sally bring your
Posted By: Roque on 2008-09-07
In Reply to: Global warming is real - sally
post regarding Mccain's lack of support for troops up the top. It is highly relevant and I think it is buried in the muck and name-calling below.
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We don't bring it up to dismiss Bush, we bring it up...
to show that your criticism holds no water. It's not a political thing, it's a human thing. People have shortcomings. Now, if you want to have a statute of limitations on this thing, then I guess Bush is off the table as it's been about 20 years since his last drink, believe it or not (I know that's your next reply, that he still drinks, which you have no proof of so don't even try it).
Here, here, satellite sally. We have not
had a tax cut but a tax increase in the last 8 years. Wonder how many people know that they did not get a tax cut, but an increase? The taxcuts that JM is talking about are for the rich, not middle class. JM lies about Obama going to tax the middle class. The lying liars and the lies they tell. Amazing people don't or won't see through it all. Seems all the pub followers know is what they hear, instead of finding out for themselves where the country is headed, straight into another depression and may be a great depression as in the 1920s. Not to increase taxes on the rich? How are JM and pubs going to pay for their wars? On the backs of middle class? I think not as there will be no middle class to exploit.
Sally, you really are a mean person.
Just look at what Sally posts and says
Sally, they can dish it out but can't take it!
sally, not to be a pain in the
tuckus, but can you bring up the post regarding mcCain's votes regarding vet's issues? I tried to find it - really - but I can't.
and the answer have nothing better to
do today, right?
Head up. This just in. Sally is not the only
I posted this piece and I ain't Sal.
geez sally, is it also your god given
to be banned from posting on this web site? Because your heading that way. We'd be better off without you, but to be fair, why don't you just clean up your act?
There is a rule against profanity. You might want to look into that one, posted by the Moderators.
Beware of Flaming!! Moderation is Kept Minimum on this board. Posted By: Administration On: 2008-08-27
Reply by Email!
Before you start reading/making posts on politics board:
- Beware of Flamed messages & Flamers here.
- Politics board is moderated on a less-stringent level to allow freedom to express opinions related to issues discussed.
As long as we realize that not everyone is going to agree and we shouldn't wear our feelings on our sleeves, a little more oversight on here would be good. What we do not want to see is overzealous moderators that ban every thread that may be controversial on politics board.
If it's lewd, pornographic, slanderous, blatantly mean spirited, then that's one thing. Otherwise, let people express his or her opinion and move on. If you don't like someone, just ignore that person. It's not rocket science, you know?
Use the Golden Rule if all fails. Trolls are going to come over here from other sites/forums to irritate us. Once they see that no one replies to their senseless posts, they'll stop. Again, ignore them. It's easy!
Please don't see this sticky message as a license to flame, but as a license to open discussion.
Sally, that was the best description of her
'SLUG' - harhar --- LOVE it.
Thank you, Superficial Sally!
So you diagnosed McCain with congestive heart failure.
Funny. I was thinking Obama looked like he had manorexia. Or AIDS.
Just ignore mustang
..there is nothing of substance or value in his/her/its posts, except trying to upset republicans. Just ignore it.
Speaking of substance, Sally, that is what your
Give it up sally, they are just baiting
It is really a shame that you cannot have an intelligent discussion or exchange of information, not rumor or innuendo, on this board, or any other in my experience. As an MT you would not put something in a report that you could not verify, yet over here it is very common. The guy who says he is a college grad is probably 16 years old. They are just getting their jollies stirring the pot.
I'm not ignoring Sally. She can hold her own,
meticlously discredit endless barrages of pub bash, misconceptions, misprentations and misinformation. I for one am preparing to bury the garbage under piles and piles of irrefutable fact by ensuring the focus stays on issues rather than personalities and that pub/NeoCon values are contrasted with O Vision in terms that will expose them for exactly what the pretend they are not...4 more years of same old poop without a change in sight. I suspect other O supporters know exactly what they are up against and what then need to be doing about it...and are doing it as we speak. For me, the quality of my life in the next 4 years depends ensuring Pub defeat in November and I am confident that other dems are similarly motived to do the same.
Now maybe you see what we've had to endure at Sally's
and the left hands in recent days.
The mirror in your hand, with the reflection peering out, is not so pretty, is it?
That's the double standard here.
My post just happened to rile you up, the way yours have tried to rile us all day.
What a waste of time and energy, on both sides, when there are so many other important things to discuss.
Sally, you actually make me laugh, thanks.
Sally sells seashells by the seashore
Officially welcoming sally onboard.
I figured out Silly Sally! See inside!
Sally is just Sam's left-sided alter ego.
What you are feeling is what Sam puts us through the 12 hours a day, 5 days a week. You guys already unanimously supported her recently and the O team will do the same for Sally. In case you haven't noticed, the dems are pretty energized now that the convention is over. Gloves are off and we'll be taking it to the mat until the final election returns are in. You have a choice. Give respect and get it back or sling your mountains of mud and wait for the avalanche. Dems were way outnumbered last earlier in the summer but the playing field is level now. This is the democratic process you claim to so staunchly defend, so quitcha btchin' and go blow your nose. It's gonna be a long haul until Nov 4.
oops typo, *Not Without My Daughter* (Sally Field).....
No, shallow Sally. Repubs are smart, but lefties
People are ignoring Sally, and for good reason.
That issue defines liberals these days, sally...
I do not define them, they define themselves. My mind is much more open than yours. lol.
geez, sally, wash your fingers out with
you swear and name call more than a drunken sailor on shore leave.
To bring in an oil well........ sm
takes about 10 to 14 days, depending on the area being drilled. This is for a land rig, not an off-shore rig. I live in a very oil and gas rich area of the country and I see them going up and coming down in a matter of days.
You know better than to bring
the Big JC into conversations on this board. Liberal nut jobs will start screaming about how church and government should be separate and how dare we force our religion on them. Next we will go into staying out of women's uteruses and allow the murder of unborn children but OMG.....don't even think about shooting wolves in Alaska as a predator control program because that is just horrible!!!
Ill go there this weekend and bring
you back some posts. I just went there once and could not stomach it. I havent checked out the Dem underground board yet.
Bring on the Miracle Gro. lol. nm
Don't bring a bat to a gunfight.
Aaah, you want to bring it up here....okay
You seemed to have lived a very privileged life but
my family wasn't privileged. We did for ourselves and never felt we were better than others as your family did. We didn't use others to do our work for us. My father, mother, grandfather and grandmother worked side by side with blacks, doing the same jobs they did in factories, in the fields, you name it. I was never raised to believe I was better than others as you were. You obviusly didn't despise your family's racism too much. You still used your nanny, maids, whatever you want to call them and I'm sure you didn't wait on yourself hand and foot. So please don't sit there and sound all sanctimonious about your life. I actually lived life growing up and knew what it was to not be raised to think I was better than everyone else. I never looked at black people as someone who should "do our work" for us as you did. Perhaps you would know best about prejudice, bigotry and racism, since you were so established in a family that did. What I do know is the black people that lived close to us, and there were many, worked side by side with my family members, all being paid the same and all sweating through the summer sun working until dark to plant crops and harvest them together. My family picked cotton out in the blazing summer heat side by side with blacks as well. Did yours? Of course not.
So, until YOU'VE actually lived and worked for REAL with those you want to keep down and feel so sorry for, you need to learn to keep your mouth shut.
Nobody needs your kind trying to sound so self righteous when all you're really trying to do is ease your mind and your guilt.
Don't make that my issue.
You sound like a self-righteous hypocrit.
For Obama also to bring in that Rev?
"Black will not be asked to sit in back.... brown will be asked to stick around.... and WHITE will embrace what is right". --I am already hearing from friends who are so disappointed in that. Why do that? That does not unite anyone....only ticks off white people who have never been racists, but may be assumed to be simply for being white. Obama should have NEVER allowed this kind of statement. I do not treat any color differently than myself. I have a Chinese friend, a black friend, a Mexican friend. When we have all come so far, to dig up the past in this way is not good. I have even experienced reverse racism when trying to get a job, yet I just deal with it. If Obama is a uniter, he needs to stop this reminder of race and act as if we are all the same color.
I bring the popcorn!!
Oh, the mental picture I get from that one!!
if in doubt..bring up an old GT post
MT, I have never posted on the conservative board..because the responses would boil my blood. I dont know what post you are talking about..However, reading these posts this morning, one of your conservative *friends* posted about hoarding to American Woman, how she hoards information and then blasts away with old information from old posts..I have to tell ya, I laughed at that post cause, OMG, you guys, from the conservative board, have done nothing but bring up old posts that either I have posted or have been attributed to me, over and over and over and over and over and over..**If it doubt with nothing to say, bring up an old GT post**,
I figured that'd bring out the first-graders:)
Nice to know I'm not yet over-estimating the self-flagellating opposition.
I cannot bring myself to think they made it happen,
using the who stood to benefit/gain rule in solving a crime, there is room for suspicion. War is very profitable - world bankers and Halliburton? If they were incompetent, why were some promoted, and why aren't they standing trial for that? There are just too many unanswered questions, so I think in that sense they do need to reopen the investigation and do it properly. No one and I mean NO ONE will be getting away with killing 3000 Americans.
why did you even bring this up - looks like you are trying to start a fight
Everytime a subject is brought out you seem to like to interject a bash to Sam. I've been reading the posts and nowhere in response to my post here did I see sam post a "message with the express intent of wreaking havoc and instigating argument". I'm reading the responses to my post about issues and I'm not seeing one from sam called "let the games begin", so I have no idea what you are talking about. If your talking about another post awhile back, then start a new thread, but for Pete's sake don't drag it into mine. Forget sam - it looks like you are the one who is trying to start arguments. Leave your personal hatred out of this and be an adult for once. Posts like this I would expect from my 12 year old, but we are adults here. What's frustrating is to finally start reading about a lot of issues that both sides would like to know about and info they are sharing with us and then all of a sudden - bam, here comes your post bashing sam. I'm sitting here now looking at all the responses to my post and I'm not seeing the one you are talking about. Lets stick to issues and facts. It also sounds like some other posters want that too.
You bring up such a good point...
my partner drives a school bus in 2 areas, a very impoverished area, and then in the 'upper class' area, and he never gets over all the kindness and gifts he gets from the poorest of people during holidays, while the more affluent areas not even give nothing, they do not even treat him as a person.
I have noticed that during post office drives, you always see the most donated goods hanging on the mailboxes in poor neighborhoods, and very rarely anything from the huge gigantic housing developments. not to say they do not give but it really says SO MUCH.
we are musicians here where I live also and even the money-making machine bars and restaurants, they want to get everything free, they are making musicians around here go broke and do not care at all. they hold open mics and get everyone to play for free, while over-charging for every other little service, and give the musicians nothing, not even a free pop or coffee (or drink if you drink).
by the way, these establishments all boast they are christians/family establishments.
Nope, but that's where the movement to bring it
It USED to be a private decision. And even if you wackos manage to get Roe v Wade overturned, it will STILL be a private decision & procedure, and women and teenagers will still continue to obtain abortions, regardless of how much it is legislated against. The only difference will be in the safety of the procedure.
Clean hospital OR, or dimly-lit back-alley? I've had friends nearly die from the former. I choose the latter.
If you insist, we could always bring Bristol
unlike McC's supporters, I actually listen to my candidate when he says off limits. You are too covered with mud to realize he was defending your idiotic VP candidate and trying to shield her and her family from the glare of some VERY unfavorable media. The only chickens around this roost coming back are the ones that W set loose in the coop. I'll pass on following up the skeletons in McC's closet out of respect for my candidate's feelings. REAL American family values tell us not to go there.
I did not bring up Obama. The fact is
we don't need that promise from him as we are already doing it, and have been for years! Perhaps our older retired women will catch onto the new fertility efforts and start getting their pay raises, too!
Bring your balls and we'll all go!
Spare me to death.
Why do you people always have to bring "God" into
Now wouldn't that bring accountability to the government?sm
If people could choose which programs they want to fund. I think we should all be given a form with our tax form and we get to choose where we which programs to fund. That way if no one supported a program it wouldn't happen.
The government should really do this.
When you can't defend the present why do you always bring up the past?
You just want to make me puke! If you want to bring Jesus into
the discussion, what would Jesus say about the politics of today, how we provide for the weak, elderly and helpless. I am a Christian but respect people of all faiths. What would Jesus say about 99% of the people of the world living in poverty while less than 1% live in luxury, never using their wealth to help the less fortunate?
I agree...and to bring a Christian viewpoint
..the Bible does state there is a time for peace and a time for war.
well of silly of me...don't bring up the timber in our eyes...
concentrate on the splinter in my own. Got it. LOL.
but bring up Obama's questionable background, and