Confused MT Student
Posted By: Dana on 2008-12-10
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Subject: Confused MT Student
Okay I am just about 80% done with my MT course that I am taking on line and have come up against something very confusing to me. I thought I would ask about it here since my school (this is another story) does not give much feedback at all to my questions. Is it ALWAYS standard to put headings i.e. HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS, REVIEW OF SYSTEMS, etc. when not dictated in a History and Physical Exam report? I have been marked off for not doing this in the past on this particular report and now I am about to submit one for grading and the whole report is dictated without headings. The vital signs are also separate from the PHYSICAL EXAM section and that section is worded in sentence form. I am nervous about submitting it and getting marked wrong again. Any advice??
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Subject: student
I'm a student on verbatim.
New Student needs help.
Subject: New Student needs help.
I am dictating a discharge summary and the word afibril is being dictated. I can not find the work in my books. Is it a fibril ??
new MT student needs help
Subject: new MT student needs help
Can anyone help me figure out what this Dr. is saying?
There were multiple hypodensities in both kidneys___________________ (�felt through up his insist.�)
Patient was status post ________________(�cerebral basal stroke�), which had left him with gait unsteadiness.
Thank you!
Student dictating.
Subject: Student dictating.
This is John Doe [s/l PSM or PSU] dictating for Dr. John Doe, M.D.
Does anybody have any ideas what the initials are. What are the initials for someone dictating for the doctor?
Thanks for your help!
Are you a student Rebecca?
Subject: Are you a student Rebecca?
student dictating
Subject: student dictating
it is a student dictating but she is fairly clear - it sounds just like Vario but I can't find anything like that anywhere.
student question?
Subject: student question?
I am doing some questions for my class and I can not find what the answer is to this question. Plz help I am so worn out...
What part of speech is follow up? What contextual clues may help you determine which to use?
On second thought, I think the med student probably was on illicit drugs! nm
Subject: On second thought, I think the med student probably was on illicit drugs! nm
ESL med student dictating list of meds...
Subject: ESL med student dictating list of meds...
Good grief - it's awful. She can't pronounced them. One of them s/l "proseeaal's powder" 1 scoop po TID ??? Any ideas, please? Thanks.
I thought of that...but a med student getting graded and clearly doesn't have the "l". :(
Subject: I thought of that...but a med student getting graded and clearly doesn't have the "l". :(
Subject: confused
Are you saying that I should expand ST to Electrocardiographic wave segment> or are you agreeing with me that there is no expansion for ST?
Okay, now I'm really confused
Subject: Okay, now I'm really confused
I thought I saw my post come up four times, but now I don't see it at all, so I'll ask one more time. Hopefully this works and I haven't been too annoying!
Okay, so the patient has bilateral otitis externa "and is having a lot of swelling in the [s/l "D man"] and in the nasal mucosa. I injected it with Depo-Medrol and Marcaine and put him on Flonase."
I feel like I should be catching this but I'm stumped! Any ideas?
I was transcribing last night on a woman and the doc said quite clearly, twice, that she was post vasectomy. Okay, I figured that maybe this female once was a male. However, by the end of the report I knew that this was not the case. Anyway, I left a QA marker as I figured what the doc said was incorrect and I did not want to be the one to type that information down. I checked on the report today and QA had put in vasectomy, just as I thought he said.
Okay, so my question is: can women get vasectomies?? I thought it was impossible, but after yesterday my confidence is shaken. Women don't have the vas for the ectomy. If I am correct, then why would QA leave something so erroneus in a report? If it were me I would have left it blank.
Please, someone correct me if I am totally wrong.
thanks a lot..... it confused me for a while there. nm
Subject: thanks a lot..... it confused me for a while there. nm
not sure, please SM... so confused!..
Subject: not sure, please SM... so confused!..
thanks... not sure... he continually says what actually sounds like .... "lungs sr"... i have been doing MT for 11+ years and this is now really frustrating me!!!!!!! TY
No. I am not sure. I am actually confused on this one LOL..
Subject: No. I am not sure. I am actually confused on this one LOL..
Still confused though.
Subject: Still confused though.
fabere is Flexion, ABduction, External Rotation and extension.
The doc is saying s/l Faber, so I do not know which one to go. So frustrating.
I get confused too sm
Subject: I get confused too sm
track (track) (trak) 1. the path along which something moves, or the mark left by its movement. 2. of pus, to follow the path of least resistance through the tissues, e.g., along an intermuscular septum.
tract (tract) (trakt) [L. tractus] 1. a region, principally one of some length. 2. a collection or bundle of nerve fibers having the same origin, function, and termination (tractus [TA]); see also under bundle, fasciculus, and lemniscus. 3. a number of organs, arranged in series, subserving a common function.
This is according to Dorland's online dictionary. I too get confused but I think it should be track.
Subject: confused
patient needs a s/l lap cholie?
Thank you so much, I was getting confused.
Subject: Thank you so much, I was getting confused.
Subject: Confused
I always get this confused. Is it Penicillin (brand name) or penicillin (generic)? TIA
Subject: confused
for all I know he could be stuttering right s/l minimeniscus tear does that sound like something?
Subject: confused
New doctor. Can't understand 1/4 of dictation. I have no clue what the diagnosis is (some kind of sprain) he talks about the right ankle also the medial deltoid. I am very very confused. I have a ton of blanks and can't understand any of them.
now I'm really confused :)
Subject: now I'm really confused :)
Subject: Confused
Is s/he saying midsings or midsigns? You have written both in your post.
Examination of his left foot shows there is normal configuration. With plantar pressure between the third and fourth metatarsal head and compression, a popping sensation is elicited, consistent with a Morton�s neuroma.
Shouldn't there be a period after configuration? I am so confused every time I read it I come up with something different.
Above I have it with a period after configuration. Do I have that wrong?? tia again.
I, too, have been confused about that over the
Subject: I, too, have been confused about that over the
years - when it does come up, I type it as "Worker's," but "Workers'" might be correct
Subject: confused
I think it is SIF-MDP-Technetium-99. I googled this and think it fits. Try it.
now I'm even more confused
Subject: now I'm even more confused
Does anyone else get confused over these 2 works? (sm)
Subject: Does anyone else get confused over these 2 works? (sm)
I usually have a hard time trying to figure out which one is best to use and sometimes just have to take a best guess. Anyone have any "tricks" to figure this out on a case-by-case basis? Thanks!
which word - confused
Subject: which word - confused
When referred to x-rays, is it "lumbar plain films" or "lumbar plane films
Stiil confused
Subject: Stiil confused
I guess I am still confused, she changed a fraction for 1/2 in the person's weight to .5 and I still don't know which rule this would follow under, maybe it is too late at night for me to comprehend.
I don't blame you for being confused.
Subject: I don't blame you for being confused.
In earlier days I was assured that guide wire was a generic term and Guidewire was a brand name, but I sure see it in a lot of sources where it is not capped.
My best guess is yes, cap it, or check with your QA department if you have one.
Confused and tired....
Subject: Confused and tired....
Doc says the patient was given a stool ....s/l wax... to complete and return.
The only thing I have heard of is like stool cards but he is not saying cards. Any suggestions?
Confused with an expression
Subject: Confused with an expression
Dr says he has clear cut proof of ..... Should that be one word or hyphenated? Thanks in advance.
I guess I'm confused
Subject: I guess I'm confused
Doc says sponge, lap and needle counts were correct? Isn't the lap the sponge (laparoscopic sponge)? Would you transcribe sponge, lap, and needle counts were correct or sponge (lap) and needle counts were correct? I hate when something so silly trips me up like this!
Please elaborate on what you are confused about?
Subject: Please elaborate on what you are confused about?
what exactly is "rostrums" I am confused. I might have to QA it. nm
Subject: what exactly is "rostrums" I am confused. I might have to QA it. nm
That's what I thought - confused
Subject: That's what I thought - confused
I just looked at several reports for this patient, and they each have something different!
I wonder if anyone is reading over these reports to catch mistakes......some from last year.
Thanks for helping!
confused about letter
Subject: confused about letter
You can use semicolon. In 2004, 225 pounds; 2005, 242 pounds; 2006, 267 pounds; 2007, 258 pounds; 2008, 255 pounds.
Is this useful?
I'm a little confused - does this word
Subject: I'm a little confused - does this word
have to do with the phantom pain/amputated limb, or is this in an actual existing foot? Could you listen again and give another alternate s/l? This one rings no bells.
My research confused me even more LOL.....
Subject: My research confused me even more LOL.....
He says ..... was captured in the ciliary sulcus. It s/l he says haptic but from my research I find that the haptic is in the sulcus. Never saying it is captured. The optic is captured in the bag. So I am a wee bit confused. Any help would be great. Thanks.
Becky--you're right. See, I still get confused Thanks!!! nm
Subject: Becky--you're right. See, I still get confused Thanks!!! nm
Now that you're totally confused
Subject: Now that you're totally confused
I guess it would depend on the account, but Book of Style no hyphens.
It is hard to say with her accent. That is why I always gets so confused. Thanks so much!
Subject: It is hard to say with her accent. That is why I always gets so confused. Thanks so much!
one uses a curet or a curette - still confused
Subject: one uses a curet or a curette - still confused
Need more info. Totally confused here. nm
Subject: Need more info. Totally confused here. nm
still confused with pneumoa(AP chest)
Subject: still confused with pneumoa(AP chest)
I am still not very sure, first I heard it as ectopic, second time Type II, and third time hearing as plexiform neuroma???????
confused...when to use "in" and "at"
I have had no problems using these before but my new Editor has started to confuse me, when do i use "at" and when do I use "in"...for example...the patient was seen "in/at" the clinic....appointment with the oncology department "in/at" soandso hospital...thanks
from 'mar': You are confused, I always posted it always the right way.always the same way!..n
Subject: from 'mar': You are confused, I always posted it always the right way.always the same way!..nm
oh, now I'm confused...just read your post again...
Subject: oh, now I'm confused...just read your post again...
I think I'll have to research that.