yeah and I guess you think next time M. Kadafi, Ahmadinejad
Posted By: would be okay to be the US president too. - nm on 2008-12-21
In Reply to: Yeah, O has NOT shown his vault copy and is - apparently going to get away with it..scary.nm
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Yeah, I guess you would know about
that -- with all those kisses you've planted on sam's derriere.
Yeah, that's cool to you. I
You know what they say, *one man's trash is another man's prize.* Or vice versa.
Yeah, I guess I do have some issues...
especially with folks who have selective memories. And I am wondering why you think I have issues and Michelle Obama does not? lol.
Yeah, right. Guess you bought into the lie
Just send me a check.
Guess you haven't read the real news. There was no surplus.
I guess we'll see how the gov. responds this time. nm
I guess we better all rememer your post, the next time
Double standard? Sheesh.
Guess it's time to move to a blue state then huh?

Yeah, guess Obama supports refuse to look at all
Yeah, and guess who he'll blame the whole four years....yep...bush...nm
Yeah, until the first time we get hit, which is
Yeah!! You GO, "Hip"! It's about time
You think Ahmadinejad is going to disappear....
into the shadows?? know, like Saddam was practicing against the Kurds. Gassing, mass graves, sound familiar?
Yeah, strickland is having a heck of a time...
trying to pull us out of the mess left by Taft. BUT AT LEAST HE'S TRYING!!!
You agree with Ahmadinejad. Interesting. nm
You know Ahmadinejad holds no true
Khamenei is the real leader of Iran.
Ahmadinejad is doiing what Khatami is telling him to do..
I think that Ahmadinejad feels miserable now with so many protests.
Even the 1st election of Anmadinejad is said to have been a fraud.
Yeah, next time we're just going to make our candidate a pop star.
Since it worked out so well for y'all.
Why don't you just let go of the bitterness already? It's petty.
He wants to talk to Ahmadinejad....state sponsor of terror.
He said so. Has he changed his mind?
Ahmadinejad Feted at Obama Fundraiser’s Hotel
1. Ahmadinejad Feted at Obama Fundraiser’s Hotel 2. Ambassador Holbrooke: Don’t Let Ahmadinejad Speak 3. Biden Has Given Little to Charity 4. Palin’s Newsmax Interview Gains Wide Play 5. Hillary Campaign Still Deep in Debt 6. Washington Times Quotes Newsmax Report 7. We Heard: Bill O’Reilly, Sarah Palin, National Anthem
These stories and more on Also, Jodie Evans of Code Pink was at the dinner noted above.
Yeah and guess what the Bush family has tight ties with the Bin Ladin family....
so give it all a rest would you.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. You've said before that you're leaving, but you and your goons can't sta
yeah, yeah, yeah.....what he failed to mention...
is that the Dems are responsible for the mortgage meltdown which is responsible for the wall street meltdown. Chris Dodd, Barney Frank...totally to blame. Blocked every attemmpt by Bush Admin and yes, McCain, to regulate fannie/freddie. Dems certainly have selective memories...convenient bouts of amnesia. lol.
Good don't guess. It's my guess though.nm
Yep, but it was straight time. No time and a half
DHL is GERMAN OWNED. And, company was located on Snotsdale, I mean Scottsdale, AZ which means. Labor laws in Arizona suck. Right to work state. Basically a company can do whatever they want to do with you and if you do not like it, then quit and find another job.
Oh, yeah yeah, whatever. There's plenty of satan here, that is for sure!
Yeah, yeah, everything is funny. Wont
Yeah, yeah, yeah....still protesting too much. (nm)
My guess would be

guess what
Now you know how it feels, don't you?
That's anybody's guess. sm
But I think it is an educated guess to think most democratic voters in this election were against the war and most republican voters were for the war. Just my guess.
I guess your'e in the 39%
Bush approval rating dips to 39 percent - poll
Wed Oct 12, 9:47 PM ET
President George W. Bush's job approval rating has fallen to a new low of 39 percent in an NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll released on Wednesday.
Bush's approval rating dipped in the poll below a mid-September ranking of 40 percent. The survey also found only 28 percent of respondents believed the country was headed in the right direction, NBC reported.
Bush's political challenges have been piling up in recent weeks, from criticism over his handling of Hurricane Katrina, to growing unease over rising gas prices to conservative discord over the nomination of Harriet Miers to the U.S. Supreme Court.
Many conservatives are outraged that Bush picked the White House insider with no judicial experience instead of a judge with clear-cut conservative credentials who could be counted on to move the high court firmly to the right.
Twenty-nine percent of people surveyed said Miers was qualified to serve on the highest court in the United States, while 24 percent thought she was not qualified and 46 percent said they did not know enough about her, NBC said.
The poll also found that strong majorities did not believe that recent charges against former House Republican leader Tom DeLay of Texas or a federal investigation of Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, a Tennessee Republican, were politically motivated, NBC said.
DeLay has been indicted in Texas on money-laundering and conspiracy charges linked to campaign financing. Frist is being investigated over a stock sale.
With the 2006 congressional elections a year away, 48 percent of respondents said they preferred a Democratic-controlled Congress, compared with 39 percent who said they preferred Republican leadership, NBC said.
The 9-point difference was the largest margin between the parties in the 11 years the NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll had been tracking the question, NBC said.
The poll of 807 adults was conducted from Saturday to Monday and had a margin of error of plus or minus 3.4 percentage points
where are you? I guess some way
from Houston, too close to it myself! you are right about the crime wave, up just about everywhere. have your kids told you what Sugarland and Ft. Bend County are like now?
Anyway, nobody is going to hire a medical Transcriptionist with 143 days experience on her resume and I don't feel inclined to hire a president with that, either.
Immigration is not the problem; invasion is, lawbreakers are a problem. We just had a pastor on TV in Houston who has had 5 wrecks, all caused by uninsured motorists and that is the least of it. I personally have seen what is happening to our ER's, unfortunately, the media says little about it. I understand 87 hospitals in southern California have folded. No private hospital can withstand the onslaught of all this clinic business. But, of course, the actual clinics designed for this are only open during regular business hours. Well, just a few thoughts of mine.
To Guess Who?
Here, here! Couldn't have said it better myself! We ALL have our own personal experiences with illegals. Where is the mention of all the illegals that come here with drugs, and murder and rape our people?! Did I mention the pedophiles?! Just watch the news and it's all over the place! Just yesterday, they were talking about an illegal from Mexico in SanFrancisco that killed a father and his 2 boys, over a traffic incident!!!??? He was part of a gang! He previously was in trouble with the law before, and nothing was done! Now 3 people are dead, and a wife and 2 other children are forever torn apart by this low-life piece of sh*T that couldn't care LESS about life, liberty, and the pursuit!!!! Same story just a few months ago in LA. Another gang member (illegal) shot a young teen and he is now dead! These are just 2 of the MANY stories out there! Even the people that are coming here "for a better life", I can understand that. What I don't understand is them coming here and getting FREE medical, FREE housing, etc. etc. etc.... Why the hell are THEY entitled, but we, as natural-born citizens are not, because we may "make too much money?!" My dad is 62 years old, and probably will work till the day he dies, because he isn't "entitled" to any of this, he doesn't have savings or 401K to fall back on. My husband busts his butt, and pays a LOT of $ every month so that we all have medical, why? so they can come here and drop a kid for free, at the expense of OUR tax dollars?! BS!!! You wanna come here, fine! Then WORK for your OWN medical, housing, food, etc. etc.! I agree with the above, as for the lawbreakers, molesters, murderers, gang-bangers, let them all rot on an island together! And don't come here and wave your Mexican flag, or any other flag for that matter! If you went to other countries with your American flag, you would most likely be shot!
So please, Guess Who, get a grip and a life!
To everyone else, have a lovely day!
Guess what?! At 17, you should not
be having sex! Duh! My mother started working outside the home when I was 12. She gave me VALUES of responsibility, of self-respect, and the consequences of my actions. I never had to be told not to have premarital sex. Unreal! If this stuff was coming out about Chelsey Clinton, you all would be all over it! What a meltdown!
You must be, I guess....nm
THough I guess they won't be able to use them...
if we have two women running next Guess I can put a big red X through "him" and write on "her." lol.
Well, then I guess I have a very
simple view of politics. I would think that if a bad bill is being put on the table, that enough politicians will see that it is bad and will vote against it, i.e. the bailout bill.
I guess that's just too simple. Agree to disagree.
I guess we will have to.............. sm
learn to say "Do you want fries with that?"
I'd say LOL if it weren't such a scary prospect.
Nothing to guess about. s/m
They'll be crying about their bottom line profit which they will pass down to consumers and they'll lay everyone off so they can send the jobs overseas. No guess about it. Then they'll cry some more when no one has any money to buy their overpriced stuff.
Well, guess I can guess! what it says.
We had several Cubans come over here back in the late 60's, all close friends, one a doctor who warned all of us then where medicine was going and he was right on the money. They fled Cuba for their lives at the time. I am watching my country unravel and there is not a dang thing I can do about it outside of this one vote.
My guess is...and only a guess....
because SS is in such pitiful shape now, this will take the place of it for those of us still working...while we continue to pay for those who are on social security NOW (with our payroll taxes) because in a congress in times past Democrats decided to "borrow" from social security and never paid it back. Liberal socialist ideas NEVER work. And people keep voting them in anyway and blaming it on Republicans. LOL. Like mice on a treadmill. Sigh.
Well, then, I guess we should
keep the 10 Commandments in church too. Then we could just go around raping, killing, stealing, lying, whatever we felt like doing. I believe 76 some odd percent of the U.S. describes their religion as Christianity. We let Madeline O'Hair or whatever her name is take away prayer in schools, etc. etc. I am sick to death of this p.c. stuff. If someone wants to be an atheist or muslim or what the heckfire ever, let 'em be. If they don't want to participate with the MAJORITY then I don't know of any law that makes them.
Guess who said this
"we're set up, unlike other states in the union, where it's collectively Alaskans own the resources. So we share in the wealth when the development of these resources occurs."
The New Yorker Magazine
This is not an opinion, simply a quote.
My guess would
just like the rest of the sheeple, they have been duped into believing this man will turn the economy around with his smoke-and-mirrors approach to healing the financial condition of this country, which in turn benefits them as the money is redistributed back up to the top. Who do you think will ultimately benefit from Obmama's plan. That's right..the the lower and middle class have more disposable income, the money will trickle right back up to the top.
my guess is a lot of them
I guess a lot of them
Question: I would like to know who "them" are?
Well, I guess you don't but
at least if you see it alive you know if it is sick. I posted earlier about chickens. I promise you if you ever saw the LIVE chickens loaded in the crates on the truck headed for the slaughter house you would NEVER EVER eat another chicken And that's a pretty site compared to the inside of a 500 foot chicken house where hundreds of chickens are raised never seeing the sunlight and standing toe to toe in their own excrement. Well.....get the picture? But by the time they get to the grocery store all neatly packaged...........want me to tell you where they get the cut up chickens, breasts, thighs, legs, wings? No? I didn't think so.
I guess it's okay
especially in light of the fact they were serving coffee! LOL
ms, but I guess we will all get a bowl of that ice cream now.
I think she did just guess also (sm)
I know she had been reading some articles in political magazines about him, not Muslim magazines. So that part probably should not have even been mentioned in my post, as I think it had nothing to do with it. She is not Muslim. She is not religious at all I don't think. She was a coworker I enjoyed talking with but since I went back home to work I haven't talked to her much so have not discussed it with her recently. She and her husband consider themselves African-American although she is a mixed race. So she may have been following his progress because of that, not sure.
Then I guess you can....... sm
take it up with God when you see Him. This kind of reasoning is so in line with the "me, me, me" greedy society that we have now. And as far as adopted children....I know quite a few who view their adoptive parents, the ones who loved them and provided for them, as their "real" parents rather than the biologic parent and have no desire whatsoever to meet the biologic parent. And I am sure they are thankful that the biologic parent didn't take the easy way out for herself and deny them the right to life.