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BUS is referring to the glands s/m

Posted By: penny on 2008-12-04
In Reply to: word help - Sarah J.

Subject: BUS is referring to the glands s/m

Bartholin, urethral, Skene and I assume VV means vaginal vault.  So, it would be BUS and VV or BUS/VV

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fundic glands and
Subject: fundic glands and

bolus dysphagia sounds correct....having difficulty swallowing a bolus of food.
what type of glands would they check on a PE
Subject: what type of glands would they check on a PE

under the HEENT section for a child.  ESL dictator...     sub...... glands are normal
S/L 'clinical and' swollen glands...???
Subject: S/L 'clinical and' swollen glands...???

'She was just recently on a trip to Europe, where she developed an upper respiratory tract infection associated with sore throat, _________ swollen glands, significant sinus congestion, and some cough.  She is not sure if she had fever.'

The blank sounds like "clinical and", but this doesn't make sense.  Any ideas? 



That's correct. Bartholin, urethral and Skene glands. nm
Subject: That's correct. Bartholin, urethral and Skene glands. nm

Also, Skenes glands are right near clitoris, parallel to urethra???NM
Subject: Also, Skenes glands are right near clitoris, parallel to urethra???NM

sicca complex? (dry eyes,dry mouth, swollen glands)
what? What are you referring to?
Subject: what? What are you referring to?

and not all MTs are *girls* by the way.........
maybe referring to vas (sm)
Subject: maybe referring to vas (sm)

- a tube that transports sperm from the epididymis to the seminal vesicles


I don't think so because that would be referring to someone
Subject: I don't think so because that would be referring to someone

who looks for analogies.  I think he means that the symptoms are like a prodrome to the syndrome.  Plus, he pronounces it al-o-gest (with guh sound, not gee).  Thanks though!

Could be referring to
Subject: Could be referring to

the 3/3 recall test. Patient is shown 3 objects and then after a few minutes asked to recall them. Just a guess. :-)
Referring to MI?
Subject: Referring to MI?

Could be biopsy. Endomyocardial biopsy ?
I believe it's referring
Subject: I believe it's referring

to the fact that a female is a virgin, but kind of silly as you can be non-marital and non-virgin. ;-) Outdated, I believe.
Are you referring to
Subject: Are you referring to

Medi Strumpf? You're not going with that one?? :-)
You are right - referring to those 3 tests - and I would (sm)
Subject: You are right - referring to those 3 tests - and I would (sm)

transcribe it like this
drop, can, and arc.

Thanks, that helps! That's probably what he was referring to then.
Subject: Thanks, that helps! That's probably what he was referring to then.

I wasn't finding anything for AP node, but I do for the AP window lymph node as you said, so that seems right.  Plus, it fits with the area he's talking about.  Thanks!
If it's got caine on the end, it's referring to an
Subject: If it's got caine on the end, it's referring to an

anesthetic.  Perhaps they mean "with an antibiotic". 

I've never heard of that, maybe it's Marcaine?

Could be referring to troponin I being 713..nm
Subject: Could be referring to troponin I being 713..nm

I capitalize them because they are referring sm
Subject: I capitalize them because they are referring sm

to specific sections of the report with that exact header. If you were referring to the "laboratory" below and your header was "Diagnostic Data Blah-Blah", then you'd leave "laboratory" lowercase.
Sentence please, what is it referring to?
Subject: Sentence please, what is it referring to?

radiopharmaceutical - he is referring
Subject: radiopharmaceutical - he is referring

to the drug that the patient was given, such as adenosine or dobutamine.
It could be that "purpose" is referring to
Subject: It could be that "purpose" is referring to

puposeful movement, such as walking straight, turning, reaching to grasp, etc., sort of on the line of testing for "intention" tremors.
in this case doc is referring to several .sm
Subject: in this case doc is referring to several .sm

patent ductus arteriosus and clearly dictates s/l "arterios-es.
No, doc was referring to ability to eat
Subject: No, doc was referring to ability to eat

The previous sentence had talked about having a swallow study and having dysphagia, so I am sure the word did not refer to word-finding or memory impairment.  Doc very clearly stated "pneumestic" -- I just cannot find anything that closely resembles that word, and I sure don't know where QA got it from.
He is probably referring to the uptake
Subject: He is probably referring to the uptake

of the scan.  Can't remember if those first 2 letters are correct, though.
Even when referring to the eye, both are correct.
Subject: Even when referring to the eye, both are correct.

It is correct to use either disc or disk when referring to the eye.
No, it is referring to his speciality, not his
Subject: No, it is referring to his speciality, not his

Believe this is referring to a soleus -sm
Subject: Believe this is referring to a soleus -sm

Could she be referring to coumadin?
Subject: Could she be referring to coumadin?

I noticed the patient was on 5 mg of coumadin on the last progress note. Do you think she may be referring to coumadin?
Was - is referring to lidocaine, not the 5 mL.
Subject: Was - is referring to lidocaine, not the 5 mL.

Of course, it was referring to the lidocaine,
Subject: Of course, it was referring to the lidocaine,

but it still sounds better if you use "was" instead of "were." Just as you wouldn't say, "2 cups of water was spilled" but instead, "2 cups of water were spilled." It's a matter of what sounds better, in some cases. :-)
Referring to symptoms of diabetes.
Subject: Referring to symptoms of diabetes.

polyuria, polydypsia, and polyphasia--excessive urination, excessive thirst, and excessive eating or hunger.


maybe referring to Milk of Magnesia....nm
Subject: maybe referring to Milk of Magnesia....nm

The test you are referring to is called the
Subject: The test you are referring to is called the

'empty beer can test.'

Referring Physician Site
Subject: Referring Physician Site



I like this site, as you can change the state at the bottom, and also do partial names.  Hope this helps.

Not refered...referring...kick me now!
Subject: Not refered...referring...kick me now!

Referring to stool, melenic NM
Subject: Referring to stool, melenic NM

I think he is referring to edges of clot
Subject: I think he is referring to edges of clot

What part of body is he referring to????
Subject: What part of body is he referring to????

For chondromalacia, what numerals are you referring to? Thanks
Subject: For chondromalacia, what numerals are you referring to? Thanks

This is a surgery the doctor is referring to
Subject: This is a surgery the doctor is referring to

Could be referring to the eyes, pallor. ??
Subject: Could be referring to the eyes, pallor. ??

I think the poster is referring to the skin in ROS.
Subject: I think the poster is referring to the skin in ROS.

This is under Review of Symptoms- skin (This was from her post above) Kinda cannot see the skin at first.
Could be referring to the "detrusor" muscle. ????
Subject: Could be referring to the "detrusor" muscle. ????

Stedman's lists neither. If this is referring
Subject: Stedman's lists neither. If this is referring

to your post of 2 days ago on cannulas, there is Kahn and there is Cohen, both uterine cannulas.
Stedman's lists neither. If this is referring
Subject: Stedman's lists neither. If this is referring

to your post of 2 days ago on cannulas, there is Kahn and there is Cohen, both uterine cannulas.
could be referring to "Mirizzi's" syndrome, sm
Subject: could be referring to "Mirizzi's" syndrome, sm

common hepatic duct obstruction caused by extrinsic compression from an impacted stone in the cystic duct
1-1/2 as he is referring to the tablet/pill.
Subject: 1-1/2 as he is referring to the tablet/pill.

I give up! Why ouch?! I was referring to myself!...nm
Subject: I give up! Why ouch?! I was referring to myself!...nm

I would say in this instance if dictator is referring to diagnoses, sm
Subject: I would say in this instance if dictator is referring to diagnoses, sm

it probably is hyper given that he is diagnosed with hypertension but is on meds for that. his bp is low today so he wants to decrease the norvasc as it is over working. the patient isn't diagnosed with hypotension, it is only hypo due to medication dosaging.
could be, I suppose, referring to calf vessels
Subject: could be, I suppose, referring to calf vessels

when referring to the spine is it disk or disc? Also is it 3 mm or 3mm
Subject: when referring to the spine is it disk or disc? Also is it 3 mm or 3mm

I noticed QA is changing my work and what something I see doesnt look right to me.  I type 3 mm and they change it to 3mm.  Also I received a half typed report and they were using disc for disk.  Maybe I need to start studying a little more.