sorry if I offended, but I'm white....
Posted By: of late? hmmmm? ERs full of white trash..SM on 2008-02-12
In Reply to: That is just as much a racist statement as the one above. sm - Brunson
I'm a white person saying this.....but worked in ERs for years.....her Shaniqua statement made me say there's plenty of white trash going to ERs all I meant - sorry if I offended you.
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I guess you want the old white, wrinkly white guy?
Right wing horsesh*t being shoved out as "truth." Sad.
You have offended me
I'm overweight. How could you be so insensitive to weight-challenged individuals. Looking up my attorney's number right now...
Actually, I was offended that one would come over here and
get on to me for not posting this on the conservative board. First of all, I post over their as minimal as possible out of respect for your board. Second, when you click on politics you can see all of the threads that are posted, so there was no reason for this person to be offended that it was not posted on their board anyway. Just open it up read the info, end of story. I agree with Starcat, it's whinny complainy to even make an issue out of this.
I'm a little offended
See link re: Bush and trade agreements
Basically, it's about how he wants more free trade.
"I know many Americans feel uneasy about new competition and worry that trade will cost jobs," Bush said. "So the federal government is providing substantial funding for trade adjustment assistance that helps Americans make the transition from one job to the next. We are working to improve federal job-training programs. And we are providing strong support for America's community colleges, where people of any age can go to learn new skills for a better, high-paying career."
Okay, I appreciate the help; however, what if I like my supposedly 'un-skilled' job?? What if I were a factory worker that loved the fact that I got to go to work every day, do my job, and come home??? Shouldn't I have that option? What if I'm an older American who has done my job for 40 years and I don't want to do something different?? Shouldn't I have that right, too? Where will it end? If it's okay to ship this job overseas, what comes next? Who draws the line between what kind of job is 'expendable' and what jobs we keep in America? Bad, bad idea to keep letting our jobs go overseas.
And since I know people will mention it, I realize that George Bush is not the only one who feels this way.
please do not be offended
Ok, please do not be offended. I saw on the TV how many millions that hillary is making, between her ad her husband. I woul like them to send me a thousand for my med bills and something to put a roof onmy house. Do you think they would do that?
I do not think so.
well i am offended....
but my panties are not bunched.....
I'm not offended
but I'm not under conviction. My thoughts are that God's perfect will would not be to see either of these men in the White House but His will will not be done because we, his people, have not done his will. This I believe. I believe he gave us free will and lets us reap what we sow. My agonizing if for people like the conversation I've been having above with some obvious youngsters who vote based on either the party affiliation or what other questionable sources tell them. THAT and not God is what has gotten us into this mess and we'll have to get ourselves out. I'm sure you'll agree even though you're voting for McCain and I am not, that the pickins' are pretty slim this election. And I fear what will come after the election regardless of which of them is elected.
Now, why would you be so offended...(sm)
by that? I stated fact and then my opinion. You undoubtedly voted for here's your chance. Here's her website....
Looks like she wants your money too. This is your chance to put your money where your mouth is.
Oh, and don't even try that *just leave the poor woman alone* thing. She obviously welcomes the attention.
If you are offended by this "hatred" why are you here?
That's okay...not offended, just justified
Point well taken - I'm sorry I offended you
Oh I just get so so angry when I see absolute trash being spewed. My DH always reminds me not everyone in that group or this group is like that. There are radicals all around. I just really wish people would stick to facts. It is so sickening that politics has come down to this. Where is the decency anymore. Why aren't only issues coming up (as in policies and voting records and stuff) instead we get absolute trash. I see it here and I see it on the mainstream media (TV and magazine articles). None of it makes sense. What happened to honesty and decencies in America and towards all people no matter what their differences are. I still can't understand what jollies people get from posting garbage and then say its the truth because they want it to be (even though its not).
Again, thank you very much for the reminder to not group everyone together. I will remember that.
I'm African American and am VERY offended
that he would even make the comment I don't care how he tried to clean it up, or what context he used it
To say that the crime rate would be reduced if you aborted all African Americans is deplorable and your defense of the comment is sickening. It doesn't matter to me if he came back and says it's morally wrong to do so, well DUHHH yeah it would be, so why is he saying this $h!t to begin with.
Whether or not we are personally offended by his remark,
I think most can agree that it falls under that old catch-all phrase 'poor judgment.' I think much of his first 60 days has fit that category, I'm anticipating many more examples of it in the next four years. This is what happens when the man wanders too far from TelePrompTer and handlers.
Bush was considered a cowboy, Palin a hick, and both would have been publicly eviscerated by the big-3 networks for such a blunder - yet another example of their ineptness. Obama has been characterized as so smooth and sophisticated, and this is considered a simple 'off-the-cuff remark' or a harmless misspeak.
Should we all stop being weenies who are wounded by carelessly offensive remarks? Sure. I just would like an end to the double standard.
I wasn't offended, I was just curious
I don't know why or what has changed but this board has become a target for people starting fights over nothing. People get on this board and say oh look at this or look at this, those dumb this or those dumb that. They also spread lies put out by the liberal media, and talk about how great this is when it's not, or they say the republican party is falling apart when it's not. So, I'm not getting a whole lot of information from this board. It's like watching MSNBC here. More lies upon lies. There's one person who comes on and cuts down someone if they post a link to something off of Fox news and calls it fixed, faux, and any other name they can think of, but then they turn around and only post articles from MSNBC (BSNBC, MSLSD), and we all know that is one station nobody can trust to give any truth.
I wish people would stick to issues, like if you had said he's replacing this judge with "so-n-so", what do you think of them, that would have been one thing, but the statement itself was just too open.
But here's what I'm doing to help me get through this administration. I've turned off the news. It seems like every single day I turn on the news and it's just getting worse and worse and worse. The economy is getting worse, the lies keep growing, the promises keep getting broken, he says one thing does another, then the next day goes back on his word. But every single news station - even Fox seems to defend him the more I watch. The only thing about Fox is that they have people on both sides and they are fair and treat the guests with respect. The other stations just drool all over him and anyone with an opposing view they attack. Guess that's why MSNBC is losing their viewers and almost in bankruptcy. But even with that I'm finding I disagree with Fox a lot because they are defending him on issues I don't agree with. So, stopped watching it all. Now I just keep on the movie channels, and pull up a couple websites to get my news.'s just getting bad all over and I see it here a lot, so your question was just too open-ended and looked like you were looking to start something. I'd wait until you hear who the nomination is then bring up some issues.
His job as President is to pick a judge. I figure it can't be any worse than the picks of Clinton, Napalatano, Geitner, and all the other crooks and unqualified people he's picked for his cabinet.
BTW - this will show you how much I don't watch the news anymore - I don't even know what judge he's replacing.
Strange.....why are you so offended by that comment?
I'm a tough cookie and don't get offended easily
Well I guess you could call it a conflict with myself. On one hand I'd like to believe what they say (that they want a better America and to do good things for Americans and that their plans would be good for the country), but Bill's whole presidency really put a bad taste in my mouth and I was so relieved to have him out of the office. Mind you I'm no fan of Bush, but I was terrified to get Gore in there to continue on with more of the same. Anyway....Gore is a whole nother issue I won't go into.
I was against Hillary's campaign from the beginning. I never have liked her. I did like her while he was campaigning and for about the first two years of him being president, then started reading and learning things about her (her position at Rose Law firm, what she did to get where she's at, her literally having to be pulled off of Bill by the secret service, the foul language she used towards people, the way she would talk to the secret service, the mysterious deaths, her trying to socialize the health care system, the way she represented the US when she would go over to another country and was presented with a gift and she would turn to Chelsea and make a comment that she thought nobody heard but was picked up on the cameras as her telling Chelsea it was a piece of s@@t and she was not going to wear it, etc, etc. She also said another time to Chelsea that she was tired of doing stuff and having to talk to people (other leaders wives) her were below her "class". This was caught on camera so it's not made up.
I was turned off by her campaign tactics from the beginning. The lies, her little crying episode when she felt it served it's purpose. The "shame on you Barack" speech she gave all the while she had been putting out lies about him and his plans. It was the kettle calling the otherside black (or whatever that saying is). The real cincher was when she said she was staying in because we have to remember that "Kennedy was assissinated in June, right?" She never once apologized for anything and she blamed it all on the other side. She doesn't and has never taken responsibility for anything she says. She will say something and blame the other side. But it doesn't surprise me because Bill is the same exact way. A lot of what she did I believe was probably at the direction of the campaign advisers (Terry McAuliffe and others), but she is a grown woman and knows better and she could have said no. She inflated herself like when talking about how she is experienced in dangerous situations because she flew into Bosnia when it was under fire and she has answered the "red phone". Those were outright lies and she knew it. Then everyone says, oh she just couldn't remember. Well I was in the Army - believe me you know when your being fired at. Also claiming what Bill accomplished in the white house as if they were her accomplishments. When caught in her lies she laughs it off and says it was a "minor" mistake.
I do think she could unite the party, but she is choosing to divide it. She says in public she wants a party that is united, but yet she's not telling her supporters that they need to back the nominee. She's telling them that if they march to the convention they have another chance that she could be put on the ticket. She should be telling them that she is not the candidate and she is proud of how far she got but she'll just have to try another time. She is the person who could calm them but she is deciding not too.
I think I do have a lot of fear with McCain. I do not see much of a difference between Hillary and McCain. They have voted the same way in the senate. So the thought of those two are quite frightening for me. I just hope Obama picks the right VP choice. I do hope Clintons supporters do not march to the convention like they say they are going to. I need to read up on history but believe the last time that happened it was horrible and the party lost. Which brings me to the next point which is I have heard that that is Hillary's plan. She wants McCain to win so that way in four years she can run again and therefore she will do everything she can to make sure Obama loses.
I read that she is co-chair of the Senate India Caucus and that she and Bill accepted over 360K (she 60K from them and B 300K) and this is a group that is responsible for taking jobs away from Americans and giving them to other countries (India for one) - this means jobs like yours and mine.
B&H are pushing for a one-world government. They have been trying to get Canada, America & Mexico to become one country with one currency (similar to the Euro), and Hillary wants to be the world leader over it all. This is nothing I heard from any right-wing conspiracy group. This is some document I read somewhere but I can't quote it at this time (would take some research).
What I don't like about B&H ... Vince Foster (suicide?) and removal of documents from his office, Gennifer Flowers, Monica Lewinski (lies and cover ups), Travelgate, Castle Grande (sham transactions), Cattle futures, Waco, Elian Gonzales, mysterious deaths of James McDougal, Mary Mahoney, Ron Brown, Ed & Kathleen Willey, Jerry Parks, James Bunch, James Wilson, Kathy Ferguson. There at least 35 others but won't list them all. Them accepting illegal funds, destroying the white house before they left and air force one, Hillary saying that she was going to think of the cleaning lady in her office building as a human being. I did get sick of when there was a tragedy and he would be there in front of the camera he had his "sad pouty face" on, but as soon as he thought the camera was off of him he'd go into a laughing state and be quite jovial, then he'd see a camera and back was that sad face again. His lies that he belonged to all these black churches throughout his life. There are other things I can't remember right now.
When Bill was campaigning for president I heard about all the promises he made, lower the budget, cut in taxes, beter health care for Americans, this, that, and other promises. He never once held good on his promises (but in all fairness the same has happened with other politicians). During Clinton presidency jobs were lost to overseas, and about 3 weeks after he became president our military was cut back so much that America was not safe from it's enemies. Mind you at this time I still thought he was okay, but little by little that was being eroded away.
One thing about your statement that got me thinking about my opinions about his policies. I may be in the wrong about some of my feelings and its' been so long that I really need to read up about what he did in there. I just disliked him so much that I usually turned him off. I'd hear things here and there (and now I do have to admit I listened to Rush Limbaugh and Fox News a lot at that time) and I do realize that its not fair to judge them on things I heard from them. have some very good issues you brought up and to tell the truth I do have to do a bit more research. I think overall is my basic disgust of the lies they have told throughout their careers. The way their "fan base" will not listen to truth and claim that Bill and Hillary are so innocent and never did anything wrong, it was all a conspiracy against them.
I never did have anything against Bill's affairs. It is not my busness whether he sleeps with other people and I don't find that as disgusting as a lot of people do. Nobody knows what was going on in their lives that brought him to that position and if I had a wife like Hillary I'd probably sleep with someone else too, but all I say is tell the truth. It was the lies and coverup that I had a problem with. I didn't care that he couldn't keep his boys behind closed doors, but be a man and admit it.
So to sum it up my biggest problem with them is they lie, they manipulate, when caught they say they never said it and when told its on film he comes out and says I'm not going to play that game instead of something like well if its on tape I must have said that and lets talk about that further at another time. I just really lost respect with them. In all fairness for them though I do have to say they are not the only politicians like that.
One more note is I liked your post. It was long but had some very good points and really is making me think twice about some things. I don't think I've answered all your questions, but you have given me a lot to think about. It hasn't changed my opinion since I first posted but is getting me to think and do some research. Tx.
lots of autism in my family - but I'm not offended
So he made a bad joke, and apologized. Not like he was bashing the Special Olympics all over the map. But if you neeeed a reason to be mad at the guy, I guess you found what you wanted.
If you're offended, too bad. Facts are facts...
I know Muslims in this country who have turned from the hateful evil beliefs that were forced down their throats. They did not have the freedom to learn anything else growing up. But after they gained their freedom and came here, they were able to receive the Word of God and they have told me that NEVER were they taught anything about loving others, just other Muslims, and that the God they learned about spoke of nothing but killing and hate... so if Obama is receiving large donations from those middle eastern countries, as you say, and he is grounded in Muslim culture, being taught this in school for years as a child, do you honestly think he doesn't carry some of those beliefs with him? He's never denounced it.
Here ya go.........
LOL! Yes, black and white =
only. Too bad it's not a black and white, good or bad world. The you're either with us or against us philosophy has not served us well in the world community and here at home your patriotism is questioned simply because you ask questions. But it's our mission to spread democracy. God help us.
duh yourself - Barack IS 50% white... LOL
and some of us love people of color but not voting for him for other reasons,
There are people voting for him strictly because he's part black, and some people voting for hillary because she is female -
these are BAD vote for anybody........
what? said about biden by a white.
where do you get racism out of that?
He is both black AND white.
Not that it matters and your not the only one but people keep referring to Barack as a "black" man without acklowdeging that he is also half white (50/50). His mother was as white as they come. I don't feel we are electing a black man (or a white man). I feel we are electing a capable man.
Is this what the US needs in the White House?

I think NOT.
what does black and white have to do with it?
Nothing to do with black or white there....has to do
Black and White
People and organizations often try to condense life into a black and white little box. It's way too gray for that.
One thing I discovered as I got older ... just because people or organizations come on strong doesn't mean they know what they are talking about or have good ideas.
I was always shy and figured the people who were forceful were such because the knew their $#it. Sooo not true. :)
What about the white people who went to war to...
abolish slavery? And many thousands died in the effort. That just get erased? Like it never happened?
In the White House, someone who has kept the
Considering what we got in the white house, that's all
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we already have a racist in the white house
George Bush does not like black people
how racist was that? No white trash in the ERs
black and white thinking
in other words seeing someone as all bad or all good is not an indicator of high intelligence. Beware.
Don't know how you can accuse me of only seeing black and white...
in view of all these posts. You really think calling someone a redneck and Nascar and a religious wacko is appropriate way to talk about issues?
They quote the bill of rights but ignore the one about freedom of religion...they hawk choice but you mention choice of the child and they tear the hide off you in strips...usually telling you to go back to your church, bible-thumper, etc., as if all pro-life people are grounded in religion. THat is simply NOT the truth...there are liberal pro-lifers who believe ALL life is sacred...and not from a liberal point of view, but a moral one.
And you can still post to me that to ME everything is black and white. I am perfectly willing and have been perfectly willing to debate issues. THey just do not tolerate a dissenting opinion, if you debate policies they take it as a personal affront to Obama...what was that you said about total agreement with a platform...?
No, frankly, I don't see it. But there will probably be more posts after yours high-fiving you for lecturing me.
Have a good evening.
I'm not assuming you are white. I simply
meant put yourself in the role that she was in, a minority in college. You are right though, I assumed that you weren't a minority for that scenario and I apologize. And, I didn't mention anywhere in my post about Wright, I was simply referring to her as a college student and the fact that I did not think her thesis was racist.
White guilt is right. Too many people...
feel they HAVE to say they would vote for Obama for fear of being called racist. If that's the only way he gets into the White House then it's not a true win. He certainly isn't going to get in based on his stellar political career or experience. Flowery words, promises that can't be kept, keep the poor people poor and dependent on the government, screw the middle class and help out your fat cat friends.
White guilt is "pitiful?" Help me out here.
this statement to be just the teensey-weensiest bit tinged with that racism the reds doth vigorously protest is absent in their campaign rhetoric? Am I the only one left in America that finds this deeply offensive? Flame away if you must. I can take it.
Another thank you for your service. White flag is right..
what a nation of wimps we will become under this man. He'll be hiding behind Michelle's skirt.
There are always those people out there, black and white
who just do not understand anything and never will.
White house butler can't be serious.
He will be one of Obama's top advisors. You can't be that naive.
As to the Chicago political it. The Daleys of Chicago...crooked as a dog's hind leg comes to don't remember the current Mayor daley's dad?
Can't believe you never heard of the Chicago political machine. Obama was part of it, and he is bringing it with him to the White House. Yeah, that concerns me...and last time I looked, I have a right to be concerned.
The White House Butler guy
Ever see One Life to Live. Remember Asa Buchanan's butler, Nigel? Nigel knew more about Asa than his own family. OF COURSE, I understand what a Chief of Staff is. The position still sounds like a great big butler to who sees all and knows all, exercises great discretion and is trusted by his employer.
To begin, I live in a parallel universe from you. I have no reason whatsoever to Google Chicago politial machine. I have seen the term thrown around here and there in paranoid rants and I am also acutely aware of how Chicago politics has been depicted by the right-wingers ever since the mom being my prime source on that one (a Goldwater republican). I do not share this world view. When I think of Chicago politics, I think in terms of ideology, but that is a different story from this.
I was simply trying to get you to explain YOUR take on it and also why it is that you find so much fault ALREADY with Rahm Emanuel. He certainly will not be Obama's only advisor. As a matter of fact, Obama is bound to surround himself with many, many advisors from both sides of the aisle who represent a very WIDE variety of viewpoints, all of which he will listen to, consider, draw conclusions, formulate plans and policy initiatives and execute what he feels best. That's my thing. I was simply trying to get you to explain yours.
Maybe you should e-mail the White House and
tell them GP wants to know!
She called me racist and I am white,
husband black and mixed daughter. Go figure!
Bush is out of the White House.
This has nothing to do with Bush. My whole point of this was not to worship Bush here. My whole point was that I was blindsided by our government and I refuse to sit back and not be informed with Obama as president. I want to stay in the know so I can make my own decisions and keep tabs on things. I just think that President Obama has made A LOT of promises already and the man hasn't even been pres for a whole week yet and he has already broken some of his promises. I am going to hold this president and any future president's feet to the fire from now on. I don't care if they are dem, pub, or whatever......
They voted for him because he was half white?
that is the stupidest thing I have ever read. And you speak for the majority? Get real.
Just because they live in the White House....(sm)
doesn't mean they're dead. They have the right to entertain at their residence just like you do. Get over it. I like the idea of having a president with a social life.
parties at the White House
President Kennedy
President Clinton
President Bush
And I found many, many more hits - just too many to post!
Obama in his white house.
I don't have a white history month, either, but I'm okay with that.
If we did have a white history month
we would be called racists.
Exactly when was the last time a white person s/m
was lynched in this country?
BTW, Sonia Sotomayor's comments on how she, as a Latina woman, might have a different perspective than those that have been the majority for the last 100+ years: That of older white men.
“I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn’t lived that life.”
That is not racist; she was simply implying that maybe it's time for a different viewpoint from someone who can more relate to the mixture of races that make up this country in the 21st century.