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Gauze sizes: 4x4s, 4 x 4s or 4 x 4's? nm

Posted By: anon on 2007-10-02
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Subject: Gauze sizes: 4x4s, 4 x 4s or 4 x 4's? nm


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4x4s or 4x4's or 4 x 4s or 4 x 4 's?
Subject: 4x4s or 4x4's or 4 x 4s or 4 x 4 's?

Since they are sizes 00 and 000
Subject: Since they are sizes 00 and 000

Suture sizes
Subject: Suture sizes

When typing, for example, 5-0 vicryl, is it correct to use the number 0 and not the letter O?
K-wire sizes
Subject: K-wire sizes

Always hear this dictated, for example, 45 K-wire. Is it typed 45, 4.5, 4-5, or .045? I have had QA correct different ways. Thanx in advance.

Sizes of blades are 0, 1, 2, 3, etc.
Subject: Sizes of blades are 0, 1, 2, 3, etc.

He could be 15 blade, size 0, therefore 15-0 blade.

K-wire sizes
Subject: K-wire sizes


.028 in. (.7 mm) .035 in. (.9 mm) .045 in. (1.1 mm) .054 in. (1.4 mm) .062 in. (1.6 mm)

They don't put the leading zeros in their sizes but I always do.
Those are two different sizes so I would put it as 28-32 (what exactly is the sentence).
Subject: Those are two different sizes so I would put it as 28-32 (what exactly is the sentence).

4 to 6, they are grafts with graduating sizes from 4 to 6 cm . nm
Subject: 4 to 6, they are grafts with graduating sizes from 4 to 6 cm . nm

I would assume 2-0 like in suture sizes, but maybe an "eye" MT can help us clarify this. nm
Subject: I would assume 2-0 like in suture sizes, but maybe an "eye" MT can help us clarify this. nm

gauze help
Subject: gauze help

s/l Zeroform gauze.  Cannot find it anywhere.  TIA 
Subject: gauze

Xeroform gauze. . Johnson & Johnson, Invacare, Kendall brands etc. 




Subject: gauze

nevermind, it was xeroform gauze.
gauze help
Subject: gauze help

It's Xeroform gauze.
dry gauze?
Subject: dry gauze?

name of gauze
Subject: name of gauze

The patient should continue soap and water twice a day with a small dab of Bacitracin and s/l mekiform gauze coverage?
Subject: gauze

Just found in my surgical instrument book that it is Xeroform gauze so I was right on that one, but that fluffs is not capitalized. 

Surgicel gauze
Subject: Surgicel gauze

Xeroform Gauze
Subject: Xeroform Gauze

I think it should be Xeroform Gauze.
tube gauze. NM
Subject: tube gauze. NM

mesh gauze?
Subject: mesh gauze?

There is also a Xeroform gauze.
Subject: There is also a Xeroform gauze.

could it be gauze bolster?
Subject: could it be gauze bolster?

Maybe ABDs, roll gauze, etc...?? nm
Subject: Maybe ABDs, roll gauze, etc...?? nm

iodoform gauze packing? nm
Subject: iodoform gauze packing? nm

Bacitracin and a 4x4 s/l fresh gauze placed on (sm).
Subject: Bacitracin and a 4x4 s/l fresh gauze placed on (sm).

correction: gauze and pack? (nm)
Subject: correction: gauze and pack? (nm)

There is Fabco gauze dressing/bandage.nm
Subject: There is Fabco gauze dressing/bandage.nm

s/l *aly-ureth* roll gauze and Coban sm
Subject: s/l *aly-ureth* roll gauze and Coban sm

The patient elects to proceed with the Una boot wrap today.  With informed consent this was applied followed by _____ roll guaze and Coban.  The patient is to go immediately home and begin wearing her surgical shoe. 

I'm not sure if this is ____, roll gauze, and Coban OR if it is a kind of roll gauze and Coban

The patient has a sprained ankle.


BloodSTOP� Hemostatic General Gauze?
Subject: BloodSTOP� Hemostatic General Gauze?