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Could be referring to the eyes, pallor. ??

Posted By: ak on 2008-05-03
In Reply to: HEENT - stuck

Subject: Could be referring to the eyes, pallor. ??

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Subject: pallor

pallor or icterus?
Subject: pallor or icterus?

scleral pallor nor ???
Subject: scleral pallor nor ???

Doctor dictated "no scleral pallor nor ...sounds like ecterous......is noted"


conjunctival pallor. nm
Subject: conjunctival pallor. nm

conjunctival pallor
Subject: conjunctival pallor

optic nerve pallor SM
Subject: optic nerve pallor SM

In Stedman's Ophthalmology 4th Edition, optic nerve pallor is listed... could your doc be stuttering or correcting himself with the "haired" part?
Why can't the mucosa be pale? I think pallor is okay.
Subject: Why can't the mucosa be pale? I think pallor is okay.

note: there should also be a comma after pallor
Subject: note: there should also be a comma after pallor

Is he saying optic disk pallor? (sm)
Subject: Is he saying optic disk pallor? (sm)

Not sure about the first part, but skin is no pallor nm
Subject: Not sure about the first part, but skin is no pallor nm

s/l math?, pallor, and tone are adequate
Subject: s/l math?, pallor, and tone are adequate

Is this what she is saying?  MATH?  Is this short/slang for something that I just am not getting?  Help!


mouth, pallor and tone especially if its under HEENT
Subject: mouth, pallor and tone especially if its under HEENT

means the patient has pallor (pale)
Subject: means the patient has pallor (pale)

it is definitely optic disc pallor; I type it quite often. nm
Subject: it is definitely optic disc pallor; I type it quite often. nm

Subject: Eyes

Would it be possible that my doc is saying "Unusual cornea. Right propine measuring 4 mm, the left 2 mm." I am not the best at researching yet. I have been on quite a few sites and you guys were my last stop. I appreciate the help.

Subject: Eyes

I've never heard of "unusual" cornea. Maybe "irregular". And he's probably saying right "pupil" measuring 4mm
Subject: Eyes

Epinsatine or Olopatadine maybe
Subject: eyes

hordeolum conjunctivitis
Subject: eyes

sounds like patient came in with "quadranal PR" diagnosed by ophthalmologist.
s/l Maggie Eyes??? sm
Subject: s/l Maggie Eyes??? sm

This is an FNP who does sometimes create her own terminology...
The patient has stepped on something in the garden and there is a foreign body in his great toe...

She dictates: "He is guarding his toe significantly. We put on the s/l Maggie eyes and with simple washing with saline the remaining foreign body was resolved with no discoloration remaining."

Thanks in advance if anyone might know what she could possibly be saying.
For the eyes, it is "disc"
Subject: For the eyes, it is "disc"

Thank you both so much - you opened my eyes
Subject: Thank you both so much - you opened my eyes

Thank you bright eyes! nm
Subject: Thank you bright eyes! nm


The patient was asked to look left, right, and up and down, and the patient still had some "tilly"...What in the world is that "tilly"
bilateral eyes
Subject: bilateral eyes

Okay, doc keeps correcting me when I correct his dictation, stating bilateral knees, bilateral breasts, etc. to bilateral knee, bilateral breast - am I wrong?  It seems redundant his way.  He said today bilateral eyes but it seems to type bilateral eye is just weird.  Would you type just eyes or bilateral eye or bilateral eyes?  Thanks,
HEENT: Eyes are s/l roo-my.
Subject: HEENT: Eyes are s/l roo-my.

TIA :-)
eyes: mild s/l pa-rye-sia ???
Subject: eyes: mild s/l pa-rye-sia ???

typical sick child with runny nose, cough, fever, ear pain.
There is Murocel for dry eyes? nm
Subject: There is Murocel for dry eyes? nm

eyes - s/l "animsiopia" ..nm thanks.
Subject: eyes - s/l "animsiopia" ..nm thanks.

In exam, Eyes: There is no s/l santilasma.
Subject: In exam, Eyes: There is no s/l santilasma.

Report is a pulmonary consult. No other mention of eyes. Can't find anything remotely like this term anywhere, but maybe I'm just looking in the wrong places? Thanks.

my eyes just rolled out of my head...
Subject: my eyes just rolled out of my head...

I worked hard to become a Miss instead of a Mrs. Guess I'll have to start filing complaints about that! I think it is just a typo..not a major deal.
Could be doll's sign of the eyes (nm)
Subject: Could be doll's sign of the eyes (nm)

strabismus --- crossed eyes. nm
Subject: strabismus --- crossed eyes. nm

Question refering to the eyes!
Subject: Question refering to the eyes!

The doctor dictates the the patient has  s/l ocu-la-cent- a- lus bilaterally.


Meds help - s/l ' ___lantin' for his eyes
Subject: Meds help - s/l ' ___lantin' for his eyes

med.. s/l Drizzar 0.05% 30 cc one drop both eyes b.i.d. thank u
Subject: med.. s/l Drizzar 0.05% 30 cc one drop both eyes b.i.d. thank u

quadranopia? talking about eyes here.
Subject: quadranopia? talking about eyes here.

There is slight s/l estrabusiness with her eyes.
Subject: There is slight s/l estrabusiness with her eyes.

Drug s/l "silantin" for eyes
Subject: Drug s/l "silantin" for eyes

anyone heard of a drug like this?


disc = spine, disk = eyes... That is how I do it.
Subject: disc = spine, disk = eyes... That is how I do it.

disk - spine, disc - eyes nm
Subject: disk - spine, disc - eyes nm

same here; disk (spine), disc (eyes)
Subject: same here; disk (spine), disc (eyes)

Not anymore...according to AAMT now always use disk, for eyes too. nm
Subject: Not anymore...according to AAMT now always use disk, for eyes too. nm

SOD septo-optic dysplasia? OU both eyes?
Subject: SOD septo-optic dysplasia? OU both eyes?

eyes show marked s/l argisinilis.tia
Subject: eyes show marked s/l argisinilis.tia

he did eyes earlier - got excited for a minute
Subject: he did eyes earlier - got excited for a minute

Thanks, though.
Eyes: Noted to have abnormal ACE level. sm
Subject: Eyes: Noted to have abnormal ACE level. sm

She has no URI symptoms, but last year she was noted to have on and off SOB with elevated s/l D timer. TIA
sounds like *agenteal* ointment for eyes
Subject: sounds like *agenteal* ointment for eyes

Nystagmus is noted in the eyes, not neck.
Subject: Nystagmus is noted in the eyes, not neck.

On list of meds, s/l Eye Max drops to eyes b.i.d. ?
Subject: On list of meds, s/l Eye Max drops to eyes b.i.d. ?

Preferred is disk.--both eyes and back.
Subject: Preferred is disk.--both eyes and back.
