Eponyms beginning with B: |
Baader's dermatostomatitis |
Baader's syndrome |
Baader-Fiessinger-Stevens-Johnson syndrome |
Baastrup's disease (misnomer) |
Baastrup's sign |
Baastrup's syndrome |
Baastrup-Johnsen intensi/docimeter |
Babbitt's metal |
Babcock's operation |
Babcock's test |
Babcock's test for milk |
Baber's syndrome |
Babčs Knötchen (German) |
Babčs-Ernst granules |
Babesia |
Babesiosis |
Babington’s disease |
Babinski's method |
Babinski's reflex |
Babinski's sign I |
Babinski's sign II |
Babinski's sign III |
Babinski's syndrome |
Babinski-Fröhlich syndrome |
Babinski-Froment syndrome |
Babinski-Nageotte syndrome |
Babinski-Vaquez syndrome |
Babinski’s ear phenomenon |
Babinski’s test |
Babkin's reflex |
Baccaredda-Sézary syndrome |
Baccelli's method |
Baccelli's sign |
Bach's flower power |
Bachblüte (German) |
Bachhanal |
Bachman's intracutaneous test |
Bachmann's bundle |
Bachmann-Pettit test |
Bacille Calmette-Guérin |
Bacillus Calmette-Guérin vaccine |
Bacterium sonnei |
Baehr-Schiffrin disease |
Baehr-Schiffrin syndrome |
Bael'z disease |
Baelz' cheilitis |
Baelz' syndrome |
Baer's law I |
Baer's law II |
Baer's operation |
Baer's vesicle |
Bäfverstedt syndrome |
Bagdad boil |
Bagolini lens |
Bagolini's syndrome |
Bagolini's test |
Bahima disease |
Bail's phenomenon |
Bailey's forceps |
Bailey's operation I |
Bailey's operation II |
Bailey's reposition |
Bailey-Cushing syndrome |
Baillarger stripes |
Baillarger's bands |
Baillarger's lines |
Baillarger's principle |
Baillarger’s syndrome |
Bailliart's ophthalmodynamometer |
Bailliart’s goniometer |
Bainbridge's reflex |
Baird-Parker medium |
Bairnsdale ulcer |
Baizeau and Trélat's method |
Baker's cannula |
Baker's cyst |
Baker's disease |
Baker-Rosenbach syndrome |
Baker-Winegrad syndrome |
Bakwin-Eiger syndrome |
Bakwin-Krida syndrome |
Balanite kératosique et micacée de Lortat-Jacob et Civatte (French) |
Balbiani''s rings |
Balbiani's vesicles |
Balduzzi's reflex |
Baldwin's operation |
Baldwin's operation |
Baldwin-Mori operation |
Baldy-Franke operation |
Baldy-Webster operation |
Balfour's method |
Balfour's test |
Balint group |
Balint's method |
Balint's syndrome |
Balint-Holmes syndrome |
Balkan frame |
Balkan nephropathy |
Balke's test |
Ballance's sign |
Ballantyne's syndrome |
Ballantyne's Syndrome |
Ballantyne-Runge syndrome |
Ballard's syndrome |
Baller-Gerold syndrome |
Ballet's disease |
Ballet's symptom |
Ballingall's disease |
Balme's cough |
Balo' s disease |
Baló's concentric sclerosis |
Baló's encephalitis |
Balo's syndrome |
Balser's fatty necrosis |
Balser-Fitz syndrome |
Baltic myoclonus |
Baltic myoclonus |
Bamatter's syndrome |
Bamatter-Franceschetti-Klein-Sierro-syndrome |
Bamberger's albuminuria |
Bamberger's disease |
Bamberger's disease I |
Bamberger's disease II |
Bamberger's forceps |
Bamberger-Concato disease |
Bamberger-Marie disease |
Bamberger-Pierre Marie syndrome |
Bamberger-Pins-Ewart sign |
Bancroft's filariasis |
Bandl's ring |
Bandl's ring of contraction |
Bandler's syndrome |
Banerjee's syndrome |
Bang's bacillus |
Bang's disease |
Bankart's lesion |
Bankart's operation |
Banki's syndrome |
Bannayan's syndrome |
Bannayan-Riley-Ruvalcaba |
Bannayan-Zonana syndrome |
Bannister’s disease |
Bannister’s syndrome |
Bannwarth's syndrome |
Banti's disease |
Banti's syndrome |
Banti-Senator disease |
Bar's syndrome |
Barakat's syndrome |
Bárány's alarm apparatus |
Bárány's chair |
Bárány's law |
Bárány's operation |
Bárány's pointing test |
Bárány's syndrome |
Bárány's test |
Bárány's theory of endolymph flow |
Barbarian |
Barber's dermatosis |
Barber's disease |
Barber's pustular psoriasis of the extremities |
Barber's syndrome |
Barber's syndrome |
Bard and Pic law |
Bard's symptom |
Bard's syndrome |
Bard-Pic syndrome |
Bard’s syndrome |
Bargantum’s syndrome |
Bargen's bacillus |
Barkan's membrane |
Barkan's operation |
Barlow's disease |
Barlow's syndrome |
Barlow’s syndrome |
Barnes' bags or dilators |
Barnes-Neville forceps |
Baron Münchhausen’s syndrome |
Barr's body |
Barr's test |
Barr-Shaver-Carr syndrome |
Barraquer's method |
Barraquer's operation |
Barraquer's reflex |
Barraquer-Simons syndrome |
Barraquer’s syndrome |
Barré's sign of the leg |
Barré-Liéou syndrome |
Barré-Masson syndrome |
Barré-Masson tumour |
Barré’s syndrome II |
Barrett's epithelium |
Barrett's hiatus hernia |
Barrett's oesophagus |
Barrett's syndrome |
Barrett's ulcer |
Bartholin's abscess (Caspar Bartholin the Younger) |
Bartholin's cyst (Caspar Bartholin the Younger) |
Bartholin's cystectomy (Caspar Bartholin the Younger) |
Bartholin's duct (Caspar Bartholin the Younger) |
Bartholin's gland (Caspar Bartholin The Younger) |
Bartholin-Patau syndrome |
Bartholin-Patau syndrome (Thomas Bartholin) |
Bartholinitis (Caspar Bartholin the Younger) |
Bartisch-Jaeger method |
Barton's bandage |
Barton's dressing |
Barton's forceps |
Barton's fracture |
Bartonella |
Bartonella henselae |
Bartonellosis |
Bärtschi-Rochaix' syndrome |
Bartter's syndrome |
Bartter-Schwartz syndrome |
Basedow's coma |
Basedow's ocular syndromes |
Basedow's syndrome or disease |
Bastian's aphasia |
Bastian-Bruns law or sign |
Bastian’s rule |
Batten disease |
Batten's syndrome |
Batten-Gibb syndrome |
Batten-Kufs syndrome |
Batten-Mayou disease |
Batten-Spielmeyer-Vogt disease |
Batten-Steinert syndrome |
Batten-Turner form of congenital myopathy |
Batten-Turner syndrome |
Batten’s disease |
Battle's incision |
Battle's operation |
Battle's sign |
Baumgarten-Tangl law |
Baumgarten’s portal hypertension variant syndrome |
Baumgarten’s syndrome |
Bayard’s ecchymoses |
Bayford-Autenrieth dysphagia |
Bayford-Autenrieth syndrome |
Bazett's formula |
Bazett's index |
Bazex syndrome |
Bazex syndrome II |
Bazex-Dupré-Christol syndrome |
Bazex-Griffiths syndrome |
BCG - Bacille bilié de Calmette-Guérin |
BCG vaccine |
Beal's arachnodactyly |
Beal-Longmire operation |
Beals' syndrome |
Beals' syndrome |
Beals-Hecht syndrome |
Beals-Hecht syndrome (Frederick Hecht) |
Bean's dollar bill skin |
Bean's syndrome |
Beard's disease |
Beare's syndrome |
Beare-Dodge-Nevin complex |
Beare-Dodge-Nevin syndrome |
Bearn-Künkel syndrome |
Bearn-Kunkel-Slater syndrome |
Beau's lines |
Beau's syndrome |
Beau-Reil cross furrows |
Beauvieux' disease |
Bebesia |
Becher's cells |
Becher's figure |
Becher's reaction |
Becher's test |
Becher's xantoprotein reaction |
Beck and von Acker procedure |
Beck's Bismuth paste |
Beck's boring |
Beck's butterfly cannula. |
Beck's cannula |
Beck's clamp |
Beck's disease |
Beck's hoop |
Beck's method I |
Beck's method II |
Beck's method III |
Beck's syndrome |
Beck-Dieffenbach boring |
Beck-Ibrahim disease |
Becker's dystrophy |
Becker's melanosis |
Becker's muscular dystrophy |
Becker's naevus |
Becker's phenomenon |
Becker's progressive muscular dystrophy |
Becker's test |
Becker-Kiener muscular dystrophy |
Becker-Kiener syndrome |
Becker-Reuter syndrome |
Beckman-Adson retractor |
Beckwith's syndrome |
Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome |
Béclard's core of bone |
Béclard's hernia |
Bednar's aphthae |
Bednar-Parrot disease |
Bednar-Parrot syndrome |
Bedsonia |
Beemer type |
Beemer's syndrome |
Beer's operation |
Begbie's disease |
Begbie’s syndrome |
Béguez César's syndrome |
Beguez César-Steinbrinck-Chédiak-Higashi syndrome |
Behçet's aphthae |
Behçet's syndrome |
Behçet's triple symptom complex |
Behnke-Thiel dystrophy |
Behr's complicated form of infantile hereditary atrophy |
Behr's disease |
Behr's disease |
Behr's syndrome I |
Behr's syndrome II |
Bekhterev's acromial reflex |
Bekhterev's disease |
Bekhterev's nucleus |
Bekhterev's nystagmus |
Bekhterev's pectoralis reflex |
Bekhterev's reflex |
Bekhterev's reflex I |
Bekhterev's reflex II |
Bekhterev's reflex of eye |
Bekhterev's reflex of hand |
Bekhterev's reflex of the heel |
Bekhterev's syndrome |
Bekhterev-Jacobsohn reflex |
Bekhterev-Mendel reflex |
Bekhterev-Strümpell-Marie disease |
Bell's law |
Bell's nerve |
Bell's palsy |
Bell's paralysis |
Bell's phenomenon |
Bell's spasm |
Bell's syndrome |
Bell-Magendie law |
Bence Jones albuminuria |
Bence Jones disease |
Bence Jones' cylinders |
Bence Jones' protein |
Bence Jones' proteinuria |
Bence Jones’ albumin |
Bence Jones’ syndrome |
Bennett's double ring splint |
Bennett's fracture |
Bennett’s fracture luxation |
Bensaude's method |
Béraud's valve |
Berdon's syndrome |
Berger's disease |
Berger's effect (Hans Berger) |
Berger's rhythm (Hans Berger) |
Berger's syndrome (Oskar Berger) |
Berger's wave (Hans Berger) |
Berger-Hinglais syndrome |
Berger’s nephropathy |
Bergeron’s chorea |
Bergeron’s disease |
Bergmann's bilirubin tolerance test |
Bergmann's cells |
Bergmann's diaphragmatic hernia syndrome |
Bergmann's rule |
Bergmann's syndrome |
Bergmann-Eilbott bilirubin tolerance test |
Bergmann-Eilbott test |
Bernard's canal (Claude bernard) |
Bernard's duct (Claude Bernard) |
Bernard's glandular layer (Claude Bernard) |
Bernard's syndrome (Jean Bernard) |
Bernard-Horner syndrome (Claude Bernard) |
Bernard-Scholz syndrome |
Bernard-Soulier syndrome (Jean Bernard) |
Bernard’s syndrome |
Bernhardt's disease |
Bernhardt's disturbance of sensation |
Bernhardt's formula |
Bernhardt's paralysis |
Bernhardt's syndrome |
Bernhardt-Roth disease |
Bernhardt-Roth disease |
Bernhardt-Roth paraesthesia |
Bernheimer-Seitelberger syndrome |
Berry's syndrome |
Berry-Treacher Collins syndrome |
Bertolotti-Garcin syndrome |
Besnier's disease |
Besnier's disease |
Besnier's prurigo |
Besnier-Boeck disease |
Besnier-Boeck sarcoid |
Besnier-Boeck-Schaumann disease |
Besnier-Tenneson syndrome |
Besredka's anaphylaxis |
Besredka's antivirus |
Besredka's desensitization |
Besredka's egg substrate |
Besredka's method |
Besredka's method |
Besredka's reaction |
Besredka's vaccine |
Beurmann disease |
Beurmann's agent |
Beurmann-Gougerot disease |
Beveled incision |
Bezold's abscess |
Bezold's ganglion |
Bezold's mastoiditis |
Bezold's reflex |
Bezold's sign |
Bezold's symptom |
Bezold's syndrome |
Bezold's test |
Bezold's triad |
Bezold-Brücke phenomenon |
Bezold-Edelmann continuous scale |
Bezold-Jarisch reflex |
Bezold-Jarisch response |
Biber-Haab-Dimmer degeneration |
Bickerstaff's encephalitis |
Bickerstaff's syndrome |
Bielschowsky stains |
Bielschowsky's disease |
Bielschowsky's head tilt test |
Bielschowsky's phenomenon |
Bielschowsky's squint |
Bielschowsky's syndrome |
Bielschowsky-Lutz-Cogan syndrome |
Bielskowsky's amaurotic idiocy |
Biermer-Ehrlich anaemia |
Biermer’s change of note |
The meaning of "Not on Label"
Subject: The meaning of "Not on Label"
Not on label usually means using a drug for a purpose other than what it was originally intended for.
Example: Paxil is often used for premature ejaculation as it has a side effect of allowing a man to last longer but of course was put on the market for anxiety/depression. Hope this helps clear things up
ablation? Go to www.onelook.com for the meaning. nm
Subject: ablation? Go to www.onelook.com for the meaning. nm
Perhaps S and H, meaning shockwave and heat
Subject: Perhaps S and H, meaning shockwave and heat
Could it be I&D, meaning incision and drainage? nm
Subject: Could it be I&D, meaning incision and drainage? nm
verbose - meaning not talkative, not with a lot of
Subject: verbose - meaning not talkative, not with a lot of
I'd guess he's meaning keloid....sm
Subject: I'd guess he's meaning keloid....sm
I've got one that says "debrideMONT" instead of debridement. Sometimes they just like to sound all fancy dancy, I swear.
Same meaning - I would type as dictated
Subject: Same meaning - I would type as dictated
spell it out if you are 100% sure of the dictator's meaning nm
Subject: spell it out if you are 100% sure of the dictator's meaning nm
...sinusalgia. The meaning is clear. nm
Subject: ...sinusalgia. The meaning is clear. nm
yes, meaning greater trochanter
Subject: yes, meaning greater trochanter
Meaning that infection has made its way into
Subject: Meaning that infection has made its way into
the shoulder joint. Sounds right to me.
My abbrev book has it as meaning after. nm
Subject: My abbrev book has it as meaning after. nm
I would think yes it makes sense. Probably meaning
Subject: I would think yes it makes sense. Probably meaning
giving the 2 units of blood as fast as possible, I would think.
It could be quiescent......meaning the disease
Subject: It could be quiescent......meaning the disease
And he wasn't meaning "propensity"? -nm
Subject: And he wasn't meaning "propensity"? -nm
maybe cleido (meaning clavicle)
Subject: maybe cleido (meaning clavicle)
parenteral - meaning given IM, IV, topical, etc., but not p.o.
Subject: parenteral - meaning given IM, IV, topical, etc., but not p.o.
She is probably meaning hard liquor when she
Subject: She is probably meaning hard liquor when she
Yes, meaning atypical injury
Subject: Yes, meaning atypical injury
peri is a prefix meaning around or about
Subject: peri is a prefix meaning around or about
so if it fits your sentence, yes it is a word.
obstinate meaning stubborn?
Subject: obstinate meaning stubborn?
not sure, but might be "empty (meaning bladder at
Subject: not sure, but might be "empty (meaning bladder at
time of exam) cough test" - really not sure
probably 6-aught (meaning 6-0), I would type 6-0 - nm
Subject: probably 6-aught (meaning 6-0), I would type 6-0 - nm
Thank you. do I understand the meaning correctly? sm.
Subject: Thank you. do I understand the meaning correctly? sm.
Bimelic would be more than one of the extremities correct. Monomelic would be only one extremity. It makes sense to me but I don't want to guess.
Thanks so much for your help.
meaning "in sinus rhythm." nm
Subject: meaning "in sinus rhythm." nm
i think perhaps they meant to say "asthenic" (meaning weak)...nm
Subject: i think perhaps they meant to say "asthenic" (meaning weak)...nm
not arguing with meaning, but i was a lab tech for 6 years
Subject: not arguing with meaning, but i was a lab tech for 6 years
Morose...meaning having a sullen and gloomy
Subject: Morose...meaning having a sullen and gloomy
Doctor is probably meaning a heparin concentration.
Subject: Doctor is probably meaning a heparin concentration.
anybody else wanna stab at it?!
Could it possibly be "chronic status," meaning sm
Subject: Could it possibly be "chronic status," meaning sm
this is an old, ongoing problem?
coag-negative Staphylococcus meaning sm
Subject: coag-negative Staphylococcus meaning sm