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Don't know the dsg., but aperture is the word for an opening in something. nm

Posted By: wanderer on 2006-10-10
In Reply to: s/l *salisicom* dressing - Jai

Subject: Don't know the dsg., but aperture is the word for an opening in something. nm


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os is just an opening and cervical os means the opening in the uterus from the cervix
Subject: os is just an opening and cervical os means the opening in the uterus from the cervix

aperture (hole or slit)
Subject: aperture (hole or slit)

opening? nm
Subject: opening? nm


Meatus means opening.
Subject: Meatus means opening.

If you Google ureteral meatus with vesicoureteral reflux, you can read about it. We don't have the benefit of the whole sentence or paragraph so we know where he is, actually. This condition affects the kidneys, but hypospadias can go with it, so next thing you know they are talking about the urethral meatus. One quick clue would be whether he says right or left. Normally when talking about the ureters, they will say right, left or bilateral early on in the report. It's all about paying attention and knowing where they are. But do Google and read about it so you understand the condition so you'll know next time.
yes!..opening pressure...thanx Patty!! I was way off, LOL
Subject: yes!..opening pressure...thanx Patty!! I was way off, LOL

ostial (as in ostium=opening) nm
Subject: ostial (as in ostium=opening) nm

Small opening in the anoderm at one of the s/l *cripts*
Subject: Small opening in the anoderm at one of the s/l *cripts*

Probably just "sounding," to dilate an opening by passing sounds thru it. nm
may be saying pinpoint hole (size of opening left) ? nm
Subject: may be saying pinpoint hole (size of opening left) ? nm

introitus...an opening into a hollow tube or canal, not just in the vagina. nm
Subject: introitus...an opening into a hollow tube or canal, not just in the vagina. nm

cloaca - an opening in a diseased bone containing a fragment of dead bone. nm
Subject: cloaca - an opening in a diseased bone containing a fragment of dead bone. nm

dynamic cervical changes (i.e. opening and closing of the inner cervical os during examination
Subject: dynamic cervical changes (i.e. opening and closing of the inner cervical os during examination

Might be stumbling over the word "gross" and repeating the word gross visual fields.
Subject: Might be stumbling over the word "gross" and repeating the word gross visual fields.

one word in Stedman's cardiology and The Surgical Word Book
Subject: one word in Stedman's cardiology and The Surgical Word Book

Help with word; unable to post on word board

Anyone heard of osseous cartilagenous OSCAL benign biopsy? 

It's a real word, with cholera being the root word. nm
Subject: It's a real word, with cholera being the root word. nm

Can you hear the word "on" before the word inspiration?
Subject: Can you hear the word "on" before the word inspiration?

pan- is a prefix, so it is part of the word, not a separate word
Subject: pan- is a prefix, so it is part of the word, not a separate word

basic grammar here
If you read the first poster's question word for word,sm
Subject: If you read the first poster's question word for word,sm

she was looking for the plural form of decubitus, saying she got stumped by it.  I responded very simply to that.  I did not feel I needed to correct her use of "pleural" as was not her question and just quickly wanted to help her, and checked my medical references to do so.  I pointed out that there are no plural form for decubitus.  This is all correct.  What is your problem.  I was trying to help an MT with correct and verfified medical transcription help, now I know why I stay away from any message boards, always someone who wants a fight.  Whatever.
After the word marked, it may souond like the next word begins with a d.
Subject: After the word marked, it may souond like the next word begins with a d.

What is the word before Nare-A. The other word is ballottable.
Subject: What is the word before Nare-A. The other word is ballottable.

word endings word list?
Has anyone seen any kind of lists dealing with word endings?  I've often thought I wanted to create one.  You know the doctor who dictates "mhmmpfectomy", etc.  Surely someone else must have felt this way too?
word help.....english word
Subject: word help.....english word

I told him I want to keep an eye on this though.  He did have some definite s/l  aberrancy  s/l when I was listening to him, but he definitely was in sinus rhythm
Need word help. Is there a "phobia" word sm
Subject: Need word help. Is there a "phobia" word sm

that means sensitivity to sound, i.e. like photophobia sensitivity to light?  I just had a doctor use the word "audiophobia" (I am assuming he is meaning sensitivity to sound as in a migraine patient), but I am unable to verify this word?  Anyone got any ideas on this?  Thanx!
not a word question but word book question
Subject: not a word question but word book question

I am in need of reference books and looking at Stedmans Medical and Surgical equipment book. I see the fifth edition is out, that must be the newest edition?

Also looking at Stedmans Ortho word book, fifth edition but dated 2005. Is this too old to consider purchasing? How do you know when a new edition will be coming out?

Thanks in advance
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I am doing podiatric but patient has been having diarrhea and cultures have

been taken.  Under care of infectious disease doctor. Doctor says "may need to consider a napograph or an apograph"

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Ex-zog-i-dential obesity?
Help on word please
HEELLLPP!!! Some confusion.  Can anyone help tell me the proper way.  Is is T score or is it T-score.  This is a term you would find on a dexa scan.  Thanks
word help
I think it is Z-score
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She had a previous gallbladder, which suggested sludge or chololithiasis

I need to figure out the omited word after gallbaldder. Is there 1 specific test done to find gallstones? Ultrasound or endo. doc mentions neither.

word help
Try "and doxycycline 100 mg."  Dictator probably just adding an extra word. 
Subject: word

ulcerative colitis. 
Other word??
Subject: Other word??

Was it electroneurography (ENog) ?

Subject: PT WORD

 sounds like "fem score" - regarding stair ambulation assessment ?   thanks.
word help
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Do they examine the hypopharynx or hyperpharynx with the nasopharynx?
need help with word
Subject: need help with word

HEENT:  Neck is ___________.  sounds like he's saying brooshy.  Please help!

Can someone help me with this word?
Subject: Can someone help me with this word?

I hate even asking this question because I'm sure it is something everyone has heard, but lately I have been doing so many oncology and renal reports that I am getting rusty with everything else. 

Doctor mentions a distal radius fracture with "dorsal translation across the pyses of the distal foramen."

I can't find the word pyses.  I know how I spelled it is not correct.  But can someone please help!!?


Word Help for Pex - sorry not yet, but ....
Subject: Word Help for Pex - sorry not yet, but ....

Hi, CC ...

I'm sorry that I don't have an answer for you regarding "pex", but I have just contacted a GI doctor friend of mine to ask him if he is familiar with the word.  You said that it was used in a sentence with the phrase: "the esophagus was pexed", so I thought that maybe, since he does EGDs, he might be familiar with that word. 

Once thing I ask ... please ... when you find your answer - and you will - please post it on the board so that we who are just learning surgcal dictation can add it to our repetoire of weird words.  PLEASE?  Thanks, and good luck.  I hope I have an answer for you later this evening, or that someone else does.   Judy H.

word help
Subject: word help

It sounds like he's saying digit equinti varus..but I can't find that phrase anywhere...?
word help,
Subject: word help,

there is in ortho book (stedmans) equinovarus and under varus there is a digitus varus. so howabout digitus equinovarus ??
Word help
Subject: Word help

Digiti quinti varus...I believe it is a nerve.
Subject: word

Could it be her present value is skewed? 
Subject: Word

Yes, thank you so much 
Need help with a word
Subject: Need help with a word

Impression: pain in right lower quadrant and s/l "fell-ig-ma". 


Yes, I know it is A word, not the right word.
Subject: Yes, I know it is A word, not the right word.

It is not THE right word for the question. Jeez.
Word help
Subject: Word help

I need some help with this word steterbritus??? This patient has SLE and the doctor has listed this term under past medical history. 



Subject: word

Wildest guess is osteoarthritis?
Subject: Word

Thanks so much. Believe it or not the word is cerebritis. Thanks again for replying



Subject: Word

Does this sound right??  - He appears to have a kinetic refractory tumor



Word help
Subject: Word help

My guess is the word you are looking for is pili ( hair-like fimbriae).


word help
Subject: word help

A resident is dictating an H&P which is filled with odd abbreviations and medical slang.  In describing the chest x-ray (the patient has advanced cervical cancer) he says "no goomba".  This is very clear.  Could this be an acronym or abbreviation, perhaps something like GMBA?