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majority is charmed and brainwashed by Obama

Posted By: just as bad -country is going down.nm on 2008-10-16
In Reply to: no, majority was INTIMIDATED by Hitler. - huge difference there


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Another brainwashed Obama puppet.
I especially liked the majority of votes to Obama
that was interesting also. Lets get democrats back in the white house for peace and prosperity to ALL - :)
You said it oldtimer! Obama won by majority and
It's time for people to back the new president and be patriotic. Stop the same old vitriol.

If you are saying that I am brainwashed...... sm
think again. I don't follow a party or its nominee blindly as the Obama supportes do, refusing to even look at anything that would discredit their object of worship.

boy, are you ever brainwashed.
You are the brainwashed one, brainwashed
Brainwashed by whom?
Right, Chele. They are brainwashed. It is so sad
Ever think you've been brainwashed
by the liberal viewpoints that make up the majority of this nation nowadays?

I am not speaking for God. I am telling you what God says to us through the Bible. I am telling you not to judge CHRISTIANS based on your sister's church.

Obviously you just want to spout hate rather than take the time to find out the truth.

Have you been brainwashed by religion?
Brainwashed. Rinse. Repeat.
The BF sounds brainwashed. Tell him to save
Religion (or lack of) is a personal choice, and he shouldn't be trying to force his beliefs on you or anyone else.
I am not brainwashed. I live my life the way I choose
to live and you are free to live yours the way you want to live.  If you don't believe in Christianity and salvation that is your choice.  I don't call you brainwashed by those who don't believe in God, so please don't call me brainwashed by my convictions and my belief in a Savior and eternal life.  Have a blessed day!
This is brainwashed hogwash, pure and simple.
You've been lied to since the get-go; 1948, to be precise.
Usually, the majority is right!!!!
A majority of 2.
Does it get anymore pathetic?
The majority, as you put it, did not even

know who they were voting for. They heard one thing: CHANGE. Yet, change is not what we are getting. It's politics as usual. O does not know how to lead. He only knows how to follow. He is letting people like Schumer, Pelosi, Reid, and countless others walk all over him. He has no clout. He is a lamb being led to the slaughter, yet he doesn't realize it yet.

If he wants to be a good president, he would stop the antics going on now, but I really don't think he knows how to do it. It's a shame, too, because although I did not vote for him, I had hope.

Check photos of him lately. He's not looking so confident anymore. He is starting to think he got in over his head and unless he takes control of the dems, he will go down in history as a president worse than Jimmy Carter.


And this has WHAT to do with the fact that the majority..sm
of jobs paying minimum wage are not held by teenagers looking for extra money to buy ipods.

I'm waiting scarecrow with a brain....
The majority of the military

have always been conservative.  However, many military members and veterans are changing their minds after what has taken place in recent years.  Watch the results of the election and see which way the military goes and compare that to elections in the past. 

Because he will likely have a majority in Congress....
and THAT is how you get things passed.
No, Majority knows O could use those qualities
Remember TACT? DIPLOMACY? 2 things that are important qualities in a leader. Especially if you ever want your country to be taken seriously again. Right now it's a laughing stock.
You still here? -being in the majority makes you
The majority of them truly believe in their mission.

I'm simply not in a position to judge all that stuff.  There's far more going on behind the scenes than we know.  That's not to give Bush (or any politician, for that matter) a free pass.

The big threat approaching is Israel & Iraq.  A war there is inevitable (& soon), and they're a huge ally of ours.  The not only deserve our help, but will likely need it.

The Majority of Citizens?
Let's see tomorrow morning.
The moral majority is neither
all that moral, or the majority.  Don't assume who the majority is until they cast their vote.
What I meant was when the majority
of people want same sex marriage, the measure will pass. Until then, they will just have to keep putting it to a vote. We the people have the right to decide what we want; majority rules and most don't want same sex marriage. Have a civil union, have the same benefits, etc, but don't call it marriage.
And just how do you propose to know what the majority
This is exactly the kind of post that completely undermines any credibility that you might perceive that you have.

Speak for yourself. You know nothing of anyone else's reasons for voting for our NEW PRESIDENT. You're going to have a pretty miserable 8 years ahead of you unless you stop beating this old, dead horse.
you don't even realize who the majority are
You seem to fail to remember that not everyone in America voted this election.

69,456,897 people voted for the O

234,367,743 did not

I would not say the majority of America voted for him. He didn't even get 1/3 of America's votes.

He won by a majority...unlike the last guy!
So what's your point?
Oh, but the majority of Americans DOES
More than the majority of Americans still support OUR LEADER - thank you very much
Uh uh definitely with the majority of the vote ...

And with the great help of ACORN.  In the county that I live in, there was a man who was registered by ACORN, voted 3 times and has been deceased since 1986. 

Majority rules not the minority
as long as someone is given the option not to participate then no one is getting hurt. If they are the only one in the class that does not want to say it then that's life. We can't cower majority traditions and beliefs to make every individual feel included. We'd truly have chaos then, because every one's feelings are different.
but I'm sure the vast majority believes
that life begins at conception, however, I know I'm not going to change your mind, so I'll leave it at that.
So did the majority of Congress, Dem and Repub...
or nothing would have passed. Sheesh. You act like McCain passed every bill all by his lonesome. Let's be real here.
The democrats have had the majority for 2 years...
and they have not turned it around. I repeat...if you want socialism...vote for Obama. It is as simple as that.
the majority of chevy vehicles
foreign parts
no, majority was INTIMIDATED by Hitler.

Majority of 2. Why not organize a new wing
after November, they're going to need some new blood, new direction and a platform makeover.
Just shows that majority of USA no longer truly
Impeached by a democratic majority?
What YOU smokin?? lol.
Thats just it. Majority of Americans voting in this
But apparently the majority of people
think he is all that, else why would he be our next commander in chief. Good try, just does not work.
How many times has majority been wrong?
You are insulting the majority of Americans
I think your mentality (the sore loser, pouting in a corner type) is the one that needs considering...
Pop 8 was vote of MAJORITY of citizens who said NO...
I agree! I think the majority of people who are
Roe versus Wade majority and problems with the law
Actually, I've read where if put to a vote polls have shown that Roe versus Wade would be overturned. Whether abortion is right or wrong aside many people, including many liberal lawyers say that RVW is a badly written law in the first place.
Majority backs GIs, not Iraq War...see link
Interesting poll, allbeit before the death of Zarqawi and approval of ministers of the police and army.
I think a majority of the confusion comes from the way our media shapes the sm
information to us. The European coverage of world events shapes information differently to that seen by many in the viewing public of the US. I have relatives in Ireland who point this out to me all the time.

It's all about programming.
CNN is also broadcast as being a European affiliate, to the one we get here.

I posted another one showing George Galloway letting a Sky News journalist have it. I would love to see this guy have a round with O'Reilly or Hannity. They would not dare because he would wipe the floor with them.

Here's a page, showing news reports/interviews that you won't see on US TV.


oh and by the way....you Dems have had a majority in Congress for awhile now...
and what has been accomplished? Why haven't you been busy overturning every ill those nasty Repubs have done? LOL...Congress has even a lower rating with the public than Bush does..do the math, if you can. lol.
oopsss...sorry. I mean the majority of democrats on this board...
I do know some Democrats who are independent thinkers and they are voting McCain-Palin this year. :)