Well over 50% of the American population is either Hispanic or African American (I am being conservative because it is probably higher). This population IMO voted for Obama because of his skin color, without researching his view on major issues that revolve around being capable of tackling the presidency of the U.S. I think it is only a matter of time when this will come back and kick all who voted for him in the "you know what." It's not about our ethnicity or religion, but rather about a candidate who is experienced enough to tackle the job. I just cringe at the fact that someone as inexperienced as Obama is now running this country.
Complete Discussion Below: marks the location of current message within thread
this email from my cousin and there is some truth in it. I don't know where he got it from. Has anyone else received something like this?
Fw: Racist thoughts I have been wondering about why Whites are considered racists, and no other race is. Proud to be White.
Michael Richards makes his point...Michael Richards better known as Kramer from TVs Seinfeld does make a good point.
This was his defense speech in court after making racial comments in his comedy act.
He makes some very interesting points...
Someone finally said it... How many are actually paying attention to this?
There are African Americans, Mexican Americans, Asian Americans, Arab Americans, etc. And then there are just Americans.
You pass me on the street and sneer in my direction. You call me 'White boy,' 'Cracker,' 'Honkey,' 'Whitey,' 'Caveman' .. and that's OK.
But when I call you, Nigger, Kike, Towel head, Sand-nigger, Camel Jockey, Beaner, Gook, or Chink ... You call me a racist.
You say that whites commit a lot of violence against you... so why are the ghettos the most dangerous places to live?
You have the United Negro College Fund. You have Martin Luther King Day. You have Black History Month. You have Cesar Chavez Day. You have Yom Hashoah. You have Ma'uled Al-Nabi. You have the NAACP. You have BET...
If we had WET (White Entertainment Television) we'd be racists.
If we had a White Pride Day, you would call us racists.
If we had White History Month, we'd be racists.
If we had any organization for only whites to 'advance' OUR lives we'd be racists.
We have a Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, a Black Chamber of Commerce, and then we just have the plain Chamber of Commerce.
Wonder who pays for that??
A white woman could not be in the Miss Black American pageant, but any color can be in the Miss America pageant.
If we had a college fund that only gave white students scholarships...You know we'd be racists.
There are over 60 openly proclaimed Black Colleges in the US .
Yet if there were 'White colleges' That would be a racist college.
In the Million Man March, you believed that you were marching for your race and rights.
If we marched for our race and rights, you would call us racists.
You are proud to be black, brown, yellow and orange, and you're not afraid to announce it.
But when we announce our white pride, you call us racists.
You rob us, carjack us, and shoot at us. But, when a white police officer shoots a black gang member or beats up a black drug-dealer running from the law and posing a threat to society, you call him a racist.
I am proud...But you call me a racist.
Why is it that only whites can be racists??
There is nothing improper about this e-mail...
Let's see which of you are proud enough to send it on.
I sadly don't think many will. That's why we have lost most of OUR RIGHTS in this country. We won't stand up for ourselves!
I may get flamed for this, but flame away...sm
What about the nurse or surg tech handing Tiller those instruments? ANY nurse or ANY surg tech handing the instruments to ANY doctor performing an abortion. Don't you think they should be taken to task? Not just the George Tiller's of this world, but also their assistants.
What happened to George Tiller is only the tip of the iceberg. Now all pro-life people will be tarred with the same brush. They are already looking into his blog postings on the Operation Rescue site. Now they have to defend themselves to the media, which means less focus on what they normally do.
I also read today in my LifeNews.com newsletter that Atty Gen Eric Holder has told the US Marshall's office to protect certain abortion clinics and certain abortion practioners.
This world is going to Hades in a handbasket.
He was paid, the firm wasn't. SM
Either way, he could have said no and he didn't. Mind you, I have a limitation on what I think gay rights should extend to, but I won't go into that here because I will get slaughtered.
I am a firm supporter of the military, but --
My exhusband was a soldier the entire 20 years we were married and is in fact in Iraq right now; my son, whom I love dearly, is graduating from basic training on Friday. I support the military wholeheartedly, but that does not mean I have to support McCain.
I don't believe that our soldiers should be where they are and I don't believe they should have ever been where they are. And I believe that when they come home, they should have better support and better care than they are getting.
But I have the utmost respect for the military and their families and would always hope and pray the best for them. They did after all fight to give me the right to disagree on who their commander-in-chief should be.
That being said, I also do not think that serving in the military should be experience that counts in running the country. Just because McCain is a a war hero and former POW does not make him entitled to be the leader of the United States of America. That would be the same as saying my ex-husband could have that job; he has just as much experience in the military as McCain, not as a POW, but he has served many more years than McCain did.
Former FEMA Director Michael Brown, heavily criticized for his agency's slow response to Hurricane Katrina, is starting a disaster preparedness consulting firm to help clients avoid the sort of errors that cost him his job.
If I can help people focus on preparedness, how to be better prepared in their homes and better prepared in their businesses — because that goes straight to the bottom line — then I hope I can help the country in some way, Brown told the Rocky Mountain News for its Thursday editions.
Brown said officials need to take inventory of what's going on in a disaster to be able to answer questions to avoid appearing unaware of how serious a situation is.
In the aftermath of the hurricane, critics complained about Brown's lack of formal emergency management experience and e-mails that later surfaced showed him as out of touch with the extent of the devastation.
The lawyer admits that while he was head of the Federal Emergency Management Agency mistakes were made in the response to Katrina. He also said he had been planning to quit before the hurricane hit.
Hurricane Katrina showed how bad disasters can be, and there's an incredible need for individuals and businesses to understand how important preparedness is, he said.
Brown said companies already have expressed interested in his consulting business, Michael D. Brown LLC. He plans to run it from the Boulder area, where he lived before joining the Bush administration in 2001.
I'm doing a lot of good work with some great clients, Brown said. My wife, children and my grandchild still love me. My parents are still proud of me.
Ohio Republican Sen. Mike DeWine is sticking with the political advertising firm that doctored images of the World Trade Center to make it appear as though the footage came from the September 11 attacks. The video was used in a 30-second campaign spot that has aired throughout Ohio since last Friday, accusing his opponent, Democratic Rep. Sherrod Brown, of being weak on national security. An investigation by U.S. News revealed that the images, which show the south tower ablaze and the north tower untouched –– contradicting the chronology of the day's events –– were bogus.
The firm that produced the commercial has been the subject of controversy before. Alexandria-based Stevens, Reed, Curcio & Potholm produced the famous Swift Boat Veterans for Truth ads that challenged the war record of Democratic presidential nominee Sen. John Kerry in 2004. Still, the DeWine campaign has no plans to ax the ad agency. Stevens, Reed, Curcio & Potholm is a nationally recognized firm, and they will continue to do media consulting for the campaign, said DeWine spokesman Brian Seitchik.
The DeWine campaign learned of the faked video when contacted by U.S. News Wednesday evening. DeWine promised to immediately replace the video in question with a still image of the World Trade Center taken before the attacks. The campaign says the spot, now modified, will not be pulled anytime soon, despite ongoing controversy that has threatened to drown out the commercial's message. Long before yesterday's revelation, Democratic critics were lambasting the ad as an attempt to capitalize politically on the terrorist attacks. Republicans have made similar charges about the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee's use of images of flag-draped coffins in ads criticizing the war in Iraq.
Still unclear is why DeWine's advertising firm would doctor an image of the twin towers when numerous photos and video accounts of the actual event are available. A source with some knowledge of the ad called the entire commercial graphics based, with the computer-generated smoke just another part of the mix. Stevens, Reed, Curcio & Potholm did not return phone calls requesting comment. A source says no one has been fired from either the campaign or the ad agency as a result of the fallout.
Brown's campaign, already enraged over the ad, called the doctored images shameless. Brown has seized this opportunity to question DeWine's character. Mike DeWine has always run campaigns with attack ads and distortions, Brown said in an interview. For his part, DeWine insists it was an honest mistake that doesn't detract from the message of the ad. The fact is we stand by the ad. Sherrod Brown and I have very different views and approaches to the defense of this country, DeWine said.
Brooks Jackson, director of the watchdog publication publication FactCheck.org, expressed mostly bemusement. This seems to be a case of incompetence on the part of the media consultant, Jackson said, not an attempt to deceive voters.
1. Homosexual marriage: For it. If homosexual couples are afforded other freedoms, I am for this one too. If they are allowed to adopt children, they should be allowed to get legally married in the eyes of the state.
2. Welfare: Not for it. I do, however, believe in subsidies to provide help for those in need. Welfare needs an upgrade.
3. Abortion: I am for the right of choice and the right to privacy on these matters.
for what I said above. Government shouldn't have 80% of AIG. They should have let AIG fall on its face. They shouldn't have given them money in the first place.
Here is a little blurp I've copied: I will provide the link below.
On March 5, New York Fed officials forwarded to the Treasury Department a summary of AIG’s bonus and retention payment issues, including details of the retention program for officials of the Financial Products. This information included that $165 million in payments were expected that very month, as well as the fact that the contracts were in place in the first quarter of 2008, and so not covered by the limitations in the stimulus bill as articulated by an amendment to the stimulus bill offered by Sen. Chris Dodd, D-Conn.
As ABC News' Capitol Hill Correspondent Jonathan Karl reported, in February, the Senate unanimously approved an amendment restricting bonuses over $100,000 at any company receiving federal bailout funds, but during the closed-door House and Senate negotiations the provision was stripped out and replaced with a measure by Dodd exempting bonuses agreed to prior to the passage of the stimulus bill on February 11, 2009.
You can read the whole article at this link: http://blogs.abcnews.com/politicalpunch/2009/03/obama-adminis-1.html
So this basically shows that these bonuses were pushed through by Dodd and so the government had its hand in giving out these bonuses and now they are going to turn around and take that away. It is a contract. I understand that AIG got butt loads of money from the government.....which was wrong in the first place.....but don't you see how scary it is for our government to have this kind of control and power. To give and take away at the drop of a hat. To null and void a contract that someone in government (Dodd) pushed through to make happen and then they turn around and want to tax it to death or just take it from them.
Why in the he!! did Dodd get this slipped in there in the first place? that is the real question. This wouldn't even be an issue. Dodd slips this in because he received the highest amount of money from AIG. So of course he wanted to pay back the hand that fed him...so to speak. And guess who had the second highest amount of contributions from AIG.....Barrack Obama..... So Dodd slips this through and allows a loophole for the AIG execs to get their big ars bonuses and now that it has gone public and people are furious......now government wants to take control and make them give the money back. Isn't it the governments fault in the first place....first for bailing them out and then for letting this loophole slip by to pay back AIG for contributions to campaigns.
This is why our government sucks. They don't care about Americans. All they care about is getting money back to the groups, etc. who contributed money to their campaign. That is why we can't get away from wasteful spending and earmarks.
on politics. She forever tries to make a laughing stock out of everyone who doesn't share her views. I think she is ridiculous and I get a kick out of her when she cracks a "supposed funny" but no one laughs. She is he11 bent on views so much, she makes me sick. I don't see where or why she is part of that program. It's supposed to be open topics, but when someone she likes it on the program, she keeps her mouth shut. I just wish she would keep it shut more often.
At a fundraising luncheon, he said he told Gilani "the only way we're going to be successful in the long term in defeating extremists ... is if we are giving people opportunities. If people have a chance for a better life, then they are not as likely to turn to the ideologies of violence and despair."
What kind of opportunities is he talking about giving them? And it does not matter what you give them...it is not about despair. I guess he did not see the poll done recently of Muslim students in London...way over half polled said it was okay to kill in the name of Islam, in fact it should be done; and way more than half thought Sharia law should be part of English law and supercede it in most cases. These Muslims are not in despair. Obama does not get it, he does not understand it, and that makes him plenty dangerous. Just like he says we cannot drill our way out of the energy crunch (and I disagree with that...might not drill our way out completely but certainly could take a bite out of our foreign oil dependance while working on those alternative forms of energy, which I do support...but there are no immediate answers there either)...we cannot talk Muslim "extremists" out of their extremism. And to think we can is naive at best and that is the nicest way I can put it.
Here's one. Palins' stance on war and peace.
How is posting his stance bashing?
People are not supposed to compare the two?
OMG! Check out O's stance on immigration
Please note, these are from 2008 before the election, but I think they still hold true.
Since when does questioning a stance on a single issue
"changing his mind?" In fact, it is media's JOB to exercise both sides of an argument (in the same way that debaters are required to argue both sides of a premise). The mere fact that a reporter is doing just that during a broadcast does not necessarily say anything whatsoever about his personal beliefs.
It would be even funnier if it was written by the guy with the "wide stance"
what is it with those guys and airports? Larry Craig - what a twit! At least Spitzer likes women! In this economy, it's probably the only guaranteed job - and tax-free!
The no-political-stance rule applies both ways
this is not exclusive to just anti-war speakers. To remain non-profit pastors cannot endorse a political party or agenda, eventhough Reverends Jesse and Al do it all the time and they seem to get away with it. There is a church in my area who was threatened with having their non-profit status pulled due to the fact the pastor urged people to vote for Bush. Believe me this is not unilateral nor one sided.
Do you agree with this analysis of Jewish abortion stance? sm
Jewish beliefs and practice not neatly match either the "pro-life" nor the "pro-choice" points of view. The general principles of modern-day Judaism are that:
The fetus has great value because it is potentially a human life. It gains "full human status at birth only." 2
Abortions are not permitted on the grounds of genetic imperfections of the fetus.
Abortions are permitted to save the mother's life or health.
With the exception of some Orthodox authorities, Judaism supports abortion access for women.
"...each case must be decided individually by a rabbi well-versed in Jewish law." 5
Historical Christianity has considered "ensoulment," the point at which the soul enters the body) as the time when abortions should normally be prohibited. Belief about the timing of this event has varied from the instant of fertilization of the ovum, to 90 days after conception, or later. There has been no consensus among historical Jewish sources about when ensoulment happens. It is regarded as "one of the 'secrets of God' that will be revealed only when the Messiah comes." I understand the moral stance, but feel the rhetoric is over-the-top.....sm
This man is NOT pro-abortion, as many of us are not. He is preserving the right of choice for ALL women, and does not believe that a poor woman who has undergone a rape, incest, domestic violince/intimidation situation, or even has just accidentally gotten pregnant with a child she cannot carry for medical, emotional, or financial reasons....I hate abortion also, but if Americans are to be equal, then a poor woman needs to have resources available to her which would be available to others, or you are damning her to the back-alley abortionists. That is reality. I, Myself, married 18 years, vigilantly spacing my children and on birth control, came up with an unexpected, very difficult pregnancy. Yes, we made the choice to love and take this baby into the world, but we also had SOME resources and family, some girls do not.
There are not many folk who are PRO ABORTION, but preserving the individual choice, though abhorrent to many of us, is part of true liberty. And God Himself will judge as appropriate.
And I do feel that those few who use abortion as a means of birth control, well there should be restrictions and a definite "no."
I think Larry Craig has the weird butt..he even has a wide stance! nm
I'll double that 'amen', and I'll raise you one!
Oh. Well, they'll have to kill me before they'll censor We'll see who'll be laughing tomorrow.
Bet it's me!
If O "fails", then you'll probably like him more cuz he'll So when the terrorists come, you'll just say STOP or I'll say STOP again? nm I'll be.
We'll see... Again, you might want to consider a bib for the drool...
Okay I'll say it again...
I condem sexual abuse and from AR says he/she does too, but please don't generalize the whole of conservatives because of what one guy did in Washington or Oregon. That would be like me saying that all liberals are responsible for what the extreme left is doing like burning down SUV dealerships in the name of environmental protection.
I'll tell ya
I'm 25 and in college. Right before Bush got re-elected, my Composition class was discussing the state of things (we had just read a sort of anti-war book). Anyway, I was the only one (aside from my Professor) that spoke up against the war in my class. The others were so angry with me (how dare I be unpatriotic!) that I was seriously afraid people were going to jump me or something!! The same thing happened in another class around the same time. I haven't had a class discussion about it since then, but I'd be curious to see if they all feel so passionately for the war now.
yes, i'll be around!
In an uncertain world, reason should prevail. Besides, I have an axe to grind. My chemo drug runs $6,000 per month (who can afford that). I have had to fight insurance companies like a pitbull with lipstick (kak). I have watched my entire life go down the toilet due to illness and I have worked hard my whole life, paid taxes, obeyed the law, etc., and now..........I can try to at least make an impact on something that means so much to future of our country.
And I'll bet YOU don't, right? We all have I'll bet....
you voted for BUSH both times, too!!! Now that's good judgment. Bye-Bye Now, Bye-Bye.
well you'll just have to
keep on bein' that way, I guess.
we'll never know now, will we? sm
Obama never does anything that's not according to the script or teleprompter. That's why he looked so foolish at his press conference, with all his ers and uhs. Didn't have all his talking points memorized yet.
Who could believe that? Yea, well, if you believe that you'll believe
Government does hope this stays as quite as possible until it already happens. Poster who spoke of Kent State knows exactly what I'm talking about. POLICE STATE!
"nonlethal weapons designed to subdue unruly or dangerous individuals without killing them". Citizens' rights are violated every day by our police with "tasers" and other "nonlethal" things but somehow they manage to kill. One guy practically bragging about how big he is and how the taser really hurt him. We already have tasers that police use and abuse. Perhaps you would like to tell me why military needs them on our streets.
If you think it is that benign, what the h@ll do they need equipment for controlling citizens for? Just like national ID sounds benign enough to those who refuse to see it for what it is. There are lots of things that seemed benign to some while your civil rights were being thrown in the toilet and then as time went by and people become complacent, BOOM, all of a sudden you find yourself screwed over and wonder how that ever happened! It was right under your nose.
Of course, it will all seem benign enough until reasons start appearing out of nowhere as to why military need to patrol our streets
"They may be called upon to help with civil unrest and crowd control"
hello....wake up!!! We have the police "force" for that. They do a fine enough job of interfering with our civil rights, what do you think the military will do.....hand you a cupcake and milk?
All you need to do is look at history in other countries to see how this seemingly harmless environment creeped into their lives and now their children grow up with military roaming the streets, monitoring "their" every move, until it seems perfectly normal to them....except for those who never accept the fact they are being controlled and those are ones who you see being trampled by their military while they try their best to protest for their freedom from government control.
Those who reject (Truth), among the People of the Book and among the Polytheists, will be in Hell-Fire, to dwell therein (for aye). They are the worst of creatures. (98:6)
Surely the vilest of animals in Allah's sight are those who disbelieve, then they would not believe. (8:55)
Verse 5:60 even says that Allah transformed Jews of the past into apes and pigs. Verse 2:65 continues the theme.
Verse 7:176 compares unbelievers to "panting dogs" with regard to their idiocy and worthlessness.
A hadith says that Muhammad believed rats to be "mutated Jews" (Bukhari 54:524, also confirmed by Sahih Muslim 7135 and 7136).
Verses 46:29-35 even say that unbelieving men are worse than demons who believe in Muhammad. I'll second that
While Billy was president I could not stand him (I voted for him the first time but after 6 months was disappointed and by the end of the first year with him I loathed him and cringed anyone I saw him or his wife "the anointed one". However, with all that has happened over the past few weeks he is finally starting to make sense.
I just think the country has done such a dis-service to Hillary and voted in a man that came from nowhere (and has done nothing).
I am glad Billy is finally starting to wise up and speak the truth.
sorry-I'll try again
Year Total income Gifts to charity Federal taxes
2000 $240,726 $2,350 $63,732
2001 $275,123 $1,470 $86,072
2002 $260,824 $1,050 $68,958
2003 $238,327 $3,400 $51,856
2004 $207,647 $2,500 $40,426
2005 $1,670,995 $77,315 $545,614
2006 $991,296 $60,307 $277,431
Well, I'll say this.........
making such a big deal out of "Joe the plumber" was pretty juvenile on the part of McCain and Palin. IMHO good ole Joe was probably a republican plant paid to ask that question but then what do I know?
something you'll never see on tv
Love the "disco pants!" Of course, SP would do it in a heartbeat with a smile on her face. They'd have to put Michelle in a straight jacket. Can't you just picture it?
The libs just don't have a sense of humor like the rest of us!
I also believe that people should have the right to protect themselves in their homes. If someone breaks into my home, I should have a right to shoot them. In my opinion, they took a risk breaking into my house. I am not going to take the chance of them hurting me or my kids. So don't break into my house because I will shoot you and then I will rip my clothes and beat my head into a wall to make it look like I was attacked and was using self defense. LOL!
I'll ask again.
WHICH question did Joe Biden NOT answer, as you alleged?
I'll add another bet. S/M
IF McCain/Palin get in the White House, I will bet that in 2012 the Republicans will have about as good a chance at getting back in as Hermann Munster!!!
Okay, I'll tell ya
#1. He is black. Never mind he is only HALF black, there are plenty of people who won't vote for him because of the color or his skin but it isn't p.c. to say this so they p.c. and say they WILL vote for him. When they close the curtain on the voting booth, I think they'll have a change of heart and punch the button for the one who is "like them." Remember Palin said he wasn't "like us."
#2. There have been so many smears against him I really believe that many people who don't care enough to investigate for themselves, just believe it "like sheeple" and so they go down the garden path.
#3. I think there are a lot of people who forget that John McCain is only one of many service men and women who have served their country. He is no more or less honorable than any of them but McCain keeps railing on "I served my country and I have the scars to prove it." and then whining that "all I ever wanted to be is a Navy pilot." So at the end I think a lot of people will feel if they don't vote for him they will somehow dishonor "his" service to our country.
The reason I don't think the Republicans will stand a chance is that after 8 years of Bush/Cheney and 4 more years of McCain/Palin, people will vote for anyone but....and maybe that's a good time for an independent with REAL values and REAL promise of change to show up.
Now, if I'm wrong, boil up the crow, I'll be here to eat it. LOL
I'll say it again
As a Jew, I don't believe there is a soul until the first breath is taken.
But, regardless of what I believe, I don't expect everyone to agree with me. It is clear what you believe and that is fine with me. I would never try to change it. I expect the same courtesy, that people allow me to believe as a Jew, as I was raised and studied, and not try to force your beliefs on me. I don't believe anyone should be forced into having an abortion, but I also don't believe anyone should be kept from having one either.
Again, I'll say it
My husband is there. No, we did not buy the ticket. Yes, he joined BEFORE the war, but he joined the military. It is silly to think that you can join a military and never expect to go to a war. Of course that is where the military sent them. This is their job. They chose their field and most of them support it.
I'll help if I can but can you help me
I'm not sure which post you're referring to but I'll be happy to re-find it for you if I can. I don't always post links because I would hope that people would research everything they can and make the best decision they can possibly make to bring about whatever change they believe in. As I've said, I read a lot but I have made my decisions based totally on what I have heard from the candidate's own mouths. I have come to the conclusion that I will take a chance on Obama versus McCain and that is due ONLY to what I have heard from both of them. McCain's constant reference to his war record has completely turned me off. Not that I don't respect his service but so far as I know we are not voting on "war hero of the year."
And just for the record....every day I am still watching BOTH candidates speeches at their rallies. I could still change my mind in the way I intend to vote if I heard something from EITHER candidate's mouth that would sway me....and that being something of SUBSTANCE that would make me change my mind about which one I am willing to take a chance on. I will continue with that inquisitive mind until about 8 a.m. next Tuesday when I go to cast my vote.....so I guess you could call me one of the "undecided." Maybe the other "undecideds" feel the same as I do. I don't call myself "undecided" because I have made a decision and the other candidate has a couple of days to make me change my mind but I doubt he will because it will take more than railing against "that one" to change my mind.