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Capitalize if a list, i.e., 1. Anxiety/depression, 2. etc.

Posted By: nm on 2008-03-26
In Reply to: why capitalize? - nm

Subject: Capitalize if a list, i.e., 1. Anxiety/depression, 2. etc.


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Anxiety/Depression, CAPITALIZE???
Subject: Anxiety/Depression, CAPITALIZE???

ok, am i supposed to capitalize the words Anxiety or Depression?  I get so lost on capitalizing-when should I, when should I not?  I get so confused, and I want it to be right.
If a list, capitalize anxiety only, if in body
Subject: If a list, capitalize anxiety only, if in body

of report, no.
anxiety depression
Subject: anxiety depression

I hear this dictated so often as though it's one Dx, so is it supposed to be hyphenated, i.e. anxiety-depression?
Normally it is anxiety AND depression.
Subject: Normally it is anxiety AND depression.

could it be anxiety and depression?
Subject: could it be anxiety and depression?

I believe it should be "mood disorder, anxiety, and depression" (nm)
Subject: I believe it should be "mood disorder, anxiety, and depression" (nm)

maybe mood disorder and anxiety and depression
Subject: maybe mood disorder and anxiety and depression

History of mood disorder OF/AND, anxiety, and depression. PSM
Subject: History of mood disorder OF/AND, anxiety, and depression. PSM

History of mood disorder OF/AND, anxiety, and depression.

Shouldn't it be mood disorder of anxiety and depression

rather than

mood disorder, anxiety, and depression?


DASS - depression anxiety stress scale
Subject: DASS - depression anxiety stress scale

Per AAMT BOS2 do not capitalize if it is generic, do capitalize if it is associated with a facility
Subject: Per AAMT BOS2 do not capitalize if it is generic, do capitalize if it is associated with a facility name, i.e. emergency room or General Hospital Emergency Room.

Is it the right one? Against anxiety ?
Subject: Is it the right one? Against anxiety ?

hydroxyzine HCL comes in 10 mg - given for anxiety,
Subject: hydroxyzine HCL comes in 10 mg - given for anxiety,

pt with anxiety given S/L furosotine? 20 mg a day
Subject: pt with anxiety given S/L furosotine? 20 mg a day

Vistazine is used for anxiety ???
Subject: Vistazine is used for anxiety ???

Seroquel for anxiety/bipolar comes in 100 mg. nm
Subject: Seroquel for anxiety/bipolar comes in 100 mg. nm

s/l "hydroxidame pamoid" was given for anxiety p.r.n. nm
Subject: s/l "hydroxidame pamoid" was given for anxiety p.r.n. nm

Triavil - anxiety medication
Subject: Triavil - anxiety medication

Pt list of drugs s/l "thy a do laj" 120 micrograms p.o. q.d. Problem list in message. sm
Subject: Pt list of drugs s/l "thy a do laj" 120 micrograms p.o. q.d. Problem list in message. sm

1.                    Dementia of undetermined etiology.

2.                    Hypothyroidism.

3.                    Osteoporosis. 

History of depression. 
Klonopin? does patient have any anxiety problems?
Subject: Klonopin? does patient have any anxiety problems?

vasovagal response, anxiety, syncope?
Subject: vasovagal response, anxiety, syncope?

I'd flag, especially if nothing in the report indicates high anxiety or other stressors. nm
Subject: I'd flag, especially if nothing in the report indicates high anxiety or other stressors. nm

Maybe prochlorperazine for schizophrenia, anxiety, migraines, nausea, etc. nm
Subject: Maybe prochlorperazine for schizophrenia, anxiety, migraines, nausea, etc. nm

Depending on age of patient,, maybe anxiety about world issues
Subject: Depending on age of patient,, maybe anxiety about world issues

In list of meds...Full bee 1 tab q.a.m. sm for problem list :)
Subject: In list of meds...Full bee 1 tab q.a.m. sm for problem list :)

1.                    Diffuse Lewy body disease mixed with Alzheimer’s disease.

2.                    Generalized anxiety disorder.

3.                    Benign prostatic hypertrophy.

4          Gastroesophageal reflux disease. 
Med list, s/l mylar? drops. No context as in list only. Tx. nm
Subject: Med list, s/l mylar? drops. No context as in list only. Tx. nm

0.5 mm of ST depression. nm
Subject: 0.5 mm of ST depression. nm

ST Depression
Subject: ST Depression

Hey, I do Cardiology for a local hospital and we literally type 1/2 mm of ST depression per our cardiologists.  
depression med
Subject: depression med

He tried some S/L calcine a few years ago which did not help.

Actually it sounds more like calcium but never heard of calcium for depression. TIA!
FDF or SDF depression index?
Subject: FDF or SDF depression index?

"Her Zung depression scale reveals a raw score of 50.  (s/l FDF) index of 62, which reveals moderated to marked depression. 



s/l diapunch depression
Subject: s/l diapunch depression

MRI shows posttraumatic arthritis in the lateral tibial plateau with a "diapunch" depression of 7-8 mm.  Could anyone help with this one?  Thanks!
ST segment depression.....
Subject: ST segment depression.....

planar depression nm
Subject: planar depression nm

Anafranil for depression
Subject: Anafranil for depression

Depression Scales
Subject: Depression Scales

Is it Whooley depression scale or Wooley depression scale?  Google has both. My editors say both (at different times).  Any help is greatly appreciated in advance. Stedman's and Dorland's does not say (which is interesting)? Thank you.
Maybe it's suicidal depression?
Subject: Maybe it's suicidal depression?

? acute depression
Subject: ? acute depression

There is a Serzone, used for depression........nm
Subject: There is a Serzone, used for depression........nm

He has depression for which he has previously....
Subject: He has depression for which he has previously....

taken Zoloft with some s/l anti-donia and dysthymia.  thank you
depression scale
Subject: depression scale

Zung score.
depression index UNG?
Subject: depression index UNG?

Hi everyone,

Is there an index to measure depression called UNG or something that sounds like that? At least that is what I am hearing--- "ung" at various speeds. Would he be saying "own"?

This dr has yawned so many times throughout this report he is making me sleepy too.

"with his UNG index score of 78"



Is there a DX of depression or insomnia (sm)
Subject: Is there a DX of depression or insomnia (sm)

mentioned? If so, could be Depakote.
agitated depression ?
Subject: agitated depression ?

Fluoxetine is for depression.
Subject: Fluoxetine is for depression.

Calcium for depression. sm
Subject: Calcium for depression. sm

  • IngentaConnect The Thyroid, Magnesium and Calcium in Major Depression

    The Thyroid, Magnesium and Calcium in Major Depression. Authors: Joffe R.T.1; Levitt A.J.; Young L.T.. Source: Biological Psychiatry, Volume 40, Number 5, ...
    www.ingentaconnect.com/content/els/00063223/1996/00000040/00000005/art00063 - Similar pages

  • Discovery Health :: Calcium: The "Miracle" Mineral

    At least half of the 497 women she studied who took 1200 mg. of calcium supplements experienced fewer mood swings, depression/sadness, anxiety/ nervousness; ...
    health.discovery.com/centers/womens/calcium/calcium.html - 45k - Cached - Similar pages


  • Pamelor? may be. It is for depression
    Subject: Pamelor? may be. It is for depression

    depression or groove
    Subject: depression or groove

    I don't know for sure. What part of the body are you talking about? vallecula as far as I know only means depression or groove.
    could also be postpartum depression.
    Subject: could also be postpartum depression.

    imipramine for depression???
    Subject: imipramine for depression???

    Could be mirtazapine aka Remeron for depression.
    Subject: Could be mirtazapine aka Remeron for depression.

    sounds like sitrelapam, for depression
    Subject: sounds like sitrelapam, for depression

    I don't know why this one won't show up just by googling. I've tried every spelling I can think of - cytrelapam, zytrelepam, xytrelapam.

    Usually I know the antidepressant names from commercials, but not this time.
    how do you write one-half mm of ST depression? thanks
    Subject: how do you write one-half mm of ST depression? thanks