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He says prylotherapy and is very clear...sm

Posted By: Thanks. on 2007-09-10
In Reply to: Not cryotherapy? What's being treated? nm - Wonderin'

Subject: He says prylotherapy and is very clear...sm

Chief complaint is buttock pain. MRI and CT remarkable for tendinitis in the ischial tuberosity. But doc also says patient has prior history of heel pain. He says this just before saying patient has undergone previous prylotherapy.

The info I've found says prylotherapy is done for pain, so that fits. Basically what I've found: Prolotherapy (injection into the joint), and prylotherapy (injection into trigger points).

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Has anyone heard of prylotherapy? I can find it using Google, but I can't find whether it is cap
Subject: Has anyone heard of prylotherapy? I can find it using Google, but I can't find whether it is cap'd.

It is so clear Fair a con FE, can't get Femcon FE, it is just so clear. :(
Subject: It is so clear Fair a con FE, can't get Femcon FE, it is just so clear. :(

just to be clear...
Subject: just to be clear...

I just want to be sure about whether since she specified it is left side only that extensor hallucis "is" and not extensor hallucis "are". If she said bilateral then it would read extensor hallucis are 4+/5 -- am I getting that part correct? TIA
To be clear?
Subject: To be clear?

Hallucis IS.......halluces ARE. You will know when she is talking about a different side or bilateral. Don't over-think your dictator, okay? I'm thinking you may be new (I hope) and these things will become more clear as you go.

I know you're trying to get it perfect, but she knows what she's doing with the foot/feet. :)
it is very clear
Subject: it is very clear

She keeps referring to white matter abnormalities with signal loss and T2 prolongation through the entire report, so I am thinking leuko (white) something....no idea
I wish...but it's very clear. Thanks
Subject: I wish...but it's very clear. Thanks

Just to be clear
Subject: Just to be clear

My "duh" in the other post was for ME, not you. Didn't want any misunderstanding. Thanks for your help!
Clear? Nm
Subject: Clear? Nm

Yes, it is clear. Thank you!
Subject: Yes, it is clear. Thank you!

I think if it's not clear
Subject: I think if it's not clear

I would leave a blank, although it is probably hypocoagulable (my Stedman's oncology book has this word) and we used it in the lab, such as defective clotting with factor deficiences such as hemophilia, von Willebrand (which heavy menstrual flow can be a sign), low platelet count, ITP, liver disorders that affect vitamin K production, etc.  But it's really hard to say without knowing more about this patient because, if I can explain this right, there are conditions or situations that can cause hypercoagulable states that then use up all the clotting factors, etc., and then cause bleeding.  So really need to know more on what the patient's other symptoms, family history, etc. to be sure on something like this when you can't hear for sure, I think anyway.  Sorry for the long essay here, used to be one of my areas of interest a long time ago.  Once worked up a lady who had heavy, heavy vaginal bleeding after childbirth, was in really bad DIC, docs had a heck of a time saving her.  You can google on some of this if you're interested.
not clear
Subject: not clear

it is urine drug screen and delirium tremens but 17a not clear
tks... really not sure... the K is VERY clear.
Subject: tks... really not sure... the K is VERY clear.

could be s/l Akiva maybe, but it definitely is not a V at the beginning. Unless the doc is reading it wrong from paper... not sure.

Thanks for the input!
THANK YOU SO MUCH! That is it! It is so clear now...THANKS AGAIN!
Subject: THANK YOU SO MUCH! That is it! It is so clear now...THANKS AGAIN!

Everything else she said was so clear but I bet that is it! Thanks! nm
Subject: Everything else she said was so clear but I bet that is it! Thanks! nm

What is T1T? He is clear. thanks
Subject: What is T1T? He is clear. thanks

There is no evidence for ureteral obstruction. He may be a candidate for a minimal invasive therapy such as T1T or even laser prostatectomy.

I think the OP could have been a little more clear sm
Subject: I think the OP could have been a little more clear sm

in what they were asking, like perhaps given the whole sentence.  I assumed they were asking about a possessive but it could also be seen as asking about a pleural. 

doc is very clear. sm
Subject: doc is very clear. sm

he is spelling it out exactly like this "vobenzin", or could be "zobenzim"; and, "artron".  Definitely not Benzig and artane.  No mention of Parkinson's disease which Artane is used for, and doc is clearly not saying Artane.  I went to rxlist on Internet and nothing came up either!

to be more clear - s/m
Subject: to be more clear - s/m

i'm not questioning whether to hypen or use the word "and". What I'm questioning is can you use 2 different measurement systems for the same measurement - isn't the 3/8 referring to an inch? how do you have 157 cm and 3/8 of an inch?
it's very clear...
Subject: it's very clear...

He definitely says Levoryl (now that I know how to spell it).  :)  When I do a google search on Levoryl, there are only two pages that come up.  I can't find it in RxList.com.  Is it an old drug that doesn't exist anymore?
Subject: clear

Subject: Clear?

Could it be "skin is clear?"
if its clear then why you asking?
Subject: if its clear then why you asking?

I love it when people ask and then argue.
No, he's being very clear.
Subject: No, he's being very clear.

That's why it has me so stumped.  The previous line says it was an enlarged lesion on his buttock that was excised and felt to be a "fiddle" lymphoma.
I don't think so. He's very clear.
Subject: I don't think so. He's very clear.

I've never heard of a soupy tendon though.
loud and clear????

in phy. exam.

he starts to dictate HEENT, but only gets as far as HE then says what sounds like "loud and clear"... Extremities is the very next word.

HE loud and clear. Extremities: ....

Is he saying the head is clear and the ears are loud????   hellllpppp!

No it is clear "mock"
Subject: No it is clear "mock"

no, it was really clear, just a word I never
Subject: no, it was really clear, just a word I never

heard before, as above either allendized, alandized, possibly something like slandized ?? thanks though :)
Could be a shroud, too, if it's not that clear. nm
Subject: Could be a shroud, too, if it's not that clear. nm

not clear enough post to help......nm
Subject: not clear enough post to help......nm

I really don't think so. He was pretty clear. Thank you for your help
Subject: I really don't think so. He was pretty clear. Thank you for your help

This sounds so clear,
Subject: This sounds so clear,

but I can't find anything online; it's a clinical trial for b-cell lymphoma.  Sounds like he says something to the effect of RBAYCOPB chemotherapy.  Don't know where there's dashes, if any, but I can't find anything.  Thanks!
I was thinking it could be PE, but PA was very clear
Subject: I was thinking it could be PE, but PA was very clear

Clear as day now. Thanks a bunch!!
Subject: Clear as day now. Thanks a bunch!!

Thanks! It was very clear, so I sent it through. Just never heard of it... n/m
Subject: Thanks! It was very clear, so I sent it through. Just never heard of it... n/m

No, she's very clear, peri...thx tho. nm
Subject: No, she's very clear, peri...thx tho. nm

the zole is really clear.
Subject: the zole is really clear.

the zole is really clear.
how about clear cell - nm
Subject: how about clear cell - nm

I should have made that more clear
Subject: I should have made that more clear

No, she is saying "Semkon" clear as day.
Subject: No, she is saying "Semkon" clear as day.

No. He said it twice and it was even more clear the second time.
Subject: No. He said it twice and it was even more clear the second time.

The Dr. is very clear on this, that is why I am stuck
Subject: The Dr. is very clear on this, that is why I am stuck

He is usuallt always very clear, it is just those certain words such as this that I am not sure of. I was thinking maybe he is abbreviating this word for another, but I don't know for what? Just had the hubby listen and he thinks he is saying 'Ateets'? Thanks for your help.
clear-cut, okay per spellchecker. mn
Subject: clear-cut, okay per spellchecker. mn

clear-cut, okay per spellchecker. mn
Subject: clear-cut, okay per spellchecker. mn

I think the way you have it is very clear and would leave it that way.
Subject: I think the way you have it is very clear and would leave it that way.

That's what I tried to make it to be, but it's just too clear
Subject: That's what I tried to make it to be, but it's just too clear

Of course that's it. It's as clear as a bell now!!
Subject: Of course that's it. It's as clear as a bell now!!

Drug s/l al- a -clear 10 mg ??
Subject: Drug s/l al- a -clear 10 mg ??

I'm sorry I wasn't more clear on that.
Subject: I'm sorry I wasn't more clear on that.

Don't think so, leads is very clear. Thx tho.
Subject: Don't think so, leads is very clear. Thx tho.

Subject: clear-cell

Thanks a bunch
It's pretty clear-sm
Subject: It's pretty clear-sm

that he is saying Q2, I think. It doesn't sound like Pupilscan II.

I did see the hits on google about the transistors, but I couldn't make any sense of what he would mean by that. I listened again, and it's pretty clear he's saying Q2 pupillometer.

I searched cue 2, que 2, queue 2, etc. and couldn't find anything either.

Thank you so much to all of you for your help.