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Other related messages found in our database McCain wasn't desperate and wasn't behind in the polls
In fact, they have been neck and and neck, and McCain has been gaining in the polls while Obama has been slipping. McCain could have taken the easy way and kept the stable course and picked safer, sure. Instead, he picked a maverick leader like himself, who isn't afraid to get in there and make changes even if it goes against their own party. I believe he wanted to say that the Republicans are the party for change, and wanted to make a bold statement. I've seen statements at "other sites" as well where people are absolutely joyous at this pick.
Just for the record
I felt the same way about the war before he was killed. It is wrong, its based on lies, and its immoral. So okay to lie about reasons for going to war, not okay to lie about sex, okay to let the perps of 09/11 go free, not okay to try the perps of the first World Trade bombing and let em rot in jail after a trial as that is not tough enuf on terror, okay to spy without warrants on Americans..okay to sit and eat cake and play guitar while New Orleans drowns, Then tell Brownie heckuva job while people die in the Superdome...I mean whats it gonna take?
And yes, I did rather explode at the Xmas isnt treating me nice comment..that hit a nerve bigtime for me.
And also for the record, I would be just as upset were Bush a dem or green or libertarian..this administration has done more damage to this country than I thought was possible. This isnt about political parties,this is about America and our constitution, our ideals and everything this country is built on.
For the record, neither am I....
Just an American married to an Iranian refugee who fled political persecution under the current regime. If I misunderstood your post, I apologize.
This post is not "news" but rather a brief yet accurate description of the complex nature of Iranian politics. No sources you can try to attack. Sorry about that.
Not quite sure what you mean when you say you "know" politics every which way and that you "kick butt at it."
It comes as no surprise that you would not be interested in any viable information on this subject, since you seem to be perfectly comfortable in characterizing US-Iranian diplomatic initiatives as dealing with madmen who hate America for its freedoms (gag me). Sounds like sound byte mentality to me...again nothing new under heaven, coming from an Ann Coulter wannabe who thinks that former POW patriots are automatically qualified to be president.
By the way, throwing around a bit of sarcasm about radical Islam and infidels does not exactly qualify as a total butt kick. So I'm like you...not interested in futher pursuit of this nonsense.
Thank you so much...I will...and for the record....
I don't care what you think, nor do I care if anybody cares what I think. The babies need a voice. And why that irritates all of you so much....hmmmm.
For the record -
While I am a supporter of Obama, I want to emphasize that I am not a coldhearted murderer, that I do not advocate watching babies die, that I do not go out and actively support abortions of any kind (early or late).
I also do not feel that Obama is sitting there right now saying to himself, I wonder how many babies I can let die today. I think that the relationship he has with God is worked out between him and God and if he has worked this issue out in his own mind and feels comfortable with his decision, then that is his personal decision. I do not think that he is the be all and end all in the decision making process for the rest of us. I think that he has just decided that it should be an individual choice for a woman to decide what to do with her own body...
I do not want to see abortions once again be illegal in the United States. How many young, naive, and stupid girls (children mostly) died when they chose to have an illegal abortion rather than go to their families and admit that they had made mistakes and ask for help? How many women died or were permanently mutilated and could never have children again because after they were raped and became pregnant, they could not face having that child, and they chose to have an illegal abortion?
I don't believe in abortion, I didn't choose to have an abortion when I got pregnant at 15, but I do believe that every woman should have the right to choose what she does with her own body - if she does not want to carry a child, then she should not be forced to by the government.
Now, I think we can go on and on about this forever, and we will never agree, or we can remember that abortion will not be outlawed by any president that is elected, and go on to argue the issues that will be on the front burner for the next couple of years and decide who will serve us best there.
For the record........... sm
I do have filtered internet access at home for my kids, and I have taught them that looking at pictures of naked women/men is unacceptable, but what happens when my 12-year-old son goes to the public library to check out a book and happens to walk behind someone who is accessing p*rn on the free access library computer? How do I protect my child against that? And what happens if that person happens to be a pervert who exposes himself to my child? Am I supposed to lead my child around the library with a blindfold on his eyes? Whose rights are being trampled on there?
Behavioral problems? No, friend. It is natural curiosity of a 12-year-old to learn about the opposite sex, what they look like unclothed and that is nothing new. Naturally, they won't cop a look at mom getting out of the shower because that would be wrong on so many levels for a young boy, but they will look at anonymous women on the internet, given the chance. We need to take that chance away from them until they are more grounded in their moral beliefs and can control such urges themselves. If the government allows free access to objectionable material at school (where I can't hold his hand all day) or in the public library (where he should be able to check out a book without fear of glimpsing something objectionable) then I really have to wonder at the moral base of our government. As someone pointed out, they work for me, not the other way around.
I think he's going for the record for...(sm)
number of lies in one speech
For the record
1. I'm not a Republican, but a conservative who votes for the candidate of either party I think will do the job properly. This often is a Republican, but not always.
2. I did not realize board space was rationed, or that any of us was taking more than our share. Please explain these guidelines.
3. When you see a post under a moniker that usually upsets you, feel free to skip reading it. That way you will not be offended. And if you don't read it, you will not respond to it and maybe the thread will die out.
4. When something is broadcast that I feel will raise my blood pressure, I use one of those little on/off/channel thingies to eliminate the threat. I don't holler that it has no business on the airwaves. Try to think of this board in the same way.
5. However, if you wish to debate an issue, bring it on. That's my understanding of what this forum is for.
Not at all. Just trying to set the record straight. sm As to what the board monitor REALLY said, since the left sometimes has comprehension problems and all. Record speaks for itself.
Been there, done that, and agree with OP - Cons have been grossly hypocritical about demanding dissenters leave their board, then sneaking over here to post nasty comments.
He's trying to break a record you know.
Cutting his vacation short due to the Katrina disaster could have affected his record! Must be nice to have over a year of vacation time in only 7 years, and a war-time president at that. I'm not surprised though. I almost don't want to talk smack about him anymore because it is just too easy. It helps to vent though, I suppose.
Voting Record
Since everyone is at least a bit familiar with John McCain’s record when it comes to strolling through a market in Baghdad with hundreds of his closest guards, or how he wants to stay in Iraq for 100 years (except when he flip flops on that).
But not that many really, truly know just how horrific his voting record is when it comes to the troops. And it is pretty consistent – whether it is for armor and equipment, for veteran’s health care, for adequate troop rest or anything that actually, you know, supports our troops.
This is chock full of links to the roll call votes, and the roll call votes have links to the actual underlying bills and amendments. I present this so that there is support and things that can be rattled off when saying that McCain is not a friend of the military. Feel free to use it as you want, but this can be tied into the "Double Talk Express". But here is a very quick statement - John McCain skipped close to a dozen votes on Iraq, and on at least another 10 occasions, he voted against arming and equipping the troops, providing adequate rest for the troops between deployments and for health care or other benefits for veterans.
In mid 2007, Senator Reid noted that McCain missed 10 of the past 14 votes on Iraq. However, here is a summary of a dozen votes (two that he missed and ten that he voted against) with respect to Iraq, funding for veterans or for troops, including equipment and armor. I have also included other snippets related to the time period when the vote occurred.
March 2004: McCain once again voted for abusive tax loopholes over veterans when he voted against creating a reserve fund to allow for an increase in Veterans' medical care by $1.8 billion by eliminating abusive tax loopholes. Jeez, McCain really loves those tax loopholes for corporations, since he voted for them over our veterans' needs.
October 2003: McCain voted to table an amendment by Senator Dodd that called for an additional $322,000,000 for safety equipment for United States forces in Iraq and to reduce the amount provided for reconstruction in Iraq by $322,000,000.
So there it is. John McCain is yet another republican former military veteran who likes to talk a big game when it comes to having the support of the military. Yet, time and time again, he has gone out of his way to vote against the needs of those who are serving in our military. If he can’t even see his way to actually doing what the troops want, or what the veterans need, and he doesn’t have the support of veterans, then how can he be a credible commander in chief?
Secondly....what in the world does your post have anything to do with mine. I want to know why we aren't doing something and you give me this huge lecture about how Bush is evil and to blame for every single thing, etc. Truthfully, I am tired of you and your far-left rantings. I'm tired of people refusing to see that this crisis has been coming on for a long time. You people refuse to see that Clinton had any hand in this issue either even though he was the one who forced banks to give everyone loans whether they could pay for them or not. I'm tired of the right vs left BS. They are all guilty in my opinion, some more than others. I personally wanna puke every time I see Pelosi, Dodd, Frank, Reid, etc.
I know things are me....I know. You don't have to preach to me about tent cities, etc. Also, Bush is gone and I know Obama got a mess when he stepped into the White House, but he is the commander in chief now and blaming Bush for everything doesn't change the fact that I don't agree with what Obama is doing now. We are spending money where we shouldn't and we should definitely be looking into more energy resources as that will create jobs as well as stop sending money out of the country for as much foreign oil.
Yawn same broken record
that keeps sticking on the same note.
Just for the record, I have never called anyone a racist.nm
Setting the record straight.
It is not spinning someone else's thoughts to ask them a question about those thoughts. I asked you how you felt about Mrs. King. Spinning is saying something like, you HATE Mrs. King. Courteously, I did not do that. You did however do that to me by assuming I hate Bush. By the way, what posts were those in which you expressed your admiration for Mrs. King? You referred to them but I don't see them here. Maybe you were singing her praises on the Con board? Might be why I missed them, as I don't go there.
Talk radio all abuzz about the impropriety? LOL!! We know what type that is. The story hardly got a slight clip on any of the network news stations - that right there ought to tell you that they were very squeamish about how bad it made Bush look. Had it been anything like a true classless act by Democrats, Rove would have made sure it was network news 24/7 for two weeks.
And what is this about implying that I said Repubs were to blame for ruining Wellstone's funeral? I said no such thing. What Repubs did (in their perpetual terror of ordinary people banding together to express sentiments that uplift the soul and give them hope) was to try to spin the whole thing as a bash fest against themselves and the deceased - much as your favorite radio host is doing now with Mrs. King's memorial events. THAT was the connection and deliberately trying to misunderstand it is lame.
Don't really give a hoot if you admire people of both parties - I think I was pretty clear that I rather admire GBI myself. Anybody taking in the whole scene and using good judgment is going to find traits they admire across the board. Which Dem did you say you really admire? I missed that. Let me guess - Zell Miller? Hahah!
And for the record, I don't hate Bush. I just believe he's an enabler who has no respect either for the working people of this nation or for our founding priciples and therefore has no business being in the White House.
They all sound like a broken
I think they all learned this from Hannity on Fox. They call everyone asking questions conspiratory theorists, or if they cannot shoot the message they focus the blame on Clinton. The one thing they never do is answer THE QUESTIONS. Here is a link to an article on Hannity's histrionics on 911. For the record, Teddy/Taiga....
the rest of the post said when it wasn't in response to what had been thrown at me first. Methinks you are very guilty of what you always accuse me of....cutting and pasting out of context. Teddy is taking over again.
Bremer's bio, just to set the record straight....
Born in Hartford, Connecticut, Bremer was educated at New Canaan Country School and Phillips Academy. He graduated from Yale University in 1963, and went on to earn an MBA from Harvard University in 1966. He later continued his education at the Institut d'Etudes Politiques DE Paris, where he earned a Certificate of Political Studies (CEP).
That same year he joined the Foreign Service, which sent him first to Kabul, Afghanistan as a general officer. He was assigned to Blantyre, Malawi, as economic and commercial officer from 1968 to 1971.
During the 1970s, Bremer held various domestic posts with the State Department, including posts as an assistant to Henry Kissinger from 1972–76.[2] He was Deputy Chief of Mission in Oslo from 1976–79, returning to the US to take a post of Deputy Executive Secretary of the Department of State, where he remained from 1979–81. In 1981 he was promoted to Executive Secretary and Special Assistant to Alexander Haig.
Ronald Reagan appointed Bremer as Ambassador to the Netherlands in 1983 and Ambassador-at-Large for Counterterrorism in 1986.[3] Bremer retired from the Foreign Service in 1989 and became managing director at Kissinger and Associates, a worldwide consulting firm founded by Henry Kissinger. A Career Member of the Senior Foreign Service, Class of Career Minister, Bremer received the State Department Superior Honor Award, two Presidential Meritorious Service Awards, and the Distinguished Honor Award from the Secretary of State. Before rejoining government in 2003, he was Chairman and CEO of Marsh Crisis Consulting, a risk and insurance services firm which is a subsidiary of Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., a trustee on the Economic Club of New York,[4] and a board member of Air Products and Chemicals, Inc., Akzo Nobel NV, the Harvard Business School Club of New York[5] and The Netherlands-America Foundation. He served on the International Advisory Boards of Komatsu Corporation and Chugai Pharmaceuticals.
Bremer was appointed Chairman of the National Commission on Terrorism by House Speaker Dennis Hastert in 1999. He also served on the National Academy of Science Commission examining the role of Science and Technology in countering terrorism. Bremer and his wife were the founders of the Lincoln/Douglass Scholarship Foundation, a Washington-based not for profit organization that provides high school scholarships to inner city youths.
In late 2001, along with former Attorney General Edwin Meese, Bremer co-chaired the Heritage Foundation's Homeland Security Task Force, which created a blueprint for the White House's Department of Homeland Security. For two decades Bremer has been a regular at Congressional hearings and is recognized as an expert on terrorism and internal security. Some of Bremer's published work includes "Warfare & Defence Military Science Alliance Response to Nuclear Weapons Proliferation", "The Alliance Response to Nuclear Weapons Proliferation: Deterrence, Defense, and Cooperative Options", and "Countering the Changing Threat of International Terrorism: Report from the National Commission on Terrorism", a New York Times article "What I Really Said About Iraq", and his first book, "My Year In Iraq: The Struggle to Build a Future of Hope".
Bremer is awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom, December 14, 2004Bremer was awarded on December 14, 2004 the Presidential Medal of Freedom,[6] America's highest civil award for "especially meritorious contributions to the security or national interests of the United States, to world peace, or to cultural or other significant public or private endeavors." "He was also presented with the Department of Defense award for Distinguished Public Service and the Nixon Library[7] honored him with the "Victory of Freedom Award" for "demonstrating leadership and working towards peace and freedom."[8]
He does have extensive experience. So that part of the movie is an untruth. This is the point that Bremer makes about dissolution of the Iraqi Army...
On May 23, 2003 Bremer issued Order Number 2,[28] in effect dissolving the entire former Iraqi army and putting 400,000 former Iraqi soldiers out of work.[29]
The move was widely criticized for creating a large pool of armed & disgruntled youths for the insurgency to draw recruits from. Former soldiers took to the streets in mass protests to demand back pay. Many of them threatened violence if their demands were not met.[30][31]
Bremer called this argument of disbanding the Iraqi army a cat-like issue with nine lives. In his Fox news interview on July 31, 2006 he repeated again what he said before "...And no matter how many times I answer with the facts, it still comes back. But let's look at the facts. Let's take a minute. There was no Iraqi army to disband. The Iraqi army basically self-demobilized, as the Pentagon said. There wasn't a single unit standing anywhere in the country. So the question was should we recall the army. Now, let's think about what the army...".[32]
It was widely asserted within the White House and the CPA that the order to disband the Iraqi Army had little to no practical effect since it had "self-demobilized" in the face of the oncoming invasion force. This however was revealed to be false insofar as the CIA had conducted psychological operations against the Iraqi's which included dropping leaflets over the Army's positions prior to the invasion. The leaflets ordered the Iraqi Army to abandon their positions, return to their homes, and await further instructions. In the defense of those involved in the decision making process, it was apparently unknown to them at the time that the CIA had done this.[citation needed]
Regardless of what messages the CIA may or may not have tried on the old Iraqi army, the truth is by the time "Baghdad fell on April 9, 2003" the previous Army had demobilized, or as Bremer puts it "had simply dissolved...." The issue of disbanding the old Iraqi Army found itself, once again, the center of media attention with two articles explaining why Bremer did not make the decision on his own.
The first press release by the New York Times included a letter written by Bremer to President George W. Bush dated May 20, 2003 describing to the President the progress made so far since Bremer's arrival in Baghdad, including one sentence that reads "I will parallel this step with an even more robust measure dissolving Saddam's military and intelligence structures to emphasize that we mean business." Readers of the New York Times article will assume Bremer interpreted the President's response to the progress report as a "go".
The second press release dated September 6, 2007 was submitted by Bremer as an Op Ed piece for the New York Times. Titled "How I Didn't Dismantle Iraq's Army", Bremer discusses why the decision was not made on his own, and how the decision was reviewed by "top civilian and military members of the American government"; which included General John Abizaid who briefed officials in Washington "'there are no organized Iraqi military units left'".
Bremer’s article goes into further about how the Coalition Provisional Authority did consider two alternatives - to recall the old army or to rebuild a new army with "both vetted members of the old army and new recruits." According to Bremer, General Abizaid liked the second alternative.
Bremer also details the situation he and the major decision makers faced; especially when the large Shiite majority in the new Army could have had problems with the thought of having a former Sunni officer issuing orders.
Furthermore, Bremer reveals again how he received a memo from Donald Rumsfeld on May 8, 2003 that said "the coaltion 'will actively oppose Saddam hussein's old enforcers - the Baath Party, Fedayeen Saddam, etc...'we will make clear that the coalition will eliminate the remnants of Saddam's regime'". According to Bremer, the memo was also sent to both the national security adviser and the secretary of state at the time.[33]
There are two sides to every story. In all the people listed for the movie who were asked to contribute but did not wish to, I did not see Bremer among them. I wonder why.
Again, I agree mistakes were made. I also believe that this documentary had an agenda, that it was very narrow and targeted one particular part of the Iraq situation, and as usual...there is a lot of the story left untold.
I am looking into the other principles who had input into the documentary...and what I am finding is not at all surprising.
I think we can stop beating the dead horse, tho...annother issue we will never agree on, that being you take it on face value and I don't. :-)
In short, as of 01/18/2009, Jim Cramer has been correct about his market predictions about 46% of the time, a little below average. You'd have been better off with a no-load index fund than Cramer's picks.
Read about his "stock of the year" NYSE Euronext debacle in 2007.
In short, Euronext lost 20% of its value since his "growth stock of the year" recommendation, despite flogging it repeatedly on his show and even bringing the CEO on his show and grilling him on why his stock was going down the tubes.
If Jim Cramer has an opinion on anything, the smart money choice is to do the opposite. This includes his opinion on the stimulus.
Oil Companies Experiencing Record Profits
All Things Considered, September 29, 2005 · Strong global demand for energy combined with tight supplies has resulted in record oil company profits. Some politicians are crying foul, especially after Katrina. But most analysts say it's the market at work.
I saw this at another site and felt it was worth copying for any interested LIBERALS on the LIBERAL BOARD.
George W. Bush: accomplishments as president
* Attacked a nation that posed no threat to us. * Spent the surplus and bankrupted the treasury. * Shattered record for biggest annual deficit in history. * Set economic record for most private bankruptcies filed in any 12 month period. * Set all-time record for biggest drop in the history of the stock market. * First president in decades to execute a federal prisoner. * First president in US history to enter office with a criminal record. * First year in office set the all-time record for most days on vacation by any president in US history. * After taking the entire month of August off for vacation, presided over the worst security failure in US history. * Set the record for most campaign fund-raising trips than any other president in US history. * In my first two years in office over 2 million Americans lost their job. *Cut unemployment benefits for more out of work Americans than any president in US history. * Set the all-time record for most foreclosures in a 12 month period. * Appointed more convicted criminals to administration positions than any president in US history. * Set the record for the least amount of press conferences than any president since the advent of television. * Signed more laws and executive orders amending the Constitution than any president in US history. * Presided over the biggest energy crises in US history and refused to intervene when corruption was revealed. * Presided over the highest gasoline prices in US history and refused to use the national reserves as past presidents have. * Cut healthcare benefits for war veterans. * Set the all-time record for most people worldwide to simultaneously take to the streets to protest me (15 million people), shattering the record for protest against any person in the history of mankind. * Dissolved more international treaties than any president in US history. * My presidency is the most secretive and un-accountable of any in US history. * Members of my cabinet are the richest of any administration in US history. (the 'poorest' multi-millionaire, Condoleeza Rice has an Exxon oil tanker named after her). * First president in US history to have all 50 states of the Union simultaneously go bankrupt. * Presided over the biggest corporate stock market fraud of any market in any country in the history of the world. * First president in US history to order a US attack and military occupation of a sovereign nation. * Created the largest government department bureaucracy in the history of the United States. * Set the all-time record for biggest annual budget spending increases, more than any president in US history. * First president in US history to have the United Nations remove the US from the human rights commission. * First president in US history to have the United Nations remove the US from the elections monitoring board. * Removed more checks and balances, and have the least amount of congressional oversight than any presidential administration in US history. * Rendered the entire United Nations irrelevant. * Withdrew from the World Court of Law. * Refused to allow inspectors access to US prisoners of war and by default no longer abide by the Geneva Conventions. * First president in US history to refuse United Nations election inspectors (during the 2002 US elections). * All-time US (and world) record holder for most corporate campaign donations. * My biggest life-time campaign contributor presided over one of the largest corporate bankruptcy frauds in world history (Kenneth Lay, former CEO of Enron Corporation). * Spent more money on polls and focus groups than any president in US history. * First president in US history to unilaterally attack a sovereign nation against the will of the United Nations and the world community. * First president to run and hide when the US came under attack (and then lied saying the enemy had the code to Air Force 1) * First US president to establish a secret shadow government. * Took the biggest world sympathy for the US after 911, and in less than a year made the US the most resented country in the world (possibly the biggest diplomatic failure in US and world history). * With a policy of 'dis-engagement' created the most hostile Israeli-Palestine relations in at least 30 years. * First US president in history to have a majority of the people of Europe (71%) view my presidency as the biggest threat to world peace and stability. * First US president in history to have the people of South Korea more threatened by the US than their immediate neighbor, North Korea. * Changed US policy to allow convicted criminals to be awarded government contracts. * Set all-time record for number of administration appointees who violated US law by not selling huge investments in corporations bidding for government contracts. * Failed to fulfill my pledge to get Osama Bin Laden 'dead or alive'. * Failed to capture the anthrax killer who tried to murder the leaders of our country at the United States Capital building. After 18 months I have no leads and zero suspects. * In the 18 months following the 911 attacks I have successfully prevented any public investigation into the biggest security failure in the history of the United States. * Removed more freedoms and civil liberties for Americans than any other president in US history. * In a little over two years created the most divided country in decades, possibly the most divided the US has ever been since the civil war. * Entered office with the strongest economy in US history and in less than two years turned every single economic category heading straight down.
Posted on Wednesday, September 03, 2008 10:30:43 AM by GVnana
September 2, 2008, 10:32 pm Alaska Party Official Says Palin Was Not a Member By The New York Times
The chairwoman of an Alaskan political party that advocates a vote on the state’s secession from the union said Tuesday that she had been mistaken when she said Gov. Sarah Palin was a member of the group.
A front-page story in The New York Times on Tuesday and articles in other news media reported that Ms. Palin was a member of the Alaska Independence Party for two years in the 1990’s.
The information in the Times article was based on a statement issued Monday night by Lynette Clark, the party’s chairwoman, who said that Ms. Palin joined the party in 1994 and in 1996 changed her registration to Republican. On Tuesday night, Ms. Clark said that her initial statement was incorrect and had been based on erroneous information provided by another member of the party whom she declined to identify.
The McCain campaign also disputed the Times report, saying that Ms. Palin had been registered consistently as a Republican. After checking the party’s archives, Ms. Clark said that she could find no documentation that Governor Palin had been a member of the party. She said Ms. Palin attended the party’s 1994 and 2006 conventions and provided a video-taped address as governor to the 2008 convention. Ms. Clark said that Ms. Palin’s husband, Todd, was a former member of the party.
Roberts certainly has more credentials and work experience than you do.
Do you just close your eyes and refuse to believe the truth because you **need** the use of Israel in order for all that **Rapture** stuff to come to fruition?
To only call it **propaganda** over and over again just proves you don't know what you're talking about. If you do, provide proof to the contrary.
ACTION ALWAYS SPEAK LOUDER THAT WORDS, and what transpired this June 30 for the Obama presidential campaign speak volumes for anyone who knows a mote about USA politics! Even though Obama has not and will not accept a single dime from any high-powerful, super rich and corrupting lobbyist; and even though his support base include many ordinary common people of all races and poor small contributors, still he managed to set an ALL TIME record for the most money that a democrat has ever raise in a six month period - not to mention that he is black, a person with Muslim roots, a upstart first term Senator, and an opposer to the Iraq war! This indeed is phenomenal, and a sign that indeed Obama’s campaign is a force to be reckoned with. He said that he has the largest grassroots campaign in history and now, few can muster the courage to try to dispel or argue against his claim.
I've looked at Barack's voting record, though, and don't see that.
He talks change, sure, but I want to see evidence that he truly takes action toward change. And not just NOW, now that he's running for POTUS. I want to be able to look back and see a consistency and I just didn't see that with his voting record. Not saying McCain is the answer, either. I really can't back either right now, and as stated, I truly wish I felt differently. I'm quite apprehensive about the future of this country. I want my children to enjoy freedom and freedom as I knew it when I was a child no longer exists, so I am very fearful what their adult lives will be like. Someone has to change THAT, and I don't see much from Barack about that issue. Personal liberties need to be restored and upheld and politicians need to stop bowing to individual groups that claim to be working toward "the greater good" when their eyes are really on the prize, which is always money in their pockets. Is Barack going to stand up and do that for US citizens? I really don't know. Words are easy to say. Sure, we can vote again in 4 years if he doesn't live up to the hype, but will this country survive 4 more years with the wrong person at the helm? Again, not saying it's McCain either. I actually kinda feel like there's no good choice right now and we're doomed no matter what! Again, I know I'm not alone in this line of thinking because I've talked to many, many others who feel the same way that I do.
Broken Record...just keeps skipping back and repeating!
Can you guys please come up with some new material already. Hearing the same mantra over and over and over again is getting annoying!
Record gas prices/Exxon profits at all time high. sm
You are the one who tried to make this windfall tax profit thing an issue.Over the past few days, your posts accusing Obama of being a Marxist/socialist black liberationist theologian have been effectively challenged by alternative viewpoints of "windfall tax," "rebate," and "black liberation theology."The right-wingers and media are constantly pushing for "immediate/emergency" relief from the high price of gas.We debate the pros and cons of McCain's tax holiday/offshore drilling versus Obama's tax rebate funded by an "emergency" excise tax and his other longer-term initiatives, particularly in view of the fact that in a time when we are paying record-shattering prices for gas, Exxon is posting record-shattering profits.
There is nothing evil about recognizing that there is something wrong with this picture and that the oil companies should bear some responsibility in the consequences we all pay for their greed.Rebate coupons, schemes and incentives are as American as apple pie.We are forced to stuff their pockets with these obscene profits in the absence of price regulation.It is not too much to ask that they come out from behind their curtain of corruption once in a blue moon and show some appreciation to the consumers whose hard-earned money "trickles up" to the wealthiest among us.BTW, the CEOs did exactly what to earn this "windfall?"
Maybe you are not feeling the same pinch the rest of us are dealing with.When some of our fellow citizens are making decisions between paying for their obscenely priced medications versus their obscenely priced food versus their obscenely priced housing versus their obscenely priced gas with their stagnant wages, or worse still, their unemployment checks because their jobs are the latest ones to bite the dust and be shipped overseas and the $60 that it takes to fill their tanks to make a thorough job search is prolonging their misery and that of their families, it is reasonable that we might consider all the possible alternatives to address this problem.An energy rebate is a good idea for those of us who are not bent on bashing Obama 24/7 and I suspect most of us could care less where it is coming from.
That guy sure knows how to raise mountains of money. Small donors, big votes. Innovative and successful. Now that's what I'm talkin' about. T-minus 18 and counting.
Saddam's son-in-law, who defected, said that the WMD were moved to Syria. Several of Saddam's officers said the same. This is an article I saved from some time ago. Some interesting information. I do not doubt for a moment that there were WMD. He used them on his own people. I am not sure how anyone can deny that he had them knowing that he killed thousands of Kurds with biological weapons.
Iraq. He is the 19-year old author of Death to America: The Unreported Battle of Iraqand founder of He was originally hired at age 16 as a geopolitical analyst for Tactical Defense Concepts. He is also a volunteer analyst and researcher for the Northeast Intelligence Network and the Reform Party of Syria and believed to be the youngest hired geopolitical analyst in the country.
Glazov: Mr. Mauro, nice to have you here again.
Mauro: Thank you. It's always great working with you.
Glazov: The recent Intelligence Summit released 12 hours of audiotapes of Saddam Hussein and his key officials discussing their WMD programs from the mid-1990s onwards. What do you make of the significance of these tapes? How do they square with your claim in your book that Russia helped move Iraqi WMD into Syria?
Mauro: The tapes are extremely significant in that they prove, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that as of the year 2000, Saddam Hussein had a secret plasma program to enrich uranium for nuclear weapons, or special bombs as he calls them. The Duelfer Report previously concluded that this type of enrichment program ended in the 1980s, but here we have Saddam and his top advisors discussing using a power plant in the area of Basra for the program. The scientists involved in the program are not known to the UN, leaving Western intelligence clueless.
On the tapes, you hear Saddam discussing the assistance of Russia and Brazil in dealing with the United Nations. He laughs off inspections, as his son-in-law who later defects, Hussein Kamil, reports how as late as 1995 their chemical and biological programs were being hidden from the world. They also discuss keeping the ingredients for these weapons separate, so that should they be found, they will be looked at as innocent dual-use items. They were not destroyed in 1991 as the Duelfer Report concludes. There are even indications on the tapes that Iraq may have had a role in the 2001 anthrax attacks.
My book was the first to make the claim that Russia was involved in moving Iraq's WMDs to Syria. After all the nay saying and criticizing I received for it, testimony at the Summit confirmed that this was true.
Glazov: What exactly is the evidence that Iraq moved its WMD into Syria?
Mauro: It has been confirmed across the board that 18-wheelers were seen going into Syria before the war, crossing the border soon after Iraqi intelligence replaced the border guards and cleared nearby areas for their passage. There are also eyewitness reports of the trucks going into Syria, and eyewitness reports of their burial in Lebanon.
The trucks with the weapons were tracked to three locations in Syria and Lebanon's BekaaValley, currently controlled by the Syrians, Iranians and Hezbollah. Sources I've spoken with that have seen satellite photos of the movements confirm that the WMD in Syria are at military bases, while the ones in Lebanon are buried. A fourth site in Syria, the al-Safir WMD and missile site, should also be looked at. From spring to summer 2002, there was a lot of construction here involving the expansion of underground complexes.
We have tremendous testimony as well, by General Georges Sada, the former second-in-command of Saddam's Air Force that 56 flights took place on converted Iraqi Airways planes in the summer of 2002 to transport weapons, along with a ground shipment. He claims to know the pilots involved. A second Iraqi general, Ali Ibrahim al-Tikriti, in an interview I published, confirmed in detail the movement of WMD into Syria saying that discussion on such a move went back to the 1980s. He claims his sources for this include Iraqi scientists and others in the regime that were very close to him even after he defected. He confirmed to me that Russian vehicles, including ones equipped to handle hazardous materials, were used. Reports of WMD being moved out of Iraq to Syria go back to 1997, and it is believed by many that weapons were moved in and out of Iraq using Syria routinely since the mid-1990s.
The Italian media also reported that their intelligence services had information indicating that in January and February of 2003, Iraqi CDs full of formulas and research work along with tubes of anthrax and botulinum toxin were sent off to Syria. By the end of February, Iraqi WMD expertise was already in Syria including a top nuclear physicist.
An Iraqi scientist also led Coalition forces to hidden stockpiles of precursor chemicals that could be used to make chemical and biological weapons. The scientist said some facilities and weapons were destroyed, and the rest were sent to Syria. Syrian defectors are also claiming that Syria is where the weapons are, along with Representative Curt Weldon's source in his new book. The Prime Minister of Albania even stated that based on information he has which is not available to the media, he cannot rule out such a transfer.
There is also a report that an Iraqi medium-range al-Hussein missile on a truck moved into Syria, and in the early stages of the war, was spotted briefly coming into Iraq, operating its radar overnight, and returning to Syria. Most reports about the transfer indicate missiles were included in the transfers.
Glazov: Why do you think Russia was involved?
Mauro: In my book, “Death to America: The Unreported Battle of Iraq,” I detail Russian involvement in Iraq’s WMD programs and intelligence services. Inspectors have described the Russians employed on UN inspection teams as being very paranoid, with some even suspecting the Russians helped the Iraqis thwart inspections. I believe that as more documents are translated we will find this to be true.
My immediate suspicions that the Russians were involved in cleansing operations began back in early 2003, after I learned about how two Soviet generals had arrived in Iraq and been awarded with medals. Igor Maltsev, known as a leading expert in air-defense, and Vladislav Achalov, an expert in rapid-reaction forces, were accompanied by Yevgeny Primakov, a long-time friend of Saddam Hussein from his days as the head of the Soviet foreign intelligence service and later, prime minister. This occurred as I simultaneously received the first reports of WMD going to Syria, leading me to speculate on such a connection. I became convinced when Ion Mihai Pacepa, the former chief of Communist Romania’s intelligence service, and highest ranking Communist intelligence officer to ever defect, wrote about a plan the Soviet Union had entitled “Sarindar,” or “Operation Emergency Exit.”
The plan was drawn up after the Soviet Union decided to use its rogue state allies, specifically Libya and Iraq, to sponsor terrorism. The Soviets would help them make WMD in return, believing that would prevent Western retaliation. The head of the KGB, Yuri Andropov, told Pacepa that Russian advisors ran these countries intelligence services. Primakov was the central figure in dealing with Iraq, Pacepa said, and pointed to his presence in Iraq in the months before the war.
“Sarindar” was drawn up first for Libya, and then expanded to include Iraq, with the aim of stripping the rogue state of evidence of WMD activity and especially Russian involvement in illegal programs. The operation also “would frustrate the West by not giving them anything they could make propaganda with,” said Pacepa. The plan went so far as to involve an offensive propaganda campaign aimed at discrediting politicians making the accusations against Russia’s allies.
From that, I became convinced. Then later on, John Shaw, the former deputy undersecretary for defense for international technology, reported to the media that Russian Spetsnaz units moved Iraqi WMD into Syria and Lebanon. He said that U.S. intelligence knew the names of the units involved. The Washington Times had other Pentagon officials report that Russian Special Forces helped Iraq perform counter-intelligence operations to thwart the West from knowing what was going on.
We must also consider the huge Russian involvement in the Oil-For-Food Scandal. So Russia’s relationship with Iraq was beneficial for them on multiple levels, including financially.
Glazov: Do we have the details of the Russian involvement?
Mauro: At the Intelligence Summit, Shaw revealed even more detail I was unaware of. Shaw discussed how two Russian ships left the Umm Qasr port in the months before the war and went to the Indian Ocean, carrying materials that he believes included WMD from southern Iraq. He also said his contacts told him of barrels containing hazardous materials being moved to a hospital basement in Beirut, Lebanon.
Shaw discussed that Achalov and Maltsev had visited Baghdad at least twenty times in the previous six years. The final planning meeting before their last trip to Baghdad took place in Baku and was chaired by the Russian Minister of Emergency Situations.
Shaw said that much of the information came from a source close to the head of Ukraine’s intelligence service, who was thankful to the United States for securing the country’s independence from the Soviet Union.
Glazov: What has been the intelligence community's reaction to the allegation of Russian involvement?
Mauro: Shaw said that often this information was dismissed as Israeli disinformation. Although I’m sure it happened to him on a much larger scale, I can confirm this happened. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve brought this up with experts in the field who dismissed it as Israeli garbage, or a fantasy of “Russophobes” and conspiracy theorists. “The Cold War is over” was said to me on several occasions, bringing the debate to a close. I can only hope that deep inside the community they know about all this and are acting upon it in a secretive way.
Glazov: So if all this evidence is credible, why wouldn't the Bush Administration take advantage of this information?
Mauro: There are multiple ideas out there. I tend to believe that the foreign policy implications of these revelations explain the Administration’s silence. The politicians don’t want to feel obliged to take strong action against Syria, and certainly don’t want to offend Russia. On several issues, Russian cooperation is a great asset if it can be achieved. There’s a debate as to whether Russia ever really helps us. Every country we seem to have problems with has close ties to Russia. It’s likely part of their strategic plan to counter American dominance. Yes, they’re pressuring Iran through negotiations, but Russia is closely tied to the Iranian regime, so one must ask in light of these revelations, is Russia simply “cooperating” as part of a game to buy time for her allies? Or does Russia genuinely want Iran to end its nuclear program?
Glazov:Why do you think Duelfer missed all this?
Mauro:In my speech, I said that Duelfer’s conclusion that Iraq disarmed in 1991 as based on:
A) The failure to find WMD stockpiles. This is easily explained by their movement to Syria. I should also mention that there are Pentagon reports and testimony of several people that point to numerous problems in how the ISG operated and was put together, thus hampering the search.
B) The lack of documentation on the programs after 1991. Yet, in the same report, Duelfer says that much of the widespread looting was a cover for Iraqi intelligence to destroy documentation and loot weapons sites. Even the United Nations Monitoring, Verification and Inspection Commission told the Security Council in the summer of 2004 that satellite imagery showed the Iraqis dismantling suspected weapons sites before, during and after Operation Iraqi Freedom began. Destroyed material and metal was then shipped throughout Europe and the Middle East at a rate of 1,000 tons of metal per month. Dismantled missiles and related components, they said, had already been discovered in several countries—some with UN inspection tags still on them.
It is also likely documents were moved outside of Iraq. The Russian ambassador to Baghdad, Vladimir Titorenko, got together a convoy carrying Russian staff from the embassy and headed to Syria, and suddenly got fired upon by American forces. Titorenko and his three closest intelligence officers flew directly to Moscow after escaping, and used the same flight to return immediately to Damascus.There are widespread reports, even in the Russian press, that sensitive intelligence documents were in the convoy.
C) The lack of testimony from detainees. Duelfer relies upon the interviewing process—the same process he harshly criticizes as deeply flawed—to reach his conclusion. The detainees are afraid to talk out of fear for retribution, their testimony being used against them in war crimes trials, and simply because there’s no incentive. I could go into deeper detail as to some of the criticisms of the process. We also know many, many regime figures and scientists are in Syria and to a lesser degree, Iran.
It was easy for Iraq to move people around. Most of the regime figures were in Syria, including Saddam’s sons, until American pressure hit a breaking point and they were expelled in the later part of spring 2003. As the war commenced, 23 of Iraq’s 60 diplomatic posts were still operating, including in Amman, Moscow, Damascus, Beirut, Minsk and Tehran. It is possible that personnel are in Belarus as well. Many Iraqi regime figures that were captured [had] Syrian and Belarusian (and often, Libyan) passports. There were reports that people escaped from Syria to Belarus and Libya. Limousines usually used by the Baath Party were seen entering Syria, and then flew aboard a military transport to Libya.
Regarding Belarus, another very close ally of Russia, there was an incident on March 29, 2003. A chartered cargo flight took off from SaddamInternationalAirport when the air space was closed and flew to Minsk. Originally, some suspected it [was] Saddam or his sons were aboard as only the highest officials could get clearance.
Glazov: Mr. Mauro thank you for joining us again.
Mauro: Thank you for having me.
It wasn't really a war. sm
It was ethnic cleansing. And it should disturb Clinton. Despite pleas, he didn't do anything. Neither did the UN. 100 days is probably not that short a time when you and your family are being hacked to death. I bet it felt like forever to them. Hard to imagine that the greater part of the world has forgotten 800,000 people that quickly. It's amazing the people I have talked to that never heard of what happened there.
wasn't me
Well, that wasn't me asking you the miscarriage question. I have been out of town for a few days.
But, honestly, I don't know what G-d believes, and I don't think anyone else really knows either. We can guess, imagine, tell ourselves we know, but unless G-d is personally speaking to us, we don't really know what he/she believes.
As for your dramatic description, it is a tad overused and is not very effective (for me anyway). Seems like you must be a fan of horror movies or graphic novels; someone who really enjoys that kind of drama and the attention it can bring you, but it is a little too melodramatic for my taste.
The medical term for miscarriage is abortion. The medical community makes either calls them spontaneous AB or elective AB, but AB all the same.
Again, if you find abortions so distasteful, by all means, please don't have one.
okay I wasn't done yet...
The more I think about it the more it upsets me! He is claiming that it's better for our economy for jobs to be sent overseas, meanwhile we here in the US can go back to school to get better jobs. In this little not-so-great scenario, we will all go to school for great jobs like engineering. Then what will we do with tons of engineers? Or, we all go to school to be doctors and then we'll have all these doctors with no jobs. Seems kinda silly. It would make more sense to be diverse - with some people doing un-skilled jobs (which is a st*pid term because every job requires skill, even cleaning houses) and some going to school to be lawyers, doctors, etc.
Not to mention that not everyone wants to go to school and not everyone does well in school. You would think that keeping some un-skilled jobs in the US would help keep at least some people off of welfare and working. It just doesn't make sense to me.
He wasn't doing this just out of the
goodness of his heart, it was a job, just like MTing.
Wasn't the war about getting...
bin Laden? Ahem. Pubs COMPLETELY failed in that task, didn't they?
That wasn't me. I am the OP
"My post was replying to yours that you said most of the democrats got bored and left" That wasn't me.