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Germinal matrix is the root of the fingernail

Posted By: pc on 2009-06-24
In Reply to: crush injury/disruption of nailbed - doc says several - vn

Subject: Germinal matrix is the root of the fingernail

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is it possible he is saying fingernail bed? nm
Subject: is it possible he is saying fingernail bed? nm

root as in meniscal root (sm)
Subject: root as in meniscal root (sm)

"there is abnormal high signal (white arrow) at the expected site of the meniscal root"... from http://pt.wkhealth.com/pt/re/ausr/fulltext.00000938-200608000-00003.htm
maybe matrix? nm
Subject: maybe matrix? nm

nail matrix
Subject: nail matrix

Matrix lab test?
Subject: Matrix lab test?

Recommended Matrix ?, CMP, lipids, TSH, and T4. I can't find a Matrix lab test. Is there one?
maybe Matrix? just guessing and probably wrong :(
Subject: maybe Matrix? just guessing and probably wrong :(

DBX - demineralized bone matrix
Subject: DBX - demineralized bone matrix

s/l "A Cell" extracellular matrix s/m
Subject: s/l "A Cell" extracellular matrix s/m

Doc used to regenerate a finger.  Says it's from pigs.
? cell matrix adhesion regulator.
Subject: ? cell matrix adhesion regulator.

I found this abbreviation CMAR on an abbreviation list for medical transcription.
So far all I have found is TIM for total imaging matrix. Will keep digging. nm
Subject: So far all I have found is TIM for total imaging matrix. Will keep digging. nm

Tim (Total imaging matrix
Could it be Matrix spinal cord stimulation system (nm)
Subject: Could it be Matrix spinal cord stimulation system (nm)

Thanks but no, with an "R" s/l root..nm
Subject: Thanks but no, with an "R" s/l root..nm

Subject: root

root - nm
Subject: root - nm

I just realized the root of this, too! LOL...nm
Subject: I just realized the root of this, too! LOL...nm

s/l root antibodies?
Subject: s/l root antibodies?

Today we are checking a sed rate, thyroid panel with (s/l) root antibodies and a general health panel. 

especially along the inner root suggestive sm
Subject: especially along the inner root suggestive sm

of a radial tear of the meniscus.  Should it be root or route?. It is a knee.  My mind is totally blank today. 
L5 root and flacum
Subject: L5 root and flacum

Could it be sacrum?
aortic root is correct, plus SM
Subject: aortic root is correct, plus SM

probably "Mitral valve - grossly normal valve leaflet morphology and motion."

"Left ventricle - normal systolic and diastolic dimensions, grossly normal segmental wall motion and systolic function overall."

"Aortic valve - mildly sclerotic valve leaflets with no frank stenosis or regurgitation."

Where it says "Atrium normal.", listen for "Right atrium - normal."

Also maybe: "No significant effusion. Intracardiac masses or thrombi - none observed."

And a couple of other places where similar dashes would be appropriate.
I know that taro root is used in psoriasis...
Subject: I know that taro root is used in psoriasis...

Colposcope, root word?
Subject: Colposcope, root word?

The doc is a gyn oncologist.  The patient has a tumor in the rectovaginal mucosa and he says "On rectovaginal exam, this lesion did protrude into the left para-colpus."  Stedman's shows colpo- as having to do with the vagina, as we know, but I find no root word such as "colpos" or "colpus."  How would you type this?  
Root word!! Why didn't I think of that? Thanks! sm
Subject: Root word!! Why didn't I think of that? Thanks! sm

DUH!  I think my mind was stuck on premolar and it wouldn't get around that. 
Something with capillary as the root word? nm
Subject: Something with capillary as the root word? nm

hilum is right, it is the root of the lung
Subject: hilum is right, it is the root of the lung

Does nerve root chondromatosis sound right?
Subject: Does nerve root chondromatosis sound right?

vulvodynia...root word is vulva...nm
Subject: vulvodynia...root word is vulva...nm

selective nerve root injection
Subject: selective nerve root injection

Drake nerve root retractor
Subject: Drake nerve root retractor

Drake nerve root retractor?  Is this right?
s/l "durico" nerve root retractor
Subject: s/l "durico" nerve root retractor

the thecal sac was displaced mesially and held in place with a "doreko, durico" nerve root retractor.
listen for gangliotomy (of the dorsal root) nm
Subject: listen for gangliotomy (of the dorsal root) nm

Tessier's has a Holscher nerve root retractor. nm
Subject: Tessier's has a Holscher nerve root retractor. nm

Drake or Dureka nerve root retractor?
Subject: Drake or Dureka nerve root retractor?

I have posted this before and never got a valid answer, so though I would try it again.  Any ideas on what type of retractor this is?  s/l Drake or Dureeka nerve root retractor.  Thanks in advance!
My Stedman's has a D'Errico nerve root retractor
Subject: My Stedman's has a D'Errico nerve root retractor

correction "scar tissue surrounding the right S1 nerve root"
Subject: correction "scar tissue surrounding the right S1 nerve root"

Kemp test is a lumbosacral nerve root impingement test
Subject: Kemp test is a lumbosacral nerve root impingement test

nail-forming organ? Referring to nail-forming matrix? nm
Subject: nail-forming organ? Referring to nail-forming matrix? nm

It's a real word, with cholera being the root word. nm
Subject: It's a real word, with cholera being the root word. nm
