hope a lot of these posters are not mothers
Posted By: MAX on 2008-10-10
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because they would be horrible role models for the younger generation.
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And what facts to post....I hope you are really proud of your fellow posters...
right now.
Men and woman and mothers and fathers are speaking now. sm
Many of whom have fought in Iraq. They are on television right now. But you won't watch it. It would be too hard for you. YOu would be screaming obscenities at them. Do you know, they had to bleep out part of the antiwar march yesterday in DC because of the obscenities and vulgar language. That is what you are, obscene and vulgar and unpatriotic.
Do you think all mothers would choose their life over their child's?
A serious question.
No, I didn't....it was in response to all the attacks about unwed mothers..
but i guess you feel that is okay, right?
Obama values life of babies AND their mothers.
I am not in the habit of debating with brick walls, but I will address your issue directly just as soon as you come up with something that will convince me that McCain's air quotes demontrate high regard for human life. Kill the mom, save the baby, then watch while it pulls itself up by its bootstraps, lest we turn our beloved country into a welfare state. P-U.
Angry Mothers and Trembling Grizzlies: The Sheehan Effect
Angry Mothers and Trembling Grizzlies: The Sheehan Effect
by Dr. Teresa Whitehurst |
"Sheehan has been involved in protests against Bush since last year. She founded Gold Star Families for Peace...She said she decided to seek another audience with Bush when she heard his comments about the war last week, after a spike in American deaths. The fallen men and women "died in a noble cause," Bush said Wednesday. "Their families can know that we will honor their loved ones' sacrifice by completing the mission."
"Sheehan said she wants to tell Bush not to use her son's death as a reason to continue the war, and to ask "why (Bush's twin daughters) Jenna and Barbara and the other children of the architects of this disastrous war are not in harm's way, if the cause is so noble." ArmyTimes.com, August 8, 2005
For some, Cindy Sheehan's lonely journey through the shock and sorrow of her son Casey's death in Iraq is of no interest. What, they ask, is the big deal? One soldier killed, one mother grieving – so what? Mothers have no business meddling in the manly business of war, or expressing inconvenient, disloyal, unpatriotic feelings like grief or anger. Get over it, critics command, and think about "the mission" instead, a mission that "we should see through" so that other people can't make fun of us for "cutting and running."
Instead of focusing on one poor misguided woman, or on how many more Americans and innocent Iraqi families will be killed in this war, we're told to think about how great it will be when other people admire us for killing every terrorist and future terrorist in the whole wide world. Instead of thinking about the new fundamentalist Islamic "democracy" that Bush's war has ushered in for the poor girls and women of Iraq, think about "the good news" way, way down the road when they get used to wearing the burqa and live happily ever after. In short, Americans should focus on "the big picture."
But for mothers – even those who've tried valiantly to believe the president when he exclaims that the war on Iraq is a "noble cause" – there IS no big picture. For mothers of slain soldiers, there are only little pictures: their lost child smiling at 10 months in his high chair; riding his first bike without training wheels; opening Christmas presents (Hot Wheels, Transformers, or GI Joe); and making silly faces for the camera.
The little picture encompasses all those times when parents stay up all night with their sick children, or protect them from bullies, or wipe away their tears after a friend's rejection. It's not just the happy times that mothers remember, it's the multitude of little moments, little pictures in a parent's mind, of time and love invested in one's offspring. When this enormous investment is squandered by reckless military adventures that zip kids into body bags, parents are owed great compensation. And they are owed the truth.
Do George and Laura Bush ever imagine how it would feel if all they had left of their beloved child was, as Cindy Sheehan has, a few snapshots and an abyss of sorrow in their hearts? Must they suppress their natural compassion in order to convince themselves of their own administration's spin – that it's "worth it" when American kids die far away from home for reasons that have consistently turned out to be false?
Do the Bushes feel the earth tremble beneath their feet at the mere thought that thousands of parents of slain soldiers are beginning to ask questions, to see the folly for which their children died…to find their voice?
Cindy remembers the little picture, which is why George has been hiding from her. She is his worst nightmare, for she is not just Cindy Sheehan, mother of Casey. She is Every Mother. And, no matter how uncomfortable it gets, she's not going to dishonor her son by saying, "Well okay, if you say so, I guess this war was worth my boy's life."
Support Our Wars or Else
What does it really mean to "honor" a soldier's death…and life? To say that he or she willingly died "to end terrorism" (impossible), or "make Iraq a democracy" (ditto)? Unless they were suicidal when they enlisted (I know one boy who was), dying in Iraq is not the soldier's "sacrifice" because by definition, a sacrifice is something that we choose and willingly make. Most young people never imagined when they enlisted – often for reasons their recruiters understood but their parents didn't, such as finding a sense of belonging, or escaping bad neighborhoods or dead-end jobs, or finding a way to afford college some day – that they'd be dead within a matter of months.
To swallow ridiculous, ever-changing reasons for the futile war that has killed over 1800 idealistic youths with their whole lives ahead of them is to take the easy, socially acceptable way out. Pro-war pundits and politicians constantly threaten parents with social disapproval and even hatred if they dare to question those reasons – and it's worked for a long time. Parents have felt pressured to mouth the hawks' lines, lest their love for their child be called into question.
What a devilishly mean but perfect system for subduing the parents of fallen soldiers! Politicians and talk show hosts threaten: "Support our troops (the war), or we'll accuse you of dishonoring your dead child." The last thing that worried or grieving parents can bear is the suggestion that they're "dishonoring" the memory of the one they love. And so they have acquiesced. They have submitted. Archie Bunker would be pleased: Like Edith, they've learned to stifle themselves.
Until now.
Protective Fury: The Tipping Point
One day, back when Americans lived in peace and we'd never even heard of the Bush dynasty or the plotting neocons whose reckless ambitions it would serve, I was watching a nature show about grizzly bears in their natural habitat. I will never forget one particularly electrifying scene that comes to mind whenever I hear about Cindy Sheehan's vigil outside Mr. Bush's gated compound.
A large male grizzly came upon two adorable little grizzly cubs, who looked up at him with wonder and naivete; clearly, they didn't realize the danger they were in. To my great surprise, however, the male grizzly stood bolt upright as though startled, then starting running away from those harmless little cubs. Why on earth did he do that, I wondered. The narrator explained that the male knew instinctively that there's nothing more dangerous than a mother grizzly who senses that her cubs may be harmed.
As the huge male ran off into the woods, the narrator continued: "While the male grizzly is larger and could probably kill the female, he knows that in the process, her protective fury would leave him seriously, if not mortally, wounded. Mother grizzly bears will fight to the death for their young, ripping the flesh of any animal, no matter how large, that threatens their cubs. Coming upon the youngsters frightened the adult male so badly that he ran and hid because the mother, unseen but without a doubt somewhere near by, could at any moment sniff his presence and roar into action."
Human males can also sense danger, and know very well the hazards of facing protective mothers – particularly when other mothers are watching, too. This explains why the mainstream media has worked so hard to make antiwar parents of fallen soldiers look pitiful, and why George Bush is hiding inside his compound, hoping that Ms. Sheehan will lose interest and go away.
But what the president doesn't understand is this: She's not going to lose interest, and furthermore it isn't just Cindy Sheehan anymore. Parents of servicemen and women all over the country are beginning to see the little picture again. This is the tipping point, a showdown fueled by motherly devotion that will embolden other families to start questioning the integrity and fitness of this administration and this president: It's what I call the Sheehan Effect.
And that's the worst news ever for a man who can only see the "the mission," the big picture, and how noble it will look under "Bush, George W." in the history books. |
British Government Says Mothers With Babies New Terror Threat sm
British Government Says Mothers With Babies New Terror Threat
You're either with us, or you're with the babies.
British government security advisors and the national media are doing their level best to strike rampant irrational paranoid terror into the hearts of UK citizens by identifying the latest targets of the war on terror as pregnant women and toddlers.
Absurd delirious fearmongering continues in the British media with the Sun tabloid, Britain's most braindead and unfortunately also most popular newspaper screaming, HATE-filled mums willing to sacrifice themselves and their BABIES are being hunted in the war on terror.
Yes that's right you haven't slipped into an upside down parallel universe - pregnant women and mothers with young babies are the new Al-Qaeda.
The evidence?
The nightmare is that mums carrying tiny tots would provide “very good cover” and not raise suspicions among even the most alert security guards.
The Sun cited a senior Government security adviser as their source.
So let's ignore that guy with the turban who looks like Mohammed Atta and instead focus our magic screening wand on Mrs. Smith and her newborn infant.
Extra pat downs for young mums and making toddlers take their shoes off - boy do I feel safer now.
What's the next threat? Barney the purple dinosaur?
Of course we know what this is all designed to accomplish - it's about broadening the terrorist definition to the point where everyone's a suspect and everybody's behavior is under preposterous and suffocating scrutiny.
The implication that the most benign, harmless and innocent members of our society could in actuality be terrorist suicide bombers is a sick ploy crafted to ensure that absolutely no one is allowed to escape the self-regulating stench of being under suspicion.
It is also intended to brainwash the population that terrorists are potentially hiding under their beds, that they are everywhere and that only by a system of reporting suspicious behavior and unquestionably trusting the government will they too avoid the accusing finger.
This is classic Cold War style behavioral conditioning and the Neo-Fascist architects know exactly what they're doing.
Despite the status of alert returning to previous levels in both the US and the UK, ridiculous restrictions on travelers remain in place. Every time a new bout of fearmongering washes over a stupefied public, they are more pliable to new ways of being shoved around by government enforcers, even after the alleged plot has been foiled.
The fearmongering never subsides, it is always ratcheted up another peg in anticipation for future manufactured threats.
The future of airport security?
Why don't they just ban any luggage, clothing or personal accessories whatsoever and have done with it? Better yet - why not strap every passenger into a straight jacket from the moment they enter the airport?
In Knoxville, TSA officials are testing a biometric scanner device which interrogates passengers about their 'hostile intent' by asking a barrage of questions. If you thought the current delays and blanket 'everybody's a criminal terrorist' attitude were annoying enough, you ain't seen nothing yet.
In a similar example to the mothers and babies mindlessness, the London Guardian reports that located in the tranquil and peaceful rural surroundings of the British Lake District and Yorkshire Dales are terrorist training camps where Al-Qaeda devotees are preparing for their next big attack.
What's next? Bomb making factories under the Atlantic Ocean? Islamo Fascist brainwashing schools at the North Pole?
The sheer stupidity implicit in the Guardian article is bewildering. If the police haven't even questioned the alleged terrorists, allowing them to gather evidence of terrorist activity, because they're conducting covert surveillance of the group then why in God's name have they told a national newspaper, who in turn have splashed the story all over their front page?
If these supposed terrorists didn't know they were under surveillance before then they sure do now!
I live on the edge of the Peak District nearby the kind of areas being fingered as terrorist training areas. The closest thing to Al-Qaeda like activity up here is when a discourteous rambler leaves a farm gate open.
Again, it's about people who live in the country being smothered with the same raving paranoia and cockamamie fearmongering city-dwellers are subjected to. Woe betide anyone living in a converted barn house in the middle of miles and miles of wilderness think they can escape the war on terror - it applies to anything!
Baby formula, lip gloss, mothers and toddlers included.
If we are going to rule abortion wrong, then we must support these babies and mothers who cannot do
Everyone says that there is no circumstance where an abortion would be validated, and that may well be very true, but....if we then say no to social programs to pay for food, clothing, lodging, education, warmth, etc. that the baby and mother will be needing for years, money for daycare if the mom needs to work, money for work programs for more jobs, money for educational programs like CETA for job training so the mommy, and then her child, can affod to be trained in something they can use to be employable, and of course the money it takes to give prenatal care, postnatal care, hospititalization, NICU if needed, and pediatric and well care, ...... if a woman is not in the circumstance to do this and she has no family that can provide for her and the baby, then where is the money to come from, if we are not going to put our $$$ where our collective "mouths" are and find judicious, accountable social programs to fund this all???????
Just look at statistics on infant mortality rate for mothers without prenatal care - nm
Good for Joe! I hope so. And I hope he sues...
the governor of the state of Ohio from now to next week. He should. They BIG time violated his civil rights. If this situation was reversed and he was a Dem who had asked McCain a question and a state had had him investigated, the ACLU would be all over this like ugly on an ape. Liberals only care about other liberals...they could care LESS what happens to conservatives. But yeah, they are all about civil liberties. Geez. Pull the other leg awhile.
we need more posters
here about the liberal issues, the more we have, the more the bilge from the right will be diluted. Don't be run off, now girl.
did the dem posters
on this board ever consider that this country is lost to yokels and religious fanatics who actually enjoy the vittrole of the Fox nation? That they elevate a corrupt, sarcastic shrew nobody to a Great New Candidate? That they actually view anyone from any other country in the world as a scarey fur-i-ner and think that the fact other countries look down upon us is proof we are #1? Our schools have gone steadily downhill. Our families are falling apart. There are basically fewer and fewer educated and intelligent people around to see beyond the poison being spoonfed to us by the republicans. Remember in the Frankenstein movies there was only 1 monster but dozens and dozens of ignorant village people whipped up in a frenzy chasing him with sticks and torches. We will have the government we deserve. You can bank on it.
For those posters below who like to
- Bush ignored the advice of more than 450 economists, including the Bush administration's own Economic Advisement Council and his own treasury secretary, when they warned that his tax cuts would fail as a growth stimulus, increase inequality and worsen the budget outlook
- Unemployment rate rose from 4.2% in January 2001 to 6.3% in the first 2-/12 years of the Bush administation.
- During the first 6 years, income rose an abysmal 1.6%. Though the inflation rate was at historic lows during those years, (2% to 3%), income failed rise at the same historically low rate.
- Poverty rates rose from 11.7% in 2001 to 12.7% in the first 6 years.
- When compared to business cycles from the previous 50 years (1949 to 2000), Bush policies underperformed in terms of GDP, jobs, income and consumption…especially in the jobs sector. Go here and scroll down to the economic growth section for a really cool graph that illustrates this point. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economic_policy_of_the_George_W._Bush_administration
- Income inequality rose as the Bush policies benefitted the top 1% of the income earners. The Congressional Budget Office, shows that "the average after-tax income of the richest one percent of households rose from $722,000 in 2003 to $868,000 in 2004, after adjusting for inflation, a one-year increase of nearly $146,000, or a whopping 20 percent. In 2005, the top 1% received its largest share of gross income since 1928.
- Total budget surplus for FY 2001 was $128 billion dollars. Here's how W eliminated that and added to the US public debt:
Fiscal Year Value %GDP
2001 144.5 billion (B) 1.4%
2002 409.5B 3.9%2003 589.0B 5.5%2004 605.0B 5.3%2005 523.0B 4.3%2006 536.5B 4.1%2007 459.5B 3.4%
Notice how the value and %GDP trend reversed under the democratic congress.
8. Pubs like to blame dems for opposing oversight on Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae. They fail to mention that the 2 times during the Bush administration the issue of an oversight agency was entertained occurred in 2003 and 2005…under republican majorities in both House and Senate. Those dems must have had some help from somewhere.
the administrator, not the posters
I did not say I have information on IP addresses..I suggested to the conservatives if they think I am constantly posting with other handles than my own, they could contact the administrator and ask her to check the IP address of the posts the conservatives keep saying I am posting under and it would prove I ONLY POST UNDER GT, NO OTHER HANDLE..Those other posters are NOT ME..The administrator of this site of course can check IP addresses..NOT US, the administrator..
LOL, three different posters, I assure you
You are the one who is entertaining and silly cause gt, dixiedew and libby are three different posters, not one and the same..so you are the one who is laughable..LOL
The posts were not from posters outside of the US. They
were from posters from within the U.S.
We have had several posters here from out of this country.
They were dispatched post haste by the people on this board because they did not espouse their views.
Posters like this need to be left alone
nm here
driveby posters
definition: Those who have families and activities that prevent them from parking 24/7 on a small message board repeating same opinions over and over.
No more than any of the Dem posters on this board....
there's that pesky double standard again. Rather sad, really.
Just keep it about the politics, not the posters.
If the personal attacks keep going, nobody will be left to disagree...then we'll have a pretty boring one-sided Politics board....nobody wants that:-)
Fight away, but please keep it about the issues and/or candidates and not about each other.
Re: Right-Wing posters - sm
Not all of us are 'all for this pay-my-mortgage idea.'
I'm a conservative Republican and I think it's baloney that people who greedily signed their lives away to buy houses they couldn't afford should get a hand out. Their hand out came when they were allowed to ATTEMPT to pay the mortage they contractually agreed to. If they blew it, tough luck. No hand outs for irresponsible behavior.
I agree that if Uncle Sam wants to cut people checks for 75K, it should be for ALL Americans. And I'd be a danged site more resonsible with that money that these greedy homeowner-overreachers would have been.
There are way too many personal attacks, foul language and abusive posts going on here.
Read the sticky above. Also read that it is NOT saying to write whatever you want on here.
We're getting loaded with report after report after report to delete messages from this board.
Back off and take it easy on people. Absolutely NO MORE personal attacks. You don't have to like a candidate, but that doesn't make the poster who does any less of person nor do they deserve to be attacked or belittled or called names.
The same is true for those that are reporting absolutely every little thing on here. Read the sticky. Beware of flaming in these posts. If you are too sensitive to be on a political board, then please don't read the posts.
Huh? Two of the posters are directly below
shelly -- don't let these posters
discourage you. Keep spreading the word. As a previous O supporter, I knew that he was pro-choice. I did not, however, know to what extreme. I simply thought he chose to support Roe v. Wade, as many do. Had it not been for this board, I never would have researched and found out about the FOCA. There are people on this board who can still be won over. Keep on "harping"!!!
The people who are trying to keep religion out of politics are the same ones trying to keep it out of our schools, our money, and ultimately our homes.
Here we go - bashing posters again
you claim the republicans bash and she's not bashing YOU ARE!!!!!!!
For all Politics posters - sm
If you have a problem with a post, use the Report Message button at the top of the screen. Do not post openly about it.
Personal attacks are not going to be left on the board. Discuss your views and perspectives, debate, argue but leave off personal attacks.
Every poster here has the right to their own opinion. As long as there is no inappropriate language, name calling, hate speech or maliciousness, opinions can be expressed. While "freedom of speech" may be a right in the US, this is a privately owned site and the degree of "freedom" to say what you want is limited to what the board's administration outlines.
Whether or not you agree with the morality or position of a particular view is something you will have to moderate within yourself. You can do this by determining what you will and will not read. Stop with the personal banter trying to "notify" posters you are not reading their posts any longer, etc. Simply stop.
Reading the Politics board is an exercise in tolerance, patience and flexibility.
Feel free to email the moderators or administrator at any time.
Moderator: Cher (cher@mtstars.com)
And these other posters are the people
we show respect for Obama! This man who continues to wow us with his dark and dangerous associations that we are to accept without question. I am still in shock!
I think that most of the posters on this board
forgot to read the post by the moderator. If they did, they wouldn't be acting so childish.
This used to be a nice place to discuss issues, but no more. It's been taken over by hostile posters. I stayed away for over a month and come back to what???...it's worse then ever!!!! They don't want to discuss issues. They just flame those that have a different opinion.
You have to stay cool and calm and take every post at face value, not get involved in a stupid argument, which is what most of these posts are lately, and not yell or use name-calling.
Freedom of speech does not work on this board and that is why I try not to post anymore. I just read and, sometimes, laugh at some of the most ridiculous ones, then count to 10 if I want to answer in an inflammable way...and leave the board instead.
Oh, yea. The other posters reminded me
I need a house. We are living in a basement, the front sided and open so we can have windows, but 3 sides under ground. This was the basement of the home we were going to build on top. Build this place for $10,000 using as much as we could from the old house that was flooded out in ྜ and had to build on higher ground even though we live on a hill.
We won't go into debt now because the county states our place is worth $100,00. Yeah, right. Try to get a loan or HELOC (which we would never do now). We'll live like this until we win the lottery. LOL 
I don't think 80% of the posters on this board........... sm
are for the bill.
But then, I'm no analyst. LOL
Perhaps these posters were just "dreaming," as we do when we think.......sm
what we would do if we won a lottery, it is fun, but not practical. Now saying what you INTEND to do with a certain amount, like a tax-cut rebate, is different, so I would not be too hard on anyone on this board. There are so many folks going through such a tough, scary time, that sometimes you just have to dream a little. I love your monicker, BTW!
No, she had 3 posters above laughing
her off as if she didn't know what she was talking about, claiming they had never heard of such a thing. One even claimed to have over 1900 channels and had never heard this. That alone should be proof that the majority of the news channels do not present but one side. You see why Fox News is the most watched news channel there is? Good reason! Oh, and BTW, I just saw on Fox News the NAACP wants the young cartoonist AND his Editor fired, so I am sure their days with the Post are numbered!
No, her mother did not.......posters like YOU did!
There are more trolls over here lately, and driveby posters...sm
And some of them even post how amused they are to come over here and dump on us. I guess this is their only source of amusement in a day is starting a fight on the liberal board. Whatever floats their boats?!?!?!
Please do not bash liberal posters. Thank you. nm
Trying to intimidate posters who don't agree; always
you have no right to attack posters who disagree with you
there is too much of that going on here in my opinion
do those boring posters include you too?
Stop insulting posters!
Glad to know there are still posters with common
JTBB wouldn't know facts if it bit her in the butt. Same posts over and over, bashing Bush with absolutely NO facts but when facts are presented back, JTBB absolutely goes bezerk and starts ranting more and more about Bush. Made all these accusations when Obama was running for president, bashing Bush and actually rambled on and on about HIM destroying the constitution? Well, Bush has signed things into law which are against the constitution BUT I think it's about time JTBB got off the Obama love fest wagon and realize her precious Obama is just about to sink this country..........he doesn't even BELIEVE in the constitution let alone our civil rights.
Hope your post shuts JTBB up for a while until the Bush rants start again....
You have no right to talk to the posters on this board the way you have been
No, you’re the one who has no right to talk to us the way you have been. Who do you think you are. You’re the one who started in with “get off this forum and take a cold shower” I just repeated your words back to you. I see you sure didn’t like it when it was said to you, so why do you think it’s okay for you say it to others (no that is not a question – it’s a statement).
So in your own words it comes right back to you - “You have no right to talk to me like that. Who do you think YOU are. You are not the owner of this forum, not a moderator, and not management – you are just you.”
If you don’t want to be told to get off this forum, then you should not be telling others they need to get off the forum.
You claim you weren’t rude??? Here’s some of your quotes –
- get off this forum and take a cold shower
- You are a joke, 'Backward typist,'
- Confused or imbibed?
- There are meds against paranoia, don’t you know?
- You suffer from delusions
- The mind and world of caged-in Republicans and those whose life adheres to every little detail mentioned in the Bible, those are the ones who live in a small world
- paranoid and delusional, is this written in the Bible
- are you o.k.? Or did your UTI reach your brain (oh my wasn’t that one nice)
Oh, and here is an especially good one you said –
“I hate to repeat myself for those who have a slow mind.”
You have been on this board calling people losers, slow minded, pathetic, hateful, etc, etc
We know your democrat – we get it and that’s fine. (please don't try to convince us you are independent - we read your posts. Nothing to be ashamed of being a democrat. Everyone is entitled to their believes/opinions, but that’s doesn’t give you a free pass to bash others and call others names.
My suggestion again is that if you can’t handle a conversation without bashing someone because they don’t believe the same as you, or it just gives you joy to cut others down, there are other forums on the internet that you might be happier at. The moderator has said many times “no flaming”. It’s even at the top of the board and you might want to read it. Your getting very close.
It's just that the other posters tonight were much more respectful and better informed.
This is the liberal board. Please do not bash the posters here. Thank you. nm
All posters: This board is NOT heavily censored. We only wish to keep
This board is NOT heavily censored. We only keep posts respectful. If you don't like it, don't post. It's that simple. If you can't post respectfully we don't need you here.
Posters may debate here or on the Conservative board and do so in
a respectful manner. There will be no additional forum as these are sufficient. If you cannot play nice and post with respect, do not post in this forum. This goes for ANYONE posting, Liberal, Conservative, polka dotted.
You sound like one of the more level headed posters here
I'm glad you don't hate him. Disagreeing with his viewpoints and policies is one thing, but I'm reading a lot of posts and you can tell a lot of people really hate him. I don't agree with some of his issues. I don't agree with some of McCain's issues. I think your also one of the first posters who said anything good about McCain. What just really worries me about McCain is his attitude, his mean temper, and his readiness to send us to war anywhere.
Oh, I think I may have not quite said it right in my original post. I wasn't blaming oil companies and CEOs for the mess we are in, I was stating (or trying to state) that they are the ones who decide who our next president will be (that and you know that secret group that meets every year "behind closed doors"). I still have very high doubts that the "people" pic our president (but I could be wrong of course).
With the glaring exception of several posters on this board...
who don't get it and aren't anywhere near the plate. That being said...I gave Obama kudos immediately. He did step up and in an aggressive way. Good for him.
so if obama is assassinated, it will be because of the posters on this forum?
i really hope you're wrong about all that - i don't think the posters on this forum are bigots and haters - i don't think it's about that at all.
It's okay to not like Palin. What is not okay is to attack other posters personally which is wha
I was called ugly and jealous because I said I preferred a qualified woman and said that Palin had only herself to blame for her unpopularity. I was called ugly and jealous because I have an opinion and that is what is against the board rules. Read the rules.
Message for all Political board posters (SM)
Discussing such hot topics can really incite emotions. We expect far more tolerance and, to a degree, a thicker skin from posters here.
Posts with foul language or threats should definitely be reported. However, simply because you disagree or find a post or poster abrasive does warrant removal.
Please always provide a link for news stories or cited information.