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Figured out she's giving the date of the PT/INR 01/18/08

Posted By: :) on 2008-05-01
In Reply to: Need lab help PT/INR values - Thank you

Subject: Figured out she's giving the date of the PT/INR 01/18/08

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Could he be giving a date? 8/15 maybe?
Subject: Could he be giving a date? 8/15 maybe?

EDD = estimated date of delivery, EDC = estimated date of confinement sm
Subject: EDD = estimated date of delivery, EDC = estimated date of confinement sm

I have never heard "estimated time of delivery" but I assume that would be ETD.

How about expected date
Subject: How about expected date

as in EDC, expected date of confinement.
it's post-date
Subject: it's post-date

or post-dates --- past due.
It is a date. You don't spell those out. Even
Subject: It is a date. You don't spell those out. Even

if it is a quote, it is a date, 10/30/2008.
In date of injury?
Subject: In date of injury?

Sounds like he is saying -- The patient is 6 weeks status post s/l in date of injury.  TIA.

I put a comma around the date:
Subject: I put a comma around the date:

LAD test, 11/20/08, etc.
post date
Subject: post date

if the patient delivered after due date.
Phyllis, look below, Jerson wants a date
Subject: Phyllis, look below, Jerson wants a date

If the date, May 10th is the last of the sentence,
Subject: If the date, May 10th is the last of the sentence,

then use the "th."..such as, The patient was last seen on May 10th.  However, if the date falls within the sentence, such as, On May 10, the patient underwent reconstructive surgery.
EDC - expected date of confinement -NM
Subject: EDC - expected date of confinement -NM

sure that's not 10/2005 as in date of procedure?
Subject: sure that's not 10/2005 as in date of procedure?

Thinking along this line, too, with a procedure date of 1/10. nm
Subject: Thinking along this line, too, with a procedure date of 1/10. nm

sounds like he could be referring to a specific date....
Subject: sounds like he could be referring to a specific date....

As in, last *episode of this headache* Maybe he meant last headache was on March 6, 2007 (3/6/07) ???
probably just status post date of injury? nm
Subject: probably just status post date of injury? nm

put the date between commas and 1 comma after ' noted'...sm
Subject: put the date between commas and 1 comma after ' noted'...sm

X-rays available from an outside source, dated 02/20/2009, indicate (indicate, not indicates!) joint effusion of the elbow with a fracture of the left humerus lateral epicondyle noted, anterior and superior displacement of the fracture fragment. Proximal radius and ulna appear to be intact.

Definitely only giving one value.
Subject: Definitely only giving one value.

Are those two values usually the same? Could it be "Septum/posterior wall thickness"?

Thanks, I am still relatively new to cardio and still learning a lot every day!
When giving vitals it s/l she is saying... sm
Subject: When giving vitals it s/l she is saying... sm

heart rate 65 permanent, respiratory rate 20 permanent.

Is that right?  Never heard that before. 

you are the one that has been giving misleading and --
Subject: you are the one that has been giving misleading and --

incorrect answers and alot of people are complaining about it. read all the posts below concerning your *answers*. those answers are definitely not helping anyone and if anyone should be kicked off, it should be you. I am not trying to be *rude*, but I AM concerned about the correctness of your answers and how it may affect patient lives. I am not the only one seeing this either and it is not a personal thing. Read the posts below...all of them. Perhaps you will understand.
Are you giving 3 different s/l or just a variation of one?
Subject: Are you giving 3 different s/l or just a variation of one?

Cross-reaction test between CK-MB mass and CK-MM and CK-BB for cardiac infarction -
CK–MB levels, along with total CK, are tested in persons who have chest pain to diagnose whether they have had a heart attack
he's giving me a headache! nm
Subject: he's giving me a headache! nm

Dr. giving abbreviation of DSS for med.
Subject: Dr. giving abbreviation of DSS for med.

Could it be no giving way or weakness? sm
Subject: Could it be no giving way or weakness? sm

This is something my ortho docs dictate a lot, usually in a series, i.e., no giving way, weakness, swelling, patellar pain, etc.

It could also be as you have it - give-way or giving-away weakness, just depending on the doc.
this is incorrect info you are giving.....sm
Subject: this is incorrect info you are giving.....sm

most definitely the stages in Hep C are Roman numerals - ask any pathology department or lab department or any hepatologist.

Stage I is characterized by inflammation without the development of any scar tissue. Stage II features include inflammation with early scarring (fibrosis) in one zone (portal) of the liver. Stage III shows bridging of the fibrosis between adjacent portal tracts. Stage IV is cirrhosis (advanced scarring with loss of normal liver architecture). Stage of Disease Terminology Early stage, mild activity (1) Chronic Persistent Hepatitis C or Mild Chronic Active Hepatitis C Intermediate stage (II or III) Chronic Active Hepatitis C with Fibrosis Advanced stage (IV) Cirrhosis


from Hepatitic C Awareness Project:


Well my stedmans is giving me "Polack"
Subject: Well my stedmans is giving me "Polack"

Giving up...sending it back
Subject: Giving up...sending it back

with the blank... Thank you for your suggestions. ;-)
Thanks. That's all I could find too. I'm giving them a blank. n/m
Subject: Thanks. That's all I could find too. I'm giving them a blank. n/m

giving a prescription dose
Subject: giving a prescription dose

Rx Percocet 5 mg s/l SIG IS???? 1 q.6h p.r.n. foot pain. 
Giving thanks to all folks on this board who are so
Subject: Giving thanks to all folks on this board who are so

Would you mind giving us the sentence please? Thanks.
Subject: Would you mind giving us the sentence please? Thanks.

how about giving entire sentence....
Subject: how about giving entire sentence....

Dr. giving med list. S/L Lifacadil. SM
Subject: Dr. giving med list. S/L Lifacadil. SM

I googled and nothing comes close.  Poor patient has terminal cervical cancer. Dr. clear. I just don't know.


Thank you.

you're still not giving us the CONTEXT. sm
Subject: you're still not giving us the CONTEXT. sm

Give us the ENTIRE sentence, and maybe the sentences before and after. We can't read the doc's mind, or yours.
I know what ROS means, just giving more info
Subject: I know what ROS means, just giving more info

so that it might ring a bell for someone? Thank you!!
In some way, he's giving the normal range
Subject: In some way, he's giving the normal range

The normal range for ionized calcium would be 1.12 to 1.32.
Imvam? Dr. giving op report. Saying SM
Subject: Imvam? Dr. giving op report. Saying SM

"the patient received single doses of subcu heparin and s/l Imvam".  I have looked, but cannot find anything.  I don't know if this is shortened version of something or what.


S/l academics atromel. Dr. is giving SM
Subject: S/l academics atromel. Dr. is giving SM

indication for a T&A.  Says "academics atromel permits definitive tonsillectomy".  I have no idea what he's talking about and I have heard lots of T&As. 



Thank you. 

Cost or not...(or whoever is giving test)
Subject: Cost or not...(or whoever is giving test)

I'd still like to have the credentials.....

Any idea how much the test is?

The doctor is just giving a list of all medications.
Subject: The doctor is just giving a list of all medications.

I thank you all for your responses. I am just now getting back becuase my daughter became extremely sick rather suddenly yesterday, but feeling much better today. I definitely hear an "Av" sound.
Giving it a stretch with ___ to LIMA stent? nm
Subject: Giving it a stretch with ___ to LIMA stent? nm

Thanks so much for trying. Positive she is not pronouncing this correctly. She is giving me an eye t
Subject: Thanks so much for trying. Positive she is not pronouncing this correctly. She is giving me an eye twitch... TGIF.

giving more context would help but could it be some room air mattress?
Subject: giving more context would help but could it be some room air mattress?

If giving 2 Apgar scores, it is Apgars are
Subject: If giving 2 Apgar scores, it is Apgars are

don't leave it to her; she's giving out wrong info..
Subject: don't leave it to her; she's giving out wrong info..

I wouldalso add a comma in front of ..,giving...nm
Subject: I wouldalso add a comma in front of ..,giving...nm

Actually, giving it more thought, Ceptaz is also a possibility. sm
Subject: Actually, giving it more thought, Ceptaz is also a possibility. sm

...though none of these are cardiac meds, actually.
Then my google must be giving me wrong information. - NM
Subject: Then my google must be giving me wrong information. - NM

check eneel.com, giving good options
Subject: check eneel.com, giving good options

You can use eneel as a quick refrence for finding equipments.  More than 60000 medical equipments are listed there, also 31000 drugs, and 100000 medical terms are also in the database.


Tofranil for depression, but top dose is to be 300mg. Maybe doc is giving more? nm
Subject: Tofranil for depression, but top dose is to be 300mg. Maybe doc is giving more? nm

You're welcome, most of the time I am giving it a "college try", so I really glad you all l
Subject: You're welcome, most of the time I am giving it a "college try", so I really glad you all look things up to make sure I am not off the mark.

Are you reading this off of doc notes or is he/she giving you these single letters in dictation? nm
Subject: Are you reading this off of doc notes or is he/she giving you these single letters in dictation? nm
