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Gait is not antalgic.

Posted By: I would say. on 2006-02-06
In Reply to: antalgic/antalgia - Melva Gutshall

Subject: Gait is not antalgic.


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antalgic gait
Subject: antalgic gait

antalgic gait posture?
Subject: antalgic gait posture?

does that sound right per the rest of the report?
pt walks with an antalgic gait on the left and this is
Subject: pt walks with an antalgic gait on the left and this is

slightly decrased over the s/l Reflexes?? on the left leg.  Is the word Reflexes right?  Sorry guys for so many questions, having a tough day.
Doc might be trying to say antalgic.
Subject: Doc might be trying to say antalgic.

Here's the definition:
Antalgic Gait: painful gait, a limp is adopted to avoid pain on weight bearing structures (hip, knee, ankle)

Subject: antalgic?

Could it be antalgic gait? (or non-antalgic)
Subject: antalgic/antalgia

Is this correct?  "Gait is without antalgia. "  Antalgia is not in my dictionary.  Should it be "Gait is not antalgic?"  

antalgic is correct.
Subject: antalgic is correct.

sounds right, antalgic posturing. Using hand in position to minimize pain
Subject: sounds right, antalgic posturing. Using hand in position to minimize pain

maybe something like mid gait? nm
Subject: maybe something like mid gait? nm

Could it be festinating gait???
Subject: Could it be festinating gait???

Hope this helps.
gait sl-distrentions
Subject: gait sl-distrentions

unresponsive patient with past history of gait sl-distrentions and essential tremors
OMG - it's gait!!! Duh - I should have known this! Thanks so much for your help Txczech!
Subject: OMG - it's gait!!! Duh - I should have known this! Thanks so much for your help Txczech!

gait is s/l magnatic
Subject: gait is s/l magnatic

His gait is s/l magnatic and shuffled.

ESL doctor
it's tandem gait.........
Subject: it's tandem gait.........

Parkinsonian gait
Subject: Parkinsonian gait

It should be ratcheting steps. 
A ptotic gait?
Subject: A ptotic gait?

Angle of Gait?
Subject: Angle of Gait?

Angle of Gait: During running or walking, the angle formed between a line drawn from the midpoint of the calcaneus (heel bone) to the midpoint of the second toe of the same foot, and the line of direction of movement.

gait imbalance?
Subject: gait imbalance?

does it sound remotely close to that? I was a Neurology Secretary for 22 years (still looking for an after-hours job to do prn).
heel-toe gait with ???
Subject: heel-toe gait with ???

He has heel-toe gait, although he does have a slightly less (s/l weigh hung on the left than the right.  Also s/l wane/huddle)

I know it sounds funny but does anyone have an idea? 

Tandem gait is correct.
Subject: Tandem gait is correct.

describing gait would be hyphenated...sm
Subject: describing gait would be hyphenated...sm

gait is broad based

patient has a broad-based gait.........

not sure of 1st, but _____, gait and Romberg...SM
Subject: not sure of 1st, but _____, gait and Romberg...SM

Romberg sign

with feet approximated, the subject stands with eyes open and then closed; if closing the eyes increases the unsteadiness, a loss of proprioceptive control is indicated, and the sign is positive
neurology tanding gait
Subject: neurology tanding gait

Hello: The statement reads

She does have difficulty in [s/l �tanding�] gait.

Could it be standing gait?  Is standing a gait?  Any ideas? Thank you in advance

PE: Gait is s/l neurobased? and steady.
Subject: PE: Gait is s/l neurobased? and steady.


Psych pt has an "app a tot ick" gait. nm
Subject: Psych pt has an "app a tot ick" gait. nm

Gait is normal "bitandem"? sm
Subject: Gait is normal "bitandem"? sm

My neuro, who is about 100 years old, used the word "bitandem" on the gait assessment of his patient. Anyone hear of this? "Bytandem"? "Bi-tandem"? I cannot find it. Thanks for any help.
Steady gait. CSMs are intact.
CSM stands for: Circulation, sensation and mobility.
Alzheimers patient SL festering gait - sm
Subject: Alzheimers patient SL festering gait - sm

Sorry for all the posts but this PA is very hard to hear.  Could it be festinating?  Thanks for your help!
hyphens...gait is broad-based?
Subject: hyphens...gait is broad-based?

I am drawing brain farts with hyphens lately.  Just looked at Dr. Grammar.  Still no help.  I know that before a noun, two or more adjectives are hyphenated, as in broad-based gait.  But what about gait is broad-based. ? Are there new rules on hyphenation? Do we always hyphenate heel-to-shin and the like?
Yes, cerebellar, gait, and Romberg would be correct.
Subject: Yes, cerebellar, gait, and Romberg would be correct.

ENG - vestibular testing? s/l may be gait disturbance.. nm
Subject: ENG - vestibular testing? s/l may be gait disturbance.. nm

Gait was analzyed that shows a slight sm
Subject: Gait was analzyed that shows a slight sm

s/l tromellon burget limp. Thanks for any help
s/l GCS is 15 with normal gait on neuro exam. TIA nm
Subject: s/l GCS is 15 with normal gait on neuro exam. TIA nm

Here's a web site with 25 common causes of gait unsteadiness
Subject: Here's a web site with 25 common causes of gait unsteadiness

See if any of them is what the dr might be mangling. :^)

gait is punctuated by a s/l spoyning component
Subject: gait is punctuated by a s/l spoyning component

gait is punctuated by a s/l spoyning component
there's Tinetti gait and balance score in PT n/m
Subject: there's Tinetti gait and balance score in PT n/m

short stride and wide based gait
Subject: short stride and wide based gait

would "cerebellar, gait, and romberg" make sense there? nm
Subject: would "cerebellar, gait, and romberg" make sense there? nm

Pt's gait was stiff due to "turnus" in her left foot. nm
Subject: Pt's gait was stiff due to "turnus" in her left foot. nm

sinus tachycardia, atelectasis, gait disturbance?
Subject: sinus tachycardia, atelectasis, gait disturbance?

On gait exam..exhibits "marsha petty paw". nm
Subject: On gait exam..exhibits "marsha petty paw". nm

apoptotic ? refers to cellular changes which may result in a gait disturbance. nm
Subject: apoptotic ? refers to cellular changes which may result in a gait disturbance. nm

Gait training, strengthening, endurance and "over round"?
Subject: Gait training, strengthening, endurance and "over round"?

hover round, over round, help around?? 
Chronic unsteady gait with s/l * De Boxy * syndrome. Stable on Dyazide.
Subject: Chronic unsteady gait with s/l * De Boxy * syndrome. Stable on Dyazide.


lumbar puncture and high *alaquad* CSF removal to see if gait improves??? nm. Thanks.
Subject: lumbar puncture and high *alaquad* CSF removal to see if gait improves??? nm. Thanks.

drug s/l *serophyl*???? Patietn has dementia, gait disorder and polyneuropathy. Thanks. nm
Subject: drug s/l *serophyl*???? Patietn has dementia, gait disorder and polyneuropathy. Thanks. nm

Gait is slow but shows normal heel-toe pattern, base and s/l kagens. nm
Subject: Gait is slow but shows normal heel-toe pattern, base and s/l kagens. nm

Doc atually says "an" before so don't think it would "an a ptotic gait". sm
Subject: Doc atually says "an" before so don't think it would "an a ptotic gait". sm

Speech and motor were normal, although his gait, he has an "____" gait, although he has no stiffness or dystonia or other movement disorders when sitting and speaking with us or on exam when sitting.