Dental operative report
Posted By: sm on 2008-02-19
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Subject: Dental operative report
sentence: Direct nasal endotracheal intubation was established with a size 5.5. nasal __________ tube.
Sounds like nasal 'ray' tube. Is 'ray' correct?
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An operative report...SM
Subject: An operative report...SM
We have three options for the nasal fill area. We discussed allowing this to heal by secondary intention, full-thickness skin graft, and _____ tissue transfer.
Operative report
Subject: Operative report
She required a microround, a minute of Dopamine to maintain her pressure.
I'm not sure if microround is what he is saying. Do they use that term? Thank you.
Operative report
Subject: Operative report
I am having a really hard time understanding this doctor. I've researched this term (or what I think he's saying) without any luck. I always turn to you guys last and you always seem to come up with the answer. Thanks for the help! At the end of the report he dictates anesthesia, IV fluids etc. Then he says something that sounds like this " Line: LB and RT line or Line: Albi and ulti line. "
operative report
Subject: operative report
is there a palmary bilateral tubal ligation?
operative report help please
Subject: operative report help please
patient undergoing c section and tubal ligation . . . s/l malar incision - I found malare, is this correct?
operative report
Subject: operative report
diagnosis is carcinoma of the lymph, when the doctor is given the name of the operation I can't make it out---S/L X-WORSE PROCEDURE any idea'a? thanks for you help!!
Operative Report help
Subject: Operative Report help
How do I correctly type this:
Then, tumescent fluid 250 mL to the right and left upper abdomen areas, each was placed using (says 1 and 1 million) Epinephrine into the subcutaneous tissues, attention was then turned to each flank where 500 mL was placed into each flank area.
Would it be 1:1000000
Thanks in advance.
Hi, everyone, need help right quick ---
Doctor dictates in a heading:
He says intracameral --- but I cannot verify anywhere. Does he mean intracanalicular?
s/l Avoseal used in an operative report for TAH? nm
Subject: s/l Avoseal used in an operative report for TAH? nm
Is it in the operative diagnosis or in the body of the report?
Subject: Is it in the operative diagnosis or in the body of the report?
Is the account verbatim? Abbreviations are not acceptable (most places) if they are used in the diagnosis headings, but are okay if in the body of the report, unless the facility has requested otherwise.
missed abortion d&c sample operative report
Subject: missed abortion d&c sample operative report
missed abortion d&c sample operative report
operative report...placed on a flur-au-three table. nm (new doctor).
Subject: operative report...placed on a flur-au-three table. nm (new doctor).
dental report: sm
Subject: dental report: sm
Restorative material utilized was bond 1A1 s/l Artisty? RTSD?
antibiotics for dental exams and dental work
Subject: antibiotics for dental exams and dental work
This is SBE prophylaxis (subacute bacterial endocarditis) which is given to patients with heart valve disease. When dental work is done, this causes the bacteria from the mouth to go into the system and can cause vegetation on one or more of the heart valves....which is a very serious and possibly life-threatening situation. Most surgeries require this be done before the procedure, even certain nonsurgical procedures that may be less invasive, require it as well. However, the guidelines are less stringent than they were previously. Hope this helps.
or just operative indications
Subject: or just operative indications
Thanks everyone. I don't do those kinds of operative note often enough.
Subject: Thanks everyone. I don't do those kinds of operative note often enough.
Operative prep s/l coaxane?
Subject: Operative prep s/l coaxane?
Dictator states he prepared the patient's right groin with s/l coaxane or glaxane? Thank you.
Orthopedics operative note help please ...
Subject: Orthopedics operative note help please ...
"He was found to have a complete rupture. He was s/l *diastased* about 1.5 cm or so and he had some early scar tissue forming. Debrided all of this down until we got to decent looking, healthy Achilles tissue."
Findings in operative: Uterus s/l "tone seismic" position
Subject: Findings in operative: Uterus s/l "tone seismic" position
Uterus s/l "tone seismic" position. Cervical os about already dilated. Uterus was sound to 10 cm. Moderate amount of s/l horrific flexion" were obtained. No adnexal mass is palpable.
Subject: dental
Dental help
Subject: Dental help
Sentence: Dissection buccally was carried inferiorly along the lateral cortical plate and the mandible to identify the mental, foramen and (S/L insexapine nerve). I've googled til I can't google any more. Wasted so much time already.
FYI - dental help
Subject: FYI - dental help
The other day I posted for dental help. FYI, got feedback today and could kick myself now.
Here's the sentence:
Dissection buccally was carried inferiorly along the lateral cortical plate and the mandible to identify the mental foramen and (S/L insexapine nerve).
The word was mental foramen and its exiting nerve. He really mumbled that together.
Anyhow, thanks for trying to help.
dental elevators--sm
Subject: dental elevators--sm
I found a list of dental root elevators and the closest to what you are looking for is either Flohr elevators, or Warwick elevators. they are numbered by #1, #2, #3, and then angled left, right, straight or serrated. Don't know if this helps...hope so.
dental? Luxor? nm
Subject: dental? Luxor? nm
My dental book
Subject: My dental book
shows fetor exore and fetor oris.
Help with dental term
Subject: Help with dental term
Dictator is stating sounds like "abatine". From the way its used in the sentence, would be used for hemostasis. Says "abatine" was packed to control the ooze. Any suggestions?
Dental term..Help!!
Subject: Dental term..Help!!
I need some help with a dental term that I have not yet heard of.. ..
She also has slight erythema and fullness to the gingiva in that area, consistent with possible early ??__________.
It sounds like it starts with peri/para and ends in gladstha/gladsa? Any help is greatly appreciated!
Dental anesthetic
Subject: Dental anesthetic
The patient received 2 s/l mepracain and epinephrine
Dental surgery retractor
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Is there a ductal retractor? Thank you.
FlowIt dental composite?
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I'm doing a note dictated by a dentist, and he says he is using s/l Flow It composite and then covered with Clinpro sealant. I can verify Clinpro sealant, but I can't document the proper spelling of the composite material. Medcompare didn't seem to have any dental information.
Dental 4 mole curette?
Subject: Dental 4 mole curette?
A gentle curettage was accomplished using a number four mole curette and angled curette.
ASR put this, can't find it, anybody familiar with dental curettes?
MOB & OL dental amalgams=MOB and OL stand for what exactly? TIA! sm
Subject: MOB & OL dental amalgams=MOB and OL stand for what exactly? TIA! sm
need to spell out in op report....
dental anesthesia link for you. sm
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single form of dental caries?
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single form of dental caries?
Subject: single form of dental caries?
Caries: Scientific name for dental cavities; it is both singular and plural.
dental surgery s/l taformo elevator nm
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s/l Escustapes?? was prescribed for dental caries?
Subject: s/l Escustapes?? was prescribed for dental caries?
dental surgery reference web sites?
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Dental surgeries always trip me up. Anyone know of good web sites for reference or with samples? Most of the dental surgeries I do are DDS's working on children.
Dental S/L Copax did not anchor the tooth
Subject: Dental S/L Copax did not anchor the tooth
Copax or co-packs or Kopax ??? I can't find this anywhere
Dental glossary. Hope it helps. sm
Subject: Dental glossary. Hope it helps. sm
Dental is very hard and I have a Sted's ENT/Dental book.
dental anesthesia injection non caine
Subject: dental anesthesia injection non caine
anybody know?
HEENT: Absence of dental s/l keses. ??
Subject: HEENT: Absence of dental s/l keses. ??
s/l careic? lesions. dental progress note
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s/l Eric arch bars on a dental procedure
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The patient had 3 cc .5% Butithicane? cariuos lesions tia...
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s/l cevofluorine, a mask anesthetic given for a dental procedure
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dental extraction procedure. name of throat pack.
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Sounds like: A ''pej tail'' throat pack was inserted. Thanks for any help.
Sted's Plastic Surgery/Dental has fleur-de-lis shape etc. sm
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Search Results
In addition, the fleur-de-lis incision provides the ability to create a better functional and cosmetic outcome by resecting redundant skin in both the - 19k - Cached - Similar pages
This can be achieved by maximizing the skin island and the amount of subcutaneous tissue with a fleur-de-lis incision, as described by McCraw and Papp. ... www
Usually antibiotics are prescribed before dental work with mitral valve
Subject: Usually antibiotics are prescribed before dental work with mitral valve
regurgitation for prophylactic coverage, could doctor be slurring "antibiotics?"
pt w/ dental abscess and seborrheic dermatitis "treated w/ clindamycin, Vicodin, and s/l desoin&#
Subject: pt w/ dental abscess and seborrheic dermatitis "treated w/ clindamycin, Vicodin, and s/l desoin"- nm
pt with dental pain - on PE, states "...'OROBUCCAL (1 word?) SYMPOSIN' appears to be normal
Subject: pt with dental pain - on PE, states "...'OROBUCCAL (1 word?) SYMPOSIN' appears to be normal"