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Ditto aggravation, or exacerbation

Posted By: Robin on 2005-11-24
In Reply to: px with rib pain - sm

Subject: Ditto aggravation, or exacerbation


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aggravation??? nm
Subject: aggravation??? nm

thank you guys for the help. i relistened. it's aggravation. =)
Subject: thank you guys for the help. i relistened. it's aggravation. =)

SVT secondary to COPD exacerbation. It is a
Subject: SVT secondary to COPD exacerbation. It is a

s/l narrow complex?
He was in the hospital for several days for s/l peripheral COPD exacerbation>
Subject: He was in the hospital for several days for s/l peripheral COPD exacerbation>

Peripheral COPD?

thanks Deborah

Yes it's common. Means a sudden flare-up or exacerbation of something that's been
Subject: Yes it's common. Means a sudden flare-up or exacerbation of something that's been

asthma exacerbation, allergic rhinitis....treated
Subject: asthma exacerbation, allergic rhinitis....treated

The patient presents with s/l sipit exacerbation related to pneumonitis. Help???
Subject: The patient presents with s/l sipit exacerbation related to pneumonitis. Help???

Ditto with the HPI.
Subject: Ditto with the HPI.

Ditto that, and thanks. nm
Subject: Ditto that, and thanks. nm

Subject: ditto

We aren't here to take your tests for you. jeez.
Ditto :) Thanks for everyone's help here.
Subject: Ditto :) Thanks for everyone's help here.

ditto! NM
Subject: ditto! NM

Subject: ditto

yes, Hem/Onc for hematology/oncology, for sure.
DITTO - sack on this one......nm
Subject: DITTO - sack on this one......nm

ditto - thanks Susan
Subject: ditto - thanks Susan

Ditto with alprazolam-gal.
Subject: Ditto with alprazolam-gal.

ditto - EXACTLY what I do - I've never started
Subject: ditto - EXACTLY what I do - I've never started

Ditto, even if verbatim, I spell these out :)
Subject: Ditto, even if verbatim, I spell these out :)

TGIF ditto, and you're welcome.
Subject: TGIF ditto, and you're welcome.

Ditto - because most docs pronounce it hycosamine! :)
Subject: Ditto - because most docs pronounce it hycosamine! :)

Ditto mine is verbatim too, I mean if they say 2/22 for month, sm
Subject: Ditto mine is verbatim too, I mean if they say 2/22 for month, sm

you better not give them 02/22,or else!
ditto, hear "mini neb" all the time (nm)
Subject: ditto, hear "mini neb" all the time (nm)

I thought possibly Plavix stent too. Ditto your reasoning. Thanks anyway! nm
Subject: I thought possibly Plavix stent too. Ditto your reasoning. Thanks anyway! nm
