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Dermatitis, type of moisturizer -

Posted By: Thanks on 2008-03-28
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Subject: Dermatitis, type of moisturizer -

For patient's dermatitis, s/l ladies or ledies moisturizer. Thanks.

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type of dermatitis help!!
Subject: type of dermatitis help!!

Patient denies any history of food hypersensitivity, s/l Asbury type of dermatitis. 


Does this ring a bell, anyone??


Thanks in advance.

Figured it out -- "will use moisturizer."
Subject: Figured it out -- "will use moisturizer."

s/l alfkeri.. lotion/moisturizer
Subject: s/l alfkeri.. lotion/moisturizer

Recommend that she use a good moisturizer for her skin such as, perhaps, Vaseline or _____.
dermatitis help
Subject: dermatitis help

lichenoid psoriasiform dermatitis with concern for S/L SESSORY syndrome or CESSORY syndrome
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Could it be vacuole formation?  Maybe "upper hill" is "apparent?"

Subject: dermatitis

s/l "manillio" dermatitis in pediatrics
Maybe psoriatic dermatitis ?..nm
Subject: Maybe psoriatic dermatitis ?..nm

s/l "perioral old" dermatitis
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Persistent intermittent difficulties with s/l "perioral old" dermatitis but no malar rash.
Contact dermatitis
Subject: Contact dermatitis

s/l Betasone cream for contact dermatitis. Is this correct? Please help. 
there's also a "Xolegel" for dermatitis - maybe doc
Subject: there's also a "Xolegel" for dermatitis - maybe doc

was pronouncing the "X" ??
Russ dermatitis?
Subject: Russ dermatitis?

Is there such a thing?  I can't find it on Google.
Allergic dermatitis cream
Subject: Allergic dermatitis cream

Sounds like Tevavate cream? 
maybe just stumbling over "follicular dermatitis" /n.
Subject: maybe just stumbling over "follicular dermatitis" /n.

Cream for contact dermatitis
Subject: Cream for contact dermatitis


  1. Zocor 10 mg nightly.

  2. Advair 500/50 mcg 1 inhalation twice daily.

  3. Albuterol MDI 2 puffs every 4 hours as needed.

  4. Allegra D 1 tablet twice a day.

  5. (s/l flu of senanite cream) as needed for contact dermatitis on the hands.

Any ideas (flu of senanite)?

Appreciate any help.

poison ivy contact dermatitis
Subject: poison ivy contact dermatitis

Anyone ever heard of s/l techno or technoid topical cream for this.  Anyone have a good website for derm medications?
Allergic dermatitis ointment
Subject: Allergic dermatitis ointment

s/l sore-cunny ointment

S/L post-trapedic dermatitis
Subject: S/L post-trapedic dermatitis

She does not have resolution yet of the post-trapedic dermatitis in the L lower thoracic area.
Never mind. Eczematoid dermatitis....
Subject: Never mind. Eczematoid dermatitis....

does not sound like periorbital dermatitis.
Subject: does not sound like periorbital dermatitis.

maybe contact dermatitis, helical. nm
Subject: maybe contact dermatitis, helical. nm

Atopic dermatitis with Mettles?
Subject: Atopic dermatitis with Mettles?

The patient has atopic dermatitis with s/l Mettles or Meddles.  I'm sure it's

something simple that I'm just not finding.  TIA.

Seborrhea with sebotic dermatitis?
Subject: Seborrhea with sebotic dermatitis?

Could be saying seborrhea with seborrheic dermatitis.  This is what comes up with a Google search, but isn't this a little repetetive?  Is there such a thing as sebotic dermatitis?  Thanks!

prescribed s/l ke-bat-e-zol for seborrheic dermatitis
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stasis dermatitis ? Just a guess... NM
Subject: stasis dermatitis ? Just a guess... NM

s/l urticarian-urticarial dermatitis
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she is absolutley saying this, but I can't find anything to back it up and I can't find 'uticarian', I only find 'uticaria'. Any suggestions?

maybe saying urticaria "and" dermatitis ??
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agree - probably follicular dermatitis, severe
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atopic dermatitis associated with food allergies. sm
Subject: atopic dermatitis associated with food allergies. sm

Atopic Dermatitis - by Thomas Bieber, Donald Y. M. Leung - 656 pages
Food Allergy - by Dean D. Metcalfe, Ronald A. Simon, A. Hugh Sampson - 591 pages

Natural history of food hypersensitivity in children with atopic ...

Patients with atopic dermatitis and food hypersensitivity who were ... In 20 patients undergoing a third rechallenge, no food hypersensitivity was lost. ...
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=2738792&dopt=Abstract - Similar pages

Has a history of eczema___ dermatitis. Something with a 'P', very short little sound. nm
Subject: Has a history of eczema___ dermatitis. Something with a 'P', very short little sound. nm

could be rhus dermatitis from plant contact like poison ivy, etc. - nm
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possibly eczemas dermatitis and pruritus and erythematous papules. nm
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WAG - follicular in situ ____ (lesions??) of atopic dermatitis? nm
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For the dermatitis that is chronic, I gave him s/l tequila mila shot
Subject: For the dermatitis that is chronic, I gave him s/l tequila mila shot

For the dermatitis that is chronic, I gave him s/l tequila mila shot every three months and he can come back in the office every three months to get those shots.

(strong ESL) thanks

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same here. Type out numbers at beginning of sentences. Otherwise type numeral if in sentence itself.
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I get confused, how do you type out grade, class, type SM
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I forget which ones  use Roman and which do not.  TIA

When doctor says tib-fib, do you type it like that or do you type tibiofibular? Thanks
Siewart type I or Siewert type I
Subject: Siewart type I or Siewert type I

When I google it, I'm finding both.  Cannot locate it in a Stedman's book.  Doctor spells with "a" but you can't always go by the spellings!
How do I type this particular type of dialysis bath? sm
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Doc is an ESL and unclear, but it s/l he is saying "...using a 3 K 21/2 bath." I have never had this in a report and after googling, am still as clueless as I was. I cannot find it in AAMT, either. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you!
acromion process - type 2 or type II
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Could it be hollowing-type or hollow-end-type? - nm
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how to type out Type I Aortic aneurysm
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Would you use a roman numeral for Type I Aortic aneurysm or use Type one or type 1 ... I am thinking it is Type I but I am unsure. I am new to this all. Thanks for any help.
I would type it under PLAN and type what is dictated.
Subject: I would type it under PLAN and type what is dictated.

I have had that happen to me before, and I was told by QA to not move things around in the report, maybe that is the same for you, but if I were typing this report, I would type it in the order as is dictated, even if that means typing it under the heading PLAN.  Also, his vitals were probably taken at the end of the exam as they were repeated, so it would make sense to type them again under that heading.  Hope that helps! 
Type II diabetes vs. Type 2....sm
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Type 2 DM or type II DM, which is correct? nm
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what type of dictation do you type?
Subject: what type of dictation do you type?

It might help to know the specialty.  I am finding a lithiasis, but I don't think it would relate to gonorrhea, are you sure it is gonorrhea? 
how to type a blood type
Subject: how to type a blood type

simple question but how is a blood type transcribed .. such as 0+ .. is there a space between the 0 and + or is the word positive typed out? Thanks for your help.