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Did they have surgery

Posted By: Horski on 2008-09-14
In Reply to: Medicine sounds like Amirix? - nn

Subject: Did they have surgery

or have an infection in a joint or something? The closest I can find is Erymax.

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takedown surgery vs take down surgery--which is correct? nm
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Eye-orbit-surgery or I orbit surgery for a fracture
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Nothing else to add, it was in the past surgical history thanks all.
ear surgery

I cannot figure out this term even after extensive research. The bony kent or boniquent was rather small so was enlarged with a rotating bur....

 Help! Thank you

Subject: surgery

Is there an Emberton blade? Or something that sounds similar to that?
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In response to wanderer about the Emberton blade, the surgery is a craniotomy. Thanks.
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says something about being seen in endocrinology for what s/l hemloc ? 


Subject: surgery

Adair clamps with a green towel were applied to the interior flap.

He uses this term a few times in the report. I looked it up in Sloane's med book and I came up with Green towel. Any ideas? Thank you.

Eye surgery
Subject: Eye surgery

Pars plana vitrectomy, retinotomy, gas-fluid exchange, scleral bucklea and 28% SFA injection.

I can't find out what SFA is if that is what she's saying. Help!

Subject: Surgery

The pericardium was reconstructured with a tailored Gore-Tex surgical membrane. Or is it Gortex?  Thanks.
In surgery...
Subject: In surgery...

Intercostal block, 238, with 0.25% Marcaine with epinephrine... What is the 238??  is it 2-3/8ths.. Anybody familiar with this? Any and all help appreciated.  TIA!
ENT surgery
Subject: ENT surgery

S/L dragal pit


Talking about the ear, I believe outer ear


TUS Surgery
Subject: TUS Surgery

I am sure this is an abbreviation for a surgery.  Has anyone heard of this type of surgery!!  Thanks.
OB surgery
Subject: OB surgery


I think you're right about cervix (vs. service)--apparently he's just pronouncing it a little slurry and it just makes more "sense".

I've listened and listened, but I'm certain that Babcock is not it even if he's saying it badly. I hear nothing at all prior to "koch".
Surgery help, please....sm
Subject: Surgery help, please....sm

Patient had overactive bladder and had the option of undergoing s/l whole lap procedure.  At the beginning of report, he dictated Prolieve whole lap - like it was one procedure. Found Prolieve, but can't find whole lap or hole lap or whatever the heck it is!
surgery help
Subject: surgery help

This is a takedown of ileostomy and I don't do op notes usually.

"We passed the GIA s/l blue load through this plane and stapled off the proximal aspect of the bowel.  Is blue load correct? 

eye surgery
Subject: eye surgery

s/l DESAMAY?   stripping, automated endothelial keratoplasty.
ENT surgery
Subject: ENT surgery

Sinus surgery here -- sounds like "beata probe".  Says it over and over and it sounds just the same.  Anybody familiar with this one?

ob surgery
Subject: ob surgery

Could be cold cup,Humi manipulator.
its to do with the eye, he does a surgery with it. nm
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Subject: Surgery??

s/l D Amper-sand C x 2 in 1982 and 1985.
ACL surgery
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used two Mitek Rapid S/L LOCK BOTTLES orbital meniscal repair devices

also Donjoy "DEFIANCE" brace?


I think one that's never had surgery on it before. nm
Subject: I think one that's never had surgery on it before. nm

Surgery help
Subject: Surgery help

Doc is saying:

Probable contact dermatitis/allergic dermatitis.  Possibly to the __________(sounds like "hibiquins" from the surgery. Patient has lap/chole surgery.


Was there surgery?
Subject: Was there surgery?

Not sure of s/o but I may be biceps groove not screw. Sentence does not make sense, biceps and both shoulders instead of biceps in both shoulders. But type of report are you typing?
hip surgery
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How would you type "teeing of the capsule" in a hip arthroplasty?
name of surgery
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Patient had s/l vargus vel surgery??????
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Patient undergoing rectocele repair......Olsen light??
Subject: surgery

The mesh was attached and the s/l Olsen light was then pulled out and tightened.
Surgery help
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My plastic surgeon did an abdominoplasty on someone with a port in place.  She said "I was somewhat limited because of the position of her port as it was difficult to imbricate the muscle any more without ------- the port."  It sounds like "burying" or "baring" (as in uncover).  Any ideas?  Thanks!
eye surgery
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A corneal incision was made in a circular 'catarlexisus' fashion. please help.
eye surgery
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25 gauge 'Accuris' system?  Is it Acuris or Accuris or something else?
It was seen during a surgery, right before he cut
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TUD Surgery
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Help! I have a PA saying TUD surgery.  Anybody have a clue?  Can't find anything that makes sense.  Thanks. 
ob/gyn surgery
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Anterior lip of cervix was grasped with tenaculum and a s/l "holcut clamp" was placed in.
surgery help SM
Subject: surgery help SM

Patient underwent creation of right radiocephalic AV fistula. A transverse skin incision was made in the ***right-a-reese***.
Subject: surgery

The patient was positioned on the s/l aswall table.  The surgery is for lithotripsy.
Subject: surgery

This is a spine surgery.  These screws were s/l waped down onto the plate.

hip surgery
Subject: hip surgery

The beanbag was released and the kidney s/l rasters that were placed anteriorly and posteriorly were also released.

The axillary wall was removed.  Does this sound right?

surgery help
Subject: surgery help

A layer of Surgicel was placed on top of the dura and s/l surgifil was applied to the edges of the craniotomy.
surgery help
Subject: surgery help

This was then sutured in place with a series of s/l taxing stitches of 0 Nurolon through the Prolene portion of the mass.

Ear surgery
Subject: Ear surgery

The old tube was visualized. It was slightly s/l campid but in place. It was removed.
hip surgery
Subject: hip surgery

Decision was made to place an s/l LDFX and leave it slightly s/l proud.
eye surgery
Subject: eye surgery

The "ratia" cautery??  Thanks so much!
T&L surgery
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s/l T&L surgery in adulthood ??
surgery help TIA
Subject: surgery help TIA

A resection margin from the gallbladder bed back to the right hepatic vein was marked coming through the parenchyma with ***a cluiser*** dissector.
surgery help
Subject: surgery help

s/l fantlers stecuon was placed into the anal canal and a probe was placed through her secondary opening and seen to exit at approximately the 6 o'clock position in the anal canal.
surgery help
Subject: surgery help

Once there was improved alignment, I then placed a 0.035 K-wire across the fracture site and maintained position outside of the metacarpal phalangeal joint, as well as the s/l isis.

He then says another sentence later on.

Intraoperative x-rays were taken demonstrating good alignment of the fracture and good placement of the pin extra-articularly outside of the s/l isis as well.

surgery help
Subject: surgery help

Using a microscope I placed my s/l tituitary and removed a very large disk fragment.
surgery help
Subject: surgery help

I used the s/l franchise or French size curettes to take out as much disk material as I could from the disk space.
It is an eye surgery....
Subject: It is an eye surgery....

the procedure is for eye surgery using phacoemulsification. The patient has cataracts. I looked up clear stroma and I believe that is it and it does sound like the doctor is saying that. Thank you everyone for your help!!
surgery help
Subject: surgery help

The surgery is placement of a sling for stress urinary incontinence. Doctor says: The application incisors were removed in routine fashion. Is this right or should it be the application and sizers were removed in routine fashion.