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Apparently, the "flame sign" may be present, due to disruption and depression of the lateral c

Posted By: MT50 on 2008-01-11
In Reply to: No s/l flame sign identified SM - No Name

Subject: Apparently, the "flame sign" may be present, due to disruption and depression of the lateral canthal tendon (according to Emedicine)

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There is a s/l scallop depression in the lateral tibial plateau SM
Subject: There is a s/l scallop depression in the lateral tibial plateau SM

This is an x-ray report.  Full sentence is as follows:


There is severe narrowing of the lateral joint compartment with subchondral sclerosis and a s/l scallop depression in the lateral tibial plateau.


Thanks guys.

Apparently during this test it is just transcribed as J-sign;
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Subject: disruption?...nm

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times s/l "germinal" matrix repair.  Initially I thought he was saying "general," but not sure - any ideas??
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Having a bad day apparently LOL - Thanks!
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s/l LV hypertrophy, "dopplofeech" is consistent with moderate diastolic disfunction

Subject: Apparently?

could it be apparently?
Subject: could it be apparently?


Subject: Apparently

that is a phenomenon from sitting/lying too long. Morning stiffness or morning gel. :-)
Subject: Apparently...

bimelic is 2 limbs, monomelic only 1 limb, tetramelic would be all 4 limbs. :-)
LOL! Apparently so! And it's very scary.
Subject: LOL! Apparently so! And it's very scary.

sorry - apparently I'm not awake yet! (nm)
Subject: sorry - apparently I'm not awake yet! (nm)

Per FreeDictionary.com apparently both
Subject: Per FreeDictionary.com apparently both

go-round (ground)
An argument; a go-around.
Apparently there are no possessives
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Either in signs or diagnoses. Thanks!
which is present??
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after her surgery. Could mean "still present" after her surgery
abdominal exam: obturator sign, and positiv s/l Zoe-is sign
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apparently patients sometimes refer to it as H1c. sm
Subject: apparently patients sometimes refer to it as H1c. sm

Try googling H1c, lots of hits  from (apparently) patients.  Also, wondered if slurring could make "an A1c" sound like your HUNC ? Also found at least one reference to histoplasmosis marker of H1C.

I was wrong - apparently the FDA recognizes it...
Subject: I was wrong - apparently the FDA recognizes it...


I just have never heard them dictate that ever....decades

found it! apparently it was pouchoscopy... =) nm
Subject: found it! apparently it was pouchoscopy... =) nm

I appreciate it. I apparently didn't try enough spellings!
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She lay in bed, present tense....sm
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she laid in bed all day Saturday (past tense).........
s/l vertebrae Why's present
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Pt has vertebral anomalies, only 16 thoracic and lumbar vertebrae s/l Why's present.  I thought maybe lumbar vertebrae Ys, not sure though.

Thanks for any help

can present doppler
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Doesn't sound like comprehensive.  Are dopplers done by percentages?  Like 10% doppler was performed?  Thanks.
Yep, and you can apparently fracture a sinus... go figure
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Found it - apparently they're interchangable.
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Can't give much more relative info than that. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
s/l dorsal *kelostity* present...
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Podiatry again.

There are hammertoe contractures that are increasing in size of digits 2-5 of the right foot.  There is dorsal ______ present at digits three and four at the PIPJ, this is increasing as well especially since this patient is not wearing shoes. 

Thanks in advance!

on all reps I try for present tense except
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Could the first part be comprehensive instead of can present?
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See HPI. (as in see history of present illness)
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ABDOMEN: Normal. No edema. Bilateral rouse? are present.

Any idea? Thanks

Cullen sign, Grey Turner sign. No s. nm
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Lloyd's sign. Look in medical dictionary under sign. NM
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Thanks!!! The FNP keeps spelling it Ascenda. Apparently, she doesn't know her meds..LOL
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Yep, apparently for shoulder surgery, captain's chair
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Apparently part of patient's history, but not clear...
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MRI is reviewed confirming the presence of a full-thickness supraspinatus tendon tear with early glenohumeral arthritis. The patient apparently had a long head biceps tendon operation as well, perhaps s/l an or in acoa.

The patient has another orthopaedic surgeon in New York that has done a shoulder procedure (he says this in the HPI) and I can't tell if he's saying "an" or "in" acoa.

Thanks MT50.
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There is a machine apparently called Bragg x-ray (I am probably reaching on this one). Sorry.
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You're welcome. Apparently it's watched as a precursor to cancer
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Again, give it a shot with Google. :)
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