Subject: neuro-ophthalmology

Webster's Medical Speller
neuro term
Subject: neuro term

vertebro-basilar dolichoectasia - according to Google
s/l neuro foramina...sm
Subject: s/l neuro foramina...sm

The MRI is back and does not show any significant compromise of the central spinal canal and _____ s/l neuro foramina.


Neuro/oncology (?) help sm
Subject: Neuro/oncology (?) help sm

Pt. with cervical cancer, mets to brain.

"The patient was on Decadron and Celebrex to decrease the S/L *interferal* pressure and seizure prophylaxis respectively."

Have tried everything I know of. I do not hear intracranial in this. It is decidedly interferal, intrafural, interfural, etc. I've tried antero, entero, inter, intra, you name it.

HORRIBLE ESL dictator, you know the kind... the one everyone else skips in the queue.

Thanks all.
neuro question
Subject: neuro question

sounds like "circle epidural steroid injection" 

Neuro meds
Subject: Neuro meds

The best I can do/hear is "some of the   s/l tri-mer-es/est   type drugs"

Neuro assistance please -- s/m
Subject: Neuro assistance please -- s/m

Patient experienced respiratory arrest/code blue/ventilator management.

Neurological Exam: S/L "painted on" doll's eye sign.

Thank you so very much!!
s/l soft neuro PND
Subject: s/l soft neuro PND

Denies chest pain, shortness of breath or "soft neuro PND."

Any thoughts?!
Could it just be something like neuro-degenerative?
Subject: Could it just be something like neuro-degenerative?

Neuro exam help
Subject: Neuro exam help

Patient with Huntington's chorea.  Neuro exam: The patient with s/l discoria ____hypertoid movements.




Neuro exam
Subject: Neuro exam

s/l dis-dia-do-co-kinesia when discussing coordination.
neuro maneuver
Subject: neuro maneuver

Epley?  Apley? 
neuro exam
Subject: neuro exam

biceps "spreads" to the brachioradialis and finger flexors? For a neuro motor exam
Maybe neuro checks?
Subject: Maybe neuro checks?

in stedmans neuro book
Subject: in stedmans neuro book

under ataxia is listed: Friedreich. ??

I believe it is most correct with apostrophe, although there is a trend away from using them in these cases.
alphabetical neuro list might help
Subject: alphabetical neuro list might help

neuro - s/l vaslo dolichoectasia
Subject: neuro - s/l vaslo dolichoectasia

Could this be "basilar dolichoectasia"?  Sure sounds like "vaslo" or even "vazlo".  This was noted on past and present MRI.  Thanks much........
NEURO s/l 'key' exam (sm)
Subject: NEURO s/l 'key' exam (sm)

pt with a hx of numbness in hands and feet

The patient was unable to perform pronator drift exam secondary to inability to lift her arms above her breast level. "Key" exam: The patient could not perform secondary to weakness.  She did not appear to have postural instability.  Language is fluent.  Normal comprehension. Normal naming. No repitition. Coordination was unable to be done secondary to weakness...

Cranial nerve exam has already been dictated.  S/L 'Key', 'K.E.' or 'K.A.' exam.
