Full sentence, please. Thx. nm
Posted By: Helper on 2007-10-15
In Reply to: s/l laminax?? extensive vulvar condyloma? - obgyn term
Subject: Full sentence, please. Thx. nm
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Full sentence
Subject: Full sentence
EEG Interpretation: This is a normal low-voltage fast EEG with ?densodishapena? effect. No epileptiform or focal abnormalities are seen. Thanks for your help!
Could we have a full sentence or 2 to try to help you???!!!! nm
Subject: Could we have a full sentence or 2 to try to help you???!!!! nm
need full sentence . .. but
Subject: need full sentence . .. but
perhaps "this represents" a pathologic fracture
What is the full sentence? nm
Subject: What is the full sentence? nm
full sentence sm...
Subject: full sentence sm...
His ACL, I do not think is very functional, but he has benevolent arthritis.
Need full sentence but sm
Subject: Need full sentence but sm
is it possible they are saying Xeroform and albuterol inhaler?
full sentence is...
Subject: full sentence is...
He has had only minimal response to prednisone and s/l serum form Albuterol inhaler.
Thank you
Full sentence
Subject: Full sentence
Sorry bout that, the sentance reads....
"Results were obtained approximately two hours after ordering, when the radiologist notified Dr. Jones that the patient had experienced a traumatic torticollis of hemorrhage.
full sentence?
Subject: full sentence?
Can we have the full sentence please.
Subject: Can we have the full sentence please.
sentence in full please
Subject: sentence in full please
Full sentence?
Subject: Full sentence?
a full sentence would help us to help you....
Subject: a full sentence would help us to help you....
full sentence please...nm
Subject: full sentence please...nm
um, we need a full sentence please
Subject: um, we need a full sentence please
Here's the full sentence.
Subject: Here's the full sentence.
Her right hip has an incision along the iliac crest. The incision is clean, dry, and intact. No significant drainage or s/l memory foam edema.
Full sentence? - nm
Subject: Full sentence? - nm
full sentence would help . . .
Subject: full sentence would help . . .
Full sentence
Subject: Full sentence
There is mild hypertrophy of the nipple petelae. The condition is symmetric.
What's the full sentence? nm
Subject: What's the full sentence? nm
full sentence
Subject: full sentence
He had no interval change and no evidence for "an H nerve tumor" or other space-occupying lesions within the cranium.
Full sentence please.
Subject: Full sentence please.
The full sentence might help
Subject: The full sentence might help
Please see full sentence re patient here. thanks
Subject: Please see full sentence re patient here. thanks
I did communicate with the patient through a friend of the patient’s whose English was marginal, though clearly better than the patients.
Can we have the full sentence & the one after? I'm thinking something
Subject: Can we have the full sentence & the one after? I'm thinking something
need more info - want to help, need full sentence
Subject: need more info - want to help, need full sentence
In relation to what? Full sentence please? nm
Subject: In relation to what? Full sentence please? nm
Full sentence dictated
Subject: Full sentence dictated
An eye speculum was placed. The peridium was incised from the 1 o'clock to 4 o'clock meridian and the 9 o'clock to 11:30 o'clock meridian. Does that help?
Can you give the full sentence? Might help
Subject: Can you give the full sentence? Might help
Is that the exact sentence in full?
Subject: Is that the exact sentence in full?
Exact sentence in full please.
Subject: Exact sentence in full please.
could you provide the full sentence?
Subject: could you provide the full sentence?
Hard to tell without the full sentence
Subject: Hard to tell without the full sentence
I don't feel comfortable making a call on this one until I know the full sentence.
See inside for full sentence.
Subject: See inside for full sentence.
The patient was initially seen by me in the spring of 2007 for a T4N0M1 adenocarcinoma of the colon status post TAH/BSO, a metectamy, right hemicolectomy, retroperitoneal lymph node and pelvic lymph node sampling.
If you dictate the full sentence I could probably help you figure it out. nm
Subject: If you dictate the full sentence I could probably help you figure it out. nm
How about a full sentence to give us a clue??? nm
Subject: How about a full sentence to give us a clue??? nm
Could you tell us what the diagnosis is or the full sentence please, there are many "retic" dr
Subject: Could you tell us what the diagnosis is or the full sentence please, there are many "retic" drugs.
Could we have the full sentence for the "clock" part
Subject: Could we have the full sentence for the "clock" part
full sentence for mode anemically
Subject: full sentence for mode anemically
Here is the sentence along with the sentence prior to it:
He had intracranial bleed, atrophy, and enceophalomalacic changes in the right occipital lobe on a repeat CT scan. He had a carotid artery ultrasound which showed no evidence of mode anemically significant stenosis.
Give full sentence and some clues
Subject: Give full sentence and some clues
What is the patient's history, etc.
Is there a full sentence to give more clues?
Subject: Is there a full sentence to give more clues?
Context or a full sentence would be helpful ;)
Subject: Context or a full sentence would be helpful ;)
need more infor/full sentence/context nm
Subject: need more infor/full sentence/context nm
Nope. Here's the full sentence if it'll help.
Subject: Nope. Here's the full sentence if it'll help.
"The patient showed significant self-limiting behaviors and numerous inconsistencies and did not put forth maximal effort. There was noted inconsistent *BASHay pers* on maximum voluntary effort and significant withholding."
I have a feeling it's an eponym or maybe something Latin, but I could be wrong.
How about a full sentence? Docs do give patients a "holiday" off a drug to check for other
Subject: How about a full sentence? Docs do give patients a "holiday" off a drug to check for other
he has full extension of the s/l elbow box at full flexion. nm
Subject: he has full extension of the s/l elbow box at full flexion. nm
Subject: full?
Sometimes they say "full bag of waters."
Maybe full?
Subject: Maybe full?
full lesion
I have an extremely difficult dictator with a thick accent. Sound like: "Full" lesion of actinic keratosis. Is there some other word that starts with an F that precedes lesion commonly because I am not sure if that is what he is saying?
ROS: S/L Riska full (?) sm
Subject: ROS: S/L Riska full (?) sm
Elderly male with diarrhea, weight loss, ulcerative colitis, anemia. Thanks!
full fluid WBC
Subject: full fluid WBC
Urinalysis: Positive nitrite with large leukocytes, "full fluid" WBC.