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DX: Cervical spondylosis and *facid* osteoarthritis...

Posted By: sm on 2006-01-09
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Subject: DX: Cervical spondylosis and *facid* osteoarthritis...

with multilevel disk bulging.

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dynamic cervical changes (i.e. opening and closing of the inner cervical os during examination
Subject: dynamic cervical changes (i.e. opening and closing of the inner cervical os during examination

Would it be appropriate to say cervical paraspinal or cervical paraspinous? SM. TIA.
Subject: Would it be appropriate to say cervical paraspinal or cervical paraspinous? SM. TIA.

He was diffusely tender in the lumbar paraspinal or paraspinous?  and spinous process area. 

Subject: spondylosis

I believe it was spondylosis....ty
Subject: I believe it was spondylosis....ty

probably spondylosis.
Subject: probably spondylosis.

spondylosis at C5-6......nm
Subject: spondylosis at C5-6......nm

Most likely spondylosis. nm
Subject: Most likely spondylosis. nm

Subject: Spondylosis

Yes, that is it.  I'm still new at this, Thanks a million!  I am getting really frustrated, I should have known that.
spondylosis or spondylolisthesis
Subject: spondylosis or spondylolisthesis

Can you hear spondylosis?
Subject: Can you hear spondylosis?

Spondylosis or spondylolysis instead of spondolysis.
Subject: Spondylosis or spondylolysis instead of spondolysis.

Preop lumbar spondylosis...help!
Subject: Preop lumbar spondylosis...help!

Hi guys. I have a couple of questions on this report.

Under description of procedure: After sterile prepped and draped, local anesthetic wheals were raised. There were cephalocaudad and oblique projections of the intersections of the superior articular process of L5 and the sacral ala....

First of all, I'm sure he says "after sterile prepped and draped.... Even though this doesn't make much sense, is that correct?
My second question is...local anesthetic wheals were raised. There were cephalocaudad and oblique projections.....

it sounds like he says over cephalocaudad and oblique projections....but that doesn't make much sense. Which way is correct? Is it with the period after wheals were raised?
Lastly, 22-gauge bend tip spinal needles were directed to these intersections.... Is bend tip spinal needles correct?

Thanks for any suggestions. I have been reading posts on here for awhile now but have never posted anything. You guys are the greatest and I hope that one day I can be the successful MT some of you are! Thanks for your help.
I believe also he is s/l splinting his neck with regards to the chronic spondylosis. (Ortho) TIA
Subject: I believe also he is s/l splinting his neck with regards to the chronic spondylosis. (Ortho) TIA

Doctor states s/l spondylolysis. Do you think he meant spondylosis or spondylolisthesis?
Subject: Doctor states s/l spondylolysis. Do you think he meant spondylosis or spondylolisthesis?

Could he be saying OA (osteoarthritis)?
Subject: Could he be saying OA (osteoarthritis)?

right hip osteoarthritis, 715.15
Subject: right hip osteoarthritis, 715.15

does anyone know what the numbers are about?? this is an op report.  ty
Not osteoarthritis? (nm)
Subject: Not osteoarthritis? (nm)

Osteoarthritis perhaps.
Subject: Osteoarthritis perhaps.

could be varus osteoarthritis
Subject: could be varus osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis Drug help
Subject: Osteoarthritis Drug help

Osteoarthritis.  We are going to hold Celebrex because of the rectal bleeding.  She is going to continue with her s/l Oc-tra-set as needed. 

Thanks.  :)


meds help for osteoarthritis
Subject: meds help for osteoarthritis

Medication for osteoarthritis or trochanteric bursitis

s/l cinovet, sinovet 200 mg b.i.d.

osteoarthritis dissecans
Subject: osteoarthritis dissecans

Early Osteoarthritis?? just a thought. nm
Subject: Early Osteoarthritis?? just a thought. nm

s/l mean/main joint osteoarthritis
Subject: s/l mean/main joint osteoarthritis

X-rays show patellofemoral arthritis on the right and to a lesser degree s/l mean/main joint osteoarthritis, more on the medial side than the lateral side.
Maybe knee joint osteoarthritis
Subject: Maybe knee joint osteoarthritis

more likely a type of osteoarthritis because no it would not go there under extremities.
Subject: more likely a type of osteoarthritis because no it would not go there under extremities.

Osteoarthritis with s/l Funnel Bone laterally. NM TIA
Subject: Osteoarthritis with s/l Funnel Bone laterally. NM TIA

Osteoarthritides versus osteoarthritis when it is plural!
Subject: Osteoarthritides versus osteoarthritis when it is plural!

Please tell me that the correct plural form of osteoarthritis is osteoarthritides when it is plural, as in bilateral or multiple joints. I just got deducted for this, yet everywhere else I have worked (including on this account that just marked me wrong but for the last 20 months did not) does say it is osteoarthritides. In fact, this company marked me wrong before when I did not make it plural a long time ago. I just cannot win. Last time it was typing "is" instead of "was" when the dictator kept changing tenses throughout the report, as in "The abdomen is soft and nontender. There was a well-healed scar in the suprapubic region." This should all be one tense, correct? I am supposed to be transcribing according to the AAMT BOS.
Pmh of s/l alors danlos syndrome w/osteoarthritis
Subject: Pmh of s/l alors danlos syndrome w/osteoarthritis

Sulindac is used for osteoarthritis, arthritis, spondylitis, etc.
Subject: Sulindac is used for osteoarthritis, arthritis, spondylitis, etc.

Renuflex for osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis (nm)
Subject: Renuflex for osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis (nm)

meds help! synthroid, s/l *4PL*, calcium plus D, for patient with osteporosis and osteoarthritis. nm
Subject: meds help! synthroid, s/l *4PL*, calcium plus D, for patient with osteporosis and osteoarthritis. nm

Reattends for her RT knee. Has been treated in the past for s/l ospie as well as osteoarthritis. TIA
Subject: Reattends for her RT knee. Has been treated in the past for s/l ospie as well as osteoarthritis. TIA

Hyaloronic acid injectionss for osteoarthritis, joint relief....nm
Subject: Hyaloronic acid injectionss for osteoarthritis, joint relief....nm

try cervical os
Subject: try cervical os

cervical rib
Subject: cervical rib

Cervical os
Subject: Cervical os

Subject: cervical??


cervical os
Subject: cervical os

how about cervical?
Subject: how about cervical?

especially if he is slurring, it won't even sound like cervical...just a guess. 
RE: Pt with cervical strain..
Subject: RE: Pt with cervical strain..

s/l Flannel

re a spine dx could it be
foramina or foraminal?
Cervical can mean other than spine..(sm)
Subject: Cervical can mean other than spine..(sm)

it's also used as a general reference to the "neck" portion of a structure.  So where you would probably say cysts in the neck of the pancreas, he's saying cervical (meaning here neck of the pancreas) cysts. 

cervical syrinx
Subject: cervical syrinx

I found syrinx, a fluid filled cavity thatdevelops in the spinal cord
could it be just C2 - the cervical vertebrae?
Subject: could it be just C2 - the cervical vertebrae?

Doing cervical spine and it seems he is saying
Subject: Doing cervical spine and it seems he is saying

there is normal s/l imbrication. Also, he says what sounds like "There is no listhesis." Help please, I am new at this.
Thanks much :)
C3, C4, and C5 for cervical spine
Subject: C3, C4, and C5 for cervical spine

It is in the AAMT BOS.
Cervical spine OP
Subject: Cervical spine OP

Following decompression, a s/l coddler was used to protect the exposed dura.

This guy is an ESL, and I cannot verify a term for this. Thanks for any help!

cervical radiculopathy?
Subject: cervical radiculopathy?

cervical s/l geneketics . . .
Subject: cervical s/l geneketics . . .

it's in the preoperative diagnosis, procedure performed is cervical epidural injection.   Thanks
cervical stenosis...
Subject: cervical stenosis...

It sounds like this doctor is saying pigmotic or thigmotic os.  The patient has a history of extreme cervical stenosis.  Any ideas would be appreciated. 
Sorry cervical instead of cerical.
Subject: Sorry cervical instead of cerical.