Does this sound correct? nm
Posted By: Tina on 2008-02-04
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Subject: Does this sound correct? nm
The patient denies any s/l saddle bowel anesthesia?
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does not sound correct to me
Subject: does not sound correct to me
I would put "This has been going on for 2 to 4 weeks."
no that does not sound
Subject: no that does not sound
i cannot come up with something-cerebelli....that sounds more anatomy that neuro exam. the only thing i can think of is * mental status is fine * or maybe sensorium is fine....
Does this sound correct
Subject: Does this sound correct
Reduce the s/l sheer on the wound. Does this sound correct? And I did google this and look this up numerous places on the internet and can't seem to find it. TIA.
Does this sound correct?
Subject: Does this sound correct?
s/l AP and collateral stability are normal. TIA.
does this sound correct..
Subject: does this sound correct..
There is also a degeneration of the patellofemoral joint with ***superior spurring of the superior patellar pole***, some calcification in the quadriceps tendon on the right versus the left.
Specifically in between the ***. tia.
does this sound correct?
Subject: does this sound correct?
He mumbles when he says what sounds like central ankle os trigonum. tia.
Does this sound correct?
Subject: Does this sound correct?
X-RAYS: An x-ray was done on the lateral of both knees which shows the right tibial tubercle solidifying very nicely. The left one shows calcification overlaid in the anterior aspect, consistent with Osgood-Schlatter disease.
in question is *on* the lateral....the word *overlaid* I am having a brain freeze!!
Does this sound correct? - sm
Subject: Does this sound correct? - sm
On examination her breasts show previous implants with grade 2 capsular contracture with ptosis of the breast tissue over the implants, left side worse than the right side. Also she has a THYROID ?? capsule on the left side.
That is correct, a sound is an instrument.
Subject: That is correct, a sound is an instrument.
Cry is correct. It's a sound the uterus makes when doing D&C. NM
Subject: Cry is correct. It's a sound the uterus makes when doing D&C. NM
Doc is not very clear - does this sound correct: FVC of 76% of predicted
Subject: Doc is not very clear - does this sound correct: FVC of 76% of predicted
does convalescent for his gallbladder sound correct...
Subject: does convalescent for his gallbladder sound correct...
He is going to have his gallbladder taken out tomorrow during his *convalescent for his gallbladder.* tia.
26-French Van Buren sound is correct. Some choices for the
Subject: 26-French Van Buren sound is correct. Some choices for the
one would be 23-French flexible cystoscope, rigid cystoscope, cystourethroscope, lubricated cystoscope.
word help sounds like or but that doesn't sound correct
Subject: word help sounds like or but that doesn't sound correct
X-rays taken today indicate the prosthesis to be in good alignment. There is no evidence of loosening s/l or___ radiolucency. There is some calcification noted at the femur and the acetabulum, but the joint space is well maintained.
"Gaseous" dilatation is noted in the small bowel.. does this sound correct?
Subject: "Gaseous" dilatation is noted in the small bowel.. does this sound correct?
Does Reglan 0.5 mg p.o. q.6h. sound like a correct dose for newborn who underwent heart surgery? sm
Subject: Does Reglan 0.5 mg p.o. q.6h. sound like a correct dose for newborn who underwent heart surgery? sm
It sounds like doc is clearly stating 0.5 mg, but I can't verify in my drug book or google.
Thanks and Merry Christmas!
Patient with diarrhea. Labs: s/l ESR 3 but sound is a bit distorted. Does that sound low for ESR?
Subject: Patient with diarrhea. Labs: s/l ESR 3 but sound is a bit distorted. Does that sound low for ESR?
no, I definitely hear a p sound at the start and an f sound at the end
Subject: no, I definitely hear a p sound at the start and an f sound at the end
I am a dork! Definitely a "V" sound not "B" sound. nm
Subject: I am a dork! Definitely a "V" sound not "B" sound. nm
No, she said there was a for sure "K" sound. Hespan does not have a "K" sound. nm
Subject: No, she said there was a for sure "K" sound. Hespan does not have a "K" sound. nm
It's when it has a short vowel sound rather than a long vowel sound.
Subject: It's when it has a short vowel sound rather than a long vowel sound.
I meant it would be correct, not I would be correct..nm
Subject: I meant it would be correct, not I would be correct..nm
Thanks but he says something with a di sound
diar, dial...
Help with sound
Subject: Help with sound
This will not fix all of your sound problems but if you plug your headseat directly into your computer rather than you speakers, you will get better sound quality.
Just because a doctor is a doctor doesn't me he got good grades in med school. It just means he passed!
Does it sound anything like....
Subject: Does it sound anything like....
Fowler; this is a back stretcher for MRI.
are you sure it's not an FFF sound as in
Subject: are you sure it's not an FFF sound as in
FIGO which is a staging system for cancer patients
sound a like
Subject: sound a like
drugs for mass of breast
- uravel
sound a like
Subject: sound a like
Subject: sound-a-like
distension versus distention in the abdomen and neck.
Help!! Does this sound right?
Subject: Help!! Does this sound right?
Very rarely transcribe anything on echocardiograms so I'm not familiar with terms.
Echocardiogram performed August 4, 2006, does show normal left ventricular size of function without any valvular abnormalities. Ejection fraction of 55 to 60 percent. Cardiac cath performed August 3, 2006, 80 percent right coronary artery stenosis for which a drug-eluding stent was placed.
Does this sound right?
Subject: Does this sound right?
She reports that her symptoms of epigastric burning discomfort and coughing due to possible **acid rash** has been improved with initiation of Protonix.
I'm not sure about the acid rash part. Does this make sense to anyone else? Thanks!
Does this sound right?
Subject: Does this sound right?
There is still necrotic tissue in the central aspect and it does probe down to the bone.
Does that make sense? Have not run across this one before. Thanks in advance.
does this sound right? ESL
Subject: does this sound right? ESL
Her left shift resolved within one day of IV antibiotics* at 645 band* Lymphocytes 41, monocytes 90
"S" sound or "K" sound for the CAB?
Subject: "S" sound or "K" sound for the CAB?
I've been looking, I'm making the assumption that the AB would stand for Adjustable Band. I found a Swedish Adjustable Band procedure, but they abbreviate as SAGB.
Sorry it's not more helpful.
It was K sound, thank you!
Subject: It was K sound, thank you!
does this sound right?
Subject: does this sound right?
It sounds like the doctor is saying one of these two words, but I can't verify. (moderate, minor) disease was noted in the carotid arteries on the right and left. thanks for any help!!!
Do the "c's" have an "s" or "k" sound? nm
Subject: Do the "c's" have an "s" or "k" sound? nm
does this sound right?
Subject: does this sound right?
After general anesthetic had been induced and Foley catheter STD's were in place, 5cc of Lymphazurin die was similarily injected in the breast. help please?
Does this sound right?
Subject: Does this sound right?
He has quadriceps tightness in the prone position with an inability to (s/l-get his ear close to his glute.-)
thanks, but no "c/k" sound in it... thanks tho.
Subject: thanks, but no "c/k" sound in it... thanks tho.
It does sound like....
Subject: It does sound like....
It does sound like he is saying: A topical regimen of tar baths s/l applied by high-potency topical steroid??????
that does not sound right ...
Subject: that does not sound right ...
why would doctor say at end of letter to therapist that the patient got a copy of their MRI? It sounds like he means put cc at bottom of letter so patient gets a copy of the letter, and that the MRI scan results should be enclosed with the letter to the therapist for review, where you would put at end of letter:
Enclosure: MRI results.
Does it sound like (sm)
Subject: Does it sound like (sm)
Does it sound like nipple retraction?
sound like any of these?
Subject: sound like any of these?
TURBT - transurethral resection of bladder tumor. This would be my guess
TUVP - transrurethral vaporization of the prostate
TURP - transurethral resection of the prostate
TUEP - transurethral evaporation of prostate
TUIP - transurethral incision of prostate
TUMT - transurethral microwave thermotherapy
what else does it sound like could it be
Subject: what else does it sound like could it be
it did not sound like q.h.s., so could at h.s. be right??
Subject: it did not sound like q.h.s., so could at h.s. be right??
Does it sound like
Subject: Does it sound like
That does sound more like it. Thanks nm
Subject: That does sound more like it. Thanks nm
does this sound right?
Subject: does this sound right?
The fascia was closed, in 2 sides, with 0-Vicryl running stitch, with excellent approximation. Could it be, in 2 sites, at 2 sites? This is for a C-sec.
what does it sound like?
Subject: what does it sound like?
What does it sound like?
Subject: What does it sound like?