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"nystagodenesia" neurologic exam for concussion. thanks

Posted By: lm on 2005-12-05
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Subject: "nystagodenesia" neurologic exam for concussion. thanks

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Neurologic exam help please
Subject: Neurologic exam help please

Doctor dictates:  Motor: Strength, bulk and tone are normal throughout.  There is no evidence of s/l cogwilling or rigidity.
Neurologic exam
Subject: Neurologic exam

Oh my word - I am LOST!  Neurologic exam.  Dr. dictates "Cranial ___eros intact"  There are possibly two or three words.  He has dictated this on two patients in a row - and mummbles on each one.  Thanks for any help.
Neurologic exam
Subject: Neurologic exam

Doctor dictates - "There is no localized _____ findings for this age group.  (Is for a 1-1/2 year old.)

Sounds kind of like "in-see-nus"

Neurologic Exam... S/L 11 Ryandi?
Subject: Neurologic Exam... S/L 11 Ryandi?

NEUROLOGIC: 11 "Ryandi" x2. 2+ CTA
mumbled neurologic exam
Subject: mumbled neurologic exam

positive cervical s/l COMP test (neck)

S/L com test or comp test - I dunno. He has a mouth full of cotton balls.
See this link under neurologic exam etc. sm
Subject: See this link under neurologic exam etc. sm

Your sentence is part of a neurologic exam. N/M
Subject: Your sentence is part of a neurologic exam. N/M

Unless you have one of the neurologic docs that splits his neuro exam down into separate headings (CRANIAL NERVES, MOTOR, REFLEXES, ETC.), the sentence with orientation and fundi both describe neurologic findings.
s/l shopping cart sign neurologic exam
Subject: s/l shopping cart sign neurologic exam

patient undergoing lumbar decompression
Does it make sense that Dr would say under Phys Exam: Neurologic: physiologic ?
Subject: Does it make sense that Dr would say under Phys Exam: Neurologic: physiologic ?

Pt on neurologic exam: Copying "laurea" figures (triangles). nm
Subject: Pt on neurologic exam: Copying "laurea" figures (triangles). nm

neurologic insults? neurologic lateralization? nm
Subject: neurologic insults? neurologic lateralization? nm

Concussion grading
Subject: Concussion grading

Concussion grading.  grade 3 or grade III?  Thanks.
1. (s/l solviness), rule out seizure versus concussion.
Subject: 1. (s/l solviness), rule out seizure versus concussion.

1. (s/l solviness), rule out seizure versus concussion.

The guy went in for alcohol poisoning.


Subject: Neurologic:

Neurologic:  Cranial nerves II through XII are intact. Deep tendon reflexes are 2+. Strength is 5 out of 5. Sensation is grossly intact. Toes are downgoing. Gait is normal. *s/l* bramburg test is normal....


thanks in advance.

Subject: neurologic

The word you are looking for is Romberg.
neurologic help please!!
Subject: neurologic help please!!

NEUROLOGIC:  A full neurologic examination was performed.  Cranial nerves II-XII were grossly intact.  ***cerebelli was fine.  No *** or drift.   Patient�s muscle strength was 5/5 throughout.  Patient�s reflexes were +3 upper extremity and also +3 patellar.  Toes:  The patient had withdrawal response bilaterally.    S/L MILL CEREBELLI WAS FINE.  S/L NO POR OR DRIFT...

Neurologic help please, please, please!
Subject: Neurologic help please, please, please!

He has ringing in his ears, as well as s/l vaso "something" episodes when he gets up.  Doctor has a cold and he is in a big hurry.  Help me. 
Neurologic help
Subject: Neurologic help

vasovagal episodes?

Need help on a neurologic test (sm)
Subject: Need help on a neurologic test (sm)

On neurologic testing he reported diffuse s/l illness to pinprick in both hands. It doesn't sound like numbness at all.


neurologic deterioration? nm
Subject: neurologic deterioration? nm

Under neurologic, it s/l estrixes.
Subject: Under neurologic, it s/l estrixes.

neurologic or HEENT?
Subject: neurologic or HEENT?

Where will you put "No pain or swelling over the sinus" in the PE?

Neurologic or HEENT.

neurologic examination
Subject: neurologic examination

sounds like doc is saying "neurologic examination higher critical function", but could she be saying "neurologic examination hilar cortical function"?
neurologic or neurological
Subject: neurologic or neurological

doc always says, "from a neurologic standpoint."  Shouldn't it be from a neurological standpoint? 
Subject: Musculoskeletal/Neurologic

You need to head it the way I did in the subject above...
Neurologic- s/l prineal moves
Subject: Neurologic- s/l prineal moves

Prinale moves 2-12 in text, each within normal limits???  I know this isn't correct.  ideas?
PMH s/l spa-la-mic stroke, no neurologic sequella. nm
Subject: PMH s/l spa-la-mic stroke, no neurologic sequella. nm

Hoffman's is neurologic sign
Subject: Hoffman's is neurologic sign

Sorry about that.
Dee tra emphasis? heading under neurologic..
Subject: Dee tra emphasis? heading under neurologic..

Under physical exam, neurologic, this is given as a subheading....

s/l dee tra emphasis:

CMT maybe...it's a debilitating neurologic disorder.
Subject: CMT maybe...it's a debilitating neurologic disorder.

Charcot Marie Tooth
Guillain-Barre? neurologic syndrome/ds.....nm
Subject: Guillain-Barre? neurologic syndrome/ds.....nm

Neurologic... don't know why that one didn't cross my mind thank you
Subject: Neurologic... don't know why that one didn't cross my mind thank you

Sorry, new to plastic surgery. I believe that lateralization is correct. thank you all!!
No dx. It is just in a list of meds in a neurologic note
Subject: No dx. It is just in a list of meds in a neurologic note

Maybe RIND - reversible ischemic neurologic deficit (nm)
Subject: Maybe RIND - reversible ischemic neurologic deficit (nm)

Probably RIND - reversible ischemic neurologic defect.
Subject: Probably RIND - reversible ischemic neurologic defect.

In my opinion either would be correct. If MD states neurologic standpoint, that is what I would tran
Subject: In my opinion either would be correct. If MD states neurologic standpoint, that is what I would transcribe.

Neurologic: No headaches or seizures. Focal weakness of all ??parathesis??
Subject: Neurologic: No headaches or seizures. Focal weakness of all ??parathesis??

Throat exam is normal, as were the rest of her neck, face, and skull exam.
Subject: Throat exam is normal, as were the rest of her neck, face, and skull exam.

Eye exam: s/l "sub-lamp" exam shows left side has multiple small punctations in the cornea.(t
Subject: Eye exam: s/l "sub-lamp" exam shows left side has multiple small punctations in the cornea.(thanks)

Physical exam on eye exam, s/l Cardinal Welk's space?? noted.NM
Subject: Physical exam on eye exam, s/l Cardinal Welk's space?? noted.NM

On neurologic examinations if they are doing cognitive performance studies such as mood, sleep, memo
Subject: On neurologic examinations if they are doing cognitive performance studies such as mood, sleep, memory, reasoning and vigilance then it would be higher critical function being examined.

What kind of doc is doing the exam? And where in the exam is this test mentioned? nm
Subject: What kind of doc is doing the exam? And where in the exam is this test mentioned? nm

Question about eye exam...when everting lids on eye exam (sm)
Subject: Question about eye exam...when everting lids on eye exam (sm)

It is EVERT, not AVERT, right? I have always typed it with an E but I have a PA who keeps insisting it is A.  I always thought Avert applied to gaze, as if to look away.  Just want to make sure everting the eyelid is the right term.  TIA. 
There is neck dystonia (neurologic condition affecting the muscles of the neck)?
Subject: There is neck dystonia (neurologic condition affecting the muscles of the neck)?

Verbatim, neuro checks. Non, neurologic checks.
Subject: Verbatim, neuro checks. Non, neurologic checks.

neurologic test, s/l Nalarn-Burnae test
Subject: neurologic test, s/l Nalarn-Burnae test

Which is correct? self-breast exam or breast self-exam (nm)
Subject: Which is correct? self-breast exam or breast self-exam (nm)

s/l lob's exam
Subject: s/l lob's exam

There is an abbreviation, LOB, which stands for "loss of balance"
not sure this is what you're looking for. Either way, I do believe what the dictator would have said was "loss" of protective sensation..., not "lots" Hope this helps!
Ear exam - see msg
Subject: Ear exam - see msg

Ears reveal normal s/l "tina" and normal external auditory canals. Thanks for the help in advance!
eye exam
Subject: eye exam

small sl-PAFs were noted near the interior chamber haptic positions temporally in the left eye.