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Any help greatly appreciated

Posted By: lucyd on 2008-11-25
In Reply to:

Can someone please tell which of these sentences they think is correct - Thanks!

The mass lesion was several mm in length

The mass lesion was several millimeters in length.

thanks everyone!

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Your help is greatly appreciated! Thanks!
Subject: Your help is greatly appreciated! Thanks!

Thanks for your advice; it's greatly appreciated.
Subject: Thanks for your advice; it's greatly appreciated.


Thanks for the backup ~ greatly appreciated!
Subject: Thanks for the backup ~ greatly appreciated!

Thanks! The website is greatly appreciated!
Subject: Thanks! The website is greatly appreciated!

Anyone ever heard of an insulin med s/l gwygine --all help greatly appreciated
Subject: Anyone ever heard of an insulin med s/l gwygine --all help greatly appreciated

Thanks much Amy. Greatly appreciate it!
Subject: Thanks much Amy. Greatly appreciate it!

Thanks. Greatly appreciate your help.
Subject: Thanks. Greatly appreciate your help.

Thank you for your help -very much appreciated nm
Subject: Thank you for your help -very much appreciated nm

Thank you so much..your help is much appreciated..nm
Subject: Thank you so much..your help is much appreciated..nm

Subject: appreciated

S/l ulnar septum.  Patient saw an ENT and had Decadron injections.  Is this correct?  Any help appreciated.



Subject: appreciated

s/l rectus dock stasis in a patient with a hernia. 


Any ideas?


Thanks in advance!

Thank you - much appreciated!!!....
Subject: Thank you - much appreciated!!!....

I think it would be appreciated. nm
Subject: I think it would be appreciated. nm

Thank you for your help! Much appreciated
Subject: Thank you for your help! Much appreciated

Thank you! Much appreciated. (nm)
Subject: Thank you! Much appreciated. (nm)

Thanks to everyone for their help! Much appreciated!
Subject: Thanks to everyone for their help! Much appreciated!

Thanks again...much appreciated.
Subject: Thanks again...much appreciated.

Tx to both. Much appreciated. =)
Subject: Tx to both. Much appreciated. =)

Thank you! Much appreciated. NM
Subject: Thank you! Much appreciated. NM

Thank you, much appreciated
Subject: Thank you, much appreciated

Thanks to all! Much appreciated.
Subject: Thanks to all! Much appreciated.

i have never appreciated any one !
Subject: i have never appreciated any one !

but i must say Patty that your answers are up to the point and on target all the time. For which company r u working ?
any help appreciated - drug help
Subject: any help appreciated - drug help

s/l MSR or Imazar, not quite sure.  Here is partial dictation.

Comprehensive history and physical completed for left shoulder arthroscopic surgery on 04/30/07.  This likely will require debridement or repair of a labrum, the AC joint also a little bit hypertropic.  The risks, goals and alternatives were discussed and she wishes to go ahead with the procedure.  I did give her Lortab 10 #30 at her request but do note that she is already taking MS Contin 30 mg t.i.d. with Imazar 15 mg in between as needed for breakthrough,

Thank you all for your reply - much appreciated.
Subject: Thank you all for your reply - much appreciated.

Any ideas appreciated!
Subject: Any ideas appreciated!


The patient is taking Tenormin, Dyazide, potassium,  Niaspan and S/L "E-Carnita". 


Past medical history of high blood pressure and hypercholesterolemia. 

Thanks Dazey...Much appreciated!!! (NM)
Subject: Thanks Dazey...Much appreciated!!! (NM)

Thank you guys!! Much appreciated!
Subject: Thank you guys!! Much appreciated!

Thanks Barbara! Much appreciated!
Subject: Thanks Barbara! Much appreciated!

Please help for infectious disease..Any help appreciated.sm
Subject: Please help for infectious disease..Any help appreciated.sm

I posted a part of the sentence below.  This word is used throughout the dictation but I am unable to figure it out.  It s/l exocytic. 

Elephantiasis like legs but with multiple ____ lesions distributed

Thank you so much.

Thanks for all the excellent replies--very appreciated!
Subject: Thanks for all the excellent replies--very appreciated!

got the second word any help on scaling would be appreciated
Subject: got the second word any help on scaling would be appreciated

no mass appreciated, no guarding
Subject: no mass appreciated, no guarding

Some docs say "could be appreciated", maybe it's that? nm
Subject: Some docs say "could be appreciated", maybe it's that? nm

Quick answer appreciated! (nm)
Subject: Quick answer appreciated! (nm)

podiatry/orthotics, any help appreciated.
Subject: podiatry/orthotics, any help appreciated.

I am not sure on any of this so I just typed it all as I hear it...any help appreciated...assessment is mid foot arthralgias

Casted today for functional orthotic appliance with devices to include colpolaru mur 4 mm base, matty toron 1/8 inch mid layer to the MTPJ, top cover 1/16 inch full length accomodative heel cutout.

There was a "tight loop appreciated"
Subject: There was a "tight loop appreciated"

I finally figured it out!!

Abby :)
Wow, thank you. That one is tricky to find/document! Much appreciated! :) nm
Subject: Wow, thank you. That one is tricky to find/document! Much appreciated! :) nm

Yup, had to go in with a blank. Appreciated all the tries. It'll be ineresting to see what QA
Subject: Yup, had to go in with a blank. Appreciated all the tries. It'll be ineresting to see what QA

comes up with.
Any ideas on this one appreciated! Psych eval...
Subject: Any ideas on this one appreciated! Psych eval...

He has some mild anxiety about S/L: WALT issues but does not have any symptoms suggestive of an anxiety disorder. 

He was diagnosed with ADHD and PDD.


Oops! Wrong board. Help is still appreciated ;-) nm
Subject: Oops! Wrong board. Help is still appreciated ;-) nm

Thank you so much! I am horrible in these kinds of studies! Very much appreciated! nm
Subject: Thank you so much! I am horrible in these kinds of studies! Very much appreciated! nm

Bad audio, doctor not clear. Any help appreciated.
Subject: Bad audio, doctor not clear. Any help appreciated.

For pt with infection, seizure disorder, mental retardation among other things:


s/l Mylantin or Dilantin (both of which I know do not make sense) twice a day to his skin to prevent skin breakdown.


s/l Selbitol 1800 mg down his PEG b.i.d.


s/l Ereosil or Ariosel 5-mg size at bedtime. 

medication help, s/l Faslow and another that s/l Renate gel? Any help is appreciated! Thanks.
Subject: medication help, s/l Faslow and another that s/l Renate gel? Any help is appreciated! Thanks.

Medication sounds like low-vall. For colitis. any help is appreciated :) nm
Subject: Medication sounds like low-vall. For colitis. any help is appreciated :) nm

Sounds like C-anka test is 1:80? any info appreciated. nm
Subject: Sounds like C-anka test is 1:80? any info appreciated. nm

sounds like UN-I-ZATION symptomatic status?? Any help would be appreciated!!!
Subject: sounds like UN-I-ZATION symptomatic status?? Any help would be appreciated!!!

His recent MRA documented a very small basilar tip.  Aneurysm mobilization about 6mm in size.  ***symptomatic from this, relive to this to any intervention probably outweighs by far a list of hemorrhage   *** symptomatic status.  I would advise to repeat MRA in 6 months with follow-up visit at that.   What ever he is saying he is repeating it but I can not make it out. 

s/l surtuatous route - my brain is misfiring help is appreciated.
Subject: s/l surtuatous route - my brain is misfiring help is appreciated.


New Rad and I know I know this word and I just cannot get my brain to spit it out.  I would REALLY apprectiate any and all help.

s/l backfens graft for liver transplant. any help appreciated.
Subject: s/l backfens graft for liver transplant. any help appreciated.

Need help with terminology. Please sm - need to turn report in ASAP. Help is appreciated.
Subject: Need help with terminology. Please sm - need to turn report in ASAP. Help is appreciated.

The patient was referred for a left thyroidectomy  which showed benign, hyperplastic follicular nodules, s/l mild field of focali, moderate chronic thyroiditis with focal Hurthle cell metaplasia consistent with Hashimoto�s thyroiditis.

Does the mild field of focali make sense??  He is difficult to understand.  Thank you in advance.

[surasia] urinary tract infection ??? Any help appreciated! Thx ME
Subject: [surasia] urinary tract infection ??? Any help appreciated! Thx ME

Thank you, both. Janette, sounds highly likely! Much appreciated. Any thoughts on "Me-TOK-a"?
Subject: Thank you, both. Janette, sounds highly likely! Much appreciated. Any thoughts on "Me-TOK-a"? Still