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2 year old w/ s/l-posyarticular jerry??

Posted By: TIA on 2007-07-27
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Subject: 2 year old w/ s/l-posyarticular jerry??


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s/l Jerry tube feeding
Subject: s/l Jerry tube feeding

HEENT unchanged x1 year (been the same since year ago)
Subject: HEENT unchanged x1 year (been the same since year ago)

25-pack/year would mean 25 packs per year, but
Subject: 25-pack/year would mean 25 packs per year, but

25-pack-year is the amount equal to packs smoked per day x number of years smoking, as per BOS and Vera Pyle.

Is year old still hyphenated as in 74-year-old? nm
Subject: Is year old still hyphenated as in 74-year-old? nm

2 years' time because years is plural. One year's time because it is singular, only one year.
Subject: 2 years' time because years is plural. One year's time because it is singular, only one year.

No. It is an 8-year-old boy.
Subject: No. It is an 8-year-old boy.

Thanks anyway. Had to send it in. Not polio either.
73 year old who ...
Subject: 73 year old who ...

I had a 73-year-old lady who had not have a period in 3 years. Go figure. Fortunately, I can mark these things as questionable.
A 62-year-old WM? What's WM? nm
Subject: A 62-year-old WM? What's WM? nm

year old or -year-old
Subject: year old or -year-old

Received this one back from QA and I think they are incorrect so thought I would pose the question here before possibly being wrong myself.  Which is correct? 

John is an 8 year old brought to this visit by mother.

John is an 8-year-old brought to this visit by mother.

Subject: 8-year-old

the noun is implied as in 8-year-old boy.

nm its year two
Subject: nm its year two

...Happy New Year!......nm
Subject: ...Happy New Year!......nm

Looks okay to me. Happy New Year! nm
Subject: Looks okay to me. Happy New Year! nm

I put 2-1/2 years... or 2-1/2-year-old. nm
Subject: I put 2-1/2 years... or 2-1/2-year-old. nm

no. it's an angry 7 year old. thanks though
Subject: no. it's an angry 7 year old. thanks though

AAMT changes this every year when they want to--sm
Subject: AAMT changes this every year when they want to--sm

sell another version of the BOS. I go with client preferance, which is still spelling out 1-10 and numerical above 10. Dates are spelled out within the body of the report...client preference. AAMT is not the know all end all, just another money grabbing gimic! JMO
I add an "A"....A 42-year-old woman....or
Subject: I add an "A"....A 42-year-old woman....or

However, for suturing, I do...... 4-0 Vicryl and I try to either use a semi colon before, if possible, to like add it onto the sentence prior IF possible.  

For ages - I put an "A" 42-year-old, or "An" 83-year-old male..... for beginnings of sentences. 


dr says: 26-year-old G4 P 0 to 1 SAB 3 female.sm.
Subject: dr says: 26-year-old G4 P 0 to 1 SAB 3 female.sm.

What is the correct way to transcribe this?

G4 P-0-1 SAB3

G4 P-0-1 sab3

Thank you so much in advance!

changed about a year ago
Subject: changed about a year ago

Subject: 6 YEAR OLD EXAM

Under PE

He is alert and oriented x 3. He does respond to appropriate s/l ticacuities and commands for his age.
Happy New Year to you too!
Subject: Happy New Year to you too!

Very Happy New Year to you too!
Subject: Very Happy New Year to you too!

1 year old child. Please sm
Subject: 1 year old child. Please sm

"X-rays reviewed that show a s/l **bubble** type fracture to the radius on the right" Assessment: Right radius fracture. Thanks for any help! :)
This is a 2-8/12-year-old (just need one more hyphen between 2 and 8/12
Subject: This is a 2-8/12-year-old (just need one more hyphen between 2 and 8/12

52-year-old in a big girl bed???
Subject: 52-year-old in a big girl bed???

Never heard that one before...

In the year 2000...
Subject: In the year 2000...

She dictates "had a hysterectomy in the year 2000."

Do I seriously need to type "the year"?  It doesn't seem necessary, but is it?

9-year-old male
Subject: 9-year-old male

The second one. An Ŝ-year-old" (boy is assumed). nm
Subject: The second one. An Ŝ-year-old" (boy is assumed). nm

20-pack-year vs. 20 pack-year
Subject: 20-pack-year vs. 20 pack-year

Which is correct?  20-pack-year history of smoking or 20 pack-year history of smoking.  I've seen it both ways.  TIA.

Subject: 20-pack-year

60 year old man. Any idea?
Subject: 60 year old man. Any idea?

60 year old man. Any idea?
63-year-3-month-old? nm
Subject: 63-year-3-month-old? nm

7-year history.....
Subject: 7-year history.....

I get confused, too!  well-defined hypen; the hyphen is well defined.  That is how I think of the hyphens, but I'm no BOS guru - just been in the biz for a long time.
I'm used to hyphenating it, too, but last year (I think) = sm
Subject: I'm used to hyphenating it, too, but last year (I think) = sm

our QA told us to stop using the hyphenated form and, indeed, the BOS says not to hyphenate.
Subject: 25-pack-year

Subject: 25-pack-year

1-year history
Subject: 1-year history

How would you type the patient has a 1-year history of pain....tia.
Had that drug dictated about a year ago, SM
Subject: Had that drug dictated about a year ago, SM

and I found it just listed in some chat groups, wrote it down in my Drake & Drake in case it came up again. This time I just looked it up on Google. 
pleasant, 50-year-old male or pleasant 60-year-old male?
Subject: pleasant, 50-year-old male or pleasant 60-year-old male?

I saw that, but this is an 11-year-old, so I really do not feel comfortable with that
Subject: I saw that, but this is an 11-year-old, so I really do not feel comfortable with that

Yeah, I found that also. Looks like it's been used for a year or so. nm
Subject: Yeah, I found that also. Looks like it's been used for a year or so. nm

I'd use your year + month way of typing it. I think BOS says
Subject: I'd use your year + month way of typing it. I think BOS says

Happy and Healthy New Year!
Subject: Happy and Healthy New Year!

I want to wish you all a very happy and healthy New Year. It has been an educational, entertaining and very enlightening year working alongside all of you. I have truly been humbled by the compassion and willingness to help fellow transcriptionists and the quality of work produced throughout this industry. I have been greatly blessed to have chosen this career path and found all of you to help me through it each and every day. You all make my days more interesting, educational, insightful and must admit it keeps my brain from getting soggy.

Once again, I wish you and your families all a healthy, happy and prosperous new year in 2008.

You're welcome. Happy New Year!
Subject: You're welcome. Happy New Year!

You're welcome and Happy New Year to you too!
Subject: You're welcome and Happy New Year to you too!

Commas between year and weight, then
Subject: Commas between year and weight, then

semicomma between weight and year
In 2005, 220 lbs., in 2006, 221 lbs., etc.
A 2-3/12-year-old patient. Is that the correct way to
Subject: A 2-3/12-year-old patient. Is that the correct way to

We were told 2-year AND 3-month-old
Subject: We were told 2-year AND 3-month-old

PSYCH: January of this year
Subject: PSYCH: January of this year

She dictates "in January of this year." 


should I type January 2008?  It seems to look better to me.

I went to an accredited 4-year university and
Subject: I went to an accredited 4-year university and

did not misunderstand. Our instructor was a 20+ year MT/AMT/ART. We were told that if the doctor said it, the cominbing forms were correct and related to each other/complaint to use what he said.
Definitely not CBC. Sounds more like UPT but patient is a 60-year-old.
Subject: Definitely not CBC. Sounds more like UPT but patient is a 60-year-old.