we got a rebate and i pay a lot of taxes, like $7 or $8,000 a year
Posted By: nm on 2008-10-31
In Reply to: the last tax rebates went out to people who did not pay taxes. - Kendra
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People who earn $40,000 a year don't pay any taxes.
According to the Republican Speaker of the House.
Rebate checks
I'm sure Bush has given us a bunch of ideas on what to "spend" the rebate on. I'm sure he would like more people to use if for gas (he is an "oil" man after all). I'm using mine to help pay down some of my debt. I told DH, why in the world aren't people on TV suggesting that citizens use the money to help pay off their debt, or put in a savings for the future. All I keep hearing over and over is spend, spend, spend. I told him I'm tired of whenever I get some extra cash in (whether from working OT, a b-day gift from a relative, or something like the rebate) it gets spent. Yes I know that to stimulate the economy you need to spend, but when is enough enough. I know of course there are certain things people need, but needing something is a lot different than wanting something and just buying something for the sake of spending. I read somewhere once that if you spend it on gas it goes to the government/oil companies, if you spend it at Wal-Mart and other stores it goes to China, etc. Unfortunately the way the economy is going right now it will help a lot of people with gas and food (2 necessities people can't do without), but is just sad that people will use it for that and then it will be gone. As a side rant....does anyone get as furious as I do at these Visa companies that advertise spend, spend, spend. The ones in particular is all these people charging a cup of coffee or some breakfast item on their charge card, then comes along a person with a check or cash and the music stops and they all look at him/her like they've spoiled all the fun. I really think these credit card companies are getting out of hand when they are constantly bombarding us with commercials to spend (I am faster with the mute button than you can say jack rabbit).
Here's how to spend your tax rebate money
How to use the rebate:
As you may have heard the Bush Administration said each and every one of us would now get a nice rebate. If we spend that money at Wal-Mart, all the money will go to China. If we spend it on gasoline it will all go to the Arabs, if we purchase a computer it will all go to India, if we purchase fruit and vegetables it will all go to Mexico, Honduras, and Guatemala, if we purchase a good car it will all go to Japan, if we purchase useless crap it will all go to Taiwan and none of it will help the American economy.
We need to keep that money here in America, so the only way to keep that money here at home is to buy prostitutes and beer, since those are the only businesses still in the US.
Rebate. Dividend. Whatever. From the moose's mouth...
Same catch phrase they have used to rake Obama over the coals...what's good for the goose is good for the gander.
I think we need a 4-year....
moratorium on presidents. Let's try 4 years without one. See how that goes.
I'm one year from my MA.
It seems like half of the posts on this MB are yours. Maybe you should look for other hobbies. Like clubbing baby seals or smashing the dreams of little children.
You spew on and on about how unbiased you are, yet 90% of your posts bash republicans.
I think you just like to see your name on the MB. Maybe in your 'real' life nobody cares about you. So you come here to feel like at least someone will read your message and know you are still alive.
How sad for you.
Well, in a year you can say

I just went there last year
I was welcomed there and not treated as an ugly american.
My brother and his wife have lived there for years and they and their friends are not treated like "ugly americans", and they've been all over germany, belgium, france, austria, lictenfelds, and switzerland. They travel every weekend and they are always welcome whereever they go. The europeans love Americans. They (not all) may not like our president but they know that americans are not like him.
This kind of comment is just a lie! Another Bush hater. We get it, we all get it. God I can't want til tomorrow cos I can't wait for the Bush bashers/haters to just shut their mouths. But wait, they keep it up about McCain/Palin, so don't expect it to stop with Bush.
You tell me how an 8-year-old knows
anything about being "gay." I'll tell you where, in the indoctrination centers known as public education.
Excuse me, being homosexual does not make one happy and well adjusted. I've never ever seen when blatant sin ever lead to being happy and well adjusted.
Probably same as this year
Get back over 4,000 in tax refunds.
Yes, he did. This was for LAST YEAR'S
Seven down, one year to go for America
Article from yesterday's Times Herald documenting in a nutshell Bush's dynamic and equally distrastrous first year for America. It packs a wallop. In hindsight and in black and white, it certainly portends to everything that follows. I wonder if we shall ever recover from the damage that has been done to this country and abroad.
Seven down, one year to go for America
January 14, 2008
As I watched Americans caucus in Iowa and enter voting booths in New Hampshire these past two weeks, I felt the first stirrings of hope for my country that I've felt in a very long time.
It is as though we are peeking out of our caves of fear and despair, still wearing our winter coats and galoshes but preparing to shed them as we step into the promise of springtime.
For seven years, this country has been held in the grip of men who have used us for their own ends. On Sunday, it will be exactly one year until we see the last of the Bush administration.
That is reason for celebration. But it is not reason for turning our attention away from the criminals in the White House. There are times when I barely recognize the carcass of America that they continue to strip as they prepare to discard us.
Only one more year. But we know from experience the kind of damage George Bush and his crowd can do in the space of 12 months. Lest we forget, let's look at just a single year — 2001 — under this, the worst regime in America's history.
Jan. 20, 2001: On the day of Bush's inauguration, his chief of staff issued a moratorium halting all new health, safety and environmental regulations issued in the final days of the Clinton administration.
Jan. 23: Bush reinstates the global gag rule barring U.S. funding for abortion counseling abroad.
Feb. 5: Bush suspends the "roadless rule," which protected 60 million acres of forests from logging and road-building.
Feb. 17: Bush signs four
See Beth Quinn page 18
anti-union executive orders, including measures to prohibit project labor agreements at federal construction sites.
March 7: At Bush's urging, Congress repeals ergomonic regulations designed to protect workers from repetitive-stress injuries.
March 15: Bush abandons his campaign pledge to regulate carbon dioxide emissions from power plants.
March 20: The Bush administration moves to overturn a regulation reducing the allowable levels of arsenic in drinking water.
March 28: Bush backs out of the Kyoto treaty on global warming.
March 29: Bush shuts down the White House Office for Women's Initiatives and Outreach.
April 4: Bush's Department of Agriculture proposes lifting a requirment that all beef used in federal school lunch programs must be tested for salmonella.
April 9: Bush's Department of Interior proposes a limit on lawsuits seeking protection of endangered species.
May 11: Bush abandons the nation's international effort to crack down on offshore tax havens for the rich.
May 16: Vice President Dick Cheney's task force releases its National Energy Policy report, calling for weaker environmental regulations and massive subsidies for the oil and gas, coal, and nuclear power industries.
May 26: At Bush's urging, Congress passes a $1.35 trillion tax cut.
June 19: Cheny refuses to release records of his energy task force meetings to the General Accounting Office.
June 28: Attorney General John Ashcroft announces a policy that would require gun records be destroyed one day after a background check rather than 90 days later.
July 9: Bush opposes a UN treaty to curb international trafficking in small arms and light weapons.
July 26: Bush rejects an international treaty on germ warfare and biological weapons.
Aug. 6: During the presidential daily briefing, Bush is warned that Osama bin Laden is determined to strike in the United States.
Aug. 9: Bush limits stem cell research to existing lines.
Sept. 11: Terrorists organized by bin Laden crash hijacked airliners into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, killing thousands.
Sept. 22: Bush signs a $15 billion airline bailout.
Oct. 26: Bush signs the USA Patriot Act.
Oct. 29: Bush's Justice Department acknowledges but won't identify more than 1,000 individuals detained since the Sept. 11 attacks.
Oc.t 31: Ashcroft authorizes monitoring of attorney-client conversations in terrorism investigations.
Nov. 1: Bush issues an executive order blocking the release of presidential records.
Nov. 13: Bush orders that "enemy combatants" be tried in military tribunals.
Nov. 14: Bush's Justice Department issues regulations allowing illegal immigrants to be detained indefinitely.
Dec. 11: The Bush White House recommends privatizing Social Security.
Dec. 12: Bush announces that he intends to pull out of the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty unilaterally.
Dec. 27: Bush repeals the "responsible contractor rule" that had required scrutiny of safety and environmental law violations in the awarding of federal contracts.
There are 372 days left 'til Jan. 20, 2009. Let us hang onto hope for the future.
Happy New Year to you too....
As I said, I think it was probably a multitude of things, sick and fed up just pegged on the antiwar always bleak diatribe, it was the holidays and I am sure she was missing her son acutely, and the post, in my view and I don't have a son in Iraq, was very cold and matter of fact on an issue that is not matter of fact and calls in many human emotions...in short, she just had to vent. She did not expect war support. She was just tired of sitting there quiet. She may never post here again. All I was saying is that maybe that should have been taken into consideration and give her a pass that one time instead of coming back and slamming her. Just a little empathy would have been nice. That is all I was saying. I have defended liberals for going on once in awhile as well. And oddly, I have been criticized for that as well. LOL. Politics. Gotta love it.
Yes, it has been the deadliest year...
because the insurgency has been the strongest this year and their attacks on civilians have been horrendous. So, it makes sense for this to be the worst year. There were actually fewer deaths during the actual invasion than in the months after, both with soldiers and civilians. The insurgents and militias were not operating in the first months. And I agree mistakes were made, big ones. However, now, even the Iraqi government says attacks in Baghdad (car bombs, suicide bombers, rocket attacks, etc.) are down 70%. People are getting out and about again in major areas of Baghdad and there is some semblance of a normal life. That is a monumental achievement in comparsion to what it was. Are things perfect...no. Are things completely stable? No. But the article I posted by the independent journalist embedded witht he 82nd Airborne in Baghdad (who came in for the original surge in February and have been there since January གྷ)...the battalion he was with has suffered no deaths, not even any injuries since then. That is amazing. I guess, DW, I just get excited for the Iraqi people (and by that I mean the common folk like you and me) even with the "little" strides. I would like to be out of there too, trust me, I would. But I would rather we do everything we can to keep from having a blood bath like Viet Nam happen when we do leave. We are there, for whatever reason we got there, and you can't unscramble eggs. I still have hope that we can help stabilize it to the point that it is not so dangerous and I still have hope that the Iraqi people can find a way to pull together to help it happen faster. We may still have to pull out and bad things happen; there may be no way to avoid that. I just believe enough good is happening to keep that hope alive. Have a good weekend!
I have a soon to be 9-year-old daughter and
pregnancy and the allowance of it most certainly does concern me especially when McCain is in his 70s and not in the best of health already. Yes, I was raised with family values and yes this absolutely does concern not only me but my husband as well. Yes, this is a big focus right now on Governor Palin and her family values. I'm only one voice, but one voice that is concerned about this teenage girl and it being "allowed" and "accepted." This goes against any core family values I've learned my entire life. Does this mean it's okay for her daughter? Does this mean that this candidate will just "ignore" issues if she had to step in as President blaming us the country and not herself for her own misjudgements or her own "oversites?"
YOU MAKE OVER $250,000 a year
and can't afford to go out to dinner more than once or twice a year, live in a plain house that is almost paid off and have no debt? That is ASTOUNDING! Taxes are being raised on those making over $250,000 a year. My husband and I made around $80,000 last year and now we can't afford a pot to p**s in or a window to throw it out. Cancer has defined my life for the past year, meds are astronomical, medical bills drove us to bankruptcy and, right now, I'm too sick to work. We are barely surviving on hubbies income - I sold all of my jewelry to pay bills and put food on the table. I've been saving aluminum and scrapping it for gas money. I've been fighting insurance companies for treatment and compensation that I PAID for. My 30-year-old son is handicapped and works in a sheltered workshop. He broke his glasses. He's darn near blind. He had to wait 2 years before his medical card would pay for a new pair. So, I don't want to hear how WONDERFUL those on the "dole" have it. We live in a 600 sq. ft. "cottage" and my husband is a professional with a 5-year engineering degree. We are middle class and have been stabbed in the back over the last year. I can't take 4 more years. If McCain gets elected, I hope I sucumb to this disease so I don't have to see my children and grandchildren suffer.
I do not make over 250,000 a year, sorry
and like I am going to take someone like Donald Trump's opinions to heart. not a chance. he has a lot more to lose than I do if he has to pay taxes. I will get 1000 stimulus and end up paying less in taxes, it is just they will be distributed differently, in other words, not so much given to lobbyists and oil people that is my understanding...
my cash gets taken out of my wallet NOW, more than ever, and my say where it goes is all but diminished - now THAT is scary...
I was just 1 year shy of being able to vote at 21 then...sm
but was very involved in the election. I couldn't wait to be able to vote for him after I was of age but we all know what happened with that. Then MLK and Bobby. I think that Obama has the same intellect and vision that Jack and Bobby had, as well as being very charismatic. I am glad to have a second chance to vote for someone with my vision for America.
We both just graduated this year
Him with a four year degree and me with my MT certificate. I am back in school finishing my psych degree I had originally started. Since he is a history major and the job market is pretty much frozen right now, he is having trouble finding a job. Therefore he works with his dad building houses for $300 a week like I previously stated. At the rate we are going I make $400 a week MTing (remember, I'm P/T because of school) So at $700 a week x 4 weeks a month =$2800 a month x 12 months = $33,600 dollars. Almost $10,000 more than last year, but still not a lot compared to most.
Make sense?
Now I'm sure when my husband does find a career position we will be substantially better, but for now, this is what we have, so this is what we work with. But I'm not going to come digging in your pockets so I can buy all the newest toys and gadgets!
From a 13-year-old girl
My daughter is in 8th grade. For the election, the students are to go to each candidate's web site and research the candidates, and then the students will vote (using a real voting booth - cool mom!)
She told me that she started her research today, and she found that when she looked at Obama's web site it talked about his family and such, and then his proposals for change. When she went to McCain's web site, all she found initially, were negative things about Obama, and that was the main point of his web site, but on the sides, she could dig out a little more on the issues.
She was wondering why people have to be so negative. She said, "Doesn't Gram (my mother) always say that when people spend all their time talking badly about other people, it is because they have nothing good to say about themselves?"
She hasn't decided who she will vote for (but she is a tree-hugger of her own accord), and I think she will probably lean left.
Anyway, I am now off to take a better look at the 2 web sites to see what I see.
I bet within a year, you will be wondering WHY you
when we got laid off last year, I
moved the 401K to AARP who put it in all conservative bonds and I have lost about 2% of it this quarter.
on unemployment this year, which is
now over, thanks to G.Bush, I did get an extra 13 weeks, but I managed to raise 4 kids alone, thank goodness I made it.
Some of My Thoughts for the New Year
Some of my political views are not the norm here, but that is ok, viva LA difference! I will just explain a couple,
1- I do not understand why anyone, particularly women, would vote for the Republicans- they are sort of like the Chinese Communist Party, or the govt. in 1984. For example, a few years ago, the said Murphy Brown was a terrible influence. Never mind that the character was financially well established, and a mature woman actually making a decision, rather than a teenage whoops! This year at the convention, lots of folks wore buttons talking about how much they support unwed mothers. My feeling is they only support them while pregnant, and don’t care about them once the baby is born. In fact, they scorn them. If a woman works, and something happens to her child, she is viewed as an unfit mother because she should have been home. On the other hand, the whole “welfare mom “was demonized because she just “sat at home making babies rather than working”
In addition why support a party who does not have your best interests at heart? Most people are middle/lower middle/ and lower class… why support the elite few?
2- Roe v. Wade is a very smart ruling, and anyone who really understands constitutional law, would agree. “Roe v. Wade was decided primarily on the Ninth Amendment to the United States Constitution, a part of the Bill of Rights. The Court's decision in this case was that the Ninth Amendment, in stating that "the enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people," protected a person's right to privacy.” No one has the right to say that their belief should supersede mine. I believe life does not begin at conception, ergo, no one should legislate my body, worry about your own.
3- I believe in gun control. No one needs anything more than a hunting rifle (if that) in their home. Period. No one is keeping the government in check by keeping a gun- it is a load of malarkey. Crime has decreased- not because of guns, but because people were more prosperous. That has ended. We need social programs, and for corporations to be a part of society and not just answer to share holders so that we can all work together to turn things around. That will keep crime down- not everyone owning killing machines.
4- Everyone is entitled to health care. It should be a right, not the privilege of the few. We call ourselves civilized, yet we have people starving or dying from lack of health care right in our midst.
5- I am against the death penalty. I never got the eye for an eye thing. Yes, I have been the victim of a violent crime, but a violent reaction doesn’t undo what happened, it only re-enforces the whole cycle.
Six months to a year
I'd like see what happens in six months to a year when our economy is still in the toilet, more and more people are still without jobs and losing them if the sheeple will still be saying Obama is the answer to their prayers. Their eyes will be open then but it will be too late.
My 14-year-old daughter.
The girls were together one night at a friend's house. They heard it through school that Obama family do not believe in Christmas gifts to the girls nor do they believe in giving Birthday gifts. There are also questions if Obama family believe in Thanksgiving.
Looked on line (Google) and cannot get a straight answer, just that muslims do not believe in this either. Do not know that to think and so I asked.
Our country in a year or less.
I think this will be our country in a few months to a year...people protesting our government in the streets and things continue to get worse....
Look up the 80 year old U.S. man who is being held
He is being held there unlawfully, even though he has done nothing. He is sleeping on a hard concrete floor, dying a slow agonizing death of pneumonia with NO medical care.
Even the mayor of this small Mexican town has reviewed the situation and asked that this elderly man be returned to his country but their corrupt government won't do it. BUT, they certainly have no problem pushing them all up here for me to take care of and when tens of thousands of them end up in prison while murdering, raping, stealing, etc., we give them medical care, feed their sorry butts, and even make sure they have an education at my expense if they want one, all to the tune of billions of dollars a year.
Believe me, if that little girl's family still cannot speak English, I can almost guarantee you they are not here legally. No doubt the girl was born here, which makes her an anchor baby, and should have made her illegal as well.
All those that want to fall for that pity thing will soon find themselves without and at the mercy of a Mexican-driven society with Mexican-driven beliefs. Talk to some citizens in bordertown states and the proof is in the crap going on in their towns.
Last year, it took 5 months before
we could call our money ours. Not 3 months. Soon, we will just be getting a weekly allowance if all the crap keeps going.
If you make under 75K a year
you will get an extra 13 bucks a week. Woo hoo! Now let me ask you this......he is giving tax cuts to 95% of the people and yet these cuts only go to people making under 75K a year.....surely not 95% of Americans are making under 75K a year?
And I am right there with you, my Mom is 90, my dad died last year, my mom........sm
after paying for her wonderful Part D in addition to her Medicare to cover them was left with a few hundreds of thousands of dollars for his care, like antibiotics, like respiratory therapy for his pneumonia which he acquired from the surgery, like weeks in the ICU and RICU.......my Dad's life savings gone in a heartbeat, literally. Yes, so much better!!!
Till toward the end of this year when he has the...sm.
lowest popularity vote of any prez in the history of the US, we are deeper in debt than we could ever hope to be out of, UE is at its highest in the history of US and people are starving, on top of which your rights will be a thing of the past and you'll dare not to express your opinion - will you change your mind then? Go ahead and blast away at me - I'm preparing for the worst - I don't have on rose-colored glasses, nor do I believe all the yadda yadda that he spews out on TV with that evil-looking smile of his. And just to assuage your curiosity, I'm NOT a Bush lover, didn't vote for him either time, but didn't vote for Obama, either. In fact, IMO there are absolutely NO honest politicians left, and we are now at the mercy of the govt that grows larger and larger while the taxpayers get smaller and smaller from the huge and massive UNNECESSARY "spending bill" that looks more like a "thank you for your support" bill to me than any actual concern for this country. This is MY opinion and, whether you agree or not makes no difference to me - I do at this moment still have the right to think for myself and state my opinion.
Not really. I linked to last year's
version by mistake. Sorry about that. It is kinda interesting to compare the votes on both though.
This is about LAST YEAR'S stimulus
Now this makes sense.
Okay, he is buying them one more year -
Maybe by the end of that year things will be looking better for everybody and they can start to help themselves again.
I compare this to my daughter not having a job and needing my help right now, but hopefully by the end of the year she will be back on her feet and can survive on her own.
At least give people a chance. If he was doing nothing but letting people fend for themselves you would be mad too. Change has got to start somewhere!
You won't pay more taxes
The fact of the matter is McCain's tax proposals are the same as Bushes - he wants to make the tax cuts for the rich PERMANENT. Therefore, the burden of taxes falls on the backs of the middle class. Yes, I worked for Children Services - by taking in foster children and adopting hard to place children the parents receive quite a few entitlements - that is true. (I'd rather work - I saw how hard it was to raise "damaged" children). I had a weekend foster child, as a single mother, with my own 2 children and custody of my neice and never applied for food stamps, medical care, etc. My husband took off and dodged state-to-state to avoid paying childsupport. How we managed, I guess it was just easier then. Obama's tax plan does not include YOU at your tax bracket - you will benefit from his plan - are you benefitting from Bush's? I know we aren't. I'm not asking for pity. 1 out of 3 people will get cancer. I paid for my disabiity insurance and I am still fighting for my benefits (they play games and lie to delay payments), so I will scrap aluminum and do whatever I have to in order to keep food on the table. I'm not lazy. I worked hard raising my children by myself, bought my own home and did not remarry until my kids were adults. I had to write to state representatives in order to get my insurance disability to MOVE. I have written my state representatives before when my ex-husband was dodging child support. I learned to lean Democrat while working at Children Services and also by all the things I learned in college. Those dem state reps helped me and even called me at work to ensure the Bureau of Support was doing their jobs. How can I argue with that? Please read the issues on both candidates and don't believe everything you hear on the news and read on this board. McCain's attack ads are lies and that's sad as we considered him when he ran against Bush. Now he is just another Bushie.
mCcain gives back rich. Obama to give back to middle class. Simple as that. I have never attended any institute of higher lurnin so that makes me sure I am right. Too much knowledge a dangeris thingie.
More about taxes...
My personal taxes (single renter w/no dependents) WERE higher under Clinton, but there was only ONE reason for that: I was making a LOT MORE MONEY BACK THEN.
That's when my MT paycheck was at it's highest ever, about$40K per year. Since then, my income has gone down (thanks in large part to nobody in Bush's term in office doing diddly to stop the hemorrhage of our jobs out of the US & off to India, Pakistan, Philippines, etc.
And to make things worse, these same companies selling our livelihood down the river were getting REWARDED monetarily for doing so.
So now, I make half of what I made during the Clinton years. (About $20K/year, for doing about twice the work.) Retirement is now almost a virtual impossibility, thanks to the tanking of our stock-market-driven 401K not only after 9/11, but today as well.
I just hope, if we end up with 4-8 more years of this greed on Capital Hill, and throughout our nation's corporate world, that everyone gets used to paying for those who will have nothing. If I lose my job and/or health insurance, then I, too, will be contributing to the money-pit that hospital emergency rooms have become (and which is why they're closing one by one), because that's where I, too, will have to go for my medical care.
McCain will raise taxes too. How else is he going to fund his wars? Not to mention Bushes bail out of his cronie Wall Streeters, never mind that those execs collected millions in bonuses before they ran the companies into the ground. We taxpayers are left to pick up the tab. If Obama sticks to his guns he won't raise taxes on MOST of us, certainly not me, as I don't come close to an income over $250,000 per year...wish I did, I'd be happy to fork over a few extra tax dollars.
taxes are taxes
you don;t get to chose where your money goes. Only United Way does that.
that would still be taxes... nm
Even more taxes for us
So Obama plans to let the Bush tax cuts expire. That equates to more $ from our pockets, just in a different form. If that's not bad enough, see below--and Snopes is leftist, so they wouldn't publish this unless it were true. They probably cringed as they posted it. Y'all must be making some huge bucks at MQ to want even more $ taken out of your checks. If so, then why all the griping about lost wages? Can't have it both ways!
Date: Monday, October 6, 2008, 12:00 PM
We could resolve this financial crisis by CLOSING the books on the fourteen listed programs..............WHERE IS THE CONGRESS???
Read this! It will open your eyes for sure!
Don't miss the Total at the bottom.
Answer: Illegal Aliens Cause Massive Cuts For US Seniors. I hope the fo llowing 14 reasons
are forwarded over and over again until they are read so many times that the reader gets sick
of reading them. I have included the URL's for verification of the following facts:
1. $11 Billion to $22 billion is spent on welfare to illegal aliens each year. http://tinyurl.com/zob77
2. $2.2 Billion dollars a year is spent on food assistance programs such as food stamps, WIC, and
4. $12 Billion dollars a year is spent on primary and secondary school education for children here illegally
5. $17 Billion dollars a year is spent for education for the American-born children of illegal aliens, known as
10. The illegal aliens in the United States have a crime rate that's two-and-a-half times that of white non-illegal
11. During the year of 2005 there were 4 to 10 MILLION illegal aliens that crossed our Southern Border also,
as many as 19,500 illegal aliens from Terrorist Countries. Millions of pounds of drugs, cocaine, meth, heroin
12. The National Policy Institute, 'estimated that the total cost of mass deportation would be between
14. 'The Dark Side of Illegal Immigration: Nearly One Million Sex Crimes Committed by Illegal Immigrants
In The United States'. http://www.drdsk.com/articleshtml
Total cost is a whooping... $338.3 BILLION A YEAR!!!
If this doesn't bother you then just delete the message, but on the other hand, if it does raise the hair on
Would I have a yearly capital gain of $250.000.--, I would GLADLY pay more taxes, actually only 3 percent more.
40% of that 95% DON'T pay taxes...
where is all the money coming from to pay for all of his programs?
Everyone has to pay taxes, sorry
That's the way it works in our society. It's been backwards for years with the rich getting all the breaks. If you make a lot, you pay more. What is wrong with that?
I doubt that YOU have to worry about it mtstar.
No, we don't need more taxes
but we're gonna get 'em anyway regardless of which one is elected. How else is that 700 bil bail-out gonna get paid back?
I pay taxes
and I need a break. I know plenty of others are in the same boat also. It's not like only rich people pay taxes. Come on now.
Many of those wealthy people have gotten there by taking advantage of lowly workers who can barely pay fundamental bills. How many times are people on this board bi+c#ing about working harder for less and our jobs going to other countries!
Have you tried to get a new job lately? Multiple rounds of testing and endless interviews to the point where you'd think you were trying to get a CEO position ... when in reality it pays barely over minium wage. pRIcEleSs!
Not all of us poor people aren't working hard or are blowing money on extravagance!
Well, then, maybe you'll appreciate the tax break you will see under his administration.
Sin taxes.........sm
I understand the brewers' outrage, but "fair is fair." Smokers have been taxed out the wazoo on cigarettes and they are about to go up another $0.61 per pack as a means of paying for Medicaid. Personally, I don't think it is fair to tax any particular class of person based on their habits to fund government spending. What's next? A tax increase on knitting needles or perhaps scrapbook materials?
Regardless of where the taxes
come from (state or federal) they will still rise because of the cap and trade Obama wants to institute. IMO, still his fault because he said himself during his campaign that this would make energy costs skyrocket. He knows instituting cap and trade will raise costs for all consumers. Why do some people continually give Obama an excuse for everything. Nothing will ever be his fault. He is so perfect and wonderful and who cares if he does something that will end up raising prices on utilities, gas, groceries, etc. Not like are economy is suffering or anything or that people are barely getting by. But hey.....Obama is such a great guy...gosh darn it.
So maybe if we don't pay our taxes, the gov't. in
If so, count me in! This year the gov't. is probably only going to get a note from me saying to bill it to AIG. They can afford to pay my share.