Correct expansion of CPK
Posted By: Old MT (medical technologist on 2008-06-21
In Reply to: creatinine phosphokinase nm - anon
Subject: Correct expansion of CPK
CPK stands for CREATINE phosphokinase. Use of CREATININE phosphokinase to stand for CPK is a common mistake made by many docs and MTs. I don't think a CPK level would be a first-round test for fatigue.
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I would type it just as you have it without expansion. nm
Subject: I would type it just as you have it without expansion. nm
Proper expansion ER/PR
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I'm typing an assessment for a lady with breast cancer and the physician says ER/PR positive. Can someone please tell me the correct expansion for that. I know it is estrogen and progresterone receptor, but not sure of the correct way to type it.
IT wound expansion?
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I am supposed to expand everything in the Diagnoses sections of reports. Any guesses as to what the correct expansion would be for IT wound?
1. Postoperative laparoscopic repair of chronic right IT wound.
ESWL expansion?
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I have always been taught ESWL stood for electric shock wave lithotripsy. However, I stumbled upon a web site today for says ESWL stands for extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy. Are these interchangeable?? Which do you use when your doc just says "ESWL" and you need to expand it?
Thanks for any info!
I would type 0 to 100. As to expansion,
Subject: I would type 0 to 100. As to expansion,
it is per the client's preference.
tissue expansion is the only thing I can
Subject: tissue expansion is the only thing I can
imagine it would be.
it IS tissue expander or expansion....
Subject: it IS tissue expander or expansion....
they put in tissue expanders before actually doing the tissue expansion in which patients return for fills to the expanders until they are at a proper volume, usually at which point the expanders get changed out for permanent implants (gel or saline).
Does anyone know the expansion for EBI (as in EBI bone stimulator) ? mn
Subject: Does anyone know the expansion for EBI (as in EBI bone stimulator) ? mn
Don't know what type of expansion program you
Subject: Don't know what type of expansion program you
but since mibi is usually the part heard, make an expansion with that, then you will be able to see that word that is on the tip of your tongue. I do that with certain medications, instruments and procedures that I often forget. I make the expansion from what I usually hear, then sometimes back it up with a better description of the correct term. Good thing the expansion programs have a lot of memory cause my brain seems to get overloaded or just downright DUH some days! Glad we could help you!
Do you use word expansion software?
Subject: Do you use word expansion software?
I use SmartType and something similar happened to me regarding the gobbling up and the hour glass going crazy. I ended up getting more computer memory and it quit happening. Also, if Word 2003 is bundled with MicroSoft Works or MicroSoft Office, it will also happen.
sorry - ostial - hate when I turn off my expansion
Subject: sorry - ostial - hate when I turn off my expansion
I would say that doctor means dicontinued. I prefer to use the expansion instead of dc'd.
Subject: I would say that doctor means dicontinued. I prefer to use the expansion instead of dc'd.
Cardio. Dictates ostium to TM in Impression. Can't find expansion...
Subject: Cardio. Dictates ostium to TM in Impression. Can't find expansion...
that makes sense in any references and nothing in rest of dictation that connects. Got any ideas?
WAG, full expansion demonstrated? something demonstrated? nm
Subject: WAG, full expansion demonstrated? something demonstrated? nm
I meant it would be correct, not I would be correct..nm
Subject: I meant it would be correct, not I would be correct..nm
correct, you are!
holy crap! Thank God I didn't type incense (hee hee)
You must have been doing this a long time.
I would correct it, very different!
Subject: I would correct it, very different!
A distention of the abdomen resulting from the accumulation of gas or air in the intestine or peritoneal cavity. Also called tympany. (tympanitic)
1. Relating to or resembling a drum.
2. also tym�pa�nal (tmp-nl) Anatomy. Of or relating to the middle ear or eardrum. (tympanic)
it's not what we think, it is what is correct...
Subject: it's not what we think, it is what is correct...
correct = nicked (verb: to cut nick into) is a good dictionary source on-line.
Were is correct.
Subject: Were is correct.
As the word remainder represents a portion, the verb to use is determined by the noun in the "of phrase" that follows. In your case, "forms" is plural so use were.
This rule also applies for other "portion" words such as none, all, some, part, etc. Hope this helps.
PS: See 'The Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation' by Jane Straus.
Which is correct?
Subject: Which is correct?
Is it typed Adacel or ADACEL?
-thank you-
Which is correct? Help!
Subject: Which is correct? Help!
Could someone tell me which is correct? Do you hyphenate these sentences?
He was given a one day's notice.
She was given a ten days' notice.
What is the rule about using hyphens with written numbers? I have tried looking it up and can't seem to get a clear answer on this..
Subject: Correct!
That might be
Subject: That might be
but I notified my QA person that I might not have heard it clearly. She said he definitely said normetanephrine and metanephrin. This group of doctors says to "type exactly what I say". So right or wrong - that is what he said!
QA says it is correct -- SM
Subject: QA says it is correct -- SM
They say TELAMET but it is in clinical history and all caps on this account so I dont know if it is a capitalized word or not.
It looks correct
Subject: It looks correct
Have a good day and Happy New Year!
that is correct
Subject: that is correct
this is
Subject: this is
examiner is doing muscle testing of the quadriceps. normally an examiner will not be able to "break" a quadriceps unless it is severely weakened. you can find this doing a google search for "muscle testing break quadriceps"
Why would it NOT be correct?
Subject: Why would it NOT be correct?
Yes OP, you are correct, despite
Subject: Yes OP, you are correct, despite
the fact that doctors will dictate it as 3 hyphen 4 mm to "help us out."
I am usually good with hyphens, but this was one I only learned from QA years ago. I was quite annoyed at the time, but it is correct.
you are correct... c msg
Subject: you are correct... c msg
in the lab, we would have it spelled either protime, Protime, or ProTime (also found these ways in google). stedman's does not have it listed, so i would use any one of them (or according to client specs).
That is correct
Subject: That is correct
After I listened again. "edema" makes perfect sense.
Appreciate the help.
that's correct
Subject: that's correct
it is a word
Which is correct
Subject: Which is correct
Does your response mean that it can be either way?
Kim is correct........................nm
Subject: Kim is correct........................nm
A/B would be correct............nm
Subject: A/B would be correct............nm
I do believe you are correct. Thank you.
Subject: I do believe you are correct. Thank you.
Thats Correct.....
Subject: Thats Correct.....
Simple search in Google threw this up....
it's correct
Subject: it's correct
Either way is correct (nm)
Subject: Either way is correct (nm)
which is correct???
Subject: which is correct???
cross clamped, cross-clamped, or Cross clamped??? in the middle of a sentence of an operative report.
p.r.n. or PRN are correct
Subject: p.r.n. or PRN are correct
If small letters, need the dots, and if capital letters without the dots. This is how it shows in all by reference books.
That's correct. . . (sm)
Subject: That's correct. . . (sm)
I found that it is related to or similar to valerian, an herb
GIA 80, 3.5 would be correct. nm
Subject: GIA 80, 3.5 would be correct. nm
Subject: correct
sure is; I am sure that is correct, thanks much!
Subject: sure is; I am sure that is correct, thanks much!
On-Q is
Subject: On-Q is
If you Google "On-Q pain pump", you can verify this.