Bubble study
Posted By: pdo on 2008-03-10
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Subject: Bubble study
Is bubble study correct? It's some type of study for the heart, I think.
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bubble study
Subject: bubble study
Thanks so much! This info is very helpful and now makes sense to me! Take care.
echocardiogram bubble study with s/l michael bubbles in the left chamber nm
Subject: echocardiogram bubble study with s/l michael bubbles in the left chamber nm
breast cancer study - Veridex versus "Gupta-Didert-Nath study"
Subject: breast cancer study - Veridex versus "Gupta-Didert-Nath study"
gas formed bubble?
Subject: gas formed bubble?
CT contrast - Probable is bubble
Subject: CT contrast - Probable is bubble
I type bubble contrast quite often in CT reports.
sorry, see you already have bowel, so ? bubble, hadn't heard of that one.
Subject: sorry, see you already have bowel, so ? bubble, hadn't heard of that one.
large bowel BUBBLE obstruction...anyone heard of that? n/m
Subject: large bowel BUBBLE obstruction...anyone heard of that? n/m
Retinal detachment. A s/l purr form bubble was used to stabilize the peripheral retina.
Subject: Retinal detachment. A s/l purr form bubble was used to stabilize the peripheral retina.
s/l VAP study
Subject: s/l VAP study
For someone with chest pain: The patient has hyperlipidemia and I would recommend a s/l VAP study to give the breakdown of the LDL components in particular. Thanx for help.
VAP study
Subject: VAP study
Found it: Vertical Auto Profile for measurement of cholesterol in all lipoprotein classes.
This pt. may have had an EP study
Subject: This pt. may have had an EP study
I think you may be looking for something like a catheter - I don't have anything current. Try electrophysiology study catheters on google... not much help I guess. Ventricular fib is induced during EP studies I believe. ? (catheter tip) protocol.
MRA s/l run-el study
Subject: MRA s/l run-el study
of the abdominal aorta? Thoughts?
OPM study???
Subject: OPM study???
Anybody know what the 'OPM' stands for??
DBT study
Subject: DBT study
could it be DVT study?
GUY study?
Subject: GUY study?
The doctor is saying, we would need to do an MR angiogram, which we cannot do because of his ICD or a s/l GUY study, which I would like to avoid because of his potential complications. TIA.
TL study?
Subject: TL study?
Could he be talking about TL-201, or Thallous Chloride? It's used for heart studies. See if any of this info sounds like your patient:
Thallous Chloride Tl 201 Injection may be useful in myocardial perfusion imaging using either planar or SPECT (Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography) techniques for the diagnosis and localization of myocardial infarction. It may also have prognostic value regarding survival, when used in the clinically stable patient following the onset of symptoms of an acute myocardial infarction, to assess the site and size of the perfusion defect.
Thallous Chloride Tl 201 Injection is indicated also for the localization of sites of parathyroid hyperactivity in patients with elevated serum calcium and parathyroid hormone levels. It may also be useful in pre-operative screening to localize extrathyroidal and mediastinal sites of parathyroid hyperactivity and for postsurgical reexamination.
okay, same doc, lab study
Subject: okay, same doc, lab study
This guy stumps me on this one lab value, always in the 220s to 230s. He dictates the patient's SMA-7 sodium 141, potassium 3.7, chloride 103, __________ 230, sounds like total,and then goes on to BUN and creatinine. Anybody got a clue what the blank value might represent? thanks! (again)
n** electrical study
Subject: n** electrical study
Neural electrical study-- neuro electrical study-- I cannot make out what he is saying here and cannot verify.
Brandon-Nye study ???
Subject: Brandon-Nye study ???
FACT Study
Subject: FACT Study
According to Stedman's Abbreviations...FACT would be either: Flanagan Aptitude Classification Test or Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy. Is that what you are looking for? You did not specify what it was, so just taking a stab at this.
FACTS study
Subject: FACTS study
Baby is having a FACTS study. I know what it is but was wondering if anyone knew what FACTS stands for. I have been trying to find this FOREVER. Thanks in advance
?Prolantus study
Subject: ?Prolantus study
Has anyone heard of this - the patient is diabetic and on humalog and lantus. thanks.
s/l six channel study
Subject: s/l six channel study
It was decided to arrange a s/l six channel study for the patient.
This is a newborn admitted for apnea. TIA!
Upper GI study
Subject: Upper GI study
This is all that is said about this, so any help is greatly appreciated!
Regarding the upper GI study: Findings of three important things, some strictures
with delayed stomach emptying, ___ waves, and suggestion of
gastroesophageal strictures. It kind of sounds like tur-to-ry or perhaps it starts with a "D" but I am coming up empty handed. Thank you!
What about gut motility study?
Subject: What about gut motility study?
instead of anything -oscopy?
Telmisartan study FYI
Subject: Telmisartan study FYI
The telmisartan study is the AMADEO study, thanks doc for spelling it out, passing on some useful info.
Favored study
Subject: Favored study
She is on the 'favored' study.
s/l vasculip study
Subject: s/l vasculip study
Doc (a vascular surgeon) says it twice.
Any ideas?
Thank you, from a darkened room in Vancouver, WA.
Sodium study?
Subject: Sodium study?
An s/l "I" study was done which showed a sodium level of 109, a BMP was done that showed a sodium of 115. This is in a 4 month old. NI study?
Hemotide Study
Subject: Hemotide Study
This is probably too simple, but I'm running on 3 hours sleep.
I discussed the possibility with her of going on to her s/l hemotide study given her anemia. TIA.
nerve study
Subject: nerve study
A s/l marcid left ulnar neuropathy at the elbow characterized by conduction velocity slowing, axon loss, and associated denervation.
S/l low "rid" study ---sm
Subject: S/l low "rid" study ---sm
the patient also had a colonoscopy, which was _____ except for dilatation
Sleep Study help...
Subject: Sleep Study help...
Unfortunately, as (s/l):THEY GOT WENT UP in CPAP, all the way up to 13, it was an inappropriate level and they could not get higher. The patient continuously asked if they could decrease the pressure for comfort.
Anyone? Thanks!!
what kind of study is this?
Subject: what kind of study is this?
cardiac study?
Subject: cardiac study?
"I did discuss with him the ongoing DELL/DALE/DEHL? outcome study looking at a new agent to raise HDL"
Is he saying ongoing HDL study?
Subject: Is he saying ongoing HDL study?
Don't know what kind of study....
Subject: Don't know what kind of study....
...but it could be varices.
electrophysiology study (EPS) ? nm
Subject: electrophysiology study (EPS) ? nm
a low threshold to having pt have a sleep study.
Subject: a low threshold to having pt have a sleep study.
Question of obstructive sleep apnea � I told the patient to talk with his wife about stopping breathing while he is sleeping at night. I also asked him to carefully to look at his drowsiness during the day. I would have a low threshold to having this patient have a sleep study.
Is is RIVA or RIBA study??nm
Subject: Is is RIVA or RIBA study??nm
RIBA - hepatitis study
Subject: RIBA - hepatitis study
There's also a RIBA-2 study.
S/L ion/Erbitux lung study
Subject: S/L ion/Erbitux lung study
Doing an EP study, help with word needed please (sm)
Subject: Doing an EP study, help with word needed please (sm)
Veins are encircled using s/l "pa-pony circles." Can't find in books or on internet. Hope you can help. TIA
video swallow study..............nm
Subject: video swallow study..............nm
Thyroid Study Question
Subject: Thyroid Study Question
The pathology report shows that over the 3.5-cm left thyroid nodule, there was note of numerous fistula sites, and rare bland thyroid follicle cells and colloid material.
Not sure if he is actually saying "numerous fistula sites" but that is certainly what it sounds like. Any suggestions?
Metabolic syndrome study
Subject: Metabolic syndrome study
Physician dictates that patient will undergo a metabolic syndrome study s/l Ramanoband Study. Any Ideas?
contrast enhanced study
Subject: contrast enhanced study
I guess contrast-enhanced study comes the closest. Sure is a stretch though.
thanks to all.
Iliofemoral runoff study
Subject: Iliofemoral runoff study
The s/l PES released 2-vessel runoff below the knee. Is he talking about the abbreviation PES (programmed electrical stimulation)?
s/l IV **identosy** nuclear study... sm
Subject: s/l IV **identosy** nuclear study... sm
Patient has an IV **_____** nuclear study which suggests underlying ischemic heart disease.
Telmisartan study/hypertension
Subject: Telmisartan study/hypertension
The dr says "Telmisartan was chosen as a proven benefit in the s/l amadeus study for better outcome in proteinuria with similar effect on blood pressure control". ANY IDEAS???
sleep study question. sm
Subject: sleep study question. sm
He is excessively sleepy and has an "EPORT" of 14 points.
I remember having it on a different report as "EPORT" score, but I can't recall how to spell it and I just can't find it. Thank you so much!